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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Page 37

by Carl East

  Before long she had learnt a few things about the gift that had been bestowed upon her. The one that appealed the most was when she was told she couldn't get tired of having sex, but that the hardest thing to do was to find a mortal that could cope with her prowess as a sex goddess. She also learnt that she had super human strength, and abilities that no mortal woman possessed.

  Her thoughts the rest of the day were of where in the world she would go, and with whom she would take over the edge with her lust. She was shown how to cross the barrier between her world and the other, mastering the ability in no time at all. Then being shown how to picture someone who was in need of her special talents, before deciding whether or not to pay them a visit.

  There were men in her old life that she always planned to fuck, but never seemed to get around to it, now this seemed like the best opportunity to do just that. Viewing an old neighbor in her minds eye, she saw that he was alone, and getting ready for bed, a perfect time, she thought as she started to go through the ritual needed to cross the plains.

  She'd opened a gateway in another room of his apartment; not wishing to scare her intended target, and then closed it behind her. Walking over to the bedroom, she slowly turned the knob, and then pushed the door open. Eric must have been tired, thought Jessica, for he was already asleep.

  Jessica had been informed that she could keep them that way if she wished, so she decided to do just that, not wanting to scare anyone she actually liked. Waving her hand over the sheets, she proceeded to pull the covers from the bed, knowing that Eric was totally unable to wake up.

  He was however able to feel everything that was done to him, for as Jessica held his cock with both hands; it began to come to life, growing to at least nine inches in length. Jessica bent forward taking his cock all the way down her throat slowly, and with ease, and then began to go faster as she sucked for all she was worth.

  Eric started to moan in his sleep, turning his head this way and that, as she gave him the best blowjob of his life. Jessica began to play with his shaft, licking her way to the base and then back to the top, and thrusting it once more as deep as it would go, before repeating the whole thing. Then when she was sure he couldn't get any harder, she mounted him, using the new found strength in her knees to drop and pull herself off his gorgeous member.

  Up and down she went, marveling at how easy it was for her to do this for as long as she wanted, feeling his cock being buried deeply with each drop of her body. Then even in his sleep, Eric couldn't help but cum, as it surged up his shaft and exploded into her pussy. After the first blast, she quickly got off, making sure to carry on with her hands, and allowing his second load to shoot into her mouth.

  She loved feeling it running down her throat, and sucked the end forcibly to drain every last drop from his sack. Then she sat back watching his cock shrivel up, and thinking what fun she was going to have, before deciding to go back to her new home.

  Chapter 3

  Jessica stood in the doorway, waiting for Melanie to notice her. She wanted to say farewell, as she felt it was time to move on. It was thanks to Melanie that Jessica had become a succubus, although she had no intentions of telling her that. She simply wouldn't understand, besides, what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

  "Jessica," shouted Melanie.

  "Hi sweet buns," replied Jessica.

  They hugged at the door, with Jessica telling her that she was leaving, to which Melanie insisted they have a goodbye drink, just to say farewell in the proper manner. Jessica couldn't say no, for she'd always liked Melanie, and so off they went. Soon they were in their favorite joint, downing a couple of brews, with Melanie asking where she was going.

  "I've found a new life for myself, away from the concrete jungle," she replied, trying not to say too much.

  "Well, I hope it all works out for you Jessie, you'll always have a place to come back to, if ever you need it, you know that don't you?" said Melanie, getting ready to leave.

  "Thanks Melanie, but I won't be coming back."

  As Melanie was about to walk away from the table a large group of guys walked by. One of them bumped into her nearly knocking her over.

  "Watch where you're going, you clumsy oaf," said Jessica, getting to her feet.

  "Shut your mouth bitch," said the lead guy, as they all passed by on their way to the bar.

  Jessica's temper flared as they surrounded the bar, and she decided to extract an apology from the ignorant prick that had offended her best friend. Walking up to the man in question, she tapped him on the shoulder, clearing her throat to talk.

  "What do you want bitch," he said, as he turned.

  Jessica had intended to give him a chance to apologize before he said that, now she changed her plans. Grabbing hold of his shirt near the collar, she threw him clean across the room, banging into the only thing that could have stopped him, the wall. As he landed in a heap, with the wind knocked out of him, the others turned to see what was going on.

  "How in God’s name did you do that?" one of them asked, looking over to see if his friend was all right.

  "It wasn't in God’s name," she replied, walking away.

  Melanie had her mouth open as Jessica returned to her seat, not quite believing what she'd just seen with her own eyes.

  "How did you do that?" was the only thing she could say.

  "It's just a judo throw I learned in self-defense class," she lied.

  The men who had entered suddenly walked over to their table.

