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The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress

Page 13

by Marie Kelly

  Moving even closer he had plucked the glass from her fingers.

  “I disagree Mina, but if that is what you really want then I will not force you to do anything against your will”

  Mina had felt her mouth drying as she had cleared her throat nervously, remaining still as he had moved even closer, her eyes fluttering closed with a will of their own as her lips had parted slightly. With a triumphant sound he had then kissed her, Mina melting instantly into his embrace, her resolve vanishing with just that one touch of his lips.

  Pulling slightly back his mouth had whispered against hers.

  “Whatever time we have Mina…we should have it together”.

  Groaning softly she had struggled to find some reason to argue, her head spinning as her befuddled mind tried to focus on one thing, anything to stop what was happening. However, all she could think about was having his mouth back on hers as she had sighed softly, nodding gently as he had pulled her in harder kissing her, with bone-melting heat.

  The sound of footsteps moving down the hallway had made their way through to both of them as they had pushed apart, Mina seeing as his breathing had been as ragged as hers, his eyes glowing with the same need. Nikos, rising quickly had moved out of reach of her his voice husky “I will ask Theresa to move your things”, before he had quickly turned and left the room, Mina still trying to grasp what had happened. She had been relieved the previous evening when he had not moved into her room, needing to concentrate on coping with her mother’s death and the grief that filled her over that. Having Nikos so close, with the way she felt for him was just confusing everything. With a ragged groan, her head clearing, she had once more chastised herself. Her determination to nip the relationship in the bud, despite the way her heart cried out for him had been left in tatters around her as with just one kiss he had gotten her to agree to be the one thing she had always sworn never to be - his mistress, no matter how fleeting.

  For a second she had contemplated chasing after him and telling him that she could not move into his room, that she could not be there for his sexual satisfaction, but she had known that Nikos was not a man used to being told no. If one kiss had seen her agreeing to move into his bed, what would happen if he were to choose to do so in her bedroom, a small tremor of desire flooding through her. Sighing softly once more, she had known that no matter what she was putty in that man’s hands, both in body and in heart. Feeling the tears rise once more in her eyes she had never felt closer to her mother, for the first time understanding why she had remained with her father, understanding the complete destructive power of loving somebody so incapable of committing back.

  Sighing she had risen and rushed to the door, calling out his name, Nikos stopping, a wary look on his face as he had turned to look at her “No need to bother Theresa…I will do it myself”.

  With a large grin he had nodded moving back towards her and taking her softly in his arms.

  “You will not regret this Mina” he had muttered sensually against her, Mina already knowing that she would. That she would be burnt badly in the heat of their passion. That it would be she who would be the one consumed by the fire not him, but finally realising that she would rather that fate than not spend every possible moment with him.

  Later as she had moved her clothes into his room, Theresa had appeared Mina feeling herself blush as she had faced the housekeeper. Theresa however, had only smiled offering to help as she had grinned broadly “Finally … Nikos finds himself a NICE girl”, Mina dropping her eyes as she had laughed, her embarrassment so obvious.

  “Well, at least until I go back home”.

  The housekeeper pausing as she had looked back “But … will you not stay?”

  Shaking her head fervently she had pulled more clothes from the drawer “No… I can’t” giving a half laugh “I don’t somehow think that Nikos sees this as a long term thing anyway…and I have to get back to my life” her voice breaking softly at the thought of returning alone to the house she and her mother had shared, as she had pulled herself up taller, putting a more assured smile on her face.

  “It is better that I go home as soon as possible”.

  Theresa had looked at her contemplatively before turning away, not feeling it her place to comment.

  For the rest of the day Mina had sought solace in the garden, allowing its peaceful beauty to bring some inner peace to her broken heart. As she had sat near the edge of the cliff the sounds and smells of the ocean had settled on her as she had breathed in the serenity of the place. Nikos had returned to work, full of apologies, not wanting to leave her that day. However the emergency was not one that could be ignored and with a gentle kiss she had told him to go, seeing as he had looked so undecided, this touching Mina deeply.

  As the light of the day had grown dim Yanis had come to sit with her, Dina with him, for once so subdued having brought with them drinks and sandwiches, his handsome face full of concern for her.

  “My mother insists that I bring this back in empty” he had chuckled sitting down beside her. Mina had smiled back, feeling the way her stomach had rumbled, having eaten so little over the past few days. Reaching over she had picked up one of the delicious morsels.

  “Well we do not want to upset Theresa” she had chuckled scrunching her nose at him playfully as he had flashed an approving grin. Dina’s small hand had moved into hers, Mina looking at the small girl who was regarding her so sombrely.

  “Mina I don’t have a mummy either” she had stated in her childlike voice.

  “I know that it will be OK…because Yanis, Theresa, Nikos and me will love you”.

  Looking over at Yanis who had grinned at her cute words he had nodded in agreement. Smiling warmly she had squeezed the little girl’s hand, so touched with her words, before pulling her in for a cuddle, Dina gently patting her back in the way adults did to upset children, Mina feeling such love for the child filling her.

