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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Page 29

by Carl East

  Of course this could all be a coincidence, as that appointment was due anyway. Still, he knew that if such a coincidence had happened to one of his client’s he would’ve taken full advantage of it. So noting the date of this appointment (which was in a week’s time) he placed the note in his jacket pocket and carried on with his work.

  The week past very quickly and Colin found himself in the waiting room, apparently next on the list to be seen. When his name was called out, he quickly entered the office to find a male doctor going over his charts. After a few questions and a blood sample had been taken he was bid good day and left the surgery. As he left he was kind of disappointed that they hadn’t taken advantage of this appointment, so perhaps it was just a coincidence that he’d been called in.

  When he got outside however, he found a young blond nurse looking at the engine in her car and quickly offered his help.

  “What seems to be the problem?” said Colin.

  “My car won’t start, and I don’t know why,” she replied.

  Colin got into the front seat and turned on the ignition, straight away he discovered the problem.

  “You’re out of gas,” he said, with a smile.

  “Oh…I must be having a blond moment,” she replied, laughing.

  “Well look, I can give you a ride to the nearest gas station and I have a gas canister in back if that would help?” said Colin.

  “That would be great, um…I suppose I’d better introduce myself. I’m Connie and you are?”

  “Colin; pleased to meet you Connie. If you’d like to get in I’ll drive you down the road, it’s not far.”

  A few minutes later Colin was filling up the canister and couldn’t help noticing Connie’s legs as she got out of the car for a stretch. She was still wearing her nurse’s uniform and that made Colin think all kind of erotic thoughts. It wasn’t until he felt the bulge in his pants getting uncomfortable, that he looked away and tried to think of something else. It also crossed his mind that this wasn’t going to be his fantasy and that it was all a big coincidence.

  “How’s it going?” said a voice behind him.

  Looking around and coming back to reality he told Connie that it was now full and that he’d drive her back to her own car. Soon after that he was filling her tank with the canister of gas and wishing her a good day, but not before she’d secured his telephone number in order to pay him for the gas on payday.

  Colin drove home after that thinking that he’d been a good enough Samaritan for one day, and needed a good long sleep to end the day well.

  A few days passed and Colin had all but forgotten the nurse encounter when he received a text message on his cell phone which read, ‘would like to pay you back for the gas, can we meet later tonight?’

  Colin replied that he would meet her and they fixed a location.

  At eight o’ clock that night he sat in his car waiting for Connie, when in his review mirror he caught sight of her coming up the street with a friend. They were both dressed in their nurse’s uniform and looked incredibly hot, at least in Colin’s eyes. He got out of the car to greet Connie and was introduced to her friend whose name was Elizabeth or Beth to her friends.

  “Beth wanted to meet the knight that came to my rescue the other day,” said Connie.

  Colin laughed and shrugged it off as something anyone would do under the circumstances. Beth shook his hand but not without telling him that not all men would have been so gallant. Soon they were talking about where to go, when Connie mentioned a movie that she’d like to see. So it was decided that watching a film was what they would do first and off they went.

  The movie was an adult film called ‘The Cage’ and starred some unknown actor. It was supposed to depict a young woman imprisoned in a cage in this weirdo’s basement, and how this guy would only feed her for sexual favors. The story was pretty lame but the film did have some erotic moments in it, which kept everyone happy. It was during one of these erotic moments that Colin’s fantasy came true.

  Connie and Beth were on either side of Colin sitting at the back of the cinema, and during a particularly erotic moment on screen Colin suddenly felt two sets of hands fumbling for the zipper on his pants. He already hard a boner from watching the action in front of him, so to suddenly feel two sets of hands taking his cock out of his pants made him even more excited.

  Fortunately for Colin the cinema was only half full and the two rows of seats in front of them were empty. He hadn’t looked down yet, but when he did he was shocked to find Connie had taken her nurses uniform completely off as well as her bra and was now licking the rim of his hardened cock. Beth was still wearing her uniform but she too was licking his hardness, Colin sat back to enjoy it all.

  He’d always wondered what it would feel like to have two beautiful women sucking his meat, and now he knew. Connie was the first to take it deeply inside her mouth which made Colin moan softly, and he loved the way she whipped her tongue around the head of his manhood each time she came up for air. He then watched Beth unzipping her uniform to reveal a bra-less set of breasts, making his cock twitch inside Connie’s mouth.

  Beth put her finger up to her lips, as an indication for Colin to keep quiet. She then allowed her uniform to drop down as she knelt in front of him. Colin looked around the cinema not quite believing that this could all happen inside a crowded room and not be seen by anyone.

