Home > Young Adult > Annabelle's Angst: NEW ADULT CONTEMPORARY SUSPENSE ROMANCE > Page 14

by Bree Branigan

  While Michelle was contemplating on going back to Sean, Sean was in a dilemma. With whom was he in love? Michelle or Micah? Michelle’s sweetness and innocence had disarmed him. She was different than any woman he had ever known. But with Micah he felt so at ease. She was fun and dynamic; a strong woman he felt more on an equal footing with. Michelle needed his protection, he felt. With Micah he felt more on an even footing. He loved them both! Did Michelle’s doubt cause him to be uncertain also of his own feelings for her? She’d had good reason to doubt him.

  Micah had left Michelle’s new number with the butler, but Sean hesitated to call her for fear of saying the wrong words. He was still unsure of how he would react when he got to meet her.

  It was after two days that he finally dialed Michelle’s number. The phone rang three times before he heard Michelle’s voice. “Hello?” His heart skipped a beat and there was a lump in his throat.

  “Is this Michelle?” he asked, his voice quivering.

  “Yes, this is Michelle,” came the voice that sounded like Micah’s.

  “This is Sean. Can I come see you?”

  Michelle’s knees buckled and her hands almost dropped the phone.

  “Hello?” Sean repeated, “hello!”

  There was a long pause before Michelle’s feeble voice came back on the phone, “Hello…”

  “Can I come visit you at your house?” There was a vestige of disquiet in Sean’s voice.

  “Right now?” Michelle’s extremities became cold and clammy. “You can’t come now.” She was unprepared mentally and emotionally.

  “Tomorrow then?” Sean was hopeful.

  “Okay,” she blurted, and hung up.

  “Hello? Hello?” Sean called out, but the hum of the dead phone answered him back.

  He was nervous as hell, like a man about to be executed. “I should feel elated”, he thought, wondering. “Why do I feel so uneasy?”

  The next day, Sean went about his work in a dreamy manner. He had mixed emotions; he was excited and worried at the same time. The day passed in a blur. He canceled a few meetings scheduled for the day. There was a directors’ meeting and a number of interviews, which he assigned to his subordinate. He had to meet Michelle.

  He changed into a navy blue polo shirt and faded denims that accentuated his imposing frame. Packing some clothing into his duffel bag, he threw in his favorite after shave lotion. A hotel had been booked. He would stay for as long as it took to straighten things out.

  He arrived in Cheyenne in less than two hours, his muscles aching from fatigue and pain. He had been overworking himself at the office and at the gym to relax and de-stress. Reed Avenue was relatively easy to find and he was at Michelle’s doorstep within minutes. He rang the doorbell twice before someone came to the door.

  It was Michelle.

  Sean wasn’t sure whether to embrace her or to kiss her. But he felt relief when he caught a glimpse of her smiling face.

  Michelle stood there beaming at him like her usual, old self, “Hi.”

  “Hello,” Sean smiled back at her, taking in her wavy, black hair and flawless skin. She’s a beauty, he thought. Like her sister, a voice inside him added. He shook his head to clear his mind.

  “Please come in.”

  Although, Michelle’s mother’s house was modest with three small rooms, it was tidy and well-kept. Sean noticed that one corner of the living room was stacked with numerous books. There was a bubbling aquarium that greeted visitors on their way to the living room. Sean admired the paintings on the wall. They were paintings of a lovely woman from different angles. “Those are Micah’s paintings,” Michelle disclosed.

  “So, she paints,” Sean admired Micah’s works of art. “These are awesome”.

  “Please sit down,” Michelle’s voice broke Sean’s train of thought.

  Michelle was so formal that Sean was feeling uncomfortable. He welcomed the treatment, though, because he was lost in the maze of his own emotions, weighing in his heart, who meant more to him - Micah or Michelle? If either one would have him.

  Where is Micah? Sean stole a glance around him.

  “Micah went to the mall,” Michelle replied to his unasked question. She took his hand then and murmured, “Will you forgive me?”

