Home > Young Adult > Annabelle's Angst: NEW ADULT CONTEMPORARY SUSPENSE ROMANCE > Page 13

by Bree Branigan

  Aaaah, Micah basked in the warm, scented water as she reclined in the bath tub. Had Michelle really given up on Sean? He was a prince living in a castle! And she wanted that prince for herself.

  Micah had just climbed into bed when there was a knock on her door, “Mitch, are you okay?”

  Micah opened the door and drew back when she noticed Sean stood there looking as sweet and sexy as ever, dressed in just his shorts. Her pulse quickened. She wanted to be enclosed in those brawny arms and lean on his broad chest. He was irresistible. BUT – he was Michelle’s man, she reminded herself again. “Yeah, I’m fine,” Micah responded weakly.

  Sean noticed the desire in her eyes and pulled her close to him. “Mitch, I missed you too – so much.” He crushed her in his arms and lowered his head to kiss her.

  His lips were soft and all-encompassing. Micah felt her breasts against his chest, warm and strong. He held her close, pulling her waist into him. His manhood pressed into her groin. She ached for him, and felt herself melting into the kiss, all hopes of resistance gone.

  Then the memory of her sister, Michelle, crying forlornly prompted her to push him away from her before her emotions took over, and it was too late to stop. Her breath came in ragged gasps. “Sean, I can’t,” she gasped.

  “Why are you doing this?” Sean asked, frustrated, his eyes glistening with desire. “I’m being honest with you. I have never been unfaithful to you. Why don’t you believe me? I had no conscious part in whatever happened with Jane! I was not in her room willingly! I don’t know if she drugged me or photo shopped pictures . . . I just don’t know!”

  “Please give me more time,” Micah pleaded. “I have to tell Michelle first!” She shouted inwardly. “How can I betray my own sister?”

  Sean released her from his embrace and thought, “There’s something different about her”. They parted, their bodies hot with passion and longing.

  Later, Sean lay tossing in bed, unable to comprehend what ‘Michelle’ was up to. “Why did she come back if she still doesn’t trust me?” He asked himself, wanting to go back to her and demand the answer. However, he didn’t want to scare her away again. It was enough that she was there with him in the same house.

  Micah wanted to run back into Sean’s arms and feel his sensual lips on her own. She wanted her to run her fingers on his naked chest and kiss every inch of his body; she wanted to feel his thick dick pulsate inside her pussy. Unlike Michelle, she was no longer a virgin. She’d had failed relationships, but hadn’t give up on romance because she knew there was such a thing as ‘eternal love’, the kind of love that her grandparents had for each other.


  The following morning, the cook prepared a light breakfast; toast, eggs, bacon and orange juice. Sean and Micah ate their meal in silence, observing each other warily.

  “When will you be coming back for good?” Sean tentatively asked Micah.

  “I’m not sure. I’ll come visit you again whenever I get back.”

  Sean nodded. “Let me take you home. It’s a long drive.”

  “There’s no need,” Micah interrupted. “Leila is picking me up for lunch.”

  Sean was dejected. “When will I see you again? When are you coming back?”

  “I don’t know. . .”

  “Hey babe . . . what’s up?” Sean looked desolate.

  I hate seeing him this way! What have I gone and done?! Michelle spluttered incoherently for a moment, unable to answer.

  “I will have to contact Jane and end this bullshit!” he thundered. “Why can’t you believe me?” He stormed out of the room, and soon Micah could hear his car roaring down the driveway. Really, she couldn’t blame him.

  Micah remained seated for several minutes before she rose to retrieve her bag from the room. She bade goodbye to the butler and the cook, thanking them for their services before flagging a taxi to take her to the Greyhound bus stop where she would catch the bus that would take her back to Cheyenne.

  Chapter 6

  When Micah got back, she noticed that Michelle had more color in her cheeks, and she was smiling, “Hey, Sis, where have you been?”

  “I went to see Sean,” Micah looked her in the eye, hoping for understanding.

  “What?” Michelle was dumbfounded. “Why would you want to see him?”

  “I wanted to know the truth,” Micah replied reluctantly. “I can’t bear to watch you suffering.”

  Michelle was outraged, “How could you? I never asked for help.”

  “I did it for you.” Micah tried to appease her. “You can’t spend your life wallowing in your misery. You have to forget him altogether, or go back to him.”

  Michelle fumed. How dare she interfere with my personal problems?

  Micah became teary-eyed too as she watched her sister battle with the pain she was feeling. More than ever, she wanted to minimize her wretchedness. She knew about Michelle’s unhappy childhood living with their abusive father, and she wanted to let her feel some of the joy she’d had as a child, growing up with their grandparents.

  “Let me help you, Sis?” Micah calmed her down, while caressing her hair. “Let’s sit down and talk.”

  After Michelle was appeased, Micah held her hand in hers and revealed what she had discovered. “I believe he was faithful to you. I did not see the girl or any traces of her in his home.”

  Michelle bolted upright. “You went to his home? You slept there? Did he know you were my twin?”

