The Professor and the Manny

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The Professor and the Manny Page 11

by Trina Solet

  "So where do you want to do this?" Jeff demanded as he stalked into the living room. Ned was there, still cleaning up the disaster the house was in after the Swensen kids got through with it.

  Ned raised his eyes to him, ready to tell him to slow it down. But once his eyes landed on Jeff, all he wanted was to get his hands on him right now. The air between them was thick. As Jeff approached, Ned dropped what he was doing.

  Though he seemed to be coming straight for him, Jeff veered off a little and circled him. He stood so close behind him that Ned could feel the heat of his body. Nearly touching him, but not quite, Jeff leaned in and only let his lips brush Ned's earlobe.

  "I want you every second of the day," Jeff said, his words low, his breath warm.

  The soft whisper in his ear sent a shiver through Ned. Then Jeff's hands skimmed his sides before he locked his arms around his waist from behind. Jeff's touch thrilled him, and now he was feeling the length of his whole body pressed against him. How was he supposed to ever slow this thing down? With Jeff holding him tight and nuzzling his neck, Ned's body was out of control and so was his heart.

  His breath hitched and he said Jeff's name through gritted teeth. Staying within the circle of his well-muscled arms, Ned turned around to face him. Now their mouths were inches apart and Ned was dizzy with need. But he didn't kiss him, he let his eyes close and their foreheads lean together.

  "I have to feel you," Jeff said, his voice gravelly and demanding. Ned shuddered even before he felt Jeff's hands all over him, groping, squeezing, never settling anywhere until they reached his ass. Then the groping became insistent and thorough. As Ned started to grind against him helplessly, he let out a groan of pure lust.

  Jeff's hand went up to his face suddenly gentle, his fingertips in his hair, the palm of his hand on his ear making it hot. Barely touching Ned's mouth, Jeff parted his lips with his own then sneaked his tongue inside to tangle with Ned's. Ned moaned into the kiss and felt Jeff moan too.

  At that moment he had only enough sense left to realize that they were getting hot and heavy in the middle of the living room. He stopped the kiss to answer the question Jeff had asked him when he came in. "You asked where? Not here, that's for sure. Your bedroom," he said.

  Jeff sighed against his neck then rushed them out of there and down the hall. Ned wanted to use Jeff's bedroom since it was further from Mina's. When they got there, they practically crashed through the door then shushed each other.

  As soon as the door was shut behind them, Jeff's mouth was on his. His arms pulled Ned ruthlessly against him, hard as steel. Ned's hands were tugging at his short hair then at his clothes. Pushing up Jeff's t-shirt, he made him raise his arms so he could get it over his head. With a grunt, Jeff stopped kissing him only for one second. He grabbed hold of him again and devoured him with no mercy.

  Ned's grasping hands were at his fly, blindly undoing buttons until his hand could reach inside and squeeze his thick, hard cock. He made Jeff groan but he couldn't make him stop kissing him. Ned was busy pushing his jeans down and off his ass, when Jeff suddenly pulled his mouth from his.

  "I have to see you," Jeff said his eyes feral as they moved from Ned's eyes down.

  Impatiently, he kicked away his own jeans and boxers and grabbed for Ned's clothes. His hands were rough, unrelenting, coming close to ripping Ned's clothes. Ned had never felt anything as exhilarating as being stripped by him as they both panted.

  "Oh, God, you're perfect," Jeff said and Ned almost laughed.

  "That's what I was going to say about you. But it doesn't apply to me even a little," he told Jeff.

  "What do you know? It's not like you can be attracted to yourself," Jeff said and his eyes never left Ned's chest. It was hairy, but not so much that he needed to tame it. Jeff reached out for it and ran his fingertips from one nipple to the other. Then he leaned in and circled his left nipple with the tip of his tongue.

  Ned rubbed his neck and his back then walked them backwards to the bed. As soon as they reached it, Jeff laid him down on it and spent time on each nipple until they were raw from his tongue and his teeth. From there he moved down rubbing his face against him along the way.

  He reached his cock and let it brush his face. Looking down at his legs, he ran his hands from his hips to his feet then back again. He lowered his face to his inner thigh and scraped his stubble over it.

