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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Page 52

by Carl East

  All the men that I summoned had big cocks and the one that was servicing me at the moment was no exception. He ploughed his cock into my moist cunt like his life depended on it. My orgasms were coming thick and fast, I truly let myself go, screaming for him to go faster. He was suddenly fucking me with such speed that I was having multiple orgasms, in fact after ten minutes of this I had to slow him down. My body was tingling and shaking, the emotions I was experiencing were alien to me. He had by now slowed down his pace, but once he came the other one replaced him.

  Again I was subjected to an overwhelming feeling of lust. My thoughts were only aimed at the fucking. I was receiving his cock and it was making me feel like a slut, as I repeatedly screamed out profanity. By the time this was all over I fell into a long sleep totally exhausted. That was how my days were spent in this prison, now seventy-five years later the mirror was again being seen by a prospective buyer. It was a middle-aged man who looked closely at the inscription below the mirror; I started to get excited when he attempted to read it.

  He then stopped looking, and crossed over to join the shopkeeper, but after talking with him for a while he came back. I assumed that he was inquiring as to what the mirror cost, he then started to read the inscription again, only this time he finished it. I found myself back in the shop, but the decor had changed, for over the years the shop had gone through many changes. Now it looked like the day I had discovered the mirror; just then my husband popped his head around the shop door, asking me if I had finished browsing.

  At that moment I realized what had happened. You get the chance to carry on where you left off. I could never tell anybody what had happened, for they would probably lock me up. I felt sorry for the middle-aged man that had taken my place, but knew that he would be all right in the end. As I left the shop I looked back at the mirror, it had been my home for seventy-five years. I will miss some parts of this experience, but my freedom meant more to me than carnal pleasures. I walked away not looking back again.

  Chapter 2

  I’d spotted the mirror from the window as I passed, and thought 'that looks interesting,' so I entered the establishment to find it was an antique store. The mirror was the freestanding sort, with its own legs; I bent down to look at the inscription at the bottom. It was in Latin, which I had studied at university, as I started to read the proprietor called over to ask if I needed any help. I got up and crossed over to him asking how much the mirror cost. He told me two hundred and fifty, which I thought was a bargain.

  I went back to the mirror, and started to read the inscription, suddenly I found myself in a small room. Upon turning round I found to my horror that I was on the other side of the mirror. No matter what I tried, I couldn't get free. Trying to stay calm I picked up one of the books, which were on the only shelf in this room. Upon opening it a piece of paper fell out, it read.

  If you are reading this letter, then you are trapped inside the mirror. In fact, you have probably set me free, and for this I am sorry. I do not wish my freedom at the expense of others, but that is how it works I'm afraid. You see, someone has to say the words inscribed on the base of the mirror before the occupant can go free, and be replaced by the one who spoke them. You cannot interact with those on the outside, but you can keep yourself occupied, by using the spell books you have already found. The only benefit I have found is that you do not age, but that is little consolation when you’re a prisoner.

  I couldn't believe what I was reading, but the evidence was there to see, sitting down I pondered at what my next course of action should be. Looking at the index to the book I was still holding, I found it was all written in Latin. The word that struck me first was 'Sexus' which meant sex, so I spoke it out loud.

  A beautiful naked woman suddenly appeared in front of me, I almost dropped the book. I had hoped this was a dream, a surreal one, but a dream nevertheless, but it wasn't. I looked at the woman in front of me; she had the most perfect breasts I think I’ve ever seen, and a body to match. I spoke to her asking her where I was, but she either wouldn't speak or couldn't, I reached out and cupped her left breast.

  She immediately came to life, and responded to my touch by reaching over and kissing me. I wasn't about to let this opportunity go by. So I began to take my clothes off, once ready she proceeded to get to her knees and take my cock into her mouth. She was an expert in that department, for my nine-inch cock was disappearing down her throat. My moans of pleasure were such that it was echoing throughout the room. She never slowed her sucking of my cock, even when I became over zealous and grabbed hold of her head to pull it towards me. My balls were starting to go tighter as the sperm started to come up through my cock; I came with a force that I’d never experienced before. I shot one, two, and then another load into the back of her throat.

  She took it all, never once gagging or coughing, until my balls were completely drained, and then she just vanished. My god, if that's what I have to look forward to, for how ever long it takes for someone to read the inscription, then I hope no one ever does. I quickly got down to studying the various volumes, looking through the spell books first. The food spells were good I thought, trying a couple out and producing some fruit. There were some entertaining spells as well, such as the voyeur spell.

