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-Enslaved-by-an-Officer[ Sold 8]

Page 7

by McLeod-Anitra-Lynn

  Carver didn’t answer with words. He reached to his hip, unfastened his crude loincloth, and then let it drop. His cock was hard, thick, and lifted high without any assistance. Just seeing him fully exposed sent Honor’s senses reeling. Carver wasn’t as big as Honor, but he was damn close. The base of his cock was much thicker, allowing it to stand up from his body without assistance.

  Honor took a step toward him but realized he still had most of his uniform on.

  “I can help with that.” Carver pulled at the fasteners of Honor’s shirt. In seconds he had it pushed off his shoulders so they could press tightly together. When his shaft rubbed against Carver’s, Honor thought he was going to lose his mind. Carver’s pre-cum slicked the head of his cock, rubbing against Honor’s. Just as he was getting into the rough rhythm of Carver’s rocking hips, Carver dropped to his knees. Honor thought he would return to sucking his cock but instead removed Honor’s boots then frantically yanked down his pants.

  Bare and blinded by lust, Honor pulled Carver to his feet then maneuvered him over to his bed. He pushed him down, loving the way his big body bounced before coming to rest. And then Honor was upon him. He’d never kissed anyone, so he went after Carver’s mouth with a ferocity that should have frightened him, but didn’t. Carver surrendered to Honor’s need, arching his body and wriggling until he was able to align their pricks.

  Carver didn’t stay passive for long. As soon as he had their cocks together, he thrust, hard and fast, fucking against the outer layer of skin that protected Honor’s detaf. The urge to release his fluids was so powerful he almost couldn’t hold back, but he did because he wanted to make sure Carver was ready, too. He wanted mutual enjoyment.

  “I want to be inside you.” Carver grabbed Honor’s shoulders and flipped him over.

  Stunned, Honor looked up.

  “What?” Carver asked.

  “You’re very strong.”

  “Yeah. It’s all that time spent working out when I could have been fucking.” Carver grinned then looked around. “Lube. We need—”

  Honor flipped Carver onto his back. “I am strong, too.”


  “That would be my goal.”

  Suddenly, Carver looked worried.

  “What? Did I hurt you?”

  “I think if I let you do what you’re thinking of doing, you will.” “You don’t think you could handle my cock?”

  “It barely fit in my mouth, so I don’t think it’s going to fit up my ass.”

  “But you are not opposed to that.”

  “To you fucking me? No.” Carver laughed and then sobered. “Wait. Do you only go one way?”

  “I thought you might. From the way you spoke about Mac.”

  “It was my first and only time!” Carver was laughing and struggling to flip Honor over again, but Honor had the power position and had no urge to lose his advantage.

  “You would make a fine Krase warrior.”

  “I would?”

  “You understand the need to battle for the supremacy of first fuck.”

  “What?” Carver laughed but didn’t stop trying to flip Honor over.

  “When two Krase warriors wish to fuck, they battle like this for the right of first topping. They will each get a turn, but it is our way of foreplay to fight for the right of first penetration.”

  “And you think you’ve won?” Carver asked.

  “I’m on top.”

  “So now you’ll fuck me?”

  “I just—I would not want to hurt you.”

  “Yeah, well, with your massive dick I think that’s a real possibility.”

  “What if I could make it smaller?”

  Chapter 8

  “You can make your dick smaller?” Carver wondered if his strosan could wrap around the shaft and constrict. He’d love to see that, but he wasn’t so sure about letting Honor fuck him. What if the sheath slipped and his dick suddenly expanded to full size inside him? Carver had no desire to end up on an alien surgery table.

  “There is a way.” Honor got up and went to a drawer tucked near the head of the bed. He removed what looked like a very elaborate cock ring and a bottle that had to have lube in it. “My kind creates a lube internally, but I understand that your kind does not.”

  “Right.” It suddenly dawned on Carver that Honor had lube. For a human lover. “I’m not your first?”