  “Where else? It was late at night.” Micah shot back. “I slept in another room,” Micah crooned into Michelle’s ear. “I pretended I was you. Don’t you trust your sister either?”

  Micah understood why Michelle was acting this way. She had a bit of paranoia regarding infidelity. And the pictures Jane had sent were definitely incriminating. There was a grain of truth to Michelle’s suspicions, rattling Micah. She remembered how she’d reacted to Sean’s proximity. Her body tingled at the memory of her arousal.

  “He loves you so much, Mitch,” Micah reassured Michelle. “You have to talk to him and clear things up.”

  “What about Jane? Did you talk to her?”

  “Is there a need for that? If you love Sean, you should trust him,” Micah reasoned.

  “I still don’t believe him. How can I when I have proof of his unfaithfulness?”

  “He must have been drugged or the pictures photo shopped, Michelle! I believe him when he says he was semi-conscious. I honestly don’t think he knew what was going on!”

  Michelle didn’t reply.

  “If you truly love him, you have to believe him.”

  I’ll find out for sure, Micah decided. Sean had asked her to speak with Jane. She would do that. But she could not tell Michelle.

  Chapter 7

  The next day Micah walked into the brightly lit, upscale building that was Ultra United.

  Doggedly, trying hard to blend in, Micah spoke to as many people as she was able, questioning them about Jane’s whereabouts, learning nothing until later that afternoon. Finally, she found someone who had kept in touch with Jane. “She’s working for a small traveling agency outside of the city,” the woman told Micah.

  Hailing a cab, Micah had no trouble finding the agency. She found Jane almost immediately. She was the receptionist inside the first entrance. Jane was a gorgeous lady indeed, Micah mused. She had curves where they should be – on her chest and her buttocks. Her face was lovely too, with her heart-shaped lips and sparkling, brown eyes. Why had Sean not fallen for her? She had a California girl look that was undeniably attractive.

  Jane turned pale when she saw Micah, thinking it was Michelle.

  “Hello, long time no see,” Micah greeted her, smiling.

  “Huh?” Jane acted surprised.

  “How is it going?”

  “Good!” Jane seemed to be confused. Wasn’t Michelle angry?

  “Do you have a minute? Don’t worry. I didn’t come here to pick a fight.” Micah smiled calmly at her.

ll,” Jane peered at the clock. “I can give you thirty minutes.”

  Silently, they proceeded to the nearby café.

  “I just want to know the truth.” Micah started. “Did anything happen between you and Sean?”

  Jane hesitated, debating whether to tell the truth or not. She’d been literally uprooted from work and friends when she was forced to resign from Sean’s company. But thinking back, Jane realized it was all her fault from the onset; she had wanted to steal somebody’s fiancée. What’s the point of going on with the charade? If she did, Sean would hate her forever, and she loved him to death. Unfortunately, they were not meant for each other. Sean loved Michelle. Hers was an unrequited love.

  “No, nothing happened,” she uttered evenly. “I made it all up. I gave him a drug, and took some photos, hoping to break you apart and capture his heart.”

  Micah was speechless.

  “He loves only you. I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused.” She rose and promptly left the café.

  Micah stared at her departing figure and felt sorry for her. People do strange things just to be loved. Micah’s admiration for Sean increased all the more. He was her ideal man. He had character. He was rich, handsome, powerful and most of all - faithful. What more could her sister ask for?

  Walking to the parking lot, Micah suddenly heard a car honking. She turned around and saw Sean waving to her.

  “I was just thinking of you!” he drawled, opening the door for her to get in. “I’m on my way back to the office from a meeting. What are you doing here?”

  “I was seeing about a trip to Mexico,” Micah lied, watching closely for Sean’s reaction. He didn’t seem to be aware that Jane worked nearby.

  “That sounds like fun! Hop in”. He opened the door, and she climbed into the front seat. “Will you stay?” he asked, covering the space between them within seconds. He held her hand in a tight grip. “Will you stay with me tonight?”

  Micah was about to refuse but decided that this would be a good time to reveal the truth to Sean. To tell him that she was not Michelle.

  “Why not?” she acquiesced.

  Sean smothered her face with kisses.

  “Hey, people are staring,” Micah struggled to set herself free. Her knees went weak and her heart did a double-flip, though. “God, what kind of a mess have I put myself in?” she wondered. She was fast falling in love with him – with her sister’s fiancée! “Let’s talk somewhere,” she added.

  “I’m finished work. Why don’t we go home? It’s more comfortable there.”


  Sean stared at her, startled at her intense reaction.

  “I can’t go home with him,” Micah thought. “I don’t think I can resist him again.”

  “What’s up?” Sean asked, bewildered. “I won’t eat you,” (though he could think of nothing he’d rather do!)

  Sean was jovial during the drive, talking about how he had missed her and how he had spent the nights without her. “I won’t let you to leave me alone this time, babe,” he vowed.