  "I was hoping this was what you looked like naked. I'm going to eat you alive," Jeff promised him, but at first his lips only kissed the head of his cock.

  He kissed his way down the shaft and to his balls. After licking each one, he took them in his mouth while Ned moaned. Ned reached up over his head and gripped the edge of the mattress. This felt too good even before Jeff took his cock in his mouth.

  Tight, wet heat and Jeff's hands groping him everywhere that he could reach – it was too much. Jeff sucked with just the right pressure to send him over the edge. Then Jeff moved one of his hands to cradle his balls. His other hand reached underneath his ass. Ned's legs spread apart on their own as soon as he felt Jeff's fingertips teased the crack of his ass then his hole.

  When his finger pushed inside, Ned was done for. His pulse pounded in his ears and he was barely able to warn Jeff that he was coming. As orgasm roared through him, only Jeff's grip anchored him to consciousness and reality.

  For a while there, Ned was hardly even aware of where he was. Then he remembered Jeff's hard cock was in desperate need of attention. In a rush to get to it, Ned almost rolled off his narrow bed. Jeff grabbed him and rolled them both over so Ned was on top of him.

  "This gives me an idea. You better have condoms and lube in that drawer," Ned said, breathing hard and pointing to Jeff's nightstand.

  Wordlessly, Jeff opened it and gave him what he asked for.

  As Ned rolled a condom on him, Jeff found his voice. "Is this really happening?"

  "I'm about to ride you, then you can tell me how real it feels," Ned told him.

  "Fuck," Jeff said under his breath. "I don't know if I can stay quiet."

  "You better," Ned told him. Seeing his worried look, he assured him. "Don't worry. I'll keep you quiet."

  Jeff groaned then gasped as Ned lubed his cock. "My brain still hasn't caught up with what's happening."

  "Want to stop?" Ned asked though he knew the answer.

  "Fuck, no. I want you more than anything," Jeff told him then he sat up and pulled him down for a kiss.

  Back in his own bed after Jeff exhausted him, Ned still wasn't tired enough to sleep. He texted Nora to see if she was asleep. She called him right away. She only ever got four hours of sleep a night. No wonder she was so mean. She claimed four hours was plenty. The good thing about that was that she was always up for a late night talk.

  As he talked to her, Ned watched moonlight filter in between the slats of his blinds.

  "He said that we were boyfriends. I just don't get it. How can he be into me?" Ned asked her.

  Her answer was what he should have expected. "He had his eyeballs removed."

  "This late at night, that's not what I want to hear from my best friend," he told her.

  "You're fine. It's the beard I hate."

  "Well, Jeff likes it."

  She only repeated her diagnosis. "Eyeballs removed, like I said."

  "God, you're mean."

  "I'm mean because I love you and hate beards."

  "Seriously now. Do you think he's the right guy for someone like me?" Ned asked her.

  She did get serious as she answered him. "The right guy is the one you love and the one who loves you. And look at Jeff, for God's sake, how much more right does a guy need to be? He's a hunk who likes your stupid, bearded face, and he's great with your kid. Pounce on him already."

  After he ended the call, Ned knew that she was right. He was getting in deeper all the time. He couldn't help himself. Every time he got his hands on Jeff, he only wanted more. He hadn't even planned for them to fuck. He got carried away and climbed
on top of him.

  He remembered the thrill of feeling Jeff's big cock at his hole. Taking him inside for the first time was amazing. His hard, thick length slowly pushed inside him as Ned lowered his body and suppressed the sounds that wanted to tear out of his throat. It seemed to take forever as Jeff filled him up, finally raising his hips to jab all the way inside him.

  Jeff gasped his name, and Ned cursed and leaned down for a kiss. It wasn't easy taking his cock, but it was wonderful especially once the pain melted away. Holding onto his hips, Jeff thrust up into him. They established a hard driving rhythm, slamming their bodies together until they were both almost there, sweat-drenched and moaning.