  “Well I am really glad that I have all of you” she had smiled, silently wishing that one of those named could love her the way she loved him, but knowing that he never could. With that the three had sat back silently, content to watch the sunset, the end of yet another day, the end of one of the saddest so far in her life, her mother’s face filling her thoughts.

  Walking back into his villa that night Nikos had sworn softly with how silent and dark the house was. The emergency had taken much longer to resolve than he had anticipated, angry that of all days it had been that one, knowing that he had wanted to be there for Mina. Moving into the study, he had poured himself a small drink, allowing his body to unwind after the strenuous day and constant meetings.

  His thoughts had once more moved to Mina, Nikos frowning into his drink. He had been relieved when she had agreed to move into his room, but her mention once more of leaving the following week was unsettling, this realisation making his brows knit even tighter together. She fascinated him. He kept waiting for her to be the person he had thought her to be, but with each day he had found himself wanting her more. The memory of their lovemaking had caused his body to jump with the raw need for her, once more knowing that no other woman had ever raised him so high.

  Absently running his thumb along the lip of the glass, he had thought about her, Claire’s words once more coming to his mind that she was born to be a mistress, Nikos staring thoughtfully at the fireplace. Would it be so very bad to have her as his mistress, he wanted her and she him, shivering gently he had known that the way they had reacted to each other had been real. Nobody could fake that kind of fire. Taking a final sip he had stood determinedly, perhaps a suitable arrangement would not be so bad after all.

  Mina had slept fitfully, not able to forget the events of the day. She had finally cried herself to sleep, but her dreams were full of nightmares of finding her mother dead and standing by her coffin. Her features were drawn and she had whimpered pitifully. Nikos sliding into the bed beside her had watched, seeing the myriad of emotions running across her beautiful face. Pulling her ag
ainst his stomach his arms had moved to hold her as he had whispered gently to her

  “I’m here Mina” surprised as she had given a soft sigh whispering his name in return as her body had relaxed against him. As he had held her she had slipped into a more peaceful sleep, now her dreams full of being in Nikos’ arms and of being cradled protectively by the man she loved.

  Blinking, Mina had woke, the room full of grey light as the sun had slowly started to rise banishing the night once more. Shifting slightly she had felt herself held securely, her head moving to see Nikos still deeply asleep beside her, his breaths soft and even his face so peaceful. Lifting his arm to slide free from him, he had started, his eyes flying open as she had looked apologetically back at him.

  “Sorry…go back to sleep” her soft voice making him smile warmly.

  “Never be sorry, Cara” he had muttered gently, his hands wrapping more tightly around her, hauling her in even harder against him as she had given a small squeal of surprise. She had felt the way his erection had twitched against her back, Mina’s own body tightening in response as she had turned in his embrace, both looking at the other. As his eyes had scanned down her face, she had given a soft groan.

  “You must be exhausted” she had murmured, her fingers moving to run through his hair.

  “Sleep a little longer…I need a shower”.

  Nodding softly he had released her, Mina feeling a small twinge of disappointment as she had moved into the large opulent bathroom. Stepping under the needles of water she had heard him move into the room also, smiling seductively at her as he had slipped into the shower with her.

  “I considered your proposal…and I have one of my own”.

  Mina laughing, recognising the words he had used the day he had blackmailed her to reveal her true identity. Chuckling she had let him take her into his arms.

  “Mmmm do you now, well perhaps we can come to some arrangement” her eyes flashing wickedly at him, as with a low rumble of laughter his mouth had dropped to kiss her. The kiss was dynamite and both had erupted like roman candles with the need for the other, his hands moving down her pushing her legs apart as his fingers had explored her. She in turn had grasped his length in her hand, hearing the intake of breath as he had muttered words in Greek, the frustration and pleasure so clear in his voice.

  Pushing him back slightly the two had held the other’s gaze, the look full of sex and promise as warm water had slid down between them. Holding his hips she had leant forward, her mouth kissing his chest, her tongue trailing down his belly as he had groaned. Dropping to her knees, she had heard his sigh as his fingers hand wound into her hair, Mina holding him in her small hand. Looking up, she could see the way he had looked back, his eyes full of expectancy as she had flicked out her small tongue to tantalize the tip of him, Nikos shuddering as his eyes had closed softly.

  As she had let him slide into her mouth his hips had moved against her, slowly to start but more demanding as she had driven him further than he would have ever thought possible for a woman to do. His hands had grabbed her head, pulling her even harder against him until he had started to pant, pulling back from her, raising her to her feet as in a tortured whisper he had begged her to stop, his mouth finding hers in a deep kiss, his lips shaking as he had tasted himself from her. Making to move her arms around his neck, he had given a small masculine grunt, grabbing her hips and turning her around, her breasts pressed against the cold tile.

