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My Life in the End

Page 25

by Adriana Alexa

  I do not locked ...

  Anya was in front of me, with Rose and Laura behind and I realized it did not matter that I had forgotten the door open. My tie was undone and my open shirt still bore my bare chest. Laura was dressed except for her panties to my feet, but his messy hair screamed a single explanation.

  - What the fuck is that? - She cried.

  Dom was remaking the ponytail as if someone had just asked "what time is it" and I started buttoning my shirt and shove it back in your pants.

  - It is I who should be asking that question. Who told you you could come into my room without asking permission?

  - Greg! - I saw his lips move, but his voice barely out - I came back because I did not want you to think I was angry. I was silly, we need to talk.

  I had to laugh.

  - And what were you doing? - His voice rose an octave - I know you never have sex in the office, is not it? - Reproached.

  - Anya ... - asked softly - Stop.

  She swallowed hard and think I finally realized that the game would not work.

  - Enjoy. - She wrinkled her nose at Dom - He's a grouchy and grumpy man who thinks only of work and money. No matter how hard you try, it will never tell you how you feel. Already had thousands of girlfriends in recent years, might be found not special, saw dear? He is not attached to any. Will leave you depressed in a week ... I do not like to have fun, do not do anything for others, it is the kind of guy who never smiles and never ...

  I was hoping Anya finish his vengeful speech when I felt a pressure on my face. Dom was beside me, pulling my chin, I turned and felt his kiss. Gentle and affectionate. Massaging my lips. Sucking my tongue. The arms on my shoulders hugging me feeling. I held her waist and received the kiss with satisfaction.

  - I love you. - She whispered to myself.

  - I love you more.

  She gave me another peck and turned.

  Anya had his mouth open without a word to fill it.

  - Rose, call security, yes? - I pointed.

  Laura took the gift bag from one of the seats and gave him a hostile look. I need to send it to another place. would not work before, and now, with the sun, it will not work at all.

  Rose retired and I was giving the knot on his tie.

  - Hey! - I called. I bent down laughing and got her panties off the floor.

  Dom turned back with a smile in his eyes.

  - Will leave behind?

  It was funny how it worked.

  I had just laid in the middle of the morning, with the door unlocked. I had a lot of people around us who clearly knew what had happened there, but ...

  But it was as if no one else.

  It was as if we were alone. It was always like I felt when I was with her, as if there was anyone else in the world.

  Shake off her panties in the air shamelessly and she laughed like that that made me want to hug her and not let go ever again.

  - You can get to you. An incentive plan for that kidnapping.

  Chapter 12

  I was looking at the clock for the hundredth time and murdering Gregory Holt with my imagination. Or Gregory Baxter, whatever the name of that imbecile used.

  "I'll be there" he had said.

  Okay, Holt. I am here, outside the school, holding my son's hand and waiting for you. Where the hell you stuck?

  - Mother? I'll be late. - Recalled quietly.

  He was nervous. So nervous that barely slept just waiting for the time to come and Gregory do? If delays. Or even appears.

  I was back in his office. Convince him that I was horny. Expect him to lower his pants and castrate him. I would take the letter opener on the table and rip your dick off in two hammer blows. I would watch him bleed on the expensive carpet and moan in pain to die. Oh, if I was going.

  - There must have been an emergency, cub. He said he would.

  - All right mother. - The disappointment in his voice was enough to make me regret all this journey back. It was better to have stayed in Paris, go to Euro Disney at the weekend and save my creates this frustration.

  IT IS. Gregory Holt was going to be murdered. That was a fact.

  - Comes! Lets go in! I'm sure you will do the best time in this entire class! - Encouraged - I'll shoot for us to watch on the weekend, you and me.

  He smiled shyly and walked me into the gym. Let your hand only when we find the coach and the rest of the boys in her class. Ty gave me a kiss on the cheek and went to join his colleagues after I pointed to the stands.