  “No. I have had many.”

  Something inside Carver shriveled up. He was all for sex being fun and had no urge to get super serious super fast, but the fact that Honor was so cavalier about banging humans stung. Carver thought he was special. Or he wanted to believe he was. Mac hadn’t ever been with a guy. Girls, but not a guy, and that made Carver proud for some reason. Mac had been his first all the way around. Carver hadn’t even been comfortable masturbating because he felt ashamed of the strange things he thought about, so he simply avoided it by working out to the point he was too tired. He generally climaxed in his sleep and didn’t remember his dreams. He hadn’t worried about it at the time, but now he thought it was his subconscious way of protecting himself from his true sexual orientation.

  “What is wrong?” Honor set the objects on the bed between them.

  “I thought…” Carver had no idea how to put his feelings into words. “Nothing.”

  “There is something.”

  Carver suddenly realized that Mac thought he was dead. And that led him to the thought that his parents did, too. Everyone who ever knew him was currently mourning his loss, and he was getting freaky with some alien who had a human fetish. What the hell was wrong with him? He couldn’t seem to get a handle on his emotions for any length of time. He felt almost as if he was strapped to a roller coaster that was screaming up and down violent emotional hills without rest.

  Clearly, Honor sensed that the moment had changed because he put the cock ring and lube on the other side of his body where Carver couldn’t see them. “Please tell me what you are thinking about. You are no longer interested. That much is obvious.”

  Carver looked down and realized his cock was softer now. He wasn’t totally flaccid, but he wasn’t close to aroused. He’d just gone from sixty to two in the blink of an eye. Apparently, it wasn’t just his emotions riding the out-of-control roller coaster. His body seemed to be on the ride as well. “I just realized that everything I knew is gone, and I can’t get it back.”

  Honor settled near to him but didn’t touch him. “What can I do?”

  “Nothing.” Carver felt his throat get tight, and hot prickles danced at the back of his eyes. If he didn’t get a hold of himself, he was going to start crying. What the hell was wrong with him? How could he go from ranging desire to crushing despair? It was insane. “I have to go.”

  “Please.” Honor reached out and grasped his forearm, holding him on the bed. “I won’t push you for anything. I can listen.”

  “Let’s be honest, okay? You just like to fuck humans. I get it. It’s like your kink. But I don’t want to be a notch on your bedpost.”

  Honor winced as if Carver had hit him. “I’ve never been with a human.”

  “I thought you said you’d been with many?”

  “Many of my own kind.” Honor slid his hand down Carver’s arm until he was holding his hand. “Never with one of yours.”

  “Never?” Honor’s hand was slightly bigger than his, but they meshed together perfectly, making Carver wonder if their bodies would be the same.

  “You are the only human I’ve ever wanted.” Honor met his gaze then looked away. “I was attracted to you based only on what you look like. And for that I am sorry.” Honor met his gaze. “But then I met you and I was attracted to who you are.”

  “Then why did you run away when you showed me to that room you’d set up for me?”

  “I was afraid.”

  “You?” Carver couldn’t believe a guy as big as Honor was ever afraid.

  “Me.” Honor squeezed his hand. “I was afraid you were only intereste
d in me for a quick fuck and then you’d move on. I couldn’t—I didn’t want that. Not after realizing how fascinating you are.”


  “You.” Honor squeezed again and then moved closer so they were now sitting side by side on the edge of the bed. “When the pilot of the shuttle informed me there had been an insurrection on the jild farm, I knew you were leading the slaves to freedom.”

  “How could you know that?”

  “Because that is the way you humans are. You see something that you think is wrong, so you do everything you can to change it. I once said that you humans cause trouble wherever you go, and you do, but humans don’t make trouble just to make trouble. You follow your inner voice, a moral voice, that compels you to turn wrongs into rights. You can’t not get involved.”

  “I don’t know if it was a moral stand so much as it was one of basic rights.”

  “That’s it right there. You believe you and everyone else has basic rights.”

