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The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress

Page 1

by Marie Kelly

  The Billionaire’s Blackmailed Heiress


  Marie Kelly

  Chapter One

  Mina Lane stood silently in the large room, her hands clasped tightly around the clutch bag she held defensively before her, rigid fingers gripping the faux leather tightly as they trembled with fear. Looking around the large study she found herself in, her eyes had grown wider at the opulence of the space, swallowing the lump in her throat as she had felt the groan rise to her lips. If the man she had come to see hoped to intimidate her then he was doing a fine job of it, her fingers grasping the bag even tighter.

  Ushered into the room by his efficient secretary, who having delivered her safely into the imposing oak-panelled room had quickly turned and left, Mina had flicked a look around, so unsure as to what to do next. Every nerve in her body had wanted to bolt from that room as she had tried hard not to let the way her insides shook show, knowing that so much rested on this meeting.

  With grim determination she had stood her ground, the image of a frail woman giving her legs strength as she had finally moved forward towards the magnificent desk which dominated the room, positioned before the large window which allowed light to flood into the area. It was however, the man that sat behind the desk who had held her attention, both imposing and devastatingly handsome, as he sat back in the large leather chair, his eyes watching her intently as she had moved towards him. Seeing the expensive suit he wore, probably costing more than she could make in a month, Mina had suddenly felt so aware of the cheap drab High Street suit she wore, her comfortable yet inelegant shoes making a clip clop noise as she closed the distance between them.

  With her nerve frayed to breaking point he had sat so calmly, wordless and motionless following her every move as she had reached his desk extending her hand politely, faltering slightly as he had ignored it, a frown furrowing his handsome face.

  “Thank you for seeing me Mr Dupris”

  She had said, her voice thankfully coming out more calm and sure than she had felt.

  “I am Mina…” she continued, before being interrupted by the man before her.

  “I know who you are Miss Lane”

  He had shot over her, his voice harsh and cold still ignoring the outstretched hand, as she had once more brought it back to clutch the purse. For a second which seemed to stretch out forever, his eyes had flashed coldly at her the anger and contempt in them so evident.

  Once more Mina had wanted to turn on her sensible shoes and flee, but raising her chin in a defiance she did not feel she had returned his look, her large green eyes holding his icy grey ones. Finally he had moved, his arm thrust out towards her his hand open.

  “Did you bring the document?”

  His look showing his annoyance as she had opened her purse before fishing around and drawing from it a neatly folded sheet of paper which she had held out to him, aware of how it trembled slightly in her fingers. Nikos Dupris had not missed the small tremble of her hand, a satisfied look briefly crossing his features as he had snapped it from her fingers before opening it and focussing on the contents.

  As Mina had stood nervously trying not to fidget, his deep voice had once more barked authoritavely.


  She could feel the indignation bristling within, as anger had filled her at his rudeness and contempt. However, she had also been relieved to sink into the leather chair close by, feeling how her legs had wanted to buckle beneath her.

  Determined not to watch as he scoured every detail on the document she had looked around the room which screamed money from the many, expensive and exquisite oil paintings to the rich intricate rugs which littered the floor. The sound of his voice had pulled Mina from her wide -eyed look around, snapping her head back to the man now folding the document before opening a drawer by his side and dropping it casually inside. Mina had followed the piece of paper as it fluttered downwards, her eyes darting to his in alarm, her mouth opening to complain, as he had smiled, his eyes as cold as ever.

  “Obviously I will need to verify the authenticity of this”

  He had said softly, his tone cold. Mina had bitten back the words at his actions, anger once more gripping her.

  “Of course” she had finally managed just as coldly.

  “I can always obtain another”, the threat not lost on him as his eyes had flashed briefly with anger before he had sat back into his chair, his grey eyes regarding her so closely.

  “So you claim to be Alexander’s bastard child” he had said softly, his tone dripping with disdain, a small gleam of satisfaction jumping to his eyes as she had gasped with shock.

  “Alexander Mentis was my father” Mina had replied in a low tone, barely hiding the hurt which filled her, her nails digging deeply into the soft flesh of her palm to stop the tears which she felt warming the back of her eyes from spilling down her cheek, determined not to give the cold man before her the satisfaction of seeing how much he had upset her with his words.

  “Over the years since his death many have claimed to be the offspring of my stepfather” he had stated, the bitterness in his tone not lost on her

  “Not one has been found truthful”.

  “I have shown you my birth certificate” Mina had said slowly, controlling the quiver in her voice

  “I am also prepared to provide DNA evidence if need be” she had stated, once more raising her chin defiantly, rewarded by the look of doubt which had briefly crossed his face, before his expression once more had become hooded and unreadable, Mina running the tip of her tongue along her full lips.

  “However, to save time, I also brought this” delving into her bag and pulling from it another sheet, offering it to him he had taken it once more in the same quick movement, his look one of annoyance as he had taken in the photocopied sheet.