  Sean felt her warmth seep through his skin. He caught his breath when Michelle reached for him and kissed him playfully at first, then more forcefully. Her kiss sparked an array of emotions in him, the sensation of being transported into another world where there was warmth, felicity and hope. He pulled her closer to him and sucked her tongue, exploring the soft, sensitive areas of her mouth. Didn’t he feel the same with Micah? No, Micah was a tumultuous storm, raging and burning inside him. What is love? His thoughts ran amok in his mind as his body responded to Michelle’s kisses, rocking his sensual world on a different dimension.

  Finally, Michelle disengaged and laughed; her face beet red with desire. “Ummm, does it mean you have forgiven me?” she persisted.

  “I do. I’m at fault too,” Sean tucked her hair behind her ears. “I shouldn’t have entertained Jane.”

  “Well, it’s over and done with. Let bygones be bygones. Let’s start again.” Michelle’s doubts had all evaporated into thin air.

  But not Sean’s.

  “Dinner is ready,” Michelle’s mother announced, entering the room wearing an apron and a warm smile. “Come, come. Let’s nourish our bodies.”

  When they walked into the warm, homey kitchen Sean stopped in his tracks. There was Micah sitting at the table, her eyes downcast.

  Feeling guilty over her feelings for him, Micah could not look directly at Sean. And she had shamelessly lied and masqueraded as Michelle. She didn’t want Sean to see her hunger for him.

  “Hey, Sean welcome to our home,” she piped up, trying to act composed.

  “Hi there,” Sean replied. He sensed the tension from Micah. There were butterflies in his stomach when he saw her. He remembered how her lips opened so eagerly to his own tongue’s prodding, and he blushed.

  Nobody noticed, though, as they sat around the table and relished the meal that was prepared for them; succulent pork chops, sautéed vegetables and roasted milkfish. The conversation drifted from sports to films, the awkwardness disappearing gradually. Micah served fruit salad as dessert. They were like one big happy family.

  Michelle and Sean were left alone in the living room after Micah and her mom bade them good night.

  “I’ll be off,” he said, stroking her cheek. “Can I have a goodnight kiss?” Their lips met and Sean searched within his mind and soul to see if he still loved her. The answer was unclear. Just as he had responded to Micah’s kisses; he was doing the same with Michelle’s. They groped frantically for each other, working their fingers along their torsos but refraining from going lower than their waists. They French kissed, savoring each other’s palates and sucking each other lips until their bodies craved more. They fell heavily onto the couch and Michelle whispered, “Let’s go to my room.”

  Suddenly his confusion was like water doused onto Sean’s burning passion. He stopped fondling Michelle’s breasts midway and straightened up. “I must be going. I don’t want to impose on your mother’s hospitality,” he muttered.

  Michelle couldn’t believe her ears. She held her breath and wiped the sweat from her forehead. Was Sean rejecting her?

  After he’d abruptly left Michelle slumped onto the sofa. Her body was yearning for Sean and yet . . . What was the matter with him? Michelle tried to justify Sean’s actions. But he’d been as horny as usual at the onset. Sulking, she plodded to her room and firmly closed the door behind her, her body tingling with frustration.

  Chapter 9

  Micah was at the kitchen table drinking coffee when Michelle emerged from her bedroom the next morning. “The guest is gone, I see,” Micah nudged her. “So, you two have made up?”

  “I’m not sure,” Michelle replied grudgingly. “He seemed to be holding back.”

t do you mean?” Micah asked in disbelief. She couldn’t help feeling a twinge of pleasure. Does he have some feelings for me? Will it, at least, cause him a tiny bit of the confusion I’m feeling?

  “He . . .,” Michelle’s eyes filled with tears.

  Micah ran to her rescue, and hugged her. “Hush, don’t cry. Perhaps he’s taking it slowly. He’ll come around eventually.” Micah comforted her. “Hey, let’s go do some hiking tomorrow,” Micah chirped, enlivening her voice. “Let’s go to Curt Gowdy!”

  Their mother seconded Micah’s suggestion, “Yes, dear,” she urged Michelle, “you should take advantage of the time while both of you are free.”

