The Professor and the Manny

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The Professor and the Manny Page 12

by Trina Solet

Ned looked at the plan then at Jeff. "This doesn't look like a dollhouse," he noticed.

  Jeff sighed. "I know. It's a gazebo. I wanted Mina to approve the design first. They had pictures of finished outdoor dollhouses and gazebos. This particular one caught her eye." The gazebo had flowering vines with pink and white flowers intertwining as they grew up the columns and over the roof. It looked really pretty. "The advantage of a gazebo is that she wouldn't outgrow it."

  "So it would be full size?" Ned said.

  "Yes. And more expensive. But Mina seemed to have her heart set on it. I think maybe it reminded her of something."

  "Why do you think so?" Ned wanted to know.

  "She looked kind of sad when she was looking at it. And she didn't want to take her eyes off it for a long time." Jeff had watched her while she stared at it with a longing, faraway look. That's what convinced him to build it for her.

  "OK. I'll talk to her. Send me a link to that picture. And if you feel up to building a gazebo, go for it," Ned told him.

  "So you're approving it?"

  "Can't say no if Mina has her heart set on it," Ned said with a smile.

  "OK. I'll see about the supplies I'll need."

  "Don't forget your building fee," Ned reminded him as he called Mina over and Jeff sat at his desk.

  Mina came in with the kitten. Sitting on the floor, the two of them found a patch of sunlight to play in. Huffing a little, Ned sat down on the floor with them.

  "Hey Mina, so Jeff showed me a picture of a gazebo he's going to build," Ned started out, but Mina had to correct him.

  "Dollhouse," she said.

  "The thing with flowers all over it?" Ned said to clarify.

  "Dollhouse," she repeated.

  Ned got out his phone and showed her the picture from the link Jeff texted him. As soon as she saw it, Mina got the same sad look on her face that Jeff had seen before. "Is this special to you?" Ned asked her.

  "Dollhouse," she said again, but in a mournful voice.

  "Where did you see it before?"

  Mina said, "Mamka and Papka." Jeff recognized the words as Russian for Mommy and Daddy.

  Suddenly, Ned got up. When Mina looked up at him, he told her, "I'll be right back."

  Ned went to the closet where he had a filing cabinet and some boxes and binders. As he was sitting at Ned's desk, Jeff gave him a questioning look.

  "I think I know what this is about," he told Jeff then went searching through the boxes. "I have some stuff here that Luda received from Russia after Mina came here. A lot of family photos. But I'm actually looking for Mina's parents' wedding album."

  It didn't take him long to find it. Quickly, he showed it to Jeff and he nodded with understanding. Taking it over to Mina, he let her open it. Her little fingers gripped the corner, the first page fell open and she burst into tears. Jeff's heart broke for her.

  Ned had been ready for that and he took her in his arms. "Oh, my little Mina. They loved you so much. And look how happy they are," Ned told her as he held her. He pointed to a picture of her father in a white suit, her mother in a wedding dress, both of them smiling, standing in the middle of a gazebo with flowers on every side.

  "Happy," Mina repeated. Through the tears in her eyes, she gazed at the wedding pictures of her parents and smiled.

  Now Jeff understood why a gazebo was special to her and he was more determined that ever to build it for her. After making sure that Mina really wanted the gazebo, or the dollhouse as she insisted on calling it, Ned came over to talk to him again. Jeff had some rough figures for him already and showed them to Ned.

  "And how much are you charging for your work?" Ned asked him.

  Jeff had already decided on that. "I was thinking about that. I'd like one hug from Mina before I start. And one when I'm done."

  "That is one steep upfront fee. But seriously, you can't build something like that for free," Ned told him.

  "I'd like to. It's for Mina. I wouldn't feel right taking money from you when you're already paying me."

  "If that's what you want, I won't fight you on it," Ned said, but Jeff didn't quite believe him.

  Ned gave up a little too easily. Jeff suspected he might find ways to sneak some money to him anyway. For now, he focused on everything he needed to do the job right.

  Late that night, after he and Ned had watched a movie together and made out only a little, they sat together on the couch in the living room. Jeff was ready to make a serious move when Ned got a phone call from Nora.