  - I'll watch you from there. I caught the end of the workout!

  The stands were huge and were not as full as you would think. It was noticeable that most of the crowd was made up of nannies and chauffeurs. excellent parents, this school ...

  - Laura!

  I turned back and saw Gregory sitting in one of the last rows.

  - Where were you? - He opened his arms to me - I thought I had given up.

  - We were waiting for you out there! - I went up the stairs to where it was - I thought you had given up and was already planning his funeral.

  - I saved a place for you. - Joked before the obvious excess space in the audience.

  - I am seeing. - I sat down and he kissed my cheek. Your display of affection was so like Ty I laughed unintentionally. Genetics was really a powerful thing.

  - I was planning to kill me, was it?

  - Certainly!

  - I said I would!

  - Yes, but I was not out there.

  - Because I was in here waiting and ...

  - Shh. Yeah, yeah. Already understood. It is silent now. I'ts about to start.

  - It's swimming, Sun is not a musical presentation..

  I made a face and he fell silent with a smile.

  The time Ty arrived soon. He played in the pool with courage and made the second fastest time of the class.

  - Wow ... it's good!

  - He is perfect! - Fix - Did you get the records and his school record with the school in France?

  - Not yet. - He sighed - Has something strange with that school. But I will get it.

  - Why has something strange?

  - Because I've offered a lot of money for them. Much. And they do not help me at all.

  - Well ... at least you tried. Thanks.

  He turned to me and pinched my waist.

  - What do you mean "at least you tried"? I said I'd settle Thoen. And I intend to solve.

  - It's all right. You know. - Laughs - But if you think you will not, let me know as soon as I solve.

  - Want to bet I can without your help?

  - No, thank you. You will want to bet some naughtiness, I know you ...

  - Not interested in my naughtiness? - Feigned offense.

  - I am. Of course. - I lift a disregard shoulder for him - but I do not have the usual bet I have with you for free.


  - Congratulations! - Ty hugged and squeezed the towel around her.

  - Did you see? I was the second best!

  - I saw, puppy! Congratulations! It was amazing! - I laugh.

  Gregory was a few steps back and I knew he was changing his foot weight that little compulsive habit he had.

  - Look, puppy ... His father came. He was already in here while we waited outside.

  His eyes opened and he was very quiet. I had rehearsed this show a few times, but I think it was not often enough. I looked back. For Holt. And Ty cowered beside me.

  Greg got the invitation in my eyes and approached.

  crouched on the ground near us.

  - Hi. - She smiled, shy.

  - Hi. - Ty returned involuntarily approaching me.

  - How are you? - Greg offered her hand to Ty and I would have laughed his excessive formality if he had not fully convinced that he did not know what to say.

  Tyler looked at me quickly, before slowly get rid of a piece of towel and accept the hand that Gregory offered.

  - Fine. - His hand looked frail and tiny in the middle of his father's hand - I'm Ty
. - He introduced himself and Gregory laughed.

  - Pleasure, Ty. - He smiled, discreet - I am ... - Your mouth was open and his smile faded. He took a deep breath once or twice with indecision spread across his face.

  I did not know how to present.

  - This is your father. - Saved - His name is Gregory Holt. You can call him Greg or Gregory or father ... as you prefer. It is not? - I looked at Gregory daring him to contradict me.

  - Of course! Of course! You can call me as you want.

  Ty pulled her hand back into the towel.

  - You were in the hotel. - He muttered - the other day.

  - Was. - I saw his jaw hang - I'm sorry I scared you, Ty. It was only a little confusion.

  I noticed my puppy scouring the surroundings with shy eyes.

  - Your friend will leave with us?

  - No! - Holt shook hands with a resounding way when he spoke too loudly - not my friend. It's just ... - swallowed - I'm sorry if it scared you, too, Ty. But she's not here and will not go out with us. All right?

  He still looked around quietly again before deciding to trust the word of the newly known.

