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My Life in the End

Page 46

by Adriana Alexa

  - Almost we have done it ... - I leaned on one of his shoulders, clutching his ear with his teeth.

  - You have no idea how much I missed you heat the pussy nothing. - Licked my mouth, making me open my lips, waiting for a kiss that did not come, since he was too busy to try all the parts of my body at the same time - Stuck in that my fucking life, longing for crazy these your curves I go crazy. - He rubbed his hands around my waist and hips, shaking me greedily, as if to absorb me whole at once.

  He lowered his shorts displaying a full erection.

  He pulled the panties from my bathing suit even more to the side and slipped. I shook the ropes, trying to hold him close to me with my heels. But Holt forced my calves away from him, holding my knees, keeping me exposed, but fragile, without support. His violent thrusts intensified with the smooth swing. The movement made his groin scrape hard against my clitoris way he knew me hot, making me howl and beg.

  My hands were shaking, stuffed in her hair, pulling hard. Groaning her name, wishes and promises as he fucked me in the half-light, his feet propped up hard against the drier part of the stone.

  I opened my eyes staring at the sky, watching the opening where we had gone down and thinking that was enough a new group of tourists approaching and see us down there. In'd hear before we see probably.

  Greg took four fingers to his mouth and spat, spreading their saliva between your fingers. Then he offered them to me and I stuck it in his mouth. His hand slipped from my lips, sliding down my ass and opening her cheeks. His fingers met behind me, oiling my ticket.

  The contact was too strong and I found a short orgasm muffled moans at the end of one of the most powerful thrusts of Greg.

  - I'm almost. - He whispered urgently, slipping away from me. I do not know if my orgasm had finished, but I got the feeling that not, so he scolded me even more, is sticking in my ass, I felt the stimulus back. I threw myself back, leaning back against his body, feeling his hands me guide them until one of them returned to my clit and rub. Strong and in a hurry. He was close and wanted me to accompany him, enjoying again. I closed my eyes, I heard her breathy moans, feeling his breath on my neck. Her moan became more serious and long and I knew that he had completed a long grip on my clitoris that made me see stars. Slowed the thrusts, leaving me without to stimulate my vagina. I bit my lips to feel them burn and orgasm exploded again.

  He laughed satisfied behind me, before helping me down. I guided my legs wobbly into the lake, where you kissed me and washed.

  - You can get it for me? - I pointed to the top of my bikini floating near us.

  - No -. I pinched one of my nipples - I prefer you like this.

  - Last time you came here you were not so bold. - Played.

  - This is because last time I came here I was her boyfriend. - He smiled - Now, I'm your husband. - He kissed me and I knew he said it not as a statement. He said that because he liked to say. I liked the taste that the word had in his mouth.

  He kissed my chin, my neck, whispered that he loved me and kept me in his arms. Do not let me put my bikini back until you hear a noise upstairs and a voice calling us, indicating that the guide was back. Then she helped me to climb back into the rocks and to the outside world.

  But I did not feel sad. I felt as if an experiment was over. Our forbidden sex in that cave was amazing. But Gregory was always like that: our best sex was always the next.

  Years later

  - Max! Go change.

  - But mother ...

  - Now, Max! Do not make me repeat.

  Our youngest son went upstairs stomping and Laura growled her a warning that was not morose or would be grounded.

  Only Laura to threaten a child with punishment on Christmas Eve.

  Basically, I think she was lost to him. It was the first and only of our children that had a strictly identical personality to it.

  Hyatt had been tough all my life. But the lack of attention in their first years of life had made him a poor boy and after the first demonstrations of affection, had melted by the sun and adopted her as his mother.

  Ty was a kind of well and Mandy did not fall behind in this regard. Merryl, in turn, was already big when adopted. It's kind of sad phenomenon to accept, but after many years in institutions for needy children, Mer had become a peaceful and resigned young, still desperate for acceptance ... we entupíamos of love and attention and hoped that one day would be enough.

  But Max ...

  Max was a completely new department to Laura.

  It was extremely intelligent ... not like Ty ... it was a different intelligence. An intelligence as the sun. An infinite wit from the crib, a stubbornness that knew no bounds and ornery temperament. Part of me always made sure that the head of Max, he was born knowing how to take care of yourself and do not need anyone.

  He learned to walk and use the toilet earlier than any of our other children. Laura thought to his IQ overcome the Ty test when he learned to read absurdly early and with minimal assistance.

  But it was not genius.

  It was stubbornness.

  Max decided that it was unnecessary need someone whenever you want to read one of his children's books before bed and decided it was best to find a way that quickly absurd. If the mode was to learn to read ... so be it.

  Began to put the affairs of the house and a given day, Laura heard saying he was worried about losing the time the next day and put himself, his own alarm clock, to make sure it would wake up his mother.

  It was self-sufficient and, in most cases, do not need anyone to send him to do anything. But the few times that it was necessary, was furious with the instructions we gave you as if no one was able to take care of it as well as himself.