  Connie handed the cock over to Beth at that point and Beth engulfed the hardness in an instant. Colin could feel it hitting the back of Beth’s throat, and looked down to see Connie looking up. She was gently massaging her breasts, indicating with a nod of her head that he should fondle them. Colin reached forward without thinking about it and cupped her left breast in his right hand before squeezing it gently and discovering her hardened nipple.

  Beth stopped and stood up, and with speed and precision she placed her feet on each side of Colin’s arm rests before standing above and astride his face. Colin needed no more prompting, as he leaned forward and began to lick Beth’s moist pussy. Connie had now taken the swollen cock back into her mouth and was fingering herself at the same time, feeling an incredible urge to fuck this guy’s brains out.

  If anyone in the cinema was to turn around at this point they would see a woman in a standing position above a man who was licking her pussy, while another woman knelt down in front of him giving oral sex. Colin started to hear moans coming from Beth as he pulled her clit about with his lips, and was worried that someone in the cinema would over hear it. His cock was ready to explode, and ever the gentleman he tapped on Connie’s shoulder to let her know.

  Connie kept on sucking; only now she slowed down and let it go deeper. Colin couldn’t take any more, and felt his man seed erupting from his balls and exploding into Connie’s mouth. Connie sucked harder, she wanted to drain every last inch of his cum before she would allow it out of her mouth. Colin then heard Beth mutter softly that she was coming, which egged Colin on to make sure she did. He licked faster, and penetrated deeper until he was sure Beth was having her first orgasm.

  When Connie was sure Colin had stopped coming, she allowed his cock out of her mouth and began to stroke it with her right hand. She wanted him to remain hard, as she knew what would happen next.

  Beth was now trying to relax as her orgasm came to an end, and suddenly repositioned herself in a kneeling pose on Colin’s seat before allowing his still hard cock to penetrate her wetness. Connie had a hand in guiding the hardness into the correct position and Colin let out a slight whimper as he felt his cock sink into Beth’s moist hole. At first he just watched Beth’s breasts as the bobbed up and down, but soon he was cupping them both and squeezing hard each time she pushed up and dropped back down again. Connie was now massaging Colin’s balls and licking at the same time while she fingered herself, and wanting to ride his hard cock.

  After five minutes Beth stopped what she was doing and quickly climbed off of the chair, only to direct Connie to take up a sitting position on top o
f Colin with her back to him. Connie didn’t hesitate, she had felt so wet these last few minutes and if she didn’t have something inside her soon she’d go crazy. She eagerly sat on him and began to ride his cock, while Colin put his arms around her to play with her breasts. Beth knelt between them both and began to lick the cock as it came out and the pussy when it re-entered.

  Colin was feeling his balls tighten again and knew that he was about to cum a second time that day, and as he did so he squeezed Connie’s breasts a little bit harder. Connie could feel his cock pulsing and the thought of his hot stream shooting into her took her over the edge. She came hard, and couldn’t have timed it better as Colin came a second or two later.

  Beth slowed her tonguing action and looked up to see the bliss in Connie’s face before deciding to get her clothes back on.

  Soon they had all redressed and were leaving the cinema, which is when Beth revealed a story.

  “Believe it or not Colin; Connie had nothing to do with your fantasy until today.”

  “She didn’t?”

  “No…everything that happened between you two was coincidental. Fantasy Inc found out about it through an Agent who’d been asked to set up your fantasy. That Agent was me. I really am a nurse, but I moonlight as an Agent from time to time. The day after you helped Connie with her gas problem, I met her in the canteen at work where she revealed how a knight in shinning armor had come to her rescue. It wasn’t until I heard her say your name that I realized who you were,” said Beth.

  “I must admit I felt sure that even the gas was prearranged, and that I was about to have my fantasy come true.”

  “Normally I don’t reveal to anyone just what I do in my spare time, as I know that there are a lot of prudes out there that wouldn’t understand. In Connie’s case and by the way she was talking about you I knew she was anything but a prude, so I told her all about Fantasy Inc. I was unsurprised to learn that she’d heard of them. I informed her that I was an Agent and then I told her about you and what you do for a living. Of course I was quick to mention the Agent of the year award and what that entailed.”

  Connie had been listening to all this, and felt she just had to say something.

  “At first I couldn’t believe any of it, but the more detail Beth revealed the more I believed until finally I volunteered to help out with this one case,” said Connie, with a smile.

  “Not only that but she’s also decided to check out Fantasy Inc for herself, and with me to guide her she should work out well in the future,” said Beth.