  Micah’s anxiety grew as they approached Sean’s house. How could she break the truth to him? What would his reaction be? She wished she’d never had met Sean. There was no doubt in her mind now that she had come to love him. In that short span of time, she fallen hard for him. Was it even possible? It had never happened before. The answer was staring her straight in the face, and she could no longer deny it. But she knew she couldn’t do anything about it because Sean was her sister’s man.

  “A penny for your thoughts?” Sean asked her as they mounted the stairs. “You were so silent all the way here. Cat got your tongue?” He grinned.

  “Can I have a glass of wine?” she asked, ignoring his remark.


  Micah dropped down onto the large, overstuffed leather couch and prepared herself.

  “Here,” Sean placed the glass in front of her. He lifted her face and planted a kiss squarely on her lips.

  It was so sudden that Micah reacted instinctively by kissing him back. She was dizzy with delight and a tingling pleasure that spread throughout her body. Her response ignited the glowing ember in Sean’s body, and he gasped as he inserted his tongue to explore her mouth. There was something different. He felt it. Softly, he explored her throat, her neck, her shoulders with his lips, feathery kisses that brought a longing she could not resist. Her body arched in response to his. She caressed his cheek, his hair, and pulled his shoulders close.

  But Micah’s mind was shouting, “DON’T, DON’T,” and she was aware of it, but the pleasure that she was under was too delicious to throw away. THINK ABOUT YOUR SISTER! WILL YOU BE THE ONE BREAKING HER HEART? Michelle’s miserable face flashed before her. Startled, Micah pushed Sean away.

  “WAIT,” she cried.

  “What’s the matter honey?” Sean persisted in fondling her.

  “Stop!” Micah shrieked at him. “I’m not Michelle.” She had no other choice but to reveal the truth - right there and then - before anything serious happened.

  Sean stopped. Stunned. He released her and stared at her like she was an alien from outer space.

  “What did you just say?” he glared at her, his eyes wide in disbelief.

  “I’m Michelle’s sister, Micah,” Micah stated emphatically. “We’re identical twins.”

  Sean sat down deflated. That was why I felt something was strange, he realized. “But why did you do this?” He asked, angry and confused.

  “I wanted to learn the truth.”

  “Isn’t it enough that you have asked me?” There was accusation in his voice. “All this time you have deceived me? Was this Mitch’s plan?”

  “No, she didn’t know I came to see you. I told her only afterwards,” Micah explained.

  “Where’s Mitch?” Sean’s anger was dissipating.

  “She’s at home, suffering from your perceived infidelity.”

  “Do you believe in my innocence?” he inquired, feeling weak and sad. “Why is love so complicated?” he thought to himself.

  “Yes, I do. I will tell Mitch the truth when I get home.”

  Sean looked straight in her eyes and knew that Micah had feelings for him. He was in a dilemma, too. Was he in love with Michelle, or had grown to love Micah? Was he drawn to her because he thought she was Michelle? “And you? What will happen to you?” he asked Micah.

  “I have to go home now, for starters,” she replied, calm at last.

  “Are you sure about that?” Sean felt a stabbing pain in his chest. Was it possible that he loved them both? He shook his head and said, “You’re willing to do that?”

  “She’s my sister, my twin. I would do anything for her,” she declared, jumping up from the couch and collecting her bag. She turned to him with one last tearful look and walked out of the room, across the foyer and out the front door where a limo sat waiting.

  Sean stared blankly at the picturesque landscape from his window. He tried to recall his encounters with Micah. That was why her scent was different from Michelle. And she had reacted more aggressively to his advances. Her lips tasted like freshly-plucked strawberries, while Michelle’s tasted like refreshing mountain dew. He had been with Michelle longer, yet within the short span of time that he had spent with Micah, he was sure a certain connection was established. It seemed he had known Micah for several years too. In Michelle, he saw love that was spontaneous but hesitant. In Micah, he had sensed love that was steadfast and raw. “Am I wavering? What’s the matter with me?” Sean pondered inwardly.

  Chapter 8

  Micah arrived home with a heavy heart. She cheered up, however, when Michelle met her with a hug. “Sis, what’s up?”

  “Come, sit down here,” Micah indicated the chair beside her.

  “What happened?”

  Micah held both of her hands and said, “I went to see Jane.”

  Michelle gripped her hands with apprehension, “What did she say?”

  “She said she made it all up. She dru
gged Sean and then took pictures of them in his semi-conscious state.” Micah said it all in one breath.

  “She did?” Michelle was white-faced, shaking. She appeared thunder-struck.

  “Jane planned everything from the beginning. She seduced him.”

  Michelle started weeping. Micah placed an arm around her and whispered words of consolation as her twin cried.

  “When are you going to see him?” Micah asked. She couldn’t help the bite of jealousy she felt over-taking her.

  “It hasn’t sunk in yet. I’ll wait until I can face him with composure,” Michelle grinned at her happily.

  “I’m always here if you need help,” Micah reassured her.

  “But don’t take too long. He’s hurting.”

  “Do you think he’ll take me back?”

  “I do. You should have believed him in the first place,” Micah smiled softly at her sister.



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