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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Page 63

by Carl East

  It all went fine at the beginning of the night, as I had said my goodbyes and quickly drove around the corner to remove the clothes I was wearing over my costume. I then walked back and knocked on the door. Paul answered it followed closely by Janet, and as the door opened the music could be heard.

  “Jill, is that you?” said Janet.

  I just nodded and walked in when invited. I could already see Paul checking out my figure, and appreciating the tight fitting top I was wearing.

  “Paul this is Jill, a friend from work,” said Janet.

  “Hi Jill,” he replied, taking my hand.

  I simply nodded and shock his hand, before we all went into the sitting room and sat down. The music was all over the house as we had a pretty good sound system and we had decorated the hallway with appropriate Halloween stuff that set the mood whenever we would open the door. We had candy by the bucket load, all waiting by the front entrance, but we knew that the door bell wouldn’t be going off for a couple of hours yet which was fine by me. That’s when Janet started talking about Paul, and shortly before we got down to pleasuring him and ourselves.

  “Paul do you have to stare?” said Janet, in a raised voice.

  “I’m sorry Aunt Janet, I was just admiring your friend’s figure,” he replied, thinking I couldn’t hear him over the music.

  “I know what you were doing, and she knows all about you,” said Janet, giving me a wink.

  Janet then turned down the music a little, much to Paul’s appreciation.

  “What does she know?” he finally said.

  “Jill’s my closest friend and I told her about our little indiscretions?” replied Janet, much to Paul’s dismay.

  “You didn’t?” was all he could say.

  “Yes I did, and not only that but she wanted to sample it for herself,” finished Janet.

  Paul looked my way again, taking in what he could see of my face with the mask on, and checking out the breasts that looked huge in this tight outfit. That’s when Janet and I made our move; we’d decided earlier on that as soon as he knew what I was there for we would begin. We both stood up together and sat either side of him on the sofa, before I smiled and ran my hand over the growing bulge in his pants. He looked at Janet, as if for approval and after she kissed him he started to relax.

  Soon I had his jeans unfastened and had pulled them down and off, before placing my fingers in the rim of his boxer shorts and pulling them down as well. His cock sprang to attention as it was released, and when Janet saw it she bent forward to take it into her mouth. At the same time, I was holding it and had gotten down between his legs, and then started to fondle and lick his balls. Janet was sucking in quite a bit as Paul lay back to enjoy the sensations coursing through his body.

  When she felt my lips touching hers, she relinquished her prize and let me suck his bell end. Paul was looking down at the action, and letting out little moans of lust with each slurp of my tongue. We both licked and sucked in turn after that and pretty soon we could feel him arching his back and knew that he was about to cum his load. I was stroking it and Janet was sucking when he came, and the explosive exit was incredible.

  He shouted out that he was coming as it hit the end, and we had it between our faces as it shot forth. Janet tried to catch the first one, but only succeeded in getting it on her cheek whereas the second one shot straight up into my mouth as I engulfed it once again to clean him up. I kept sucking until he begged me to stop, as the sensations from my tongue on the ridge of his cock were driving him nuts. When I stopped he was still rock hard, and we began to strip. I took everything off except my mask, and Janet followed suit. We both then stripped him of his tee shirt and socks before pushing him down onto his back on the sofa. Janet then got astride his cock and guided it in, as I knelt over his face and opened my pussy lips up to encourage his tongue to get to work.

  He was licking me hard as he held onto my hips, and I could hear Janet behind me moaning out loud with each penetration. He was flicking my clit with his tongue and twirling it around much to my approval, and when I heard Janet screaming that she was going to cum I flooded his mouth with my cream. He lapped it up harder and harder, and I sort of collapsed onto him. After a few more minutes he suddenly wanted to take control, and as he hadn’t cum yet I found him wanting to get me to bend over on the sofa.

  What happened next would forever be embedded in my mind, for as he began to fuck me deep from behind he said: “Mom I’ve wanted to fuck you for so long now.”

  The words didn’t register at first, and then I saw the look on Janet’s face and suddenly realized what he’d said. He knew it was me, and in that moment I came so hard I was gripping the pillow on the sofa like my life depended on it. When he came a few seconds later, I felt the spurt of man seed hitting my ass, and then lay there for what seemed like ages.

  When I finally stirred, I tentatively looked around to see them both staring at me. Paul reached for my mask, and without any objections from me he removed it.

  “How did you know?” I said, suddenly feeling exposed.

