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Page 7

by Bree Branigan

  Chapter 7

  William sat in his office, throwing a blue stress ball toward the ceiling and catching it. His thoughts were all over the place. Luckily, he had concluded all his meetings for the day and could afford the time to reason. This led his thinking toward Caroline. She hadn't responded to any of his calls or texts. She really was taking this to heart. He couldn't blame her. They had entered the relationship with some level of seriousness. Though they had not said it explicitly, they were implicitly hoping for something... real.

  And right when everything was going perfectly, in Rachel had walked and messed up the plan. But really, he blamed himself. He should have predicted the outcome... like a real psychic. In any case, the here and now was the problem. How would he win her back? She ignored his texts and calls, and he didn't want to invade her personal space.

  Finally, he decided to pick up the phone. He had left her one voice message each day since they’d split up. He figured he would leave one more. Not wanting to interrupt her at work, he dialed her home number.

  “Hi Caroline. It's me again. Just wanted to let you I'm thinking about you. I know I betrayed you, but please know that I'm regretting it everyday. I... really want us to work this out... I really care about you, and quite possibly I...” he paused. “Well anyway, please call me when you get this. Bye.”

  He hung up. Rubbing his palms across his face, William looked up at the ceiling and sighed, “Maybe it's time I get my affairs in order.”

  With that, William began rearranging his desk.


  When Caroline got home, she was exhausted. She stuck her key in the door and turned the knob. Inside, she threw her jacket onto a chair, strode to the refrigerator, took out a bucket of ice cream and plopped herself down at the table. It was only then that she allowed herself to take note of the blinking light on the answering machine. With a sigh, she hit play.

  William's voice caused her to remain still. She listened attentively, wondering if this was the message that would get her to take him back. She decided it wasn't. Every time she heard his voice, the old wounds seemed fresh. But his voice also made her tingle in some places. This, she tried to ignore. Still, she wondered if this was the end of them. A quick check revealed that there was no message from Rachel.

  Caroline felt mildly content after taking a nice long soak in the tub, and began flicking through the channels on TV, barely watching. Soon she fell asleep.


  It was a cool, crisp day. The feel of autumn hung in the air. Leaves littered the streets, and the trees sported golden, orange and red leaves. Caroline sniffed in the beauty of it all as she power-walked the sidewalk near the office Looking up, she smiled a cheerful greeting. Walking toward her was Harvey, who seemed to be in an extremely good mood. He was wearing a rather colorful scarf and looking quite pleased with himself.

  “Well you sure look like you're walking on sunshine. What's the occasion?”

  Harvey looked up at the sky as if it had nothing but rainbows. “No reason. I just feel glad to be alive is all. It just feels like good things are on the horizon, you know?” He began walking side by side with Caroline.

  “Well, if you say so. I'm just glad to be going on vacation soon. I'm really looking forward to just laying back and taking it easy.”

  “You deserve it,” Harvey replied, “especially considering how hard you work. Hey, would you like a hot dog? They sell them right over there and they are delicious.”

  Caroline paused for a moment, contemplating whether or not she was hungry, until finally, she patted her stomach, “You know what, a snack like that will work just fine”. She winked, “I don't want to ruin my figure.”

  Harvey laughed and threw his head back, “That's not likely. Even if you had an entire buffet you'd be gorgeous. You're positively scrumptious!”

  Caroline grinned. “I could only wish! But thanks all the same.” As corny as she found Harvey, he did make a girl feel good.

  It was pleasant sitting on a park bench, the sun warming their backs, flirting.

  Suddenly Harvey became serious. He looked her in the eye, a slight nervous twitch in his jaw. “Caroline there's something I want to ask you...”

  Caroline blinked twice, “Okay... well, what is it?”

  Harvey inhaled. “I want you to move in with me.”

  “Pardon? Come again?” Caroline croaked.

  “I want us to live under the same roof.”

  Caroline felt her heart stop. She clenched her fists and held her breath. She didn’t know what to say! He wanted her to live with him? After just that one time? She had to gently show him the absurdity.

  “Harvey, I-I can't. I just can't. I know we had a thing, but we're just not on that level. I like my independence. Please don't take this the wrong way, but just try to understand that that is not what I want right now.” When she finished, she realized she was shaking.

  Harvey paused for a long while before saying, “I understand...”

  With that, they entered a silent phase. The awkwardness lasted the entire remainder of that day. After work Caroline headed straight for home.

  She walked up to her apartment door, opened it and stepped inside. Before she could close the door, she felt someone rush in from behind and slam the door. Caroline nearly screamed. She bent to reach for a high-heeled shoe to fend off her attacker with. But a familiar voice halted her.

  “It's just me, Caroline. Calm down.” Rachel’s voice was urgent, raspy, demanding.

  “Rachel?” whispered Caroline, holding her chest to steady her heart.