  “I hope that you will understand that the original is lodged with my lawyer” she had said quietly her eyes watching as he read the letter before him. Mina already knew the contents of the letter in which her father; a man little more than a stranger to her, had begged her mother to terminate her pregnancy. The short note was painful to her, the knowledge that she was so unloved and unwanted by her father a constant source of pain throughout her life. Despite his pleas Mina’s mother had continued with her pregnancy, her insides once more warming knowing that her mother had been prepared to give up her lover for the child growing within her, although aware that Alexander had continued his illicit romance with her mother after her birth.

  Growing up she had met him briefly on his many visits to the luxury villa she and her mother had lived in. However, during these times he had been cold and aloof to her, his dislike of her obvious and confusing to such a small child. She had always been relieved to be taken away by the resident nanny to leave her mother and him alone.

  It was not until his death many years later while she was in her teens that she had found out who he was, stunned to discover that Alexander Mentis, the man she had disliked so fervently was in actual fact her father. A ruthless businessman he was married to one of the richest socialites in Greece, and her mother had been his mistress. The truth had sickened Mina who had screamed at her mother demanding to know how she could do such a thing, only stopping as she had seen the tears flowing down her lovely face as she had looked back at her daughter, only able to whisper three words

  “I loved him”

  This simple declaration had silenced Mina, who had dropped to her knees holding her stricken mother within her arms comforting the beautiful woman.

  “Oh Mina” she had cried in abject misery “I loved him so much - he was my life” her daughter only able to hold her and make soothing noises against her

  As the villa had been rented and no provision made for her or her mother, their lives had changed dramatically. Over the next few years the young Mina had helped her mother to come to terms with the loss of the man she had devoted her life to, helping her to adjust to a life without the many luxuries that being Alexander Mentis’s mistress afforded them. She herself had to leave the exclusive school she had attended as they had both out of necessity returned to the UK.

  They had used the modest monies her mother had been able to save to move back to her birthplace, Mina holding dual UK and Greek nationality, and purchase a comfortable home where she had attended a local school. Mina had remembered this as one of the happiest times of her life, as she and her mother had grown so close and she had excelled at school finally winning a place at university studying art and teaching.

  Her thoughts were broken by the sound of the photocopy being slammed down onto the table, causing her to jump with alarm, as for the first time Nikos Dupris had sat forward in his chair, his icy control slipping as he had glared at her, his voice hard.

  “What do you want Miss Lane? Why now do you bring this to me? My stepfather died ten years ago……and you choose this time to crawl out of the woodwork”

  Mina had looked back at him the discomfort so obvious on her face; as she had looked down briefly at her hands, having to again remind herself why she was there, this giving her the strength to once more raise her head to meet his steely eyes.

  “Because Mr Dupris, I need money”

  The words stated in a voice stronger than she felt. Instantly she had seen the look of complete contempt fill his features.

  “So you expect, now that the company your father managed to nearly drive into the ground is back to its full power, to make yourself some money?”

  He had studied her silently for a few seconds, his eyes scathing as they moved over her

  “Well I guess I know why you waited. There would have been very little to inherit before I turned this company around” his mouth sneering unpleasantly.

  “But you have made a grave mistake Miss Lane thinking that you can move in and demand a share of this company”


  She had cried out, her tone full of frustration, as she had fervently shaken her head.

  “I am not after your company Mr Dupris” her words stopping him in his tracks.

  “You just said……” he had began, as Mina had jumped to her feet, needing to feel herself move as her fingers had tugged on the purse in her hand, moving to and fro before his desk.

  “I said I need money” she had repeated adding miserably

  “I need a lot of money” before looking briefly at the handsome man now sitting so still watching her, his expression one of confusion.

  “And I promise, that after you will never hear from me again and I will sign anything you want to that effect” finally stopping to face Nikos, unaware of how her green eyes shone so brightly with the desperation in them.

  For several seconds there was a heavy silence before he had once more sat back looking at her thoughtfully.

  “Why?” he asked softly as Mina had looked down again at her fingers.

  “It is personal” she had muttered weakly, once more the frail image filling her mind, her expressive eyes showing the pain she was experiencing.

  For the first time since she had entered the room something seemed to drop from Nikos Dupris as he had stood slowly from behind the imposing desk, moving around it to stand before her. Inexplicably she had found her pulse racing, suddenly so aware of the tall, gorgeous Greek, her eyes trying not to stare at his broad shoulders or slim waist as he towered over her. As his hand had moved to gently take her elbow, the electricity jolt which shot through her had been unexpected, causing her to gasp out loud. He however, had only directed her back to the seat she had just leapt from, sitting on the edge of the desk, looking down at her with a curious expression on his face.

  “Please Miss Lane” he had spoken gently for the first time, catching her unaware.