  “I’d recognize that body anywhere, although I have to say you both had me fooled at first. It was when you stripped in front of me that I knew, no one could have a body like yours except your sister,” he said, a smile lighting up his face.

  We then went on to tell him all about our secret; even how he’d already fucked me but hadn’t known it. And for whatever reason the guilt I’d been experiencing finally abated and I was glad he’d found out. We had a great Halloween that year and a lot more adventures together, but this story will never be topped. It was the most incredible experience of my life.

  The End

  Being Naughty

  I’ve always felt proud of my body, and at the age of 36 I was still looking good. For over 13 years now I've been modeling for the local college, in their art class. My husband had left me some years ago, and my son knew all about the modeling. His name was David and at the age of 18 he was okay with what I did.

  I just got a call this day that there was a new class starting and would I be available? I informed them that I was interested, and asked when they would need me. They told me it would be the next day, and that as usual it would be a nude class.

  I told my son when he got home that day that I was doing another class, but he already knew. I didn't think to question how he knew, and we just had a light meal that night and watched a bit of TV before going to bed.

  The next day I was saying goodbye to my son and noticed that he was a bit quiet for some reason, but when I asked him if anything was wrong he just said no so I let it be.

  When I arrived at the college I was greeted as normal by the art teacher who I’d come to know over the years and admired. His name is Frank and as usual he showed me the way to the art class. The class itself was one of a few that didn't have windows, so the only people who could see me when modeling were those in the class itself. This day I found that Frank had laid out a beautiful large light pink and very soft rug that was draped over several small tables, and spread out over a large area. To the side was a table with fruit in a bowl with grapes hanging over the edge and a single red apple right next to it. On the other side of this table was an old fashioned quill in an ink pot and a large decorative candle.

  I was to pose in the middle of all this color, with the decorative table standing to the left of me. I could already imagine some of the finished paintings and thought how nice this one would be. I never got undressed until all the canvasses were set up and the students were ready to go. On this day however I was in for a shock, because when Frank allowed the students in one of them was my son.

  I didn’t know what to do, I mean I knew he wasn’t bothered about my modeling but I couldn’t help wondering why he hadn’t told me that he’d enrolled into this class. He’d never shown any interest in art as a profession, although I did know that he was quite good at drawing. In fact I still had a picture of a horse that he’d drawn at school, which was framed and
was hanging on my bedroom wall.

  I also knew that nobody in this college knew that he was my son, as he was very new to the college and I hadn’t gone out of my way to tell anyone. Anyway, when Frank told me that everyone was ready I hesitated. Being comfortable with what I did in my spare time was one thing, but seeing your mother doing it was another. I knew that if I mentioned it, my son would get embarrassed and I rationalized that he had seen several older attempts at capturing my likeness on canvas before, so what the hell.

  I finally disrobed, and couldn’t bring myself to look my son’s way. I was completely naked, and Frank was telling me the position he wanted me in. I was sitting to the side, and with one arm reaching back to hold the rug. My breasts were completely visible to everyone in the room, but my pussy was partly shielded by my leg. I felt comfortable, and heard Frank telling the students that they could now start.

  I turned my eyes toward my son, and discovered that he was studying me intently. He was at an angle to me, and I suddenly realized that from his position he could probably see my womanhood. It was at that moment I felt extreme guilt, because I was getting wet below and I’d never gotten wet between my legs before while posing for the students. I shaved regularly so I knew he could see my pussy, and I think it was this thought that was making me wet.

  I tried to stay calm, and keep my mind occupied on something else but as the minutes turned to hours I found myself getting aroused at showing so much to the one person I thought would never see. When my nipples hardened I felt a flush in my cheeks, wondering how many people in the room had noticed. Then the bell in the hall could be heard by everyone, and the students began to pack up their brushes. I quickly got my robe on and walked around the class to have a look at what they’d done so far.

  I knew that none of them would be finished yet, but I always liked to see how well they were doing. The first one I looked at was pretty good, but she hadn’t got my face quite right. The next was better, but for whatever reason, he’d made my boobs seem to droop more than they really did and I didn’t like that at all. When I eventually got to my son’s attempt I was shocked, I mean I always knew he could draw but this was unbelievable. He’d decided to paint just the top half of me and include the table in the back ground, and although he obviously still had a ways to go before it was finished it looked very good.

  I got dressed after that, and thanked Frank for setting up such a wonderful back drop before telling him I’d see him again tomorrow and left. When my son got home that day, I was anxious to see what he thought of it all.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you’d enrolled into that class?” I said.