  "We'd like to apologize to the young lady, for our friend’s behavior, and hope that you won't hold it against us," said a clean shaven young man.

  "Apology accepted," replied Melanie.

  "Can we buy you both a drink to make amends?"

  Jessica had calmed down by now, so she just nodded, and then handed him her glass, with Melanie doing the same. Before long they were all sitting around the same table, drinking and laughing as if nothing had happened. Jessica hadn't intended to stay this long, for she knew that if she stayed too long her hormones would kick in, and she'd go on a lust hunt.

  The trouble was the four guys sitting with them were all kind of cute, which just seemed to make things worse. No matter how many times Jessica tried to excuse herself, they would talk her into having one more for the road, until finally her control of the situation had disappeared. She started it all off, by opening her legs and sitting back in the chair.

  "The first one of you, who touches my wet pussy, gets to fuck me here and now," she said, shocking even Melanie.

  For a moment, time seemed to stop, and then suddenly all four of them moved forward, only to be beaten by the clean shaven one who'd offered them a drink earlier. Jessica pulled him off his seat, as he leaned forward to touch her wet pussy, burying his head between her legs. He seemed to be up to the task, for he gamely started to lick and suck her moist and tender skin.

  Melanie couldn't believe Jessica was doing this, but she couldn't deny it was turning her on to watch, but then she became a participant, for two of the other guys started to give her close attention. The forth man was being beckoned over by Jessica, and obeyed without question, walking over to find his reward was having his zipper quickly undone, and his cock removed from the confines of his briefs.

  Jessica wasn't aware of it at the time, but they had a small audience from the rest of the bar, with the landlord locking the doors so that he too could watch. Taking hold of the guy’s cock in front of her, she leaned forward to engulf it to gasps of disbelief as it all went down her throat. She looked up to see what Melanie was up to, finding that she was bent over a chair, sucking one guy, while another fucked her from behind.

  That just gave her more to be horny about, for suddenly she was sucking cock like no one had ever witnessed, taking it all in then pulling it out so quickly it felt like he was fucking somebody. Of course before long he was shooting his load deep inside her throat, without so much as a murmur from Jessica, for she just swallowed the lot.

sp; He was then pushed away, and replaced by the one trying to get her off with his tongue. He was pulled up from his knees, and then stood watching as Jessica skillfully unzipped his jeans, and then jerked them down sharply. His cock stood to attention immediately, as she began to suck the end.

  Jessica could now hear Melanie crying out with pleasure, and wanted so much to watch her friend, and even join in, and then she had a wicked idea. She started to work the cock in her mouth a little faster, wanting him to drop his load as quick as possible. She didn't have to wait long; for suddenly he exploded inside her mouth, to the cheers of those watching, which was the first time Jessica had even noticed them.

  Now armed with a mouthful of cum, Jessica stood up just in time to see Melanie's guy coming in her mouth. Walking over to where her friend was bent over the chair, she gently pulled her head up and kissed her, with both of them exchanging the semen in their mouths. The place went wild, with no one believing what they had just witnessed, and watching as the creamy substance escaped down each of their chins.

  Jessica licked Melanie's face clean, slowly and purposely, and then swallowed the remainder. As she was still bent over, she felt the first cock of the day enter her wet pussy, but chose to carry on kissing her friend passionately. Meanwhile Melanie's guy was being replaced by yet another, only this time it was one of the audience.

  Glancing up briefly, Jessica could see several men playing with themselves, as they watched in disbelief, and then she grabbed the nearest man to them both, taking hold of the cock he was playing with. Both Jessica and Melanie began to suck and lick his hardened cock, much to his utter enjoyment.

  Melanie had stopped trying to believe this was all happening, for she was enjoying it way too much, and worked almost as hard as Jessica to make this guy in their mouths cum. When he did, the first load blasted onto Melanie's, with the second going onto Jessica's, they then licked it dry, and turned on each other.

  Jessica gathered some up with her fingers, and then placed them into Melanie's mouth. Melanie treated it like a cock, sucking the moistness off Jessica's fingers and licking them dry. The guy fucking Jessica was now making the groans that preceded an ejaculation, and sure enough he started to pump his load deep inside her body.

  He was replaced by another, just as eager, but kind of inexperienced, for no sooner had he got it in, than he came, and finding that he was being laughed at by the audience. Pretty soon they had gone through the entire room, including the barman, and looked around to see them all slumped in chairs feeling totally exhausted.

  Jessica hadn't had enough though, so she decided to get her friend onto the table and eat her out, something that she knew Melanie loved. What Melanie didn't know as Jessica started to lick her clit, was that Jessica had the ability to lengthen her tongue at will, one of the many powers she now possessed.