  “We can use my car,” Micah volunteered.

  And so, Michelle and Micah departed the following day for Curt Gowdy State Park. There were more tourists than usual and the views were the same but somehow, it was more enjoyable because it was the first time they had done it together.

  They had their bear spray ready, insect repellant, a first aid kit, bottled water and some sandwiches in their backpacks.

  Other hikers walked along the trail, smiling and greeting the girls as they paused now and then to capture pictures. Then, as they climbed over the rocks on the last part of the trail Michelle slipped. She screamed. Micah reacted instinctively by clutching her wrists. Michelle’s ankle had been twisted and she couldn’t hoist herself up.

  “My ankle’s twisted,” Michelle bawled in pain, as she dangled from the boulder. The distance to the ground below was almost ten feet.

  “Hang-on, don’t let go,” Micah egged her on. “HELP!”

  A few hikers heard their cries for help and ran towards them.

  Micah’s arm was growing numb, her body trembled, and she was losing her grip on Michelle’s wrist. A burly man knelt down beside her and held Michelle’s upper arm. He slowly dragged her up until she was on top of the big rock. The three collapsed in a heap on the flat surface of the rock. A loud cheer erupted from onlookers as Michelle lost consciousness.

  “She’ll be fine,” the burly man reassured Micah, after he had taken Michelle’s pulse. “She may have fainted because of the pain.”

  “Thank you! Thanks for saving my sister!” Micah cried, hugging him. She means more to me than anything! I want her happiness more than my own. Thank god I have her! she realized.

  “Don’t touch her ankle. You may worsen her condition,” the man cautioned Micah, smiling warmly at the overwrought girl.

  Paramedics and park rangers arrived after a few minutes and Michelle was given first aid, while Micah watched, crying. Michelle had regained consciousness, but they had to transport her to the medical clinic for more x-rays because she was still in severe pain.

  “Have you contacted your relatives?” the lanky park ranger asked.

  “No, I’ll act as her guardian. I don’t want to worry mom.” But I can inform Sean instead, Micah remembered. “I’ll call her fiancée.”

  As the ambulance sped to the hospital, Micah dialed Sean’s number, it was busy. She tried again and again, giving up on the third unanswered call.

  Among the hikers, there were two teens who had recorded the accident. They uploaded the video on YouTube. The video went viral within minutes.

  In Denver, Sean was in a meeting with his team leaders to plan for the next set of apparel that would be featured in the 303 Magazine. The magazine was one of the major fashion reads in Denver, and his fashion company was lucky enough to have signed a contract with them. The meeting was proceeding smoothly, when there was a knock on the door.

  “Kindly inform the CEO that there has been an emergency,” Sean heard the staff through the doorway.

  “What is it?” Sean walked quickly to the door, his heart plummeting wildly in his chest.

  “Miss Roberts had an accident while hiking. It’s all in this video,” the staff showed the video to Sean. He watched one sister hanging for dear life on a rock, and the other screaming for help, her body pushed to its limits as she hung onto her sister for dear life.

  Sean’s heart stopped beating for a moment, and then continued to thump painfully in his chest. He could hardly breathe. His mouth was agape as the scene played out before his eyes from the YouTube video.

  Was it Michelle or Micah who was dangling from the boulder? She was screaming in pain and would have fallen, if not for the man who had helped them. He watched the abject terror on the sister above’s face, and somehow knew that it was Micah. Her strength and caring were unmatched.

  Sean grabbed his coat, “We’ll resume the meeting tomorrow,” he declared, and ran all the way to his car. Oh God, please don’t let anything serious happen to Michelle, he prayed like he had never prayed before.

  Sean dialed Michelle’s number, “Hello, Michelle?” he rasped into the phone.

  “Sean, thank God. This is Micah; Michelle is hurt but is holding on, we’re now a medical clinic. She’s is good hands. It will be okay. But if you can, would you accompany Mom, so she won’t worry.”

  “She’s not serious?” he asked, his voice quivering.