  All though I didn't know it was a voyeur spell until I tried it, you see the word in question was 'Servare' which means observe. Once I had pronounced the word, a moving picture almost resembling a television appeared on one of the walls. The scene was of a couple making love, this was like having my own porn channel. I experimented with this one, and soon discovered that saying the word twice would rid me of anything I conjured. When I said it again, the scene was different this time two men were taking one woman, I had to watch this.

  She looked sultry; as the two men placed her totally naked onto the bed, and then one of them got on top and entered her pussy. Then he rolled over taking her with him, so that she was now on top, the other man then joined in by lubricating his cock, and then placed it at the entrance to her ass before pushing it in. She clearly loved it, for although this spell lacked sound you could see her mouth the words more and harder. I suddenly realized that I could summon beautiful women, so why should I watch it. I got rid of the image, and carried on reading the book. One spell that I would be using on a regular basis translated to massage, it made appear a gorgeous woman and a bed. I got on the bed and received the best damn massage I had had in my entire life. She covered every inch of my body, making it a sensual experience as well as a relaxing one. The more I discovered of this so-called prison the more I liked it.

  The next book I picked up was entitled 'Sexual Fantasies,' it had things like threesomes and group, but the one that caught my eye was 'Dominari,' which meant dominate. I spoke the word out loud and suddenly found myself tied to the bed. In front of me stood a six foot dark haired woman, whose body would've made other women wet. She held a whip, I wasn't totally sure about this, but I was never a one for not trying new things, so I said 'Start.' She lashed out whipping my chest, and then she proceeded to tear my clothes off, and once I was naked she sat astride my face and literally forced me to lick her out.

  I found this strangely arousing, as I buried my tongue into her pussy she began to writhe moving back and forth over my tongue. Then she reached around taking hold of my cock and started to expertly jerk me off. But whenever she felt I was on the verge of coming she would grab the base and stop me. Only when she had climaxed did she finish me off; my seed shot out like a cannon firing. I had not known that this form of sex could be so arousing. Once she had finished, the spell had come to an end, and then everything was back as it was, even my clothes. I must have used that spell thousands of times while I was trapped.

  I had lost count of the number of years I was in that room, but I never did want to be freed. I did however know that one day someone would take my place. This was going to be that day; I had seen a young couple enter the store. They looked at the mirror first, and I could s
ee him pointing to the inscription and saying something, but you couldn't hear what was being said. Then her mouth started to move so I knew that she was replying, and then they started to mouth the same words together, all of a sudden I was free. I didn't want to be, but I was, I turned around and spoke the words again, but to no avail.

  It seems it only works once for each person, looking around I discovered that the shop had reverted to how it looked when I first arrived. I soon realized that it let your life continue from when you entered or soon after. I walked away feeling cheated; I couldn't go back to my life after this. My life before the mirror was boring, so I decided as I left the shop that I would fill my life with the excitement I had found there. As I walked away, I mouthed the words 'Thank you.'

  Chapter 3

  Janet and Stephen were looking for a nice mirror for their apartment; it was Janet that spotted it through the window of the antique store. Upon investigation they had stumbled into the mirror's trap, and found themselves in a small room. Had they not pronounced the very last word inscribed at the bottom of the mirror simultaneously, one of them would not be there. But they had, so they were. After trying to get out for two days they started to lose hope. They had found the spell books that would help them stay fed and entertained, and the letters that were left by those imprisoned before them.

  "This letter is dated 12/11/99 which probably means he was the one we freed," said Stephen.

  "Yes, so what's your point?" replied Janet.

  "Only that he say's, "He was finally happy, and that he curses the day that someone will free him," said Stephen.

  "How could anybody, be happy being a prisoner?" retorted Janet.

  "Well, if you were a lonely man/woman, I could see this being a very nice way of spending life, it beats the nine to five routine we had," replied Stephen.

  "Only a man would say that," commented Janet.

  "Oh what…like you HATE sex?" said Stephen.

  "No, I like sex as much as the next guy/gal, but I don't have to be locked in a small room to enjoy it," she replied.

  "Yes, but you've seen the spells, they conjure up a different partner every time, I mean, who wouldn't like to fuck someone new, every single time?" said Stephen.