  “Don’t we?” Carver thought that particular notion would be more widespread in the universe.

  “I didn’t believe so. Not until I started to think about it after meeting my first human. My kind, the Krase, doesn’t necessarily believe so, and there are many species who don’t think that way at all.”

  “I noticed you have a slave.” Carver had been surprised at how every Krase warrior had a devotee. Acerith had explained a lot of the details about the Krase, but Carver thought the devotees were pretty much like hardcore groupies.

  “Devotee is not—ah. Well. Perhaps he is. But it is a bit of a symbiotic relationship.”

  “Can you live without him?”

  “I can exist, but I am better able to function with him.” Honor explained that in many ways devotee was like his assistant. “He has substantial knowledge about species, ships, and interstellar treaties and contracts. He helps me in all my tasks.”

  “Can he live without you?”


  They were silent for a moment.

  “He is not with me by force.”

  “I’m not knocking you or your relationship with your devotee. I’m just—I guess I’m still trying not to think about everything I’ve lost.” Carver didn’t want to avoid grieving for his old life. He’d taken the required psychology courses as an undergrad. He knew that if he didn’t deal in a forthright way with his emotions now they would only crop up in the future and haunt him in new and possibly dangerous ways. “I had everything figured out. I had my degree in business and accounting in case I couldn’t play ball, but I had a ticket to the pros. I had come out to Mac and myself. I discovered that I was okay with that. I didn’t know what I was going to do with my new teammates— tell them or not—but I was okay with figuring that out. But now, everything is done. It’s just…” Carver shrugged. “Over. It’s all just over, and I can’t go backward. All the things I worked so hard for are gone or simply meaningless out here.”

  “Is there anything I can do?” Honor’s hold on his hand tightened a bit.

  “No. Yes. I don’t know.” The tears came even though he tried everything to stop them. Nothing was worse than a big man crying, but Carver simply couldn’t get a hold of himself. Carver wanted to turn away and hide his face, but he never got a chance.

  Honor let go of his hand, wrapped his arm around Carver’s shoulder, and pulled him close. Somehow, that very small gesture opened the floodgates. Carver buried his face against Honor’s chest and cried for all the people he’d left behind, all the things he’d fought so hard to obtain, but most of all he cried for the man he was. That man, that Carver Tam, was dead and gone. It hurt. The idea of having to start all over in a new and totally unfamiliar place was terrifying. He knew he could do it, but that he had no choice in the matter was what ate at him. Because some guy wanted to make some money, Carver had to start at ground zero and build his life all over again.

  Once the tears were shed, he felt better. Sadly, the Krase didn’t have anything like tissue paper, so he was forced to use his too-small pants to clean up his face and blow his nose.

  “Are you better now?”

  “Yeah.” Carver met Honor’s gaze but looked away quickly. “Thanks. And I’m sorry.”

  “You’re apologizing to me for allowing me the gift of comforting you?”

  Carver hadn’t thought of it that way. “I just feel strange being this emotional around another guy. Do the Krase cry?”

  “We produce tears to lubricate our eyes, but I do not know if we cry. I think we could if the situation were as crushing as yours.”

  “You know what really makes me sad, frustrated, and angry?”

  “No. Tell me.”

  “It’s that I have to start all over, and I don’t know anything here.”

  “Why is that a bad thing?”

  “Because back on Earth I knew the rules and the playing field. I had it wired, you know?”

  “I do know that there is comfort in knowing one’s place in the universe. I have always known my path. And then I met my first Earthling.” Honor sighed loud and long. “Everything that I thought was so simple suddenly became very complicated.”

  Carver laughed lightly. “Did you fall in love with him?”

  “No. Kyle Miller was standing up for the Krase officer he had fallen in love with. Kyle showed no fear when it came to protecting the one he thought of as his mate.” Honor looked down at Carver’s hand then took a hold very gently. “When your kind loves, it is very fierce. It makes you fearless and almost unstoppable. I was in awe of him.” Honor met Carver’s gaze and held it. “Do you understand what it is for a fully named Krase warrior to be in awe of another being? Especially one who was half my size?”