  As Ned watched Jeff's body tighten and his chest expand for a loud moan, he knew to clamp a hand over his mouth. He felt Jeff come, felt him take hold of Ned's cock and suck in two of his fingers into his eager mouth. It all came together to send Ned over the edge, coming all over Jeff's chest and abs.

  And now, while lying in bed alone, Ned would have climbed on top of him all over again. There was no end to how much he wanted him. But he didn't only want him in his bed. He wanted Jeff in his life. He might as well admit that Jeff was right when he said they were boyfriends.

  Chapter 17

  He hadn't expected that he would get to fuck Ned so soon. But maybe Jeff should have realized by now that the man was full of surprises. Wasn't he living in Ned's house and working for him because he did something unexpected? And when it came to sex, every single time with Ned was the most amazing experience of his life. It wasn't just physical. It was the way he felt about Ned. He was so crazy about him, intoxicated by the sight, the smell, and the taste of him.

  After Ned went to work that morning, Jeff felt too wound up to stay cooped up inside. Chores kept him busy for a while, but eventually he needed to be on the move so he could get rid of some of this tension of missing Ned. He decided that he and Mina should go on a long walk and explore the neighborhood after lunch.

  While they were out, they passed an empty lot that had been left to get overgrown. It was like a little piece of wilderness right in the middle of the well-tended neighborhood. Stopping right next to the lot, Mina pointed at it with her arm stuck straight out. Jeff thought she wanted to play in there. He couldn't let her do that.

  "Kitty," she said before he had a chance to explain why they had to stay out of the mini-wilderness.

  "Kitty?" Jeff looked closer. He wouldn't be surprised to see one of the neighborhood cats prowling around in there, but what he saw was a tiny kitten among the wild growth. "That baby has no business being in there," he said and went in to get it.

  The kitten was gray and white and it meowed as he picked it up. It had no tag or collar. "Where did you come from, you tiny sweetie?" he asked it as he took it over to Mina. She was delighted of course.

  "Kitty," she said and petted it.

  "This is a pocket kitty. We have to be very gentle with her," Jeff told her.

  Mina looked up at him questioningly. "Pocket kitty?"

  "It's a kitty that fits in your pocket," he explained.

  Mina looked down at the pockets of her skirt, which were tiny and purely decorative.

  "Maybe not," Jeff said. They continued their walk through the neighborhood and asked everyone they saw if they knew where the tiny kitten belonged.

  They didn't find out anything so they took the kitten home. Jeff warned Mina that the kitten wasn't theirs. He also wasn't sure what Ned would have to say about it.

  When Ned arrived from work, Mina wasn't there to greet him but Jeff and the kitten were. Holding the kitten in one hand, Jeff showed her to Ned.

  "Who's this? We have a kitty visitor," Ned said while petting the kitty's head with a single finger. She was that tiny.

  "We were taking a walk around the neighborhood and we found this kitten with no collar. I'd like to make up some fliers, if that's OK. I'll put them up around the neighborhood and on campus," Jeff said.

  "Help yourself to the printer," Ned told him then he took the kitten from him. "We better take her to a vet to get checked out." Cradling her, Ned was so gentle and sweet with her, not that it was surprising. They went into the den so Jeff could do the fliers. He took a few pictures of the kitten first.

  "Where's Mina? Why isn't she all over this kitty?" Ned wondered.

  "She's in the bathroom," Jeff said just as Mina ran over.

  "Me, me, me," Mina said, jumping and reaching for the kitten.

  Ned handed her over. "I held this little fur ball for exactly one minute and I'm covered in cat hair," he complained. Eying Mina as she cuddled the kitten he had to warn her. "Now remember, Mina, we're only babysitting her. Him?"

  "She's a girl." Off Ned's look, Jeff added, "I looked."

  "Better you than me. So Mina, remember, she isn't ours. We're just babysitting her," Ned said again.

  "Jeff babysit," Mina said.

  "Right, like Jeff babysits you," Ned said though he looked doubtful about that comparison.

  Mina liked it though. She smiled up at Jeff and hugged the cat. Then she asked it, "What's your name?"

  "We'll call her the nameless kitten for now," Ned decided.

  "Rolls right off the tongue," Jeff said as the fliers started printing.