  “Perhaps I can help?” his words causing Mina to look up at him in shock. She had expected his anger, his disdain and his contempt. She had been prepared to stand her ground and fight all of these, but his gentleness had caught her completely by surprise and she could feel the tears spilling uncontrollably over her lids, falling unchecked down her cheek. As she had looked at him through bleary eyes not able to fully see him she had felt as he had pressed a handkerchief into her fingers, Mina angrily dashing away the tears, trying to regain her composure.

  “I …I would rather not say” she had mumbled through lips which quivered softly. She had expected, hoped almost, her refusal to tell him might anger him, giving her back some of the control which she had lost. However, he had only looked down on her silently.

  “OK Miss Lane” he had spoken evenly.

  “Perhaps then you will tell me how much money you need?”

  Mina’s eyes had darted to his, the discomfort so clear on her face as her hand had moved to gently rub her now throbbing temple as she had licked lips which suddenly felt so dry.

  “A million pounds” she had whispered, her voice almost inaudible.

  “I see” he had breathed softly “As you say, a lot of money”

  Suddenly all the fight seemed to drain from Mina, as silently she had nodded, unable to say anything further, not willing to look up and see the contempt in his eyes, waiting for some stinging comment to come from him, but none had.

  As he had stood from the desk to once more stand over her, she had finally raised her head, surprised to find him looking back, his eyes holding no malice only thoughtful contemplation.

  “Miss Lane” he finally spoke kindly.

  “Please give me a couple of days to think about this” a reassuring smile curving his wonderful lips.

  As Mina had opened her mouth to speak he had lifted his hand, a soft smile on his mouth and in his dark sensual eyes silencing her

  “Please Miss Lane, give me two days. After which I promise I will give you an answer”.

  Mina had looked at him, undecided as to what to do next, but aware that somehow things had not gone quite the way she had anticipated. In a weak voice she had managed.

  “OK…two days” Nikos Dupris smile widening as he had stood moving once more behind his desk. She too had stood sensing her time was up. However turning to move to the door, his voice had stopped her.

  “Please, my car will take you back to your hotel” Mina looking over in surprise.

  “Thank you” she had stuttered “but that really is not necessary”.

  She had felt suddenly embarrassed by the small budget hotel she had booked into. Not knowing how long she might have to stay in Greece before forcing him to meet her demands she had needed to make the paltry savings she had left last.

  “No….I insist” he had said once more with authority, before lifting the phone and barking quick commands in Greek. Finally he had replaced the receiver before moving once more beside her, guiding her quickly towards the door.

  “Till Wednesday” he had spoken sensually, his deep strong voice sending strange tremors down her spine, this time pleasurable she had realised.

  “The car will pick you up from your hotel at nine in the morning” Mina nodding wordlessly, as still in complete shock she had moved from his office to the waiting car.

  As the door behind her had closed Nikos Dupris expression had changed. Hardened. With long strides he had again moved behind his desk, throwing himself into the leather seat, his dark eyes narrowing as he had pulled out the two sheets of paper she had given him, frowning as he once more read the contents. Finally he had lifted the telephone receiver and dialling a number, he had spoken quickly.

  “I am faxing through some documents. You have two days to find out everything there is to know about Mina Lane”, before replacing it with the authority and expectation of a man used to getting what he wanted. With this done he had sighed heavily, his thoughts
returning once more to the woman who had just left. Her tears had seemed real, surprising himself with his reaction to her vulnerability, the memory of her intelligent and expressive green eyes causing an awareness to rise within him. Chastising himself for feeling anything but contempt for the young gold digger he had slammed the drawer of his desk shut, determinedly pressing the buzzer to have his secretary send the documents to his investigator.

  The next day Mina had sat by the pool. Her naturally wavy long blonde hair was pulled back from her lovely face by a large clasp allowing the slightest breeze to cool the long column of her creamy throat. Large green eyes were hidden behind oversized sunglasses providing protection from the unyielding rays of the mid-day sun. Unlike the many laughing and cheerful boisterous tourists who lounged in skimpy bikinis to ensure a tan from their brief vacation, she wore a modest one-piece swimming costume which clung to her perfect figure. A long shapeless t-shirt and oversized straw hat completed her ensemble giving her the air of someone more bent on avoiding the sun than embracing it, Mina not wanting to enjoy the sunshine when her purpose there was so important.

  She had pulled her deckchair away from the main pool area which foamed alarmingly with the thrashing of children’s feet as they enjoyed the cool water, a reprieve from the burning sun, their happy squeals carrying over the general mayhem around her. Instead she chose to sit near to the side, close to a wall enabling her to gain a good vantage point of the rolling countryside, with a small view of the azure sea a few kilometres from them.

  On her knee drawn up before her she held a sketch pad onto which she was quickly moving her hand, her eyes constantly flicking back to the vista before her as she sketched the wild scenery. She had desperately tried not to think about the previous day and the events leading up to her meeting with the enigmatic and handsome Nikos Dupris, the memory of those grey eyes once more boring into hers sending a shiver down her spine. However the memories would constantly push themselves into her tortured mind often when she was least expecting them, and with a sigh she was transported to a month previous.


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