  “My turn” he had whispered, his arm moving around her shoulder holding her in place as his mouth had sucked on her neck, Mina feeling the goose bumps rising all over her body as she had groaned. His fingers had pushed her legs apart, before delving into the soft folds of her as she had gasped. With deadly accuracy he had ran them deep inside her rubbing the small pearl within until her head had spun with the sensations flooding her so unaware as she had panted and cried out for him to not stop, his mouth still kissing down her neck as she had shuddered. Never before had she felt this way, her whole body teetering on the brink as he had moved to grab both her hips, Mina only able to steady herself with her arms against the tile. He had angled her hips upwards, his tip against her, as with one sure thrust he had pushed his full length deep inside her tight body. Crying out with his possession Mina had whimpered, Nikos pausing for a second as he had fought the need to spill so deeply right then and there.

  Finally able to control himself he had began to stroke deep inside her, Mina moaning and half out of her mind with the feel of him within her, until she had fallen forward, her head against her arm as shuddering violently she had climaxed, crying out his name as the sensations had swept over her in wave after wave of pleasure. The feel of her rippling muscles had been all that he could stand, as her body had clenched him so deeply, his orgasm following hers as his release had been so wonderful, panting with her, his arms moving around her belly to hold her tighter to him as he had felt unsteady, his head spinning with the intensity of it.

  Aware as her legs had buckled, Nikos had turned her around holding her up in his arms, their eyes once more held together, dazed with the way their bodies had once again reacted to the other, both unable to speak as he had kissed her, her arms flying around his neck to hold herself up and feel this man, this wonderful man.

  “My God Mina” he had finally moaned against her “You have no idea what you are doing to me”.

  With a small chuckle she had nodded “Oh I think I do…I really, really do” his deep laugh against her skin once more raising her body’s awareness for him.

  With that he had moved her slightly from him, his hands taking the soap and washing it down her as the water continued to pummel them. She had done the same for him, both sensing the need for the other, as he had moved her from the shower, enveloping her in a large fluffy towel, before bending down and lifting her into his arm striding once more to the bed where the two once more were lost in the desire for the other.

  What seemed hours later they had lain in each other’s arms Nikos once more rolling her onto her back, Mina chuckling, her features radiant.

  “Let me catch my breath” she had laughed, as he had laughed back, his eyebrows raising and lowering wickedly, “Now as much as I fully expect to take advantage of that…there is something that I want to talk to you about”.

  Moving her hand to gently caress his cheek, she had looked lovingly up at him her eyes still soft from their lovemaking.

  “Ask away Mr Dupris” she had joked, his mouth twitching again, before he had looked more seriously back at her.

  “The vote is in four days Mina”.

  The smile falling from her lips as she had looked more sombrely back.

  “What are your plans then?”

  Dropping her eyes from him she had coughed uncomfortably “Well you know what they are” Nikos saying nothing as she had continued “I guess that I will return to my job…my work has been really good about giving me the time off with my mother…”

  She had seen as he had frowned softly down at her, his hand moving to take a piece of her hair absently running it down her cheek “What if I asked you to stay…to stay on the island with me?”

  Her eyes had flown to his in disbelief “You are asking me to stay with you…here?”

  His look had become a little uncomfortable “Well not here, I think that we both need our space…but here on the island. I can buy you a house, make sure that you never need to work again…you don’t have to go back”.

  Mina had felt her heart which had swollen at his first words break into a thousand shards, pushing him slightly from her as she had fought hard to keep her face impassive, to not let him see her upset.

  “You mean like your mistress”.

  His lips twitching once more “Maybe…but not a part time one…more like…a full time one”.

  “Wow that is quite a step for you” she had bitten out, Nikos frowning softly at the change in her “It is what we both want isn’t it?” his voice soft.

  Shaking her head, she
had kept her eyes averted.

  “No Nikos…it is not”, sighing gently the realisation that this was indeed a big step for him, possibly the most that he would ever be willing to offer a woman hitting her. Looking sadly back at him she had hardened her heart, fighting the way it yearned for even this small branch of hope, the chance to spend more time with him, her head for once winning as she had raised her head slightly to run her tongue along his lips.

  “We both know that it is best I go home after the vote. I came here to make my mother’s last wishes come true…and they did…thanks to you, but now it is time I got on with my life”.

  Frowning he had moved has hand to pull her hips harder into him, Mina moaning with the way her body had instantly gone up like a torch, Nikos kissing her cheek as he had whispered against her ear.

  “Well I have four more days to change your mind Mina, and I never fail to get what I want, and right now I want you”.

  As she had opened her mouth to argue, his had covered hers, the flames licking even harder as she had kissed him back her arms flying once more around his neck.

  A small growl had left him as he had laughed “Wow…looks like we got our breath back”.

  The two once more losing themselves in the need for the other.

  Chapter Six

  Opening the door, she had smiled seeing Alexander stood on the doorstep.

  “Alexander!”, she had cried, her happiness at seeing him genuine, as he had grinned back at her.

  “Nikos around?” he had laughed, his head looking around playfully as she had chuckled shaking her lovely head.

  “No…he is working”, moving backwards to let him in.

  “Can I get you a drink?” she had thrown over her shoulder moving into the dining room. Smiling he had nodded back “Oh yes…whiskey, water and ice …but hold the water”.

  Giving a slight frown she had looked disapprovingly at him “I meant tea or coffee Alexander” her tone school matronly “You are driving aren’t you?”


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