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The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress

Page 10

by Marie Kelly

  For the past two days, Mina had moved in an almost sleep-like trance, her concentration solely on her mother, who had each day seemed to weaken just a little more. There had been many calls from Nikos, Mina ignoring each and every one, not willing or able to handle dealing with him, so unsure why she felt so much hurt at his having used her. Moving to the pool she had smiled, seeing as her mother had lain so serene against a lounger sitting in the one beside her as she had heard more stories of the years that she had spent there with Alexander, the love for the man still shining from her, Mina once more grateful that she had been able to give her mother this one last gift.

  On the third day, while Alice was looking after her mother, the doorbell had rung. Opening it, she had stood mouth agape seeing Nikos on the doorstep.

  “W…what are you doing here?” she had finally managed to stutter out, her voice low, her body jumping to instant awareness having him so close.

  “You don’t answer your phone, texts, emails……what else was I supposed to do?”

  He had bitten out, his mouth grim his dark eyes flashing angrily.

  Raising her hand to rub her brow, she had regarded him warily.

  “I have a lot on my mind right now Nikos… My mother…”

  His face had instantly softened his expression apologetic as he had shuffled slightly “I know…and I am sorry Mina…but we have to talk”.

  Shaking her head with determination she had groaned gently.

  “No…no we don’t. It was a mistake….let’s just leave it at that”.

  Before he could respond, another voice, a soft almost inaudible silvery one had interrupted.

  “Who is it Mina?” Mina’s eyes closing with dread, before opening and looking beseechingly at Nikos.

  “It is Nikos Dupris mother” she had replied, allowing the door to open to reveal the man to the small woman who had moved slowly into the hallway.

  Nikos had moved his eyes from Mina to the frail woman before him. He could still see the lovely features of the woman who had been his stepfathers mistress, seen the lovely eyes inherited by her daughter. She was smiling with real joy at seeing him, this taking him aback, as he had moved into the foyer of the Villa Aqua.

  “Nikos!” she had exclaimed shuffling slowly forward to meet him, Nikos quickening his step to save her from having to strain herself.

  “It is wonderful to meet you. Your mother spoke so highly of you”.

  Two pairs of eyes had looked back at the small woman with surprise.

  “My mother?” he had questioned, the shock so clear on his voice. “You knew my mother?”

  Taking his arm, and allowing the tall man to walk with her back to the comfortable living room she had nodded softly, a small chuckle leaving her.

  “I suppose many would find it strange, but yes we became good friends”.

  As he had helped her to sit on the seat full of pillows, her frail body lost in the cushions, he had looked intently at her.

  “I did not know that you knew each other” his tone kindly but questioning.

  Her mother had held onto Nikos’ hand, gently patting it.

  “Yes. It was your mother who insisted that I live here”.

  She had given a small laugh, seeing the shock on the two other faces, a slight frown falling on her brow.

  “You are aware of the kind of marriage your mother and Alexander had?”

  Nikos had shaken his head, a small look of anger once more filling his eyes.

  “My mother was a very private person Miss Lane. However, I do not think that their marriage was a happy one”.

  The frail woman had shaken her head.

  “No…no you must not think that. Please. They were good friends”.

  Nikos had looked up at Mina for answers, seeing the dumbfound shock on her face also.

  “Your mother and Alexander married for convenience. He was Greek aristocracy, with no money, and her family were rich but needed the connections. It seemed an ideal solution for them both…until he and I met”.

  A small wistful look had come to her face.

  “He wanted to divorce your mother and marry me…especially when Mina was born…but it would have been disastrous and your mother made us see that”.

  She had lain back as coughs had wracked her small frame, Mina rushing forward with water. As the coughing had died down she had continued.

  “Your company was in a bad way, and the divorce would have meant the end, so we all talked and came up with this solution, and it worked well…until your mother died…then Alexander” her face filling with sorrow, before leaning forward she had gently patted his cheek.

  “You have your mother’s eyes Nikos. She was a good woman”.

  Mina could see as Nikos had blinked, surprised to see what looked like tears, before he had managed to pull himself together, smiling softly at the other woman.

  “Yes…yes she was…but she never told me any of this”.

  About to say more her mother had once more started to cough, this time struggling to breath, both Nikos and Mina becoming concerned, as Alice had rushed in, her professional voice calm as she had taken control of the situation, pulling oxygen from behind the chair and giving it to the older woman to help her breath. Looking at the other two people in the room she had smiled, her voice brooking no argument.

  “Mina perhaps you should show your visitor the grounds” both recognising the instruction to leave, as they had risen.

  “S…sure” Mina looking lovingly at her mother “I will show Nikos the beach mother” seeing as she had nodded, breathing in shallow gulps of air, Mina not aware as her body had shaken with seeing her like that.

  As they had moved out of the villa, he had pulled her around to look into her eyes.

  “You don’t really expect me to believe any of that do you?” he had bitten out at her, his eyes full of anger and confusion, as she had looked back at him, hers full of pain at seeing her mother struggling just to breath.

