Diary of a Ninja Spy 3: Ninja Ghost Attack! (Diary of a Sixth Grade Ninja Spy)

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Diary of a Ninja Spy 3: Ninja Ghost Attack! (Diary of a Sixth Grade Ninja Spy) Page 2

by William Thomas

  I either need to find the key to the vault or find a way of breaking Emily and Fred out of there. I could chase after the Ninja Ghost but he is a long way from me now and I’ll never catch him. He probably didn’t use a key anyway.

  “Blake, are you there?” Emily yells through the vault door.

  “Yeah, I’m still here.”

  “Fred is still out cold, he must have gotten a genuine fright by the ghost. There is a phone in here, should I call for help?” asks Emily.

  “No, don’t! That is a secure line back to headquarters. If they find out you’re in there, I’ll be in a lot of trouble. It has to be me who calls HQ. You two weren’t meant to be here,” I reply.

  “That is not my problem, Blake! They will have the key to the door! You have 5 minutes to get us out, then I’m calling them. Understood?” states Emily.

  “OK then.”

  Wow, she can be mean.

  I better start working out how I’m going to get them out without the vault key.

  Think, Blake, think!

  I know!

  I’ll go in through the top of the rock with help from my pocket rocket!

  The pocket rocket is a little missile the size of my hand, but it is a very powerful spy gadget!

  It can easily take me to space, however today I need it to do a different task - take the top off a rock face!

  I attach a heap of vines to the back of the rocket and rapidly tie them around the rocks.

  Now - time to hit the ignition…

  The rocket takes off!

  And then…


  The pocket rocket worked!

  It has ripped the top off the rock!

  “Hey, did you see that?!” I yell into the top of the vault.

  “Hmmff,” Emily says, not impressed at all.

  “I got you out!” I restate my achievement.

  No response.

  “It’s me, Blake!” I say in case they can’t recognize me when I’m wearing my ninja mask.

  “I know it is you! You put us in here!” Emily snaps back. “Help me carry Fred out of here.”

  “Wow, he has been out a long time. Do you think he is OK?” I ask.

  “Obviously he is not OK, you moron. You have scared him half to death! Now, we have to carry him home!”

  “I’ll make the call from the secure line and then we need to get back to the beach for pick up. More importantly, I need to find a way to defeat the Ninja Ghost!”

  Chapter 5

  “Tekato!” I yell. “I came face to see-through face with the Ninja Ghost!”

  “Blake! Good to see you. I was worried that you didn’t make it. You’re very lucky you survived an encounter with the Ninja Ghost! The Ninja Spies we had guarding the vault told me they ran off as soon as they thought the Ninja Ghost was in the vault with the Spell Book,” says Tekato. “How did you survive?”

  “He thought I was in greater danger from… um… another threat, and he let me be.”

  “You are very lucky, Blake. Most people who have encountered the Ninja Ghost have ended up in terrible pain. If only you had someone else there to verify your story, because some agents here won’t believe you.”

  “Urrrr, I may have a few witnesses…” I say cautiously.

  Tekato gives me a stern look.

  “He he,” I joke, “the Ninja Ghost was my witness.”

  “Blake, while you were gone on your mission, we have concluded that the Ninja Ghost is stealing our Spell Books for a specific reason,” explains Tekato as he paces around the room.

  Turning around, I realize that everyone in HQ is rushing. Something has really moved the agency into panic mode.

  “Why would he steal your Spell Books?” I ask Tekato.

  Tekato stops pacing.

  “The Ninja Ghost is trying to build a ghost army of ninjas!” he says with a trembling voice

  “Whoa, cool!” I react.

  “No, not cool, Blake!” rebuts Tekato. “If he succeeds, we will never stop them. He will rule the world, which is a problem because he is a really, really nasty ghost.”

  “Then we need to stop him!” I yell.

  “That will be hard, if not impossible.”

  “Hmmmm,” I say, trying to join in on the drama. I’m just acting here - I wouldn’t even know where to start defeating the Ninja Ghost. As I pace back and forth with Tekato, I feel the page I ripped from the Spell Book in my pocket.

  “Hey Tekato, would this help?” I smooth the page and show Tekato.

  “Oh boy!” I hear a voice from the doorway.

  It’s the ninja guru, the Grandmaster…

  “Where did you get that?” he demands.

  “I was trying to save your Spell Book from the Ninja Ghost, but this is all I got,” I say.

  The tiny fragile old man moves towards me and looks at the page.

  I had a look at the page earlier and it was all in gibberish, just scribbles and symbols. The Grandmaster seems to be reading it.

  “Are you reading this messy garbage,” I ask.

  The worried look on the Grandmaster’s face turns from horror to optimism.

  “We may have a way of defeating the Ninja Ghost!” he yells with hope. “This page says that you can only defeat a ninja ghost with another ninja ghost.”

  “Yo, Mr. Grandmaster,” I say respectably, “We don’t have another ninja ghost.”

  “But we can!”

  Uh oh, I don’t like the way he is staring at me.