  “No, don’t worry. It’s nothing serious. The doctors said she’ll be fine.”

  “Right, tell your mom to stay calm. I’ll be there in a jiffy. I’m hanging up now,” Sean breathed a sigh of relief.


  When Sean informed Michelle’s mother about the accident, she nearly passed out. It was fortunate she hadn’t accessed YouTube earlier. Sean reassured her that Michelle’s injury was not life-threatening, and that they could both visit her that evening.

  Sean’s chopper was ready when they arrived at the landing pad. He had called his pilot at an unholy hour but the pilot had obliged obediently. As the chopper covered the miles between him and Michelle, Sean’s thoughts wandered. What had he done the past days? He knew that Michelle had been waiting for him. His eyes grew misty. She was such a sweet soul. Innocent and naïve.

  A car was waiting for him when they landed.

  When Sean arrived at their house he found Michelle’s mother deep in prayer, her eyes closed as she clutched her rosary beads in her gnarled fingers. Stowing them in her purse, her eye filled with tears when she saw him. How could he tell her?

  When they arrived at the hospital, Sean Michelle was fast asleep due to the pain reliever and tranquilizer that the nurse had injected.

  “Sweetie, oh my little baby,” Michelle’s mother caressed her hair. “Is she fine now?” she turned to Micah, who was clasping Michelle’s hands in hers.

  “She will be fine Mom,” Micah comforted her.

  “There are no internal injuries?” Sean butted in, worried and hurting.

  “They performed some x-rays and only her ankle was broken. Her pain tolerance was low. That was why she was in so much pain earlier,” Micah touched Sean’s arm, soothing him.

  Sean kissed Michelle on the cheek. Then he looked at Micah who held Michelle’s hand and looked down on her with unconditional love. He had never met a woman like her.

  Micah looked at Sean warmly, and thanked her lucky stars that she hadn’t given in to her passion. Reality struck her - she suddenly knew that Sean and Michelle belonged to each other. These two persons, who were dear to her, loved each other so much and they deserved to be happy. But her heart ached.


  On a beautiful, balmy summer day, Sean and Micah were married at the Sacred Heart Parish Chapel. Micah was radiant in her shimmering, white wedding dress. Her face radiated pristine joy and serenity. Sean appeared dapper in his suit as he stared adoringly at his bride. The twins’ mother and Michelle were as ecstatic as the bride and groom.

  It had taken years of revelations, heart-ache and understandings. Although Sean and Michelle had tried to pretend that nothing had changed, each knew that it had. She was not ready, she’d finally realized, to commit to a relationship that was to be forever.

  Micah remained in the background for as long as it took. All three accepted, in the end, that she and Sean felt a mutual understanding, love
and respect for one another; and a sexual longing that they could no longer deny.

  That night in their huge, canopied bed, Sean was in seventh heaven. He stared in awe at his bride and admired her beautiful, delicate body. She was a Venus in human form. Her firm breasts were soft and velvety in his hand as he massaged them fondly, kissing and nibbling her nipples tenderly.

  Micah sighed and closed her eyes to savor the pleasurable sensation of Sean’s soft, firm lips on her nipples, his hands caressing her body, cherisng her. “That feels so good, hmmmm,” she purred like a contented kitten.

  Sean sought her lips and sucked her tongue, then her lower lip, and the sensitive tissues of their mouths moved against each other. He kissed her neck, her throat, nibbling and tickling .He nibbled her nipples alternately. Michelle mumbled in pleasure, turning her head from side to side. Her hands caressed his well-toned chest, sliding down his well-toned body to his erect penis.

  He pressed his dick against her as she ran her fingers up and down his shaft. His dick even grew bigger, and he groaned wildly.

  “Let me love you,” he said gruffly, pushing her down onto the bed.

  “Yes, yes,” Michelle’s eager pussy was wet when Sean’s tongue touched its petals.

  She raised her buttocks in anticipation to meet Sean’s mouth. He licked the surrounding area of her pussy, nipping lightly her outer labia and then lapping its inner folds.


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