  I learned to talk to Max calmly. The boy responded better when it was treated as an adult, which made no sense, but producing results.

  Laura just panted and grumbled that he was very stubborn. I wanted to laugh and tell him "well done for you." But I knew my wife and was very still.

  It was healthier.

  The doorbell rang again after another and soon the house was full.

  Laura greeted Elena with his typical distance when she arrived cuddled with Tyler.

  I hugged my son and his girlfriend, leading them to the room.

  - How's college?

  Among its simultaneous graduations and extracurricular activities, Tyler barely came home and I had to hold it against the wall to pluck some complex sentences.

  - Good.

  - Only "good"? - Challenged.

  - Tell him. - Elena poked her stomach with her elbow.

  - I was accepted to the Masters. - Announced without excitement.

  - Congratulations, kid! - I stepped forward to hug him and soon realized Laura biting his lip in the corner. Dissatisfied for not having been the first to hear the news - I thought you had to be formed before ... Oh ... nevermind! - I hugged him again before giving room for the Sun parabenizasse too. They entered the house, greeting others and I held my wife's waist.

  - Behave yourself. - Whispered in his ear - It will be your daughter one day ... - I played.

  She pinched me and put on a fake smile.

  - How's your family, Elena? - Sat beside her.

  - Well, Thoen lady. My coming to town next week.

  - I know. I talked to her. Will be with us.

  - Ah! Great! - He smiled - And my dad blew a kiss and a hug. As always.

  - Tell him I thanked him and declined. As always. - Kids' - Your father can be very inconvenient.

  - He says that part of the charm.

  - The charm of it is to be inconvenient? - Raised an eyebrow - For give a message to your father for me? Say that I find very charming.

  Hyatt gestured to me from across the room and I got up after checking that the interaction between Dom and Elena seemed to have gained traction.

  - What child?

  - Dad, can we talk for a moment? - He had an urgent and discreet tone.

  - Sure, son. - I pointed out
the stairs and went up to the office.

  I closed the door behind us and saw Hyatt pass a hand through his hair as he tucked in his pockets another.

  - What happened? - I was worried and I risked not even sit. I wanted to hear everything at once.

  - I ... do not want to offend you ...

  - You will not offend. - Guarantee - Whatever it is. Can tell me.

  He took a deep breath and watched me before to make sure I was being true.

  - I know it's not my father. My genetic father, I mean.

  It's all right.

  Now I would need to sit.

  And that's exactly what I did.

  - I do not want to offend you.

  - No offense, son ...

  - I just ... - he sat in front of me - I want to know. Already asked Elizabeth, but she never says anything. It ignores that with that his kingship way and I think that the mere idea of a gossip involving his name and an extramarital relationship, she ... she admits. But I know. - He shook his head slowly and licked his lips - I know it's not my father. - Confessed softly and I could hear the pain in her voice - I ... want to know who it is. I want to know who the guy is. I'm sure he knows ... I mean ... he has to know. I know you have. ... And I think if you look at it this way, I had no father or mother, is not it? - He offered me a shy smile that did not suit him.

  - Hyatt, which led to this sudden interest?

  - Do not know. - Shrugged - Just ... tell me?

  - Oh you are! - Laura opened the door unceremoniously - Dinner's on the table. Come down. Now. - He ordered.

  - After dinner? - I mumbled and he nodded a brief agreement.

  Andy and Rick arrived with the rest of the clan and the table was noisy and lively. The children were scattered around the room and after much peru, wine and exchanging gifts, the guests were leaving.

  Ty and Hyatt played memory game against Max and Merryl. The elders left the youngest to win what irritated Max summarily.

  - You have eidetic memory! - Pulled her brother's arm - Do you know where the pieces are! Do not miss on purpose!

  - I'm not doing it. - He lied - I was not paying attention.

  - I do not want to play with you. - Max growled, was amazing as it was identical to mother when beginning with these tantrums - You let me win because they think I can not win alone! But I can!

  - We know. - Hyatt promised.

  A kiss on my shoulder and I turned to the embrace of sun.

  - Look. - Pointed up and mistletoe dangling over our heads.

  I laughed remembering the night we met.

  - Can I kiss you or I get slapped? - I lifted her chin.

  - Oh, it will take the slap! Logical. As tradition dictates.

  I kissed her fondly.

  - Get a room! - Mandy complained.

  - You know who pays for this whole house? - Laura returned.

  - The daddy. - They provoked in unison.

  Laura inspired like an animal and raised forefinger. Behind her I started gesticulating, silent, for my family, telling everyone to shut up.

  They began these games and then he passed the night without sex was me.

  - You, Mom. - Hyatt led the movement and soon everyone was accepting the position of General Laura clearly occupied.


  I was remembering the first time Hyatt referred to Laura as a mother. He was still small and it was so ... natural.

  Nothing could have been more natural.

  He was her son. It was a fact.

  - For if I paid the bills - Sun was still complaining - grab his father in the corner of the house I want.

  They laughed one to the other used to the mother's stubbornness.