  “The page you are holding contains a spell to turn someone into a ghost,” he pauses, then laughs, “Little man, you will become a ghost!”

  Chapter 6

  In a rush, the Grandmaster leads me to the secrecy floor above the basement (which is not really a secret floor because everyone knows it exists).

  “Now stand there,” directs the Grandmaster while pointing to the middle of the floor.

  “Nobody has asked me if I want to become a ghost,” I announce.

  “Shhh boy,” the Grandmaster completely disregards my feelings about transforming into a spirit. “I haven’t used this spell before, hopefully I can get it right on the first try.”

  “Ahhhhh… what do you mean, get it right on the first try? What happens if you fail? Is this going to hurt?!”

  “It may not hurt, or it may hurt a little,” he pauses, “Or it may hurt a lot.”

  Before I get an opportunity to voice my concerns, the Grandmaster starts chanting out the spell written on the ripped page.

  “Uba- uba- uba- duba-duba,” he repeats over and over.

  And to make this more ridiculous, he is also dancing.

  It’s a strange dance, as if he is channeling his inner dolphin.

  I’m pretty sure whatever he is saying is not going to work…


  What on earth?

  Something is different.

  Am I a ghost?

  I watch the Grandmaster looking confused and scratching his head. I look down at my body.

  Aw man!

  I’m not a ghost!

  I am a giant grub!

  “No, no, that doesn’t look right,” stammers the old Grandmaster. “Uza- uza- uza- zuba-zuba!”

  Oh great, now he is doing an even more stupid dance!


  “Hmmm,” the Grandmaster lets out.

  I look down at my body again.


  Now I am a giant sock!?


  He tries again.

  Wrong again!

  Now I’m a tiny tree!


  Arr, now a toilet!






  A massive wrestler. Cool!

  “Hey, leave me like this…”


  “A-ha! There, I have done it! You are now a ghost!”

  I look down at my body and he is right, I’m a ghost!

hhhhh,” I moan, “I aaaammmm aaa gggghhhossstttt.”

  “You don’t need to talk like that,” states the Grandmaster.

  “Oookkkkkk,” I groan. I can’t help myself.

  Now that I am a ghost, I can do ghost things!

  My first task is to walk through a wall.

  “See ya’ later!” I yell to the Grandmaster as I walk straight through the wall to the next room.

  Wow, that is cool.

  The problem is I have just walked into the girl’s locker room.

  “Argh, ghost!” one girl screams.


  I need to get back to the Grandmaster!

  I dart back through the wall.

  “Ho ho! You didn’t get far, did you, boy?” laughs the Grandmaster.

  “Now try and be invisible,” he commands.


  I think about turning invisible and then… I turn invisible!

  “Very good,” states the Grandmaster. “You will need to carry this with you.”

  “What is it?”

  “It is a ghost prison.”

  He shows me a box the size of a door, but then he folds it up so it can fit into my pocket.

  “You are ready to fight the Ninja Ghost.”

  “Soon!” I blurt out. While I’m a ghost, I have a few things to sort out first.

  “Don’t get distracted! You must stay on task! You only have a certain amount of time before the spell becomes permanent!”

  “How much time do I have?”

  “Exactly 10 hours!”

  “Heaps of time, I’ll be back soon!”

  I’m going to have some fun with this…

  Chapter 7

  There is a bully that I need to deal a dose of vengeance too.

  Watch out Bull the Bully - here comes Blake the Ghost Ninja Spy!

  As I get close to Bull’s favorite hangout, the park, a stray dog comes up to me and wants to play.

  “Shoo,” I whisper. “How can you see me? I am invisible!”

  The stray dog keeps harassing me.

  It must be able to see me!

  The dog must have a rare ability to see ghosts! And the stray dog is super friendly too.

  I could stay and play but I don’t have a lot of time. I only have 10 hours to harass Bull, defeat the Ninja Ghost and get back to the Grandmaster.

  But the dog is so cute…

  Oh, all right then, just for a few minutes.

  A few hours later, the cute dog is finally getting tired and lies down for a nap. Good – now it is time for me to get back to pranking Bull.

  I see him across the park throwing around small children for fun.

  Sneaking up on Bull, I whisper in his ear, “Bull, you are stupid.”

  “Hey! Who said that!?” he yells out.

  The small children all look at him, laugh and then run away. As they run away, I can hear them say that crazy Bull is losing his marbles.

  “Who is there?” continues Bull.

  “It is I, your future self, talking to you, Bull,” I whisper.

  “My future self?” Bull reacts. “That’s impossible!”

  “No, it is possible. I’m your future self and I’ve come back in time to warn you.”

  “Warn me of what?” Bull is beginning to believe that I am him from the future.

  “I am here to warn you of the consequences of your actions,” I say. And just for an added effect, I start to flick his ears.

  Oh man, being a ghost is great fun!

  “You must respect Blake. He is very powerful in the future,” I say.

  “Who? Who is Blake?”

  What? He doesn’t even know my name?

