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The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress

Page 15

by Marie Kelly

  Pulling the door open, she had felt her legs buckle, her hands grasping the wood for support, as pain, shock and hurt had slammed into her.


  She had whispered her eyes staring wildly at the man before her, her shock evident as her already pale face had blanched.

  “Hello Mina”

  He had said softly, his tone warm and wary, his eyes taking in her shock. With extreme difficulty she had pulled herself together, raising her small chin bravely at the man who was once more just by his presence there tearing her apart.

  “I…I didn’t expect to ever see you again” she had mumbled, her arms nervously crossing around her body in a protective gesture not lost on the man before her

  “What is you want Nikos?”

  He had paused for a second watching the woman before him, seeing how tired she looked, how much thinner she appeared, yet how beautiful she still was to him, his voice hoarser than he had intended.

  “I was over on business” he had begun delving into his pocket and drawing from it a sliver of paper.

  “And I wanted to make sure that you got this”.

  Handing it to her, Mina had looked at the cheque. Blinking in confusion, she had looked back at him, her brow furrowed. She had felt the tears rising once more to her eyes, her nails digging deeply into the soft flesh of her palms to hold them down.

  “What is this for?” she had asked, barely glancing at the figure on the paper, not caring that he was handing her a million pounds.

  Clearing his throat, he had held her eyes, those lovely glorious eyes, so lacklustre not their usual shining self.

  “We had a deal, and this was part of it”.

  The memory of the day he had blackmailed her into going public with her relationship to Alexander had flashed through her mind, as she had nodded gently before hesitantly taking the cheque from his fingers. Looking behind her at the door she had felt the need to escape from him, to not let him see the hurt filling every part of her as she had looked down at the ground, not wanting to look into his dark eyes, those eyes that had the power to raise her so high and throw her so low.

  “Thank you” she had finally managed.

  “Well I had better get back to my class” moving to grab the door handle to get away from him. For the first time something had seemed to slip from Nikos, as he had stepped closer to her, his closeness sending panic signals throughout Mina.

  “Can we talk Mina? I need to talk to you”.

  Fervently shaking her head, still not willing to look at him she had bitten her lip “No……there is nothing to talk about. I have a class Nikos and I need to get back to them”.

  “When do you finish?”

  He had insisted, his tone holding a pleading note, as finally she had looked up at him. With a gasp she had seen how pale he too looked, his eyes dull and lifeless. Had he been sick she had wondered, her first instinct to reach out to him and ask if he was ok fighting hard to keep her hands by her side. Choking back the words she had lifted the cheque.

  “I think Mr Dupris that this finalizes all business between us. I appreciate your taking the time to deliver it yourself….though you could have just posted it”.

  Mina had tried so hard to sound professional but could hear how her voice had quivered, before she had whispered, the misery so clear.

  “Please just leave me alone”, pulling the door open and slipped into her classroom before he could say another word.

  The rest of the day had passed in a daze for Mina, her teacher persona thankfully taking charge and seeing her through as she had shut down her emotions, refusing to think of the man she had never thought ever to see again. At lunch, she had listlessly pushed around the food on her plate, her mind feverishly making plans for class, anything to stop his face popping into her head.

  Before she had left for Greece, Mina had been pursued by many of the other faculty, her gentle nature, good humour and stunning looks making every red-blooded male in the building look closely at her. Since returning, her new sexy hair style and the air of vulnerability which had clung to her had only seen the attention increase, many moving to sit beside her and offer her comfort for her mother’s passing. Mina however, saw none of this, her mind solely focussed on trying to shut out the one image which when it did manage to barge its way into her thoughts, would fill her with intense hurt and loss once more.

  Finally the day and week was over, and she had been relieved to once more seek sanctuary in the small house she and her mother had shared, pictures of the two of them laughing together making her smile sadly. Pulling the cheque from the pocket she had earlier stuffed it into, she had thought how it would at least clear the debt now on the building which she had needed to take out to rent the Villa Aqua for the first month, wincing as the memory of making love with Nikos in the cabana had flashed through her mind, her body buzzing with need at just the memory of their frantic love making that day. With a soft groan she had thrown the cheque onto the small table in the hall, not able to deal with it at that moment.