  "You can't meet a quality guy at a bar," Ned was telling her. Then through gritted teeth, he said, "I did not pick up my hot young thing on campus."

  Jeff laughed. He could only imagine what Nora was saying. She didn't seem to have a filter. Though it was fun to watch Ned try to defend himself against her, Jeff was dying for Ned to hang up. They had only kissed and groped a little, and Jeff needed more, a lot more.

  A dirty look and a quick squeeze of his knee let Jeff know there was more to follow as soon as Ned was done with his phone call. Already, Jeff could feel excitement rising. Whenever he was around Ned, he was always halfway to primed. Now Ned was resting his hand on his thigh, letting his fingertips tease the outline of his cock.

  Ned had mentioned to Nora that Jeff was building the gazebo. As soon as he got off the phone, he asked Jeff an urgent question. "Are you going to be wearing a tool belt when you're working on the gazebo?"

  "I don't have a tool belt," Jeff told him evenly.

  "Put it on the shopping list."

  Jeff shook his head. Then he decided to bring up something he really wanted. "There is an item on my wish list," he said tentatively.

  "Anything you want," Ned said right away.

  "Wait till I tell you what it is." Jeff took a deep breath. "I haven't been with a lot of guys, but I always topped. I like it, but..."

  "You've been dying to bottom?" Ned finished for him.

  Jeff felt himself blushing. "Once I found the right guy, and that's you." Wanting this was still new to him. The desire to bottom had been growing inside him ever since he met Ned.

  "We're taking this to your bedroom," Ned said decisively and took his hand to lead him there.

  "That's a yes," Jeff gasped.

  "Damn right," Ned growled.

  The sound of his voice sent a surge of desire through Jeff's whole body. The feeling was so strong, it made him grab hold of Ned as soon as they were through the door. Jeff pulled him close and buried his face in the crook of his neck. Inhaling his scent, he groaned. Reaching through Ned's beard, Jeff's fingertips found the strong outline of his jaw and traced it. Jeff sighed then kissed him, crushing him against the door. Sliding his hand under his t-shirt, Ned groped the muscles of his chest and then his back.

  "Take this off," Ned told him and pulled the t-shirt over his head hurriedly.

  His hands shaking, Jeff undid the buttons on Ned's shirt more slowly. He couldn't get himself under control. He was at the mercy of an incredible tension coupled with a deep need like he'd never felt before.

  Soon they both stood naked and he eyed Ned hungrily. Reaching for him, he pulled him close, wanting to feel his body against him.

  As Ned kissed and licked his throat, his beard rubbed over him, making him moan. Ned's kisses moved over his shoulder and to his chest. Jeff knew that Ned must be able to feel his heart pounding like crazy.

  "Lie down," Ned ordered him then gave him a push until he dropped on his bed.

  Jeff was on his back with Ned climbing over him. Tracing around his nipples with his tongue, Ned rubbed his beard across his chest then down his abs. He only teased his cock, swirling his tongue over the head before he moved on and bit his inner thigh.

  Breath catching in his throat, Jeff gasped in surprise then moaned for more. Already raw desire was building until it was unbearable, and he had to have Ned inside him. Ned folded him up and Jeff set his feet to rest against his shoulders.

  Jeff wanted him now, but first Ned had to torture his ass.
His tongue licked the hole while his hands held his ass cheeks apart with an iron grip. Then it was lube and Ned's fingers plunging inside him, opening him up.

  Jeff was already losing his mind and the real fun hadn't even started yet. His head was filled with a low hum and a feeling somewhere between exhilaration and fear. But mainly what he felt was a need deep inside that only Ned could satisfy.

  As Ned pulled his fingers free and shifted into position, Jeff moaned in anticipation. He looked up into Ned's eyes and said, "Yes. Please."

  But when Ned's cock touched his hole, Jeff shuddered almost violently. He wasn't surprised to hear Ned asking him if he was OK.

  "I'm falling apart. I need you so bad," Jeff told him.

  "I'm all yours," Ned said and then he started to push in.

  Intense pressure overwhelmed his resistance and Ned was inside him. Jeff inhaled sharply, and Ned kept pushing. His hard cock was opening him up, filling him with a searing heat that spread a fire from inside out and all through his body.