  “I knew that you might cancel it, and I didn’t want you too,” he replied.

  “I saw what you did by the way, and I’ve got to say it was without doubt the best one there,” I said, trying to encourage him, “but you’re right I might have had second thoughts had I known.”

  “I could see you hesitate when you saw me, but I figured you’d act professional and carry on, which you did,” he said, confidently.

  “Well…I hope it wasn’t too embarrassing for you?” I replied.

  “On the contrary, I thought it was all very erotic, and I enjoyed trying to capture your likeness on canvas. I’ve always thought you have an incredible body, especially for your age. I just hope I didn’t embarrass you too much?” he said, taking me by surprise.

  “Thank you David, that was a very nice compliment,” I replied, feeling my cheeks flush for the second time that day.

  “Um…I was wondering mom, could you possibly pose for me at home. I don’t mean for a canvas I mean for photos as I’d find it easier to copy from pictures than I would from real life modeling?” he said, taking me by surprise once again.

  I didn’t know what to say at first, I think the thoughts going through my head were of a naughty kind, but I soon dismissed them and turned to look him in the eye.

  “I don’t see why not, if you’re that keen to capture me with brush and paint?” I replied, wondering where this would all lead.

  “Well, I was thinking of doing a montage of your face and body from several angles, but in order for me to do that I need to see you in several positions and not just the one at the college,” he replied, sounding very professional.

  I decided there and then that I would do my best for him, as he seemed to be taking this very seriously and I knew he had a talent that many people would envy.

  “So when do you want to do all this?” I said.

  “Tonight if possible, that way I have some material to help me tomorrow when we carry on with the original painting,” he replied.

  I thought about it for a few seconds and then agreed, so we had a meal first and he then asked if I would pose in the sitting room. I said alright and went straight up stairs to get my clothes off and put a robe on. It wasn’t until I came back down that I started having doubts about all this, but as I didn’t want to disappoint him I shrugged them off and got into position. He’d set up his camera equipment directly in front of the sofa, so I knew where he wanted me. I stood there for a few seconds and took a deep breath before removing the robe and throwing it to one side.

  I then sat down and he reentered the room carrying some empty rolls of film, and stood behind the camera adjusting the focus and getting everything ready, which included the height of the tripod the camera sat upon. When he was ready he looked up at me for the first time, and walked over to the sofa.

  “Okay mom, if you could face the camera directly I’d like to take a few from the front first?” he said, straightening out my legs and making me tingle all over with his touch.

  He then took six shots of me in that position, and asked me to turn my head to the right and just my head. This I did and he took another six photos. He then asked me to cross my legs, which I did, and he took several more from the side. It was at this point that I noticed a bulge in his pants, and suddenly felt wet down below. He then asked if I would stretch my right arm over the back of the sofa and open my legs, as he knew that would make my cheeks flush, and he wasn’t wrong. As I stretched my arm out, and parted my legs I knew that my pussy had opened up slightly and my cheeks flushed instantly.

  He seemed to take a lot more pictures in this position than he had the others, and all sorts of naughty thoughts were going through my mind. It was then that I remembered he was only painting me at the college from the waist up, so why was I naked? When I asked him this question, he confessed that it turned him on to see me naked, but apologized for having such thoughts. I sort of admired his honesty, and the devilish side of me took over.

  I started to pose without being prompted, and he adored the way I moved around the sofa. At one point I was kneeling on it, and looking back which he loved and took quite a few shots of me in that position. I think I went a little too far after that, and in hindsight I guess I was caught up in the moment. I sat on the sofa facing him and spread my legs as wide as I could, unashamedly, and he grabbed the camera from the tripod and got in closer.

  That’s when things took a turn for the improper, as I was starting to get too excited about it all. I found myself pulling my pussy lips apart with two fingers and he got really good close up shots of my opening. It was more than just a photographic shoot now, it had moved into the realms of eroticism. I pinched my nipples to make them harder, and ran a finger over my clit. His camera was going crazy, as he was shooting me from all angles.

  I spotted the bulge again, and couldn’t help wondering just how big he was. He then touched one of my nipples to see how hard it could get, and I felt a tingling sensation shooting through my entire body. I suddenly grabbed his hand and pressed it firmly against my breast, and he grasped it and moved his hand around the mound. Closing my eyes, I wanted him to go further, yet my mind was telling me to stop this now. I ignored it, and adored the feelings of his fingers pulling at my nipple. His camera was still clicking away when I reopened my eyes, but he was pointing it towards my crotch.


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