  “I can’t imagine.”

  “You tease me.”

  “A little.” Carver considered for a moment. “That’s why you kept asking me if I was in love. You knew if I was there was no hope for us.”

  “Yes. I should have simply asked, but I think I was afraid to hear the answer so directly.”

  “Have you ever been in love?”

  “I have not.” Honor held his gaze with an intensity that was a little frightening. “But I think I have the ability within me.”

  Carver leaned closer and kissed him. This wasn’t anything like the kiss they’d shared earlier. That had been wild hot passion, but this was tender. In many ways, Carver thought of this as their first kiss. Slowly, they explored one another. When Honor parted his lips, Carver followed suit. Honor’s tongue flicked against his, making Carver surge into him, deepening the contact. When Honor let go of his hand to pull him down onto the bed, Carver went willingly.

  Side by side, they continued to kiss and explore. Carver discovered that there was a spot on Honor’s side, right along his ribcage, that caused him to shudder and moan. Pleased that he’d found one of his erogenous zones, he kept on stroking until he found another, and another. Slowly, as the path of Honor’s desire was mapped, Carver had a grand epiphany. Just because he knew nothing about this world didn’t mean he couldn’t learn.

  “You’re smiling,” Honor said.

  “I just realized something. I have to start all over, but that’s not such a horrible thing. I’m alive. I have a second chance where most only have one. Instead of whining about my fate, I guess I should be grateful and embrace it.”

  “I am glad that you have seen this. It proves my other observation about humans.”

  “And that is?”

  “You never stay down for long.”

  Carver grinned then subtly maneuvered Honor on top of him. “I think I’d like to be down for a while.”

  Honor frowned until he realized Carver meant that he would be down for giving Honor the right of first penetration. “Are you certain? I do not wish to rush you.”

  “I’m certain.” Carver palmed Honor’s amazing cock. “And let’s try it without the cock ring.”

  “It’s not a cock ring.”

  “What is it?”

��s a device that crushes my cock down. I would like to wear it just so that your first time isn’t painful.” Honor rolled to the side and knelt on the bed. He slowly slid the device down the length of his cock. When he activated it, half his cock disappeared.

  Carver was so shocked he sat up.

  “It is very strange, isn’t it?”

  “It’s almost horrifying.” He reached out to touch but didn’t.

  “You won’t hurt me.” Honor fisted himself roughly. “I still feel everything, but the size is smaller.”

  “How in the world—no, wait. Why in the world would you have something like this?” Rather than jump to another conclusion about who Honor had been with, Carver was going to ask and then listen to his answer.

  “As I said, I have met other humans. There is some affinity between our kinds.” Honor urged Carver onto his back then parted his legs. While he spoke, he gently rubbed the inside of Carver’s legs, hitting all the most sensitive spots that he’d discovered while they were kissing. “Blessed Despair was the first.”

  “Blessed Despair is his name?” Carver loved the way the Krase were named.

  “Yes. He bought Tyler Stewart at the auction, but it wasn’t long before Tyler enslaved Blessed.”


  “I will not tell you how because you will enslave me.” Honor lubed up his fingers and then teased them around the sensitive skin of Carver’s ass.

  “I think I’m the one being enslaved.”

  “Good.” Honor’s grin was positively lecherous. “As an officer, I will not be allowed to buy slaves until after I retire. But I see no reason not to start with you.”

  Carver readied a comeback but forgot what he was going to say when Honor plunged his finger into his ass. The shock of penetration caused him to arch up, but the pleasure compelled him to spread his legs wider. Honor pumped his finger in and out while carefully observing Carver’s reaction. Just as he seemed to become complacent, he plunged another finger in beside the first.

  “Fuck!” Carver’s head went back.

  “I am getting there.”

  “Wait—what happened to Blessed and Tyler?”


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