  “She is dying Nikos…why would she lie?”

  Looking down adding in a smaller voice “She has nothing to gain from telling anything but the truth”.

  Pulling away from him, she had moved away down towards the beach, seeing as the sun was starting to set, needing to put some distance between herself and this man who was having such a disturbing effect on her with just his presence. She had heard as he had followed her, Mina moving to where the water gently lapped at the sand, kicking off her sandals and stepping into the icy water feeling as it had cooled her suddenly burning skin.

  Behind her she had been aware as he had stood silently for several seconds before finally speaking, no longer talking of the revelation her mother had just made.

  “Why did you leave Mina?”

  The question had caught her by surprise, glad that she was facing away from him, so that he would not see the hurt which had filled her lovely face.

  “You know why…my mother needed me”.

  This time his voice had been gentler

  “And what about what happened between us?”

  Lifting the long gypsy skirt she wore, she had moved further into the water, needing to put even more space between them.

  “A mistake Nikos, one best forgotten”, she had heard the small dismissive sound from him, glad that he could not reach her in the water.

  “Really…so that is it for you is it?” Mina surprised at the tinge of anger on his voice, as she had finally whiped around to look at him.

  “You made your feelings more than clear the night before” her voice lower as she had added “And by making sure that you were not there in the morning”.

  She had been rewarded as his expression had become one of discomfort.

  “I didn’t know how to deal with it Mina…I needed to think…it was unexpected”.

  Biting her lip she had looked sorrowfully back at him “Which is why it is best if we forget it Nikos” turning once more so that he would not see the look of sadness which had inexplicably filled her
features. Nikos’ voice had become harder as he had remembered Dina’s words.

  “Yes…..seems you forgot it very quickly” Mina blinking in confusion “What does that mean?”

  “It means Mina that it didn’t take too long for you to start seducing someone else…and you didn’t go far either. Did you have to pick Yanis?” his voice clipped.

  Spinning around she had stared back at him “What the hell does that mean?” she had bitten back.

  “You were seen kissing Yanis” He had thrown back, as she had frowned.

  “He gave me a small kiss and told me that everybody was thinking of me and my mother…you make it sound like…like we were” her hands flapping with frustration, her skirt dropping into the water, before she had stopped, her eyes narrowing.

  “Who told you?”

  To her surprise a big smile had spread across Nikos’ face lighting it with a strange glow, a look of almost relief filling his handsome features.

  “You mean you and he were not …kiss kissing?” he had laughed, moving forward into the sea caring little as the water had sloshed over and covered his expensive leather shoes, Mina looking at him with surprise, her eyes widening as her hands had moved in an attempt to ward him off.

  “No…stay away Nikos” she had cried, even as he had reached out and pulled her into his arms, Mina trying to push him from her as his mouth had descended and captured hers, a shudder running through her, as pushes had turned to clutches as she had pulled him in harder kissing him back, whimpering softly against his mouth.

  “This is wrong, Nikos” she had managed in a tortured voice as he had pulled back to draw a breath, her large eyes looking imploringly into his, his full of fire.

  “No Mina, the last three days have been so wrong”.

  His mouth moving to run down the long milky column of her soft throat “The villa has seemed so empty without you…I missed you”.

  She had groaned, her face showing her surprise.

  “But you hate me Nikos” she had whispered gently “You think me some deceiving wannabe mistress”.

  Feeling his head shaking, her nipples had hardened as his thumb had begun to rub the nub so seductively, Mina gasping with the jolt that had shot through her.

  “I don’t hate you Mina, I could never hate you…and I don’t care how we are together…so long as we are together”.

  This time his hands had moved to cup her face, his mouth kissing her with a passion that was sending her every sense reeling, the need for him so strong within her. Feeling her legs buckling, he had reached down and in one fluid movement had swept her into his arms, his mouth still kissing hers with an unquenchable fire that burned between them both, white hot and intense. Striding from the water he had moved over to the small cabana that offered protection from the sun and privacy from the villa, laying her down gently onto the large sun bed.

  “I need you Mina” he had whispered against her ear, as she had shuddered struggling to speak, nodding.

  “Yes …oh my god yes Nikos” pulling at his t-shirt, as he had done to her small summer top. As their naked skin had finally touched she had felt the tremor passing between them, his kiss becoming so gentle as he had whispered softly to her in Greek, words she did not understand, but which enflamed her already heightened need for him. Her fingers had moved to tentatively stroke the hardened bulge over his jeans, Mina rewarded with the groan and masculine suck of air which had seen his eyes closing, his hand pulling at the skirt she wore, pulling it up over her bottom, the material gathered at her waist, his fingers finding the small panties and sliding under them between her legs.

  As he had stroked her she had been unable to stop the way her body had wriggled encouragingly, before one finger had slid deep inside her, Mina gasping as her head had fallen back. With a need for him that was almost frightening, she had clawed at his zipper, pulling it down and releasing his manhood, her hand grazing him, feeling as he had twitched against her hand the musky smell of him reaching her nose driving them both even farther. As his head had dropped to suck in one heightened nipple she had grasped him firmly within her small hand, stroking him, feeling the way he had moved silkily between her fingers.