  Greg took a deep breath and I could tell he wanted to say something else, but could not decide what. Ty pulled her closer to towel himself, without taking his eyes off Holt. He smiled embarrassed as he turned back to me.

  - I look like him. - Observed quietly.

  Greg laughed loudly supporting the handle on the floor. The relief in his smile was noticeable.

  - IT IS. But just a little! - Complained playfully kissing her cheek - Come on, you two. - I sent - Let's get out of here. You need to take a shower. Want to go to the locker room with your friends or want to go home? - He raised his shoulders in the universal gesture of "whatever" and I noticed that even watched his father whenever he thought no one was looking.

  - I live near here. - Holt warned. - You can go there. You have the him clean clothes there, right?

  - Mora near here? I thought you lived in some monstrous mansion on the outskirts of town or something.

  -. Elizabeth was not there, I ... - his eyes went down to Ty afraid - I live in an apartment nearby. You can go there. Ty taking a bath and I take to show you something. Can be? - He looked at Tyler when asked the question and I loved him for his care.

  The scrawny shoulders of my puppy got up again and I answered him.

  - You can. Then we go out to eat something.

  - IT IS. You choose. - He smiled at the small.

  - I think she will not leave. - He laughed at me and I knew he wanted to play.

  - Your mother? Why not?

  - You do not know it right. - Confessed in amazement tone. Folgou the towel around him and I knew he was more relaxed - She's bossy.

  Gregory laughed heartily.

  - Hey Hey hey. Is that any way to talk about your mother? - Returned - And you. - I pointed out my window to Holt - quiet.

  He squeezed laughter and surrendered.

  We went out to the parking lot and Ty would not let go my hand. It was unusual for him to walk so stuck with me. He would need time to get used to.

  - You came by car?

  - Do not Ride with a friend.. and yet you came, by the way. - I remembered.

  - I said I would, did not I?

  - Yeah, yeah. Where is your car?

  He pointed to the direction and we followed.

  Tyler dropped my hand and stepped forward.

  - An Aston Martin! DB9! - He marveled.

  - Boy! Do not loose my hand in the parking lot! Here is a cart! It's dangerous.

  But Holt was already near him.

  - Do you like cars?

  He raised his shoulders shy again.

  - I have a miniature of that. - It was true.

  - Want to drive? - Holt showed the keys and Tyler laughed - I'm the co-pilot. - Joked.

  - He did not bring a driver's license. - I defended, nipping your kid shoulder.

  - Oh, what a pity. - I opened the door and I saw the high infant seat in the back seat.

  His son.

  For a change, my relationship with Holt was going too fast and I had not stopped to think about all the developments. He was married and had a son.

  And we were destroying a family.

  He fumbled trying to put the belt on Ty.

  - On here. - I offered to help - you have to go through the belt loop here ... so. - I showed - Are you nervous, Holt? - I laugh at her confusion.

  - I bought this business today, Thoen. But I have learned how.

  Bought today?

  I decided it would not be a good idea to talk in front of Ty, on any other children of Greg and ignored the comment.


  Laura took off his sunglasses caught between the hair and placed them in the face. She turned every few minutes to make sure Ty was well dressed in robe to not be bothered by the cold, complained of my direction, the direction of people around the pedestrians who did not go out the front, climate and government. And suddenly just stopped, smiled at me and pinched the legs of Ty after he made some comment comic about his bad mood eternal.

  And I was happy.

  I would be able to drive every day listening to Don complain about all those things and more, see her smile at me, play with our son ... It was amazing how a few days ago I was sure that happiness was something impossible. Something that I knew would never have and I had already given up looking.

  But there she was. Sitting on the bench next to me and behind me.

  Complaining and playing.

  Tyler liked cars and as this was the only thing I knew about it was about that we talked most of the way.

  - I can not see so much grace in cars. - Don interfered.

  - But you see grace in shoes. - I remembered and Ty laughed.