  “Yes. I've come to say my piece. So before you call the police, let me get this stuff off my chest. Then, you'll never have to see me again.”

  Caroline looked at Rachel and noted the uncharacteristic seriousness on her face, “Fine. You have sixty seconds.”

  Rachel sighed, “Look, I know you're still mad at me and William, but you have to let him off the hook. I was the one who invited him to the bar and I was the one who challenged him to a drinking contest. He was just trying to be a good sport. But really what I came here to tell you is that I may have influenced his actions...”

  Caroline raised an eyebrow, “Meaning?”

  “Meaning... I deliberately got him drunk so that I could have sex with him... I know betraying you might seem quite offensive... but having the word 'rapist' splashing about in my head is far more painful...” Rachel wiped a tear. “It's just that you were always bragging about him and pointing out so blatantly all the things that I was missing. It just got to me, you know... Anyway, I don't expect you to forgive me, but I am hoping that you'll forgive William. He's done you no wrong and he shouldn't have to pay for my foolishness... Well, that's it. You know everything now. I'll leave now. You never have to see me again. Goodbye... and good luck...”

  Rachel opened the door and left, leaving Caroline standing in the dark. Caroline stood there a long time, trying desperately to keep her emotions in check. Finally, the first tear fell...

  Chapter 8

  Caroline sat in her office as if suspended in motion. She had deliberately completed all her work early so she would have time to deal with her personal matters.

  After Rachel had explained the entirety of her encounter with William, Caroline concluded that she would no doubt be paying William an apologetic visit. But as inevitable as that may be, she still had one small loose end to tie up before then. As she heard the knock on her door, she knew the dreaded time had come.

  “Hey, Caroline. What's up? You said you wanted to see me?” Harvey seemed upbeat, and Caroline tried not to let his innocent demeanor distract her from the task at hand.”

  “Hi, Harvey. We need to talk...”

  Harvey was too blissfully occupied to notice how Caroline's tone sounded like that of a boss about to fire an employee.

  “About what? And where do you want to go tonight? I was thinking we could get Chinese. Or Maybe...”

  “Harvey,” Caroline interrupted, “that's kind
of what I want to talk to you about...” She inhaled and momentarily averted her eyes. No point putting this off. “Harvey, the truth is... I think we should stop seeing each other.” There was a pause. “We work together and I don't want to complicate our office relationship. My heart’s not in it,” she injected. “I'm kind of hoping we can return to the old days... Do you understand? Is that okay?”

  Harvey paused for a good while, his lips flickering in silence. Finally, the quiet was broken by his sigh. “I understand, Caroline. I feel differently, but if that's how you feel, I can accept that.”

  “Thanks Harv.”

  He smiled. It was the first time she had used a pet name for him. Sensing awkwardness, Harvey laughed, reminded Caroline that her vacation started the next day, and bid her farewell.

  Caroline sighed with relief. It had gone better than she’d thought it might. Harvey's response had somehow told her that he had been okay to have just shared the ride with her. With that out of the way, she knew there was only one thing left to do.


  Caroline knocked on the door. Her heart pounded, and she felt her body trembling. Why was she so nervous? The worse-case scenario was that he had moved on and forgotten about her. Not the end of the world, right? She shakily balled up her fists when she heard the door opening. There stood William, as crisp and comely as ever.

  “Caroline!” William cried out in surprise, “Thank god you're here.” He took her in his arms and hugged her snugly, her breasts pressed against his muscular chest. She buried her face in his neck. Oh how she missed his scent... “Please, come in.”

  Caroline entered William's apartment. Holding her hand, he led her over to the couch. As they sat, William launched into his apology:

  “Look, I'm really sorry about the whole thing. I was careless, and I put us at risk, and I'm sorry. From the bottom of my heart, I truly regret it. I love you, Caroline. Can you ever forgive me?”

  A smile flickered on her face when he said he loved her. She felt her heart flutter. Caroline looked into his mesmeric eyes. With her hands clasped in her lap, she sighed, “I've already forgiven you... But really, it wasn't your fault to begin with.”

  “Thank you,” William replied as he hugged her, “but I really was to blame.”

  “No... you weren't.”

  William looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Caroline then explained to him what had really transpired; how Rachel had orchestrated the whole affair. When she was finished they sat in silence.

  “So you see, you aren't guilty of anything. But Rachel...”

  William nodded his head, “I see. I'm glad everything's solved. But although you were the victim, I can't help but feel a little bad for Rachel...”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, she has to live with what she's done. It took a lot of guts to own up to her mistake and yet she still lost you in the process, her best friend. When I called her to ask how you were doing, she sounded like she was drowning in alcohol. As much as I'm glad that we have a shot at a second chance, I worry for her...”

  Caroline bit her lip, “You're right... Maybe I've been a little too selfish... I wish there was some way I could make it up to her...”

