Diary of a Ninja Spy 3: Ninja Ghost Attack! (Diary of a Sixth Grade Ninja Spy)

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Diary of a Ninja Spy 3: Ninja Ghost Attack! (Diary of a Sixth Grade Ninja Spy) Page 1

by William Thomas

  Where evil goes, the ninja will follow…

  Also by William Thomas and Peter Patrick:

  Diary of a Ninja Spy

  Diary of a Ninja Spy 2

  In the ‘Diary of a Super Spy’ series:

  Diary of a Super Spy

  Diary of a Super Spy 2: Attack of the Ninjas!

  Diary of a Super Spy 3: A Giant Problem!

  Diary of a Super Spy 4: Space!

  Diary of a Super Spy 5: Evil Attack!

  Diary of a Ninja Spy 3

  (Ninja Ghost Attack!)

  William Thomas

  Peter Patrick

  Copyright © 2016

  Published by Run Happy Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Chapter 1

  “If there are sixty minutes in one hour, and there are twenty dogs in the car, how long does it take an owl to fly around the school and eat a lollipop?”


  This is sooo boring!

  I’m a NINJA SPY!

  I don’t need to know any of this nonsense. But here I am – a super-secret Ninja Spy - stuck in this boring math class at school. I should be fighting bad guys, but the Ninja Spy Agency believes it is important I still lead a ‘normal’ life.

  I lean across my table to Emily, the cutest girl in school, and try to impress her with my recruitment into the elite Ninja Spy Agency.

  “Blake,” Emily whispers to me, trying not to get the attention of our teacher, “I was there when you meet them. It is not a secret to me. Frankly, I’m getting a little tired of hearing about your wild adventures.”

  Wait! What?

  Tired of my amazing feats?

  She must be jealous. I lean across my table to the other side where Fred, my best friend, is sitting.

  “Do you want to hear more of my secret adventures, Fred?”

  “Not now Blake,” Fred says under his breath, “I want to learn math!”

  “Sigh,” I say, rolling my eyes, “Make it stop, it is so boring.”

  Instantly my teacher turns around and glares at me, “Blake, if I hear your voice again during my class, I will cover you in honey and lock you up in a box full of ants!”

  BTW, my math teacher is tough. Probably borderline crazy.

  Last week, she took little Jeremy Wilson and hung him upside down from the school flag pole. She left him there until he learnt all his times-tables. It took him three days…

  But her methods work, and I sink into my seat, trying to focus. Luckily, the rest of the lesson goes quickly and soon I am having lunch with Emily and Fred.

  Ever since my recruitment into the Ninja Spy Agency, I’ve become fairly confident around the school yard. This confidence has not gone unnoticed and I have attracted unwanted attention from one of the alpha bullies on campus.

  His name is Bull.

  Yes, Bull the Bully.

  That’s his actual name too - Bull the Bully Benjamin Bowen. Some parents come up with the dumbest names.

  “Hey, twerp.”

  I continue to walk across the courtyard with Emily and Fred.

  “Hey! I’m talking to you, twerp.”

  I’m going to just keep walking - but then I feel a sudden jolt.

  I’ve been lifted in the air!

  “I hear you are a tough guy now?” states Bull.

  “No, no, no, I’m not. Not me, ah uh, no way,” I reply.

  I must keep my Ninja abilities a secret.

  As a secret Ninja Spy, I cannot let anyone know about my abilities.

  Even though I want to do a triple-fly, super-jump kick on Bull, I cannot use my abilities at school.

  When I don’t fight back, Bull walks me across to the basketball hoop and shoots. I swish through the hoop and become tangled in the net!

  Emily and Fred are staring at me.

  This is so embarrassing, especially after I was telling them how cool I’ve become now that I’m a Ninja Spy.


  I must look ridiculous.

  It won’t be today, but I’ll get my sweet revenge on you, Bull.


  After school, I don’t wait for my friends, instead I leave in a hurry for the Ninja Spy Agency headquarters. I didn’t want to see them much anyway - I still feel ashamed of the bully incident.

  I wish I could use my Ninja abilities at school. That would be so cool.

  I go through the series of password and identification checks in order to enter the headquarters. Fingerprint scanner, pupil scan, secret questions and a 307-digit password. Security is really tight here.

  I walk into the strategy room to find Tekato, my mentor, pacing back and forth. He is clearly worried about something.

  “Whew, what a day at school!” I say to him, trying to take his mind off his troubles.

  “We had math class and I got a special mention from the teacher for being the smartest there.” A little white lie, but I must have the Ninja Spy Agency believe I’m very intelligent as well as incredibly tough.

  “No one is interested in your day at school, Blake,” Tekato responses. “We have a bigger problem. Some of our rare and valuable artifacts are being stolen from our vaults around the world. These items of worth are kept in top secret locations under heavy guard. No one should ever be able to break in and steal from us.”

  “Ohhh,” I say. I would much rather be on an important mission than do my stupid Ninja Spy training homework. “So what exactly has been stolen?”