  Suddenly Melanie seemed to be able to feel Jessica going deeper than a cock, and writhed on the table as Jessica brought her off again and again, her juices almost pouring out. By the time Jessica had stopped, Melanie was totally spent, but felt so deliriously happy that it didn't matter.

  Soon after that, they both left together, with Jessica walking her home before kissing her on the cheek, and saying farewell, knowing that the greatest adventures were yet to come.

  The End


  Chapter 1

  Death walked the corridors of the large hospital, taking in the sounds and smells of this huge cattle market for people. His only concern was that of reaching his next mission to perform his duty, the release of a person's soul. His black cloak flared back as he strode forward, he was unseen, which was for the best. He stood at six foot six, and took his job very seriously. Having located the room that his next client was in, he entered to find her hooked up to several machines. He looked at her chart, her name was Patricia, and she had Cancer, his only concern was that of releasing her from this mortal coil. She opened her eyes, and looked straight at him.

  "Have you come to take me?" she said, in a weak voice.

  "Yes, my dear, it’s time to move on," he replied, not surprised that she could see him.

  "I am glad," she said, closing her eyes.

  Death placed his hand over her forehead and then let go. The monitors suddenly started to activate, making the doctors and nurses active in their attempts of resuscitation. Death watched as the soul left her body, and then was gone, his job done he turned to leave.

  When he reached his apartment he removed the cloak, his earthly form becoming visible. He wondered how his fellow colleagues were doing, knowing that there was literally thousands of his kind, with at least one in every major city.

  He had first been approached by a voice, a voice that could only be heard by him. At first he thought that he was going mad, but upon answering this voice, he was told of the need to procure the souls of the dying in order that their suffering could be ended.

  He felt it was a noble cause, but also found that there were a couple of perks that went with this job. He wasn't informed that these things would be his, he just learnt as time went by. His first realization of being virtually indestructible came when he was attempting to release a soul from a man that was badly burnt. He'd gone into the building to find him, and was caught in a back draft that never touched him, let alone hurt him.

  He was also sure that he wasn't aging, for he had been doing this now for twenty-five years, and still looked nineteen, which was the age he had been when first approached. There were other things that he realized made a lot of sense, like his strength. He could lift things with super-human abilities, knowing that on occasion it would be needed in order to reach his clients. But he did know where these abilities came from; it was the cloak he wore, which had just appeared before him those many years ago.

  Now on a break he could relax for a while, knowing that his next call wouldn’t be for another two hours. He poured himself a drink and then sat down to watch a bit of TV, he'd just got comfortable when there was a knock at the door. Upon opening it he found his neighbor, Alice, who wanted to know if she could borrow a cup of sugar.

  "Yes, come in," he said, taking in her low cut top that left nothing to the imagination.

  They entered the kitchen, where he located the sugar, once he'd given her a cup full she thanked him and started to leave.

  "Would you like a drink first," he blurted out, not wanting to lose an opportunity like this.

  Alice turned around to face him.

  "I thought you'd never ask," she said, smiling.

  He poured her a Scotch, and they sat down to talk, he couldn't help but notice her cleavage as she was leaning forward in the chair. He realized that he was getting a boner, and crossed his legs in order to hide the evidence. Her voice was soft, as she told him of the day she had had, but his attention was being directed more and more towards her breasts. Every now and then as she would shift her position he caught a mere glimpse of an erect nipple, which informed him that she wasn't wearing a bra. Then she caught him staring, which was an embarrassment, but she laughed.

  He felt uncomfortable, but she merely carried on talking seemingly unaffected by his attention on her bust. Then she asked him for a refill, offering her glass. He reached over to take the glass and then stood up, his cock making a more than obvious bulge in his pants. She noticed, but said nothing, and then while he was pouring the drinks she suddenly appeared behind him. She placed her hands onto his waist, and then moved them around to rest on his cock. He moaned softly as his cock twitched uncomfortably in his pants, knowing that he was about to score.

  "You have a nice cock!" she said, turning him around.

  He never said a word, wondering how far she would take this, and didn't have to wait long. She quickly unzipped his trousers, and placed a hand down his pants, grasping hold of his engorged penis. He moaned, as she pulled it free, looking down to see his large cock resting in her hand. She started to jerk him off slowly, while placing her lips onto his own, lightly brushing them wi
th her tongue. Then she kissed him, her tongue probing his mouth to get a response from his own. Both her hands were now working his cock, as the kiss became more passionate. He placed his right hand onto her left breast, squeezing slightly, and getting a response from her mouth as she pushed her lips harder onto his. Then stopping the kiss momentarily she removed her top, revealing a gorgeous large bust, with dusky pink nipples that were fully erect.


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