  Once Ned was all the way inside him, Jeff almost sobbed with relief. But that feeling was immediately replaced with the need to have Ned moving inside him, fucking him. Groping Ned's ass while he raised his hips, Jeff urged him on.

  At his next thrust, Jeff grunted then groaned. He was still getting used to having a big, hard cock deep inside. Ned pumped in and out slowly with a controlled force that built on itself. Faster, harder, Jeff's insides were hammered until bursts of pleasure surged through him blinding and searing hot.

  How was he not coming? He didn't know. It was like he was rising endlessly, needing to fall and not knowing how. Then he heard a long, low growl escape Ned's throat. It was a signal that he was about to fuck him like a madman.

  Jeff held on as white-hot lightning shot up his spine. This was it, this was what his body had been waiting for. Ned was fucking him so hard, so good. His orgasm slammed through him as he shot come all over Ned's beautiful chest. Eyes feral, Ned gritted his teeth and came too.

  His head falling back against the pillow, for a while Jeff only breathed. It was all he could do as he felt Ned lowering himself on top of him and resting his head on his chest.

  "Your heart makes a beautiful sound," Ned told him. With his mouth against Jeff's chest, his voice echoed through him mellow and low.

  Jeff laughed and Ned moved up to kiss his closed eyelids until his eyes opened to see him smiling.

  "So what was it like?" Ned wanted to know.

  "It was crazy," Jeff smiled at the memory of losing his head. "I was going completely out of my mind and loving it."

  Ned gave him a long tender kiss, soothing him but stirring something deep inside him that made him never want to let go. Ned was everything to him. Even as his eyes closed, Ned kissed him slowly until he drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 19

  The next day, Jeff and Mina were showing the kitten around campus to see if anyone recognized it. They were also meeting Ned for lunch. The kitten got plenty of attention, but no one knew anything about it. There were a few offers to adopt it though.

  Later on they sat at the benches by the Humanities Department so that the kitten could watch the water jump in the fountain. They already bought sandwiches for lunch and the kitten was punching at the bag with her tiny paws.

  That's when Mina started saying something. At first Jeff wasn't sure if she was speaking to him or to the kitten. But then she said something about a bad dream.

  "What was that about a bad dream?" he asked her.

  "I have. But I quiet and don't wake kitty," Mina said.

  "Was this last night? You had a bad dream, but you stayed quiet so you wouldn't wake her?" Jeff said and petted the kitten.

  Mina nodded and looked proud of herself. Jeff smiled at her, but he didn't think it was a good idea for her to try and deal with her nightmares alone.

  "Kitties take naps all the time. They don't mind if you wake them," Jeff told her. "And your dad and I want to be with you if you get scared, so call out to us any time you need us, OK?"

  "OK," Mina said but mostly she focused on what the kitten was doing.

  Though he saw that Ned was on his way, Jeff would have to wait until later to tell him what Mina said about her nightmare.

  Ned huffed as he came over to where Mina and Jeff were waiting for him. He kissed Mina on the head and petted the kitten, then sat down with a big sigh.

  "Hard day?" Jeff asked.

  "Had to squelch an argument about globalization," he said then he looked at Jeff with narrowed eyes. "I bet you think I should promote in class discussion and the free flow of ideas."

  "Um, no. I don't want students taking up class time. I'm not paying good money to listen to guys like me argue about stuff. If I wanted that, I'd go to a bar and listen to Justin spouting off," Jeff informed him.

  Ned laughed. "So you're on my side for once."

  "Don't get used to it," Jeff warned him with a grin. Remembering last night, he lowered his eyes and tried not to blush. He handed Ned his lunch without daring to look at him.

  Once they were done eating, they walked Ned back to his office. Along the way, a girl noticed the kitten and stopped to talk to them.

  "Have you seen this cat before?" Jeff asked and prayed she would say no. "We're looking for the owners."

  She shook her head. "If you don't find them, I'll take her," she offered. She was obviously taken with the kitten.

  "Sorry, we have dibs," Ned told her.