  “Blake is the boy you pick on, you call him ‘twerp’.”

  “Oh, twerp? Ha, twerp is never going to be powerful, you must have the wrong boy,” says Bull.

  “No, it is definitely twerp!” I say, realizing I have just called myself twerp.

  “No way.”

  “Yes way! Leave Blake alone! In fact, every time you see him, you should bow.”

  “Haha! I’m not going to bow to that twerp.”

  I flick him hard across the ears.

  “Trust me, I am you from the future. It is very bad for you to continue to harm Blake,” I need a reason for him to fear his future, “Err… in the future, you are a belly dancer at Little Mac’s big cheese burger franchise! Worse of all, Blake owns the store and you work for Blake!”

  A look of horror spreads across his face. My prank has worked.

  I float off laughing!

  He will be no trouble at all from now on.

  Right. Time to defeat the Ninja Ghost!


  As I float away, I see a music store… with drums!

  The Ninja Ghost will have to wait!

  I know that Ninja Spies are meant to be stealthy and silent, but I have other plans. I sit in the shop and play the drums!


  As I am playing, I see the stray dog come up to the shop window wagging it’s tail.

  Then I see the Grandmaster.


  “Boy! I know it’s you in there,” he screams through the window. “Ninjas Spies do not drum! You are meant to maintain a low profile!”

  Oh, alright then.

  “Time is ticking Blake! Remember - you only had 10 hours to complete your mission, and you have already wasted most of them!”

  The Grandmaster is not much fun.

  “Fine,” I reluctantly agree. “Where should I go to find him?”

  “I am not sure, but you need to look.”

  Then it occurs to me.

  “I know where!”


  “A ghost town!”

  Chapter 8

  Luckily, the abandoned old ghost town isn’t too far from where I live.

  No one is sure why it was abandoned - some say it was because of poisoning, some say it was because it smelt funny and some say it was because of haunted spirits.

  Whatever the case, it certainly deserves its name - the Ghost Town.

  This place is my best chance of finding the Ninja Ghost.

  The Ninja Ghost living in a ghost town sounds like a joke, but I am not laughing.

  Actually, I’m terrified!

  Which is strange again because I’m also a ghost!

  Being a ghost is my only chance of defeating the Ninja Ghost.

  But where is he?

  Walking straight up the main road of the town, I cannot see another soul in sight.

  “Hey Ninja Ghost!” I yell out. My voice echoes through the streets. “Want to fight me?”

  No answer.

  “Hey Ninja Ghost!” I try again.

  Still nothing.

  “Come on out and fight me! Are you scared?”

  A second later, there is an answer…

  “I’m not scared! I’m busy trying to create a ghost army! Go away!”

  “I know why you are a ghost – it’s because you have no guts!” Ha ha! What a great pun. “You’re a gutless Ninja Ghost!”


  The Ninja Ghost pulls a great move and I am caught by surprise!

  I’m thrown across the street!

  “How did you become a ghost?” demands the Ninja Ghost.

  “I had a spell put on me so I can stop you creating an army of ghost ninjas!”

  “So… it is a fight you want? Just because you are now a ghost doesn’t mean you can beat me! You think you can stop me? It’s time to fight. But let’s be quick, I have a lot of Spell Books to read!”

  The Ninja Ghost throws a solid right hand punch but I float up into the air to avoid being hit. The floating thing is really cool!

  His second move, a left foot round-house kick, lands right in my chest.


  I go flying in the air and straight through a shop window!

  But nothing breaks!

  That’s another advantage of being a ghost - no destruction. The one disadvantage is the Ninja G
host can fully hit me.

  I run back into the street for my ghost versus ghost fight!

  I start bouncing around like a wild spring, ready to attack. The Ninja Ghost doesn’t like it at all.

  “Stay still!”

  I strike a left hook to his lower back and follow it up with a short right jab.

  But he shows me a move that I have never seen before.

  It is so quick I don’t even see what he did!

  I go flying into another shop front.

  Feeling dazed, I don’t think I can keep fighting him like this.

  I take the ghost prison out of my pocket, unfold it and put it to the side of me.

  I bend forward and stick my head out of the wall, leaning into the street.

  “Hey! Stupid ghost! Come and get me!”

  He starts to move towards me.

  I pull my head back through the wall and move the ghost prison into position.

  It works!

  He completely falls for my trap!

  He floats through the wall, straight into the prison. He is caught!

  “Hey! Get me out of here!”

  “Not a chance! You are going to Ninja court!”

  Chapter 9

  With the Ninja Ghost inside, I fold up the ghost prison, put it in my pocket and transport him back to HQ!


  “Where have you been!?” the Grandmaster yells.

  “I’ve caught the Ninja Ghost!” I reply.

  I should totally get heaps of praise now.

  “When you told me you did well in math class, were you lying?” asks Tekato, standing beside the Grandmaster.

  “Ahhh, maybe I did not do as well as I made out... but that stuff’s not important. I’ve got the Ninja Ghost!”


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