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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Page 47

by Carl East

  After she had come two more times I felt I owed Judy a good fucking, so proceeded to do just that. She lay on the floor and put her legs over her head, I got into position and thrust my cock deep and hard. She almost cried out with pleasure as my cock sped forward and then back, my rhythm staying consistent. Once again I was on the verge, as I speared her pussy, and watched the assistant get redressed. My audience never took their eyes off my cock, and licking their lips. When I came I pulled it out, so that they could see my seed cover my lover's pussy. I pumped it out with my right hand, splashing over her thigh and onto her stomach, my last load landing squarely onto her pussy.

  Judy cleaned herself up a little with the tissues she had in her pocket, and we got dressed. When we came out the assistant that I had fucked kissed me on the cheek saying thank you for the best fuck she’d ever had. I kissed her back saying thank you for letting me, and then arm in arm we left, another wonderful memory floating around my head.

  Chapter 9

  I picked up the phone to find it was Judy, she wanted to talk to me about something important, but wouldn't say what it was on the phone. Telling her I would be over in half an hour, I hung up.

  I reached her home pretty quickly and entered as she’d given me my own key and found her in the lounge.

  "Hello, what's up?" I said having no idea what this was all about.

  "I’m thinking of setting up my own sex clinic, and wondered if you would help me run it?" she said getting all excited.

  I was a bit taken aback with this, knowing that she was a surgeon of some note, and thinking that I must be responsible in some part for this new venture.

  "What about the hospital?" I said.

  "Oh, it won't affect my job at the hospital I will do this in as much of my spare time as possible. I've also asked Kim and Dean if they would like to join us," she said enthusiastically.

  "Well…what roll would I be playing in this little idea of yours?" I replied.

  "You'll be a sort of male nurse that shows them what and how to do things, and I've got a feeling you'll be a big hit," she said.

  We talked about it some more, before Kim and Dean turned up, and then they told us of their ideas, and before long we were discussing where we were going to set this up. Dean came up with the answer to that one, when he told us that an uncle who had died recently had left him his small downtown business. In fact that's where Kim and Dean had just come from.

  "It's just one floor of a large office block, but there are several offices that would be ideal for this kind of venture," said Kim, showing the same enthusiasm that Judy had shown.

  "Ok, let's do this, and see what happens," said Judy.

  It took over three weeks to get the offices looking professional enough to start the advertising, and then a further two days waiting for our first call. It turned out to be a man who suffered from premature ejaculation; Kim took down his details over the phone, and booked him an appointment for the next day. Judy had decided in the beginning, that they would record all the meetings, mainly for two reasons. First so that they could all discuss how best to help the particular client, and second to watch out for any nuts or charlatans. By the time our first client arrived we had two other clients coming the same day, and Kim said she would like to see if she could help our first.

  So showing him into one of the offices, she asked him to take a seat, meanwhile we all got round the monitor to watch. He started by telling her that whenever his wife handled his penis, he would cum, and so their sex life was suffering. The first thing Kim did was to establish weather it was just his wife that could elicit such a response, or anybody. So she asked him to get undressed and lay on the examination table. Once he had done this, she pulled down his pants exposing his already hard cock, and then gripped it gently with her hand. He immediately started to cum, his seed splashing onto his chest; Kim cleaned him up with some tissue, and then asked him to get dressed.

  "You do seem to be having a problem, don't you?" she said, once he had sat down again.

  "Is there anything you can do for me?" he asked.

  "There are a couple of things we can try, the first being the obvious, we will prescribe Viagra to you, now this won't stop you from premature ejaculation, but it should keep you hard so that you can satisfy your wife's needs," she said.

  "I've heard of that drug…does it work?" he asked.

  "Yes, it's very effective. After trying that out, I will book you in to see someone on a weekly basis, and we can show you some techniques for stopping yourself from coming."

  "Will my insurance cover this?" he asked.

  "Yes, it will, also after several weeks we will review your case again and see how we've progressed," she said, concluding the first successful meeting.

  Later we were all in the office congratulating Kim on a job well done. Then it was my turn, apparently Judy had booked someone in for an appointment this afternoon, her name was Roselyn Carter and she was getting the opposite symptoms to our first patient. Judy would also be there, because she needed to examine her vagina for any abnormalities. If she found none, we were then going to try to stimulate her. This all sounded like fun, and when I saw the woman in question I started to look forward to it. After Judy had examined her and found nothing physically wrong, they joined me in the other office, where she was given a seat to discuss her problem.