  “Well, I have to say tonight was the most erotic experience of my life. I’d also like to thank you both for making it a memorable event, but more than that I do hope we can see one another in the years to come,” replied Colin.

  “I’d like that myself,” said Connie.

  With that they all decided to go for drinks and to talk about the future.

  The End

  Erotic Quests

  Chapter 1: The Wright Sword

  The clash of swords on the battlefield could be heard for miles, even through the rain, which hadn’t let up for over two hours. The Wizard Avery was hurrying to the scene, knowing that his trusted apprentice was doing battle with overwhelming odds. By the time he reached the battle field it was all but over, for Cole was now running off the remaining thugs.

  The Wizard Avery called his trusted companion to his side, totally unaware that this distraction had given two unseen villains a chance to strike. Cole had heard them approach however, and waited until they were almost on top of him before turning to face their assault. Blocking the first strike with his sword, and then dodging the second with a smart turn on his left heal, he clubbed the thug with the butt of his weapon watching him drop to the ground as the second assailant came in for the attack.

  Their swords clashed, with the assailant’s sword breaking cleanly in two. Cole showed no mercy, swinging around he thrust his sword forward piercing the vest of the man standing in front of him and driving the blade through his chest. Using the heel of his foot, Cole pushed the dead man from the blade and then wiped it clean on the man’s clothes.

  “Is that the last of them?” asked Cole, as Avery approached.

  “Yes, I took care of the others, now perhaps we can continue on our quest?”

  “How is it, that this sword has been lost for so long, and the minute we go looking for it so does everyone else?” asked Cole, not unreasonably.

  “Probably because the information we received has a value, and the same source that told us undoubtedly told others.”

  “Well, we just better not run into that man again, or he’ll wish he never told us,” said Cole, re-sheathing his sword.

  It had been three days now since they’d heard the fabled sword of Lord Wright had been located, and were now standing in the very field where it was supposed to lay. The Wizard Avery pulled out a parchment from within his robe, surveying it with a learned eye.

  “If that tree over there is the one indicated on my map, then the sword should be under the boulder that lies twelve yards from the trunk,” said Avery, more to himself than to Cole.

  Cole walked over to the indicated spot, noticing that there was only one boulder at that distance, so didn’t bother measuring it out. He reached the stone and pushed it over there he found a chest with just the very top sticking out of the dirt. Getting onto his knees Cole began to dig at one side of the box, and before long he’d freed enough of the chest to be able to drag it clear of the earth surrounding it. He was just about to open it when the Wizard Avery stopped him.

  “Have you checked for traps?”

  Cole cursed himself for having forgotten the first rule he then concentrated on the chest in front of him, looking hard and long as if in a trance.

  “It has an aura around it, it’s a deep red in color with white edges,” said Cole, getting to his feet.

  “Ah, instant death spell, I hope you don’t make too many mistakes like that Cole,” Avery said, standing in front of the chest.

  “Almor calavin dom saren,” said Avery, checking that his spell had worked.

  “Right, now you can open it.”

  Cole got down on his knees, taking his knife out of the scabbard and then turning it around and giving a quick sharp bang on the old and rusted padlock. Once off he lifted the lid revealing the contents for all to see, they were both shocked to find a small fortune in gems and gold coins. Buried amongst this wealth lay the sword they had come for, Cole brought it out to check the weight.

  The very first thing he noticed was that it wasn’t anything special to look at; in fact it was quite ordinary and a little top heavy. But if Avery said it was worth getting then that was good enough for Cole. Wrapping it up in the cloth he had found it in he placed it to one side and then proceeded to empty the rest of the chest into a satchel provided by his master.

  They had taken lodgings close to where this treasure had been found, so they didn’t have far to travel with it. In fact just two hours later they were warming themselves by an open fire, with Cole bringing the blade out to inspect it more closely.

  “I really don’t know what all the fuss is about Master, it’s not that special, I mean it’s top heavy for a start, plus it needs sharpening.”

  “What you are holding in your hands my dear boy is the best kept secret of all time,” replied Avery, standing close to the fire to warm his hands.

  The wizard went on to explain the blades history, starting from when it was just an ordinary sword.

  “When Lord Wright had found this sword, or so the story goes, he pulled it from the hands of a very old corpse, the corpse in question was none other than King Nevile,” said Avery, taking a drink from his mug, “now in those days everyone knew that the King had an enchanted sword, which probably explained why no one ever went up against him, because no one knew what that enchantment entailed.”


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