  "I don't want Mina to name her since we might have to give up the little fluff ball," Ned whispered to him.

  "What's her name?" Mina asked again.

  "Kitty," Ned said. "We'll just call her Kitty for now."

  Mina didn't look thrilled with that but she didn't push the issue.

  "Did you have pets growing up," Ned asked Jeff.

  "I never had a cat, but I had a dog for a while when I was little. We were inseparable," Jeff told them while they waited for the fliers to get done.

  At the mention of a dog, Mina said something Jeff didn't understand, and Ned burst into a laugh and dropped down on the sofa.

  "What is she saying?" Jeff asked him.

  Ned tried to tell him but he was laughing too hard and Jeff still couldn't understand it.

  "Now I don't know what either one of you is saying."

  Mina started to tell him slowly then she set the kitten down to go play with the fringe on the rug. She needed her hands free to show him. She spread her arms up and out as she said, "Big dog."

  "A big dog, OK," Jeff said to show her he was following along.

  Then she pointed at her head and said the rest fast and he still didn't get it.

  Ned was still laughing but he managed to speak intelligibly. "A big dog drooled on her head." He burst into a loud laugh while Mina frowned at him.

  "That's not funny," Jeff said but he laughed a little too. Ned's crazy laugh was infectious.

  "You are laughing too," Ned said and pointed an accusing finger at him.

  "I'm not. I'm not laughing," he assured Mina.

  Sitting on the sofa and leaning over to pet the kitten, Ned told him more about what happened. "We were visiting my brother, Carl. He and his wife have a little dog and this one big wrinkly, drooling dog. He's just a big, sweet teddy bear, but this beast just drools nonstop. He was standing over Mina, and she was so little that drool fell on her head," Ned explained.

  Mina pointed to the top of her head pitifully.

  "Aww, that's not nice," Jeff said while looking disapprovingly at her dad. "A bird pooped on my head once," Jeff told her to console her.

  "Yuck. Bad," she said and went over to give him a consoling hug.

  "Me too. A bird pooped on me too," Ned claimed while pointing at his head.

  Jeff looked at him skeptically. "He's making it up," he told Mina.

  Mina went over to stare at Ned. "No lying. Bad Professor," she said and pinched his mouth shut, making Ned laugh.

  "Don't be hard on him, he just wanted a hug too," Jeff told her.

  Now Mina looked at Ned like she was considering if he deserved a hug. "OK," she said and opened her arms to him.

  They let the kitten play in the back yard and she d
iscovered the dollhouse and went to explore it. Jeff looked it over too and noticed that it wasn't in great condition. The purple roof was especially faded and cracked. Seeing Mina standing next to the dollhouse, he told her, "It's bigger than you."

  "Is big but is little," she said, somehow making perfect sense. She crawled inside and sat down in the middle of it with her knees pulled up.

  "You could live in there, huh?" Jeff said as he leaned down for a look inside.

  "Yes," she agreed readily.

  "But then your dad and I would be lonely," Jeff said.

  She crawled out of the house and came over to give Jeff a hug. "Not lonely," she said.

  "I'm good now that you're with me," Jeff told her and she smiled at him.

  Coming over to them with glasses of lemonade, Ned said, "Being a manny has all sorts of perks. I bet playing with a little girl and her dollhouse is your dream job."

  "I noticed that the dollhouse is getting a little faded and it's cracking from being out in the sun." Jeff showed him the worst of the spots.

  "Some neighbors gave it to us when they moved. It had seen a couple of years of use already by then. What are you going to do, fix it?" Ned asked.

  "Actually I was thinking of building her a new one. She's growing, she'll need something bigger. I could probably find building plans online."

  "You're not serious."

  "Oh, no, I mean, of course not," Jeff stammered, feeling that he might have overstepped.

  Squinting suspiciously, Ned pointed at him. "You were serious. You really want to do this, don't you?" He grinned at Jeff. "You like to keep busy, so if it's something you want to do, I won't stop you."

  Chapter 18

  The next day Jeff proved that he was serious about building Mina a dollhouse. He went to Ned where he was working in the den and showed him what he found online. "I have a building plan, but you need to approve it."


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