  Jeff was surprised to hear that. After they parted from the girl, he asked Ned about that. "What happened to not wanting to be covered in cat hair from head to toe," Jeff asked since Ned had been complaining about the cat hair constantly.

  "Mina was talking Russian to it. Who else can she do that with?" Ned said as they followed while Mina and the cat led the way.

  "Her toys," Jeff said since he had heard her doing that.

  "Toys only pretend to know what she's saying," Ned claimed.

  "And cats speak Russian for real?"

  "Yes. God, I hope we don't find the owners. What?" he said when he noticed how Jeff was looking at him. "We won that free cat fair and square."

  Jeff was glad to hear he felt that way since Mina was so attached to the kitten already.

  Later that day, Jeff was going to be taking Ned and Mina to Dr. Floyd's while he took the car to go shopping for a few supplies. He managed to tell Ned about Mina's nightmare while Mina was getting ready.

  "I'll mention it to Dr. Floyd. It's not necessarily a bad sign, but I'll see what a professional has to say about it. Mina only had two nightmares since you moved in. That's good," Ned told him.

  "It sounds like you're giving me credit," Jeff said.

  "You've been good for her. For both of us," Ned said and smiled.

  While Ned and Mina were at Dr. Floyd's, Jeff took the car to the building supply store. He was getting some things for the gazebo or dollhouse, whatever it was. Most of what he needed had been delivered, but he found he always needed something else.

  Jeff had gone through the register and he was almost out the door when he saw a familiar face. It wasn't anyone he wanted to see, but Brody had already spotted him and came over to say hi. In a hurry to drop off the stuff he bought so he could go pick up Ned and Mina, Jeff didn't want to get caught up in a conversation with him. Brody walked out with him and kept talking.

  "Did you hear the news? About the Posner crew? You were right to ditch that gig. A bunch of them got picked up by the cops. They were in the middle of stripping this place clean, so it doesn't look good. One of the Posner bros got away though. You dodged a bullet, man," Brody told him before he went his own way and Jeff just stood in the middle of the parking lot.

  It chilled him to think that he got anywhere near that kind of trouble. Relieved that his days of being desperate were behind him, he told himself to get moving. He didn't for a minute forget that it was thanks to Ned that he didn't have to worry about his next meal or a place to sleep.

  And it was because Ned was letting him build that dollhouse gazebo for Mina that Jeff lucked into another job offer. A woman who owned the house across the street saw him at work and came over to talk to him. After they discussed the work for a while, Jeff was pretty sure he could take the job and still take care of Mina. The only thing was he didn't know how Ned would feel about it. Working for Ned was his main priority. If it meant he had to give up this opportunity, he would do it in a second. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for Ned and Mina.

  Chapter 20

  Because he went with Mina to Dr. Floyd's, Ned was a little behind at work and had to stay late. It was well worth it though. Dr. Floyd had given him a good report on Mina's progress, and now that he was done with work, he was coming home to the smell of something delicious cooking. He let his nose lead him into the kitchen where Jeff was waiting. He looked serious as he asked to talk to him.

  "Do you mind if I take an extra job?" Jeff asked and bit his lower lip.

  Ned tensed immediately. The thought of Jeff taking a different job worried him, but he tried not to let on and just listened.

  "Mrs. Diaz, the lady who owns that house across the street, next to the Lawrences, needs some cheap help. The house has been sitting empty since her mother died. She's ready to put it on the market, but first she wanted some work done like painting, calking, that kind of thing. She wants to get it ready for sale. I would be doing it after you come home, but if you don't want me to..."

  "It's fine with me," Ned said, relieved that his job wouldn't take him away from them. It was unseemly how afraid he was of losing him.

  "I'll still have time to finish the gazebo. I mean dollhouse," he said with a quick look at Mina where she was playing with the kitten outside by the old dollhouse.

  "Don't worry about that. There's no rush," Ned told him. "Something smells good. Is that dinner?"

  "I baked some pasta. It's in the oven now. We'll see how I did when you serve it up. I have the table set. I'll be heading across the street now if that's OK. Mrs. Diaz is over there. She wants to go over what needs to be done. I'll do the dishes when I come back," Jeff said.


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