  “Yeah. It's too bad she's not a dude, cause then you both could end up having kinky make-up sex...” he kissed her, “like we're about to have right now.”

  Caroline could feel his fingers brushing delicately over her skin. With their fingers interlocked, she kissed him feverishly. But then something dawned on her:

  “Wait. That's a great idea!”

  “What is it?”

  “That thing you just said. What if we...” She then whispered into his ear.

  William’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, “Caroline, are you serious? You know I was only joking the first time I suggested it, right? Would she even be interested?”

  “Only one way to find out.” Caroline could feel herself getting hot at the thought. “Give her a call and make up an excuse to get her over here.”

  William smiled impishly, “Well this should be interesting.”


  Rachel knocked on the door. She looked at her watch and confirmed that it was eight thirty. What was this about? She couldn't wait to get back to her own apartment so that she could de-stress and relax. Soon she heard the door opening as she began digging through her purse.

  William stood in the doorway

  “Hey. So what did you say I left here? I don't remember losing any...” She then looked up and saw both William and Caroline staring at her. “Wha- Caroline? What are you doing here? Sh-Should I leave?”

  William clutched Rachel's left arm and Caroline took her right. Deliberately, they pulled Rachel inside. “Come in,” said William genially.

  Rachel was bewildered, “I don't know what's going on, but Caroline I'm really sorry. William is innocent.”

  “It's okay,” said Caroline as they entered the bedroom. “William and I already made up.”

  The three now stood looking at each other.

  “Then what is this about?” asked Rachel, wide-eyed.

  William and Rachel looked and each other and grinned. Slowly they began to slip out of their clothing. Shirts, belts, pants . . . one by one, fell to the floor. Rachel gaped, stunned, as the two approached her and began stripping her clothes off as well. Caroline, brushed her hair back with one hand, and unbuttoned her shirt with the other. William slipped it from her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. Caroline knelt before her, unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans. William unclasped her bra, letting her breasts fall free. He pulled her jeans down her long legs to the floor.

  “What's gotten into you?! What are you do...”

  “Just relax,” growled William softly. “Try to enjoy yourself.” He gently laid her on the bed.

  The three were completely naked. Caroline slid her body on top of Rachel. Their nipples touched. Sensual wetness mingled with sensual wetness, as their groins ground together.

  “Is this... really happening?” murmured Rachel, frightfully unsure of herself.

  “It is,” replied Caroline. “This is us saying we forgive you. So let's just have a good time. Do you understand?”

  Still a bit skittish, Rachel nodded in agreement. Just then, she felt William's tongue enter her, flicking and licking. She closed her eyes and bit her lip in ecstasy. Caroline began sucking on her nipples. Her nipples hardened as her arousal intensified. Could this be real? Could this really be happening? The only thing she knew for certain was that her body felt wonderful. William lifted his head, “Who's first?” he asked.

  “I think she should go first,” breathed Caroline.

  William complied. He gently guided his manhood into Rachel, who hugged Caroline in response to the rush of adrenaline.

  “Caroline,” Rachel moaned as William commenced pounding her, “Is this... really... what you want? I mean...”

  “It is. You always said you wanted a threesome. No more talking . . .”

  Panting erotically, Rachel stared into Caroline's eyes as William's strokes jerked them both. She nodded her head and both women began kissing, tongues circling one another, savoring each other’s mouth fluids with soft sucking noises. William slowly pulled out and inserted himself into Caroline. The pounding continued. All three were gasping, writhing, hot with desire.

  Together, they moved, twisting, to form a triangle of feasting. William's tongue in Rachel's cunt, sending tingles throughout her whole body, Rachel's tongue deeply licking Caroline, exploring, rolling, lapping, and Caroline sucking, licking, swallowing William. The three continued indulging, giving and receiving pleasure. Their rhythmic humming was dream-like.

  Finally, William drilled Caroline from behind. While she placed her fingers inside Rachel, exploring every crevice. Caroline and Rachel kissed passionately.

  “I'm going to come!” panted William. The pace of his thrusts and strokes increased tremendously, until finally he held both women by the ass as he released his load.

>   The three fell on the bed. William lay in the middle with both women's heads on his shoulders.

  “That was fantastic,” murmured Rachel. “I haven't been sexed up that good in a long while.”

  “You're welcome,” replied William and Caroline simultaneously.

  “Look, you guys,” began Rachel as she massaged Williams abs, “I'm really...”

  “Just forget about it,” mumbled Caroline. “We're past that. The future is more important.”

  “I guess you're right... Thanks for being so understanding.”

  Rachel broke out into a smile, “So seriously, does this mean I get to borrow him on weekends and holidays?”

  William grinned, “It looks like I have my work cut out for me.” The three laughed and laughed, each perfectly content with the outcome.


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