  "So I'm not enough for you then?" said Janet, with a hurt look on her face.

  "Only a woman would say that. No, I'm talking about people that are lonely in life. Look, let me read this letter to you, because this was written by one such person," Stephen said, holding up the letter.

  I am truly happy for the first time in my life; I would like this to be my home for all eternity. Having been here now for over ten years I cannot imagine my life anywhere else. But if someone is reading this letter then I am free, and you are a very lucky person. I curse the day that I am freed.

  "Ok, I can see that it would appeal to some people, but I'm not one of them, so what are we going to do?" said Janet.

  "Well, I've been thinking."

  "That's a first," said Janet, quickly.

  "Ha…ha, very funny, no listen what if it's a simple matter of repeating the words that got us in here, but backwards," suggested Stephen.

  "As if the others wouldn't have thought of that," retorted Janet. "But just in case, 'Cessare Aetas-atis Perpetualis,' see nothing," she said

  "On the contrary my dear, you’ve freed me," said a voice behind them.

  Upon turning around they found a middle-aged man, sporting a beard, and wearing a cloak.

  "Who are you?" asked Stephen.

  "My name is Azamond, and you are my saviors, how can I repay you?" he replied, in a deep voice.

  "Can you get us out of here?" said Janet.

  "You could have freed yourself at any time," he replied.

  "How?" said Stephen.

  "Simple…you just had to say the words on the mirror backwards."

  "We did that, and all that happened was you appeared," replied Stephen.

  "No, you pronounced the words how they were printed, not truly backwards," said Azamond.

  "I'm not with you, what do you mean?" said Janet.

  "Put it this way, what is dog backwards?" replied Azamond.

  "God, oh, I see what you mean, the actual words pronounced backwards."

  "Yes, but don't say them just yet, I wish to learn what has happened since I last walked the earth?" said Azamond.

  Janet then proceeded to fill him in on all the more important events of history, leading up to the present day.

  "So, science truly has taken over?" he said, bowing his head.

  "Where did we rescue you from, exactly?" asked Stephen.

  "If you have time I would like to tell you my tale?" He replied.

  Stephen glanced at Janet in a look that said 'I would like to hear this story,' kind of way, and she nodded.

  Azamond's story

  Hundreds of years ago, sorcery was common amongst the people of this Earth, but Science started to gain ground, attempting to prove that magic was not needed. A few loyal friends and I tried to prove that magic had its place in this world. But we were few in numbers, whereas the thinking man was numerous. In the last days of Atlantis, we hoped to prove that magic was still a valuable tool, for we could see into the future, and knew that disaster was about to strike. The thinking men or men of science told the King that we were frauds, and convinced him to banish us. Even then we felt we had to stop this catastrophe, but we overlooked the stupidity of man. For when the earthquake came, which took Atlantis, the men of science blamed us, saying we had tampered with things we did not understand. By then it was too late, for the damage could not be reversed. So we wandered far and wide, finding the same sort of ignorance wherever we traveled.

  Finally a good friend was killed, I decided that I would leave this realm, and spend my days watching for when magic might be needed once more. I’d created the mirror a few years before all this, and decided to make it my home for all eternity if need be, but before I could put myself in it, I was killed. However, a good sorcerer has always got a few tricks up his sleeve, mine was the mirror. You see, when you spoke the words, they were supposed to summon me five minutes before I died, that is how I know I died, or they would not have worked. I also had to allow others access to the mirror via the inscription, or nobody could have saved me.

  "That was very clever, but why the sex spells?" asked Janet.

  "Well, would you be happy, trapped in a room with nothing to pass the time, and if you haven't tried them yet, you don't know what you're missing," replied Azamond.

  "If you don't mind I'd like to go now," said a disgusted Janet.

  "I'm afraid she's not your typical female, she believes in the old fashioned one partner for life type affair," whispered Stephen.

  "Would you both do me a service, before you go?" asked Azamond.

  "If we can," replied Stephen.

  "Would you take the mirror with you, so that I know it's in good hands?" he asked.

  "I don't see why not," replied Janet, surprising Stephen.

  With that they spoke the words on the mirror backwards as instructed, and found themselves back in the store standing next to the mirror. They haggled with the storekeeper over the price, and then phoned a friend who had a van. Once it was loaded they were off; and pretty soon they were home and setting it up.

  "Well, I hope he's alright in there?" said Janet.


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