  I agreed emphatically with every word she said and pretended to scold them. But soon, she was also laughing and sitting to participate in the memory game.

  It was the end of the night and almost all were gone when I take Hyatt to the door.

  He hugged me before turning to leave. But he stopped at the entrance.

  - Will you tell me who it is? - He asked.

  I looked back at the party remnants and closed the door behind me.

  - Who is my father? - He shoved his hands in his pockets and I took a deep breath to answer him - Who is my father, really? - He repeated.


  I smiled, satisfied.

  There was only one real answer to that question.

  - I'm your father, kid. Really. And I do not hear any more such nonsense.

  He stared at the floor with a happy smile. She hugged me again, got into his car and left.

  The path to the altar

  I knew that this was a time when I should show firmness. I should be strong and calm to everyone around me could not despair. But married years with Laura had not really taught me to be strong. She was the rock duo.

  But now it did not matter.

  Now she was there on the other side of that door: firm or desperate, it made no difference. She could not help myself. I was changing the standing weight in a nervous dance.

  - Father, is making me nervous. - Amanda touched my shoulder and I put his hand between mine. She was beautiful. Perfect. The long white dress with short sleeves and subtle details. She did not want anything too gaudy or flashy and it was all exactly as she wanted.

  It could not be different.

  - I am delivering my first child to an unknown crazy, Mandy. How do you want me to stay? - I kissed his cheek, taking care not to ruin her makeup. Laura had been very specific on this point and called so I do not embrace our daughter hard, crumpling the dress or spoiling the makeup. It was quite emphatic.

  - Mad unknown? - she laughed. A tasty and nervous laughter.

  Jason was a good guy. He had been together for three years, but I suspected that he already wanted to put a ring on my finger from my daughter since the first three months. Better that way. If my story with Don had taught me anything, it was the best kind of love is that which is inevitable. Inescapable.

  - It's almost time. - The organizer of the event came murmuring instructions and we agree.

  I wedged Mandy's hand on my arm and smiled at my daughter.

  - Calm. It's gonna be okay. - I tried to spend a quiet that I did not feel.

  His smile faded in a tense seriousness.

  - And if does not work, Dad? And if one does not work together?

  - Amanda. - Turned aside, staring at her dark eyes, like his mother's. The organizing gestured nervously for us to stay in the correct position. But I needed to talk to my daughter and would do it now. - Listen to me, daughter. I may not know much in life, but one thing I know. One thing I learned. - Smiles - One thing that your mother taught me. They happen amazing things when we are allowed to try. When we overcome the fear of hurt and risks. - I looked back into his eyes, feeling his fingers clench me, looking for security - I do not know if you and Jason will love forever and I can not promise you that. But I want you to think about how you feel now. You feel like you worth? Even after it was over in pain, even destroy your heart ... Today, what you feel for him is strong enough to risk?

  She smiled and confirmed with a final gesture.

  - So ready. That's all you need. - Amanda smiled and kissed my cheek. I looked scared to his lips making sure her lipstick was not spotted.

  - Mom threatened you something if borrasse my makeup, right? - Chuckled.

  - Oh, make no mistake. - I confided. The organizing advanced to us in desperation forced us to stay in the correct position.

  - Do you think Mom threatened her, too? - Teased, making me laugh, so the doors were opened. The music sounded loud and guests awaited us standing, waiting for the entrance of my daughter. I could see Don the distance, in the front row.

  I decided right there that would be better look at her. Roles reversed in relation to our wedding day, but it was still the same feeling. Stronger, but equal in essence. It was enough to face that look and I felt a strange confidence to take care of me. As if it firmly possessed me.
  I walked down the aisle, guiding our daughter to the smiling man who was waiting near the priest. I kissed her face one last time and we parted. I shook Jason's hand, took a hand to his shoulder in a loving embrace.

  - If you hurt my girl ... - I muttered, playful.

  - You kill me. - He smiled.

  - I do not ... Laura. - I remembered and he laughed.

  I took a few steps back, disappearing among the guests.

  - Want to tell me why your cheek is smeared lipstick, Holt? - I pinched my waist - I thought I had been clear.

  - Solve with her daughter. - Defended me, putting his arm around her waist and returning the pinch.

  She kissed my mouth in a short peck and satisfied.


  The thing that had invaded my life because of it.

  The priest had begun to speak, breaking the hypnosis of our eyes and I looked at the couple at the altar.

  I was still trying to breathe better. I did not think it would be so hard for me, but there was ...

  It was then that the most curious thing happened. It was not something that Mandy did was not a touch of sun, it was no elaborate perception ...

  It was Jason.

  Only him.

  I was there that look.

  The way he looked at my daughter.

  I recognized that look whenever she looked at the sun. It was in her eyes.

  And I was sure he was on mine, too, whenever I watched those black eyes and that wonderful smile.

  It was love.

  Jason loved my girl.

  And she should love it too.

  Just a look.

  Just curious and unmistakable glow.

  And I was alone.




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