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The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress

Page 5

by Marie Kelly

  Mina had sunk into the closest chair, her nerves in tatters, had he been about to kiss her? And more importantly, had she wanted him to?

  With a soft groan she had chastised herself. Nikos Dupris was the enemy - he was using her to get his own way. Why would she even consider allowing that man to touch her, the thought of his sensual seductive dark eyes once more sending a shiver through her, a soft sigh escaping her lips

  “Grow up Mina, focus on why you are here” she had muttered, before standing and moving back to her room.

  She had not seen Nikos for the rest of the day, he having once more returned to work. True to his word an hour after their talk her rental car had arrived, Mina gasping excitedly on discovering it to be a sports car. Yanis had laughed as she had run around the vehicle admiring everything about it.

  “You are such a child” he had chuckled as she had draped herself theatrically over the bonnet, pretending to be a model.

  It had amazed her how quickly she had become comfortable with the other three people in the house. Theresa had confirmed that they knew of her situation, when Mina had asked as she had made herself and Theresa a cup of tea, the older woman seeming relieved not to have to pretend ignorance any longer. Patting her arm kindly, she had showed only concern for her mother’s health, Mina touched by this.

  After having all of the controls of the expensive car shown to her by Yanis, who seemed unwilling to allow her to leave until she had proven that she could handle the vehicle she had then driven the small distance to the villa her mother now resided. Her elation at the car had soon disappeared as she had seen the way her mother had looked so tired.

  “Are you OK?” she had asked moving over to hug her, seeing as she had smiled so serenely back at her.

  “I am fine” had been her response, although Mina could see as she had winced slightly as pain had shot through her, fear once more filling her daughter, the younger woman watching with wary and frightened eyes.

  Mina had tossed in her bed, sleep not taking her as she had hoped it would, her body exhausted and her heart sore from the obvious deterioration in her mother’s condition. Dinner that evening had been quiet, Mina eating alone, the others having eaten earlier as she had returned so late. She was glad that Nikos was nowhere to be seen, not sure why she felt the need to not be close to him. However, when Theresa had informed her he was on a date she had been surprised at the bolt of jealousy which had flashed through her, chastising herself for her reaction. Nikos Dupris was little more than a using bully, who only put up with her in his house so that he could control her.

  Quickly turning once more she had looked at the time on the small bedside clock, groaning seeing it to be 1:00 in the morning. Kicking off the bedclothes she had lain for a few seconds wide awake wondering what to do, before sliding from the luxurious bed and pulling on her small wrap slipping from her room. Padding barefoot she had gingerly made her way down the stairs heading for the kitchen. The thought of a milky drink and reading a good book had seemed to be the only plan that might help her to sleep, remembering the way as a small child her mother would bring her warm milk to bed, the memory once more sending a stabbing pain through her.

  With her drink now in hand, she had then moved into the library, surprised as light had filled the large room already. With a small gasp she had frozen, her eyes wide seeing Nikos stood, his arms around a woman, kissing her, Mina almost dropping the cup she carried.

  Both Nikos and his date had broken apart hearing the sound, two pairs of eyes darting to stare at the unexpected person who had entered the room, one surprised one scowling.

  “Mina!” he had said, his voice concerned “Is everything OK?”

  Mina however, was staring at the woman who still clung possessively to the handsome man. She was stunning. Her blonde hair piled high onto her head, her makeup flawless. The cocktail dress she wore showing off her perfect figure and voluptuous curves to devastating effect.

  “I…I’m so sorry … I didn’t realise anybody was here” she had stuttered, the blush so visible on her cheeks, as she had stood so unsure what to do, wanting to flee from the room. The other woman had glared at her, her eyes cold Mina realising as she had spoken so softly, her tone honey sweet.

  “Nikos darling…who is this person?”

  Nikos had frowned, looking briefly at her before once more turning to stare at Mina, holding back a soft groan seeing her stood so beautiful and so stunning, once more not understanding his reaction to this woman. She wore no makeup and her long hair fell around her small body, still tousled from sleep or obvious lack of it, yet his whole body had lurched at seeing her, so young and innocent looking, pausing for several seconds before pulling himself together.

  “Claire. I would like for you to meet Mina Lane. Mina is my stepfather’s daughter; she is staying here for a while”.

  Mina had tried to give a small smile, still so aware as the other woman had regarded her coldly, not liking what she was seeing. Mina had wanted to curl up and die. This perfect woman in his arms, while she wore an old silk wrap which reached down only to her knees, her feet bare and her hair mussed from tossing around on the bed, cringing at the sight she must be to the other two.

  Repeating himself, this time his voice more insistent Nikos had asked her again if all was OK, Mina holding up her cup as though it would explain her presence.

  “I’m so sorry to disturb you”.

  Her feet shuffling nervously as she had wrapped her other arm around her midriff.

  “I couldn’t sleep, thought I would have a drink and maybe read a book…see if that helped”.

  She had seen the look of concern on his face, as he had taken in her pale features instinctively knowing that something was wrong. However, before he could ask more Claire had stepped forward her voice holding a more seductive tone.

  “Please, you take this room”.