  “I shouldn’t tell you, as you are still only a newbie here. But in times like this, maybe it is good to have input from someone as uneducated and inexperienced as you.”

  Uneducated and inexperienced?!

  Well, that hurts a bit. I’ve been here 3 weeks and saved the day twice already!

  “Very old, fragile and powerful books are being stolen. To be more exact – the ancient Spell books!” concludes Tekato.

  “Spell books?! Like magic and stuff?”

  “Yes Blake, like magic and stuff.”

  “Can you teach me that stuff too?” I ask.

  “At the Ninja Spy Agency, we don’t use magic spells because they are very hard to learn and control. These spell books are useless to most people because they are written in a secret ninja language. Many of us here, in the modern world, have never seen the spells in action,” Tekato explains as he starts to fidget more and more. He certainly is worried about this. “Blake, do you want to go and have a look at one of our secret vault locations? Maybe you can see something that our highly trained elite personal cannot,” Tekato asks, reinforcing the idea that I’m not highly trained.

  “I’ll do it!” I scream. This will be a great chance to rekindle my friend’s faith in my abilities.

  “Blake, one more thing before you go. Stored at the location is one of our super-rare spell books - The Chronicles of Ninja Spells Book 11, Volume 11, Issue 984.”

  Wow, that’s a title. How many spell books are there?

  “Remember someone is after them and there is a chance you may not be safe. In fact, you may never come back,” adds Tekato.

  “Oh,” I whisper.

  Hmmm, I feel like he should have told me about the dangers before I said I’d go. Especially if I’m not ‘highly trained’. />
  He shakes my hand as if I’ll never see him again.

  “Good luck,” he finishes.

  Tekato then whispers something, “Murr-murr-murr-murr.”

  “Sorry, I couldn’t hear you.”

  “Murr-murr-murr-murr,” he mumbles again under his breath. Tekato is leading me towards the front door.

  “What are you trying to say?” I question.

  “Thereisprobablyaninjaghostthere, byebye,” blurts out Tekato.

  What did he say? I replay his words slowly in my head… there is probably a ninja ghost there.



  Ninja Ghost!!

  Chapter 2

  I arrive on a remote island with Emily and Fred via a six-hour helicopter ride.

  I have brought my two friends along to witness my dangerous adventures. I need to rebuild my tough-cool guy image after the incident with Bull.

  The helicopter pilot drops us off on the beach and flies away.

  Pulling out the map that Tekato gave me, we start marching in the direction of the secret vault.

  For the next few hours we cut our way through the thick tropical jungle trying to get to the massive rock formation.

  “Up there on top of this rock is the vault,” I say.

  “Whew, I didn’t realize that this was going to be such hard work,” gasps Fred.

  “My friend, being an elite Ninja Spy is only for the fittest,” I gloat.

  “Blake, it really wasn’t necessary that you bring us here to prove you’re a super ninja,” says Emily, “In fact, I’m more disappointed in you now. You should know you don’t need to prove yourself to us - we are your friends.”

  “In that case, there is something else I should tell you, Emily.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I wasn’t meant to bring you here. Tekato gave me strict orders not to take anyone else on this mission, but I brought you two along to see the cool stuff I do in the Ninja Spy Agency,” I reply.

  They aren’t going to be happy about this.

  “What!? So you brought us along to simply prove you are cool?” cuts in Fred, “We’re not meant to be here?!”

  “Yeah, sorry.”

  “Why did Tekato tell you not to bring anyone?” questions Emily.

  I stare at the ground and grumble, “’Cos it could get sort of dangerous…”

  “BLAKE!” screams Emily.

  She is not happy.

  “Why is it dangerous, Blake?” Emily moves closer to me with her hands on her hips. I can see the fury in her flaring nostrils.

  “There might be a small, minute, microscopic, tiny chance that we may encounter a… ninja ghost ….”

  “BLAKE!” Emily screams even louder this time.

  She is really, really mad.

  I turn to look at Fred to see if he is excited about the idea of a ninja ghost.


  He has fainted.

  “Get me off this island now, Blake!” demands Emily, “NOW!”

  “Uh, my bad again. The only way to contact Headquarters is through a secure phone line located in the vault at the top of this rock,” I say apologetically.

  Fred starts to wake up and he is really pale.

  “You OK, Fred?” I ask.

  “Me? No, I am not OK! I hate ghosts.”

  I should have known he hated ghosts, he is scared of everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything. Yesterday, he wouldn’t sit down in class because he was scared of the chair. The chair!

  But I can tell he is really scared now because he is shaking uncontrollably.

  “We are here now,” I say dismissing any anger towards me, “Let’s make the most of it.”

  A little positive attitude can go a long way.

  “Blake,” says Emily with no emotion.

  “Yes, my partner in adventure?”

  “Get. Me. Off. This. Island.”

  Ekkk, I think I’m more scared of Emily than any ninja ghost!