  "About two years ago, I was raped and ever since then, I haven't been able to have an orgasm, and it's not because I fear men, because I don't," she explained.

  "I suspect this is psychosomatic, resulting from the rape, what we would like to try is several forms of stimuli in the hopes of breaking the fear imbedded deep in your subconscious," explained Judy.

  "Fine by me, I just want to feel like a woman again," she replied.

  Judy then asked her to remove her clothes, and lay on the examination table. Once she'd done this Judy asked her to relax completely and close her eyes. Signaling me to join her we started by massaging her clitoris, and then when that didn't get a response I started to lick and suck her pussy for several minutes, but nothing. Then she was asked to open her legs wider, which she did and I climbed onto the table. Judy put some gel onto the tip of my cock which made me hard, and then guided it to our patient's pussy. She still had her eyes closed, so didn't see my cock as it entered her pussy, but she could feel it as I started to push it halfway in. By the time I had gotten most of it in, she was starting to respond, with little moans. At first we didn't know whether it was discomfort or pleasure, she was experiencing but as I rhythmically started to pull it out and push it back in her moans could easily be distinguished. She opened her eyes and looked down, her mouth opening as she saw what was penetrating her pussy.

  "My god, you’re so big!" she said, not being able to take her eyes off it.

  I started to speed up, making her throw her head back, her legs seeming to rise and open a little more, her cries of joy becoming louder as I plunged my cock into her cunt. I spotted Judy behind her head, watching, and placing her hand down her panties, this must have been turning her on. I could now feel the patient's own juices, as I continued to fuck her, my cock going as deep as twelve inches before re-emerging. She started to cry out that she could feel it coming, her face a twist of emotions as she bit her bottom lip.

  I looked down and my cock looked like a piston running at a constant rate, her cries of joy culminating in a real honest to goodness orgasm. The tears started to roll down her face, as she realized she was coming for the first time in two years. Her legs sprang into the air wanting me to fuck her again, the emotion and erotic thoughts keeping me hard for a second round. This time she wanted to feel the full range of emotions, so she started to kiss me, her tongue entering my mouth in a lustful way. Soon she was coming a second and third time; her joy of this making Judy shed a tear or two. After it was all over, she thanked us profusely, and then paying her bill she left.

  "I think that went really well, don't you?" said Judy.

  Kim st
ill had a tear in her eye, after witnessing it all on the monitor, but agreed that it was well done. After that we seemed to go from strength to strength, and found the work piling up, in fact it amazed us that there was so many people with sexual problems.

  Chapter 10

  I watched as Kim gripped the patient's cock at the base for the umpteenth time, showing him how to control his premature ejaculation problem. It had been going well for the past four weeks; we had started a sex clinic, and were getting quite a reputation. Judy came over to the monitor, to check on Kim's progress. We had formed this sex clinic together and life was good.

  "I see our patient is doing much better now, that last attempt at making him cum lasted a good ten minutes," said Judy, writing it in her report.

  "Yes, I think another couple of sessions should be enough," I replied, "what's the next case?" I added.

  "The next one is for Dean, a Miss Erica White. She has a fear of giving her boyfriend or anyone else for that matter, a blowjob," said Judy.

  "That should be fun," I commented.

  Dean had managed to fit this appointment in during a normal working day at the hospital, and arrived ten minutes before our next patient. She turned out to be a very young looking girl, so young in fact that I had to double check her age. She looked like a sixteen-year-old, but was in fact nineteen. Dean and Judy took her into one of the offices, and the case began.

  "So, Erica, you were telling me that you had a fear of oral sex, when you say fear, do you mean actual dread or is it more like loathing," asked Judy.

  "When my boyfriend puts his penis into my mouth he's going too fast, and I nearly always start to choke," she explained.

  Dean turned to Judy with that knowing look.

  "Yes, I think I know what's going on here, he's trying to have sex with your mouth, without stopping to think that you might not be able to take it," explained Dean.

  "I would like you to try something for me, it requires you to give Dean here, oral sex, but he won't be doing anything, you have to do all the work," said Judy.

  Erica looked at Dean and then back at Judy, before nodding, it seems she really wanted to get this right. After a couple of minutes, Dean was lying on the exam table, his cock exposed, and Erica was asked to show Judy how she was giving head. Erica stepped up to the table reaching for Dean's semi-hard cock, and then inserted the tip into her mouth. This was enough to get Dean hard, but not what he would consider a good blowjob.