  Her eyes full of promise turning once more to Nikos “We were just about to move anyway” her meaning so clear, as Mina had felt the blush burn even hotter on her cheeks, her eyes falling to the ground. She had not seen the warning look that Nikos had flashed to Claire or her small pout as she had moved towards the door. Moving aside Mina had made room for the two to pass, looking up as Nikos had hesitated before her.

  “Is there anything I can do to help Mina?” he had asked, his voice so soft, as she had managed as bright a smile as possible.

  “No…but thank you. I’m sorry I interrupted your evening” seeing as the other woman’s lips had curled into a smile.

  “Please do not be, you have not” as she had moved to the staircase, making her way to his room Mina knew, not understanding the jealousy which had once more ripped through her.

  In his room Nikos had turned on the lovely woman.

  “What the hell was that all about Claire? Did you really have to be that rude to her?”

  Claire had looked back at him, pouting softly, her eyes suddenly so full of apology.

  “I’m sorry baby. It was unexpected. How did you expect me to react to a half naked woman suddenly appearing?”

  Moving towards him she had purred seductively.

  “You should have warned me”.

  Nikos had looked back at her, the angry set to his mouth softening, realising that she was right, knowing that he was angrier with himself than her. With a sigh he had nodded, seeing as she had moved her hands to unclasp the back of her dress, the wispy material swishing down to her feet as she had moved to drape herself over his bed.

  “Let’s not argue” she had smiled, her hands reaching out to him. Moving forward he had pulled her into his arms once more, his eyes closing as the sight of Mina had filled his mind. That night his lovemaking had been raw, Claire moaning and gasping with pleasure, oblivious to the fact that it was not her face or her body that spurred him to such heights.

  Chapter Three

  The next morning Mina had risen early, quickly showering, the jets of water pummelling some life back into her tired body. After

the encounter in the library, she had quickly found a book, fleeing back to her room, not wanting to bump into the couple again, although deep down she knew that they would not be making another appearance for some time. It was early in the morning when she had finally managed to get some sleep, her dreams full of nightmares involving her mother and the handsome Greek.

  Moving downstairs she had slipped into the kitchen groaning to find Nikos sitting drinking coffee and reading a paper. Unsure if she should flee and return later, the decision was taken from her hands as he had looked up, smiling.

  “Good morning Mina”

  He had said, his voice sliding sensually down her spine. Moving forward, she had given him a small nervous smile moving to the kettle, before facing him.

  “I am so sorry Nikos…about last night…if I had known…” she had blurted out, as he had chuckled softly.

  “No harm done Mina, it didn’t ruin my plans” he had finished with a smile.

  Quickly turning so that he would not see the flush that had rushed to her cheeks she had busied herself making tea, before moving over to the table to sit beside him.

  As she had sat down he had fixed her with a strange look.

  “Everything has happened so fast Mina, I did not even ask if there was somebody special in your life”.

  Not fully understanding him, she had looked back with confusion on her face.

  “Special in what way?” she had asked softly.

  “I meant do you have a boyfriend or lover back home?”

  Flushing once more she had shaken her head emphatically.

  “No…no one”, seeing the surprise on his face.

  Taking a sip of her tea, she was not prepared to expand further on her breakup with her boyfriend of two years. Once more she had felt the prickling guilt at having hurt him so much after he had asked her to marry him, Mina realising at that time that she was not ready for such a commitment.

  Seeing the look in his eyes, she had changed the direction of his question.

  “Is Claire your girlfriend?” she had asked conversationally, seeing as his lips had quirked, his eyes full of humour.

  “No. Claire is not my girlfriend” he had chuckled, taking in the way her eyes had dropped to her cup, the embarrassment so clear in them.

  “I see” she had said, searching for something else to say, kicking herself for asking the question in the first place. His silky voice had made her look up, a smile on his handsome face.

  “Claire and I have… an arrangement” his voice sure, as she had picked up her cup.

  “I…I see” she had repeated taking a large gulp to steady her nerves. However, as his eyes had once more returned to the paper she had felt a flash of anger, telling herself that she was not the one that should be feeling embarrassed about the previous evening. It was not her choice to be living under his roof, and placing the cup back down she had looked back at him with more fire in her eyes.

  “Actually I don’t see” she had said, Nikos looking back at her with surprise, a small frown creasing his brow.

  “So she is your … mistress?”

  Nikos had raised his brow in surprise at the change in her, his mouth twitching once more as he had regarded the woman before him.

  “Claire and I have an agreement. We can both see other people if and when we want…it suits us both”.

  Mina had been unable to hide the small hint of contempt that had reached her eyes.

  “So that makes her what…….your part-time mistress then?”

  Far from being angry at her comments, Nikos had laughed, nodding softly.

  “I guess you could call her that” his eyes flashing full of humour which had made her grit her teeth, as so calmly he had continued.

  “I have never felt the need for a full time mistress…unlike some”.

  The reference to her own situation had been openly inferred, and raising her chin defiantly she had glared back at him.

  “Well at least my father only felt the need to have one mistress” she had bitten back as he had regarded her a little more coldly.

  “Yes, a shame he so easily forgot about the wife he promised to be faithful to” his tone now icy.