  “To the top then!” I smile nervously and run towards the base of the rock.

  At the top, I look around and there is a cave entrance. We walk in together once the others finally catch up to me at the top. Inside the cave, we find a large medieval-looking door.

  “There is nobody else here,” I say surprised. “There are meant to be elite ninja spies guarding this location. Where are there?”

  “Blake. Look the vault door is ajar,” Fred points out.

  “Do you think someone is in there?” asks Emily.

  “Ha, not a chance. They would have heard us coming and run away,” I explain. “The two of you go in and see for yourself, I’ll stay guard out here.”

  “Noooo, if you are so sure no one is in there, you should go in first!” explodes Emily.


  I pry open the door to get in and turn on my Ninja Spy flashlight. The vault is the size of a standard bedroom with a display case in the middle of the room.

  There is a book in the display case - it must be the Ninja Spell book!

  We have found it and it’s safe. I turn and invite the others into the vault.

  “Look guys, it is completely safe, and the Spell Book is still safe too!”

  “Blake?” asks Fred.

  “Is this one of your pathetic jokes?” Fred asks.

  “What do you mean? None of my jokes are pathetic jokes. Listen, here’s a good joke – You know, I stayed up all last night wondering where the sun went… and then it dawned on me! Ha!”

  “Uh, guys,” Emily interrupts us, pointing at the display case. “Look.”

  An empty display case!

  The Spell Book is gone.

  Someone has stolen it!

  And they were quick!

  It was only out of my vision for 10 seconds…

  Chapter 3

  “Where is it? I thought it was just here!”

  Suddenly a soft glowing light emits from the far corner of the room. Then it becomes clear the light is holding the book!

  A few seconds pass and the light transforms into… A GHOST!

  “Argghhhh!” Emily, Fred and I scream together.

  “Silence,” speaks the ghost. “What are you children doing here?”

  “We are here to protect the book you are holding! You are not going anywhere Ninja Ghost!” I yell out.

  “Haw haw, you cannot stop me. The ninja guards that were here have ran off in fear. I suggest you do the same,” shouts the Ninja Ghost.

  “OK, we are outta here,” says Emily, slowly shuffling towards the door.

  I turn to see what Fred is doing, and he is on the ground sleeping. Oh, actually he’s not sleeping - he must have fainted again.

  “I won’t let you leave this room!” I yell out.

  I charge to the door and race past Emily, who is trying to get out. Once I’m on the outside of the vault, I slam it shut and quickly lock it with the padlock.

  “Blake!” I hear Emily scream from inside the vault.


  Major whoops!

  I feel as if I just made a pretty large mistake.

  I have locked my friends in a vault with a dangerous ninja ghost!

  To make it worse, I don’t have the padlock key.

  “Sorry! I am so sorry! I’ll just find the key!” I yell out.

  I don’t know what the key looks like or where it could be!

  This is totally bad - I really hope the ninja ghost doesn’t harm them!

  “Oh dear, you are in big trouble,” says a voice behind me.

  It’s the Ninja Ghost!

  “How did you get out here?!” I ask.

  “I’m a ghost. I can walk through walls,” he puts his hand through the wall to demonstrate. “Dude, you should spend more time in school learning the simple stuff.”

  “I won’t let you go!” I yell at him.

  “Little ninja boy, I am unstoppable. I can walk through almost anything and can turn invisible at anytime I want.”

  He vani
shes in front of me, but I can still hear his voice.

  Then he quickly reappears.

  I throw a left foot kick at him. It seemed like a rocking kick - it should have knocked him flat!

  But he is still standing!

  “Haha, you cannot touch me, I am a ghost! Only I can control if you can touch me or not.”

  “That’s unfair,” I say to him. “How am I meant to fight you?”

  “Ha ha! You cannot fight me - but I can fight you! You will be no challenge for me at all,” replies the Ninja Ghost.


  This is so not good.

  “Don’t fear, I am not going to harm you or your friends. They are really mad at you, anyway. I’d rather see them get their vengeance on you. It will be more satisfying,” laughs the ghost holding the Spell Book.

  I make a dive at the Spell Book! I want it back!

  I get a hand on it, but then the Ninja Ghost yanks it away!

  As it pulls the book away, I manage to tear a page from the book.

  “Do you think you can simply reach out and take my loot from me? Haw Haw!” he laughs.

  The ghost continues his stupid laugh as he floats his way down the rock formation with the book.

  Why do all the bad guys have such stupid laughs?

  “Don’t worry guys, the Ninja Ghost is gone. I frightened him off,” I lie to help calm my friends, who are still locked in the vault.

  “Blake! You better get us out of here ASAP!” Emily seems really unhappy.

  “I’m on it!” I yell as I tie on my Ninja Spy mask.

  “Action time!”

  Chapter 4

  Oh man, I’m so dead once Tekato finds out that I brought my friends on this recon mission.

  He is going to be mad - in fact, he will probably kick me out of the Ninja Spy Agency.


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