  - And bags. - He added.

  - Yes! Bags. - I agreed.

  - Ha-ha-ha. I'm loving it. I prefer my bags and shoes ... any eight-cylinder?

  - No! There are 12 cylinders. Is the AM11, is not it? 10% increase in torque compared to the previous engine.

  - Wow! How do you know all this? - I laughed, impressed.

  - Oh ... - Don moved my hand - I forgot to mention.

  - That he's crazy about cars? I noticed.

  - Not only that ... - he lowered his voice to a very casual tone - he reached 192 points in IQ test

  I almost hit the car.

  Blessed be the red light that made me stop and calm down.

  - 192? Laura! - Ty looked back and looked at me back a little scared - What college he was? This school was good? He had some special monitoring? Because it has a private instructors here that ...

  - Gregory! - Its strong tone made me shut up - We do not do very appropriate. - He indicated. And I realized that it was, yes. Just tried not to show it to him. My mouth was still open. I know she was probably right, but had a lifetime to learn to control and I ... I just wanted to explode.

  - Of course. - It was all I could mutter before the open sign and I have something to distract me.

  I parked and guided my family to the elevator.

  The doors opened on the roof and Ty stepped forward slowly. He was bullied ...

  Marise was waiting in the lobby.

  - Mr. Baxter. - Smiled - Hello! - Put his hands on his knees to greet Tyler after smiling at Don.

  - Marise, this is Laura Thoen and Tyler. Don, Ty, Marise is the housekeeper. She's great with kids.

  Laura looked like I was still deciding what he thought of it.

  - Where can he bathe?

  Ty handed backpack for Marise when indicated the stairs.

  - In my bathroom.

  Dom was in a corner of the hall, craning to watch the room.

  - Want a tour? - I laugh.

  - Where is Max?

  My smile was to remember our old dog and I saw in her eyes that she understood.

  - Oh ... he was old. - He lifted a shoulder. His sad and discreet expression made me want to hug her. Kiss her. My
Dom tough that actually could be soft and fragile.

  We climbed the stairs and Marise pulled some children subject with Ty. It was amazing the amount of cartoon she knew, were not required many steps so that they were on a fun conversation and part of me was jealous.

  - My room is there in the hall. Marise?

  - Of course. Ty, I'll show you.

  They went to the closed door down the hall and Laura had that expression of who would make me listen.

  - Do not like the idea of an unknown bathing my son, Gregory. Could we talk about things like this in the future?

  - There is an unknown. He works with me a few years ago and you saw! She's great with kids.

  Just a look. It was just what Don had to do.

  - It's all right. - I surrendered - As you wish. We pass just this once? Need to talk to you. - I pointed to a closed door. One of my office.

  She turned the knob and entered unceremoniously.

  - Speak.

  - Did you read some documents. - I picked up the envelope on the table - actually wanted you to sign. But I know I will not do it without reading and ...

  - Let's assume I have lost sanity to go trust you blindly. - Suggested by analyzing the heavy volume and probably accounting for the time it would take - If I sign this would be agreeing with what?

  - What Tyler is my son. I want my name in his documents, Don, and I want him to take my name.

  She pushed the envelope back in my hands.

  - I run away again and you'll never find us, but do not put a "Baxter" on my son.

  - Our son. - Correct, putting the envelope back on the table - Laura, I know what happened between us was shit. Look, no one more than I would have preferred to spend the last years with you two. I wanted to be there when you were pregnant when Ty had wanted to have seen him grow and ...

  Bad idea.

  That outburst had been a bad idea. Something unpleasant was stuck in my throat hindering my breath and I had to stop to calm myself.

  - ... And no matter. - I decided. This was no time for that - because that's not what happened. We have to think about what happens from now and Tyler is my son. I know you have anger of many things that happened and you're right. God, Laura, you're right. But it does not change an indisputable fact: he is my son. It's half my same way it is half yours and you have no more right to it than I do.


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