  Unable to stand it any longer, Nikos had raised himself, pulling the trousers down over his buttocks unable to take time to pull them off completely his need for her so strong as raising himself to lie between her open legs, her fingers clawing at his back he had pulled back the skimpy piece of material and with the lust so strong within him thrust deeply inside her willing body.

  Mina had cried out at his possession of her, her legs wrapping around him, her fingers running down his naked buttocks, feeling as his muscles had hunched as he had driven harder into her body, his lips once more returning to hers as he had plundered her mouth, his lovemaking raw and frantic. She had felt the beads of sweat gather on his spine, as he had stroked so deeply within her, her body holding him tightly, her legs spurring him on, begging for him not to stop as he had driven deeper and harder into her until she had fallen back, her head whipping from side to side as she had cried out gasping and panting as her body had exploded, her orgasm flowing over her, Mina crying out his name. The feel of her quivering muscles had torn down the last remnants of control Nikos possessed, as he had spilled so deeply within her, his release so wonderful, as he had joined her, his groans and cries mixing with hers as their bodies had fused together with his final surge into her.

  As the sensations had receded he had fallen heavily over Mina, who had wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly to her as she had kissed his neck, her lips trembling with the intensity of what they had just shared.

  Finally raising himself, he had once more captured her lips, this time his kiss soft and slow, Mina feeling as his mouth had seemed to tremble also. When the tremors which had seen them both jerk violently against the other had subsided, he had slid from her, pulling his trousers back up securing them once more, as she had pulled her skirt down to cover herself. Neither had spoken, before looking over at him, Mina had burst into tears, pulling her legs up and dropping her head into her knees, covering her breasts as she had wrapped her arms around her legs.

  With a groan he had pulled her in against him, cradling her like a small child, his arms around her shoulders her face against his naked chest. Snuffling she had fought hard to control herself, hearing as he had made soothing noises, his voice haunted as he had whispered to her “Please don’t cry” his hands gently stoking her hair. Finally able to pull back from him, Mina had looked into his eyes, Nikos seeing so much hurt in hers.

  “This is so wrong” she had finally managed, the back of her hand dashing away tears on her lovely face, Nikos feeling something so deep within him flip at her vulnerability.

  “Why is this so wrong Mina?” he had asked softly, seeing as she had looked away from him, biting her lip “I don’t want to be another of your part time mistresses Nikos…it isn’t who I am” her voice breaking slightly “I don’t need this right now…why couldn’t you just leave me alone?”

  Growing silent for a few seconds, he had wrestled with his feelings, trying so hard to voice how he felt before sighing softly.

  “I thought I came over here to yell at you Mina…to tell you to stay the hell away from Yanis” Mina’s head wiping around in surprise, shock on her features “But the truth is I was looking for any excuse to see you…just to see you”.

  Taking her hand in his, her eyes had moved in confusion to look at the way he entwined his fingers through hers.

  “I missed you, and none of this was planned. It just happened…because I think you missed me too”.

  Looking back up, she had savaged her lip, her features full of such sorrow.

  “It doesn’t make it any more right…I … I can’t deal…”

  His soft voice had interrupted her as his finger had hooked under her chin angling her head to him.

  “Maybe this is exactly what you do need Mina…what is going to help you deal with what everythi
ng else that is going on”.

  Looking back up at the house his voice had been low.

  “You need to be able to get out of there sometimes, you can’t watch what is happening 24/7. You need a break” his eyes so intent as they had bored into hers “You are there for your mother, you have done all this for her…let me be there for you Mina…you need something other than to watch your mother slowly…” his voice had trailed off seeing the pain on her face.

  Mina had looked back at him for seconds before whispering “Why…why do you want to be here for me?”

  Dropping his head, their foreheads touching he had replied “Because I have missed you. Because you need somebody but mostly because you are one of the best people I have ever met. Will you let me be there for you Mina?”

  Giving a half sob she had closed her eyes, an almost imperceptible nod against him as he had dropped his mouth to so gently kiss her lips.

  Pulling apart he had retrieved his t-shirt passing her top over at the same time, both hastily pulling their clothes back on before he had risen to his feet, Nikos pulling Mina up with him.

  “Tomorrow…perhaps I can pick you up at say six…take you for a drive around the island. You need to get out of this villa Cara”

  The indecision in her eyes had been obvious as he had dropped another small kiss on her mouth, Mina clearing her throat nervously as she had nodded “Thank you…I would really like that” receiving one of his warm smiles.

  Wrapping his arm around her shoulder he had moved to the front of the villa.

  “Till tomorrow Mina” he had said softly, as she had nodded silently beside him, her whole insides churning with so many different emotions all swirling around her as all she could do was nod back, her eyes following him as he moved away from her, part of her wishing that she was still within his comforting arms, this thought making Mina savage her lip once more.


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