  "Now my dear, I want you to not think about touching his cock with your mouth, but opening your mouth wide to see how much you can take in," said Judy.

  Erica opened her mouth, and managed to get a good six inches in, before she touched the side of his cock. Then Judy instructed her to start from the top and without sucking, surround Dean's penis with her lips and go down again. This time she went about five inches, before coming back up, she repeated this several times until she was taking seven inches into her mouth comfortably.

  "Now you see my dear, its not that you’re scared of oral sex, it's that you don't trust your partner, I bet he starts to get carried away, am I right," asked Judy.

  "Yes, he does seem to get worked up a little, whenever I give him a blowjob," she replied.

  "Right, now what you have to do is tell him to keep still during this position, preferably lying on his back, and if he won't, then you have to refuse it until he complies," explained Judy.

  "He won't like it," she replied.

  "No, but once he allows you to take control, he will benefit as much as you do, so think about it Erica, and let us know what happens," said Judy.

  After that we had one more client booked for today, and Judy wanted me to take this one on. It turned out to be a 35 year old female, who needed sex constantly, and believed that she was a true Nymphomaniac. Her condition had started at an early age and gotten worse over the last couple of months. Judy had explained that most of these types of cases were psychosomatic, but that it could be a hormonal imbalance. When she arrived, Judy and I took her into the outer office, where Judy started to ask her questions.

  "Right, Miss Jones...

  "Please, call me Gwen," she interrupted.

  "Ok, Gwen, you were telling me before, that you had to have sex at least four times a day, has that changed since then?"

  "No, my urges have not gone away, I feel like a slut most of the time, I mean you wouldn't believe some of things I have done just to get laid," she replied.

  "Such as…?" I asked.

  "The other day, I was going up to my apartment feeling really horny, but when I got into the lift, which is manned at all times, I very nearly raped this guy, it was after that that I phoned you," she said.

  "I see, right…the first thing we’re going to do is give you a medical exam, and take it from there, so if you could take your clothes off behind the screens we can begin," said Judy.

  It wasn't long before Judy was examining her, to find her climaxing when she touched her clitoris, Judy informed me later, that this was a good sign it could be a hormonal imbalance. Judy then asked her if it was all right for her colleague to have sex with her, to which she replied yes. So I began to get undressed, and no sooner had she seen my cock than she started to cum again.

  "My god…is that for real?" she said, not taking her eyes off of my cock.

  "Yes it's for real," replied Judy, smiling.

  I then got onto the examination table and placed it into her vagina, her body instantly started to writhe, and her screams of harder made me fully erect and moving faster. She was coming again and again, and then Judy told me to stop while she examined her clitoris again. I got off the table, watching Judy open Gwen's legs, and examine her pussy. Touching her clitoris, she found that she was still coming Judy was nodding her head, making me believe that she knew what the problem was. Then she asked me to continue, but in another position, so Gwen got to her knees while I climbed back onto the couch.

  Entering easily I began to fuck her as hard and as fast as I could, she was gripping hold of the end of the couch, her moans of shear pleasure getting me very aroused. When I could feel it coming, I carried on, pumping her pussy full of cum, and still she was screaming for me to go faster. Most of my cock was servicing her at this point; in fact she was nearly able to take it all. She then started to push back, wanting more speed, her juices running down her legs mixed in with my own. By the time she asked me to stop, we had been fucking for three-quarters of an hour, with me coming a second time. Her legs were a mess of cum juices, which Judy cleaned up with some tissues, and then she was asked to dress and rejoin us, which she did.

  "I believe you have a hormonal imbalance," explained Judy.

  "Now there is a drug called Pronoxafin, but it will only work if a) you take it regularly and b) that you take the prescribed dosage, if you take too much, it can have the opposite effect, leaving you not wanting sex at all," she added.

  She thanked us for our help and then started to leave, but before she did, she turned to me kissing me on the cheek, and said thank you that was unbelievable, and then left. I turned to see Judy laughing at me.

  "You really enjoyed that, didn't you?" she said.

  I smiled, taking her hand and kissed her on the lips.

  "Yes, but only because it helped her," I lied.

  Judy grabbed hold of my cock through my trousers, telling me I had better fuck her later. As she let go and started to walk past, I smacked her ass, saying, you bet. That was the last patient that day, so we cleared a bit of paper work, and then went home. Another good day behind us, I thought as we left.


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