  Mina had looked away, shame filling her, knowing him to be right.

  Nikos had looked at Mina, suddenly feeling ashamed at the way he had turned on her. With all the stress on her, he did not need to be adding to it and in a more gentle voice he had asked.

  “How is your mother, I got the impression that things were not well last night?”

  Surprised, she had turned to look back at him, her eyes filling with pain as the memory of her mother had once more filled her thoughts.

  “She seems to be getting weaker each day” her voice filled with sadness.

  “I’m sure it is just temporary” her tone not full of the confidence she wanted so much to believe. He had nodded softly at her as he rose.

  “I am sure you are right” his tone kindly as he had drawn a business card from his pocket, placing it in front of her.

  “However, if you need anything, then call this number anytime”.

  With that he had moved out leaving a surprised Mina, who with a small frown had lifted the card seeing on the back what was most likely his mobile number, surprised that he would do this.

  Pulling from her pocket the sheet of paper he had given to her the previous day she had given a small sigh, jumping slightly as the housekeeper had moved in behind her.

  “That was a deep sigh Mina…you sound like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders”.

  Mina giving a small chuckle lifting the paper, “No not exactly, just instructions to shop” laughing as the other woman had given a grin making swooning motions “Oh, the awfulness of it…not SHOPPING”.

  Still chuckling she had looked back at her “Well easy for you to say… but where do I get all these clothes…is there a shopping centre nearby?”

  “Did you not ask Nikos?” Theresa had asked in surprise, seeing as Mina had given her a grimace.

  “I don’t want to keep bothering him with every little thing”, Theresa moving to look at the list, giving a soft laugh “You can’t just pick up these things from a shopping centre. Yanis can help, he has connections”.

  Winking conspiratorially she had moved to the door calling her son who had quickly appeared, a warm smile on his handsome face. Talking quickly in Greek she had filled him in on Mina’s predicament, Yanis turning to her and smiling broadly.

  “I have just the place. One phone call and I’m sure that we can get you sorted”.

  Flashing them both a thankful grin she had asked if they could arrange it for after her mother’s visit, the memory of how weak she had seemed the previous day once more seeing her eyes grow sad.

  One phone call later Yanis had returned smiling telling her that he would take her to a new boutique that was opening up on the island, but which had already had many of its designs showcased on prestigious magazines. Smiling Mina had risen, relieved that the two had been able to help her, moving quickly to her car, her stomach in knots as she had dreaded any further deterioration in her mother.

  Returning home, she had smiled warmly at Yanis who had met her at the door Mina surprised at how excited he seemed holding back her ‘unusual for men to like shopping’ comment which had risen to her lips.

  “How is your mother?” he had asked kindly, Mina smiling at the obvious sincerity in the question giving him a dazzling return grin.

  “She seemed better today” she had replied, her response truthful as she had remembered her mother in high spirits, her eyes bright and focussed as she had chatted happily with Mina.

  “Much better”.

  He had nodded back “Good” his big smile filling his handsome face.

  “I thought that we would go now…give you lots of shopping time”.

  With a chuckle and a small nod she had moved to the black car he had picked her up in the first day she had arrived, pausing squinting up at him.
br />   “Do you mind if I ride up front?” she had asked, seeing the surprise then return smile, before she had slid into the passenger seat.

  Starting the engine, Yanis had looked sideways at the woman beside him.

  “You are not really much for airs and graces are you Mina?”

  He had spoken softly, seeing as her mouth had twitched.

  “No. This is really not my world; I find it all very strange” a wistful note to her voice as she had looked thoughtfully out of the window, hesitating, her eyes briefly flicking to him.

  “I don’t really know what Nikos has told you” she had said softly. Yanis shaking his head quickly a kindly look in his eyes “He has told us nothing…and it is not really our place to know”.

  At this she had chuckled.

  “Well believe me, if you knew then you would not be so impressed”, her face looking at him with humour in her green eyes.

  “I am a nobody…a school teacher from the UK that’s all, and all this”, she had given the sheet of paper in her hand a small smack.

  “This is all designed to make a sow’s ear into a silk purse”.

  At this Yanis had given her a considering look, his brows furrowed, his voice thoughtful.

  “My father used to always tell me Mina that the worth of a person is not in how they appear on the outside, but how they behave on the inside…and you are not a nobody. You are one of the nicest ladies I have ever met…certainly not a sow’s ear”.

  He had added with a small laugh as she had thrown him a thankful look.

  As they had driven further, Yanis had sneaked a look at Mina, gripping the wheel tighter, the feeling of uneasiness filling him. This woman had no pretences about her, no hidden agenda, and his deception was eating away at him. With a large sigh, which had seen her turn to look at him in surprise, he had pulled the car over turning to face her.

  “Mina…I can’t lie to you”.

  Her eyes had widened with surprise and confusion.

  “The boutique I am taking you to…it isn’t on the covers of magazines, nor does it have major stars as customers”.

  His voice had grown quieter “It is my girl friend, Francesca’s. She is just starting out…and well given the kind of events you are going to be attending I thought that the publicity would do her good…that plus the sales would help”.


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