  Listlessly staring into the fridge, she had given a sigh, the emptiness once more a reminder to shop. Closing it over she had given up on the thought of food, her appetite nonexistent as she had flipped on the kettle, a cup of tea the only thing she could stomach at that moment.

  The ringing doorbell had made her frown, groaning at the thought of another friend coming to give her their consolations. Dragging her feet wearily along the wooden floors she had checked through the spy hole sighing heavily before opening the door. The jovial face of Bill Clarkson, one if her co-workers, had looked back at her, Mina fixing a smile on her lovely face.

  “Bill…What can I do for you?” she had asked warily, seeing as he had held out a casserole dish to her.

  “OK Mina. Since you got back, you have hardly eaten a thing at work and I am betting that you don’t have much in the house”.

  Mina had ran a hand over her brow as she had tried to think what to say that would see her co-worker, one of the most persistent of her admirers leave, just as he had moved into the house. With a small frown she had watched his back disappearing down her corridor, sighing in exasperation as she had closed the door, following him.

  “Kitchen this way?” he had cried, not waiting for an answer as he had moved into the small area.

  “Please Bill” she had managed as he had stopped turning to face her, his face kindly.

  “Mina” he had said gently “We are worried about you…and this is just dinner. You need to eat”.

  Managing a small smile back she had nodded gently moving forward and taking the dish from his hands.

  “Fine” she had sighed “Please make yourself comfortable Bill…I am afraid I can only offer you tea”.

  He had grinned, moving to open the large bag he clung to.

  “Well then, it is fortunate that I brought this” he had breezed pulling a bottle of wine from within. Frowning, Mina had shaken her head.

  “Tea is fine for me…but please help yourself” she had said hoping that her message was very clear.

  “Wine glass is in the living room”.

  Bill had smiled warmly at her, nodding as he had moved out to the other room, Mina giving a small sigh of relief, as she had opened the microwave determined to get rid of him as soon as possible.

  Hearing the door bell ring once more she had sworn softly under her breath. All she wanted was to be left alone and the whole world seemed determined to be with her.

  “I’ll get it” she had heard, Bill leaping up to answer her door as Mina had pushed the casserole dish into the small appliance before moving to find out who else was visiting her that night. As she had entered she had felt her mouth open in stunned shock, a haunted look filling her eyes as she had groaned.


  No longer dressed in the suit of that afternoon, he now wore more casual jeans and a jumper to keep off the cold biting wind.

  “Hello Mina” his voice had been soft, his eyes harder as h
e had looked over at Bill, the question clear on his face.

  “And you are?” he had bit out, Bill looking so uncomfortable, his face comical as he had seemed almost to forget his own name.

  “I…I” he had stuttered, completely fazed by the tall man before him, a man who had at least four inches on him and who exuded power and wealth.

  Moving further into the room Mina had interjected.

  “Nikos, this is my co-worker Bill. Bill was kind enough to bring me some dinner” her face still showing her surprise at seeing him there.

  At this the other man had moved forward, his arm outstretched, a nervous smile on his face, Nikos taking the hand in a quick firm shake.

  “That is very thoughtful of you Bill” he had spoke, his voice still hard, reading the other man’s intentions only too well, his eyes flying to the bottle of wine sitting on the coffee table.

  “I’m sure you were just leaving…..please do not let me keep you”.

  Bill had stood open-mouthed, his eyes moving from Mina to Nikos and back again, not knowing what to say as the tall stranger had stood so calmly. Looking helplessly at Mina, she too had seemed unable to speak, until anger had come to her aid as she had stood taller.

  “No…no Bill stay where you are” her eyes flying to the newcomer.

  “Bill was kind enough to make sure I had some dinner…he does not have to leave…but maybe you should”.

  Nikos had moved over to the coffee table picking up the wine.

  “So is this some kind of date?” he had asked, his eyes accusing as they had looked at her.

  He had heard the nervous laugh from the other man as Mina had given a loud irritated gasp.

  “Is that what you think Nikos…God you never give up. First Yanis and now Bill, is there no limit to how badly you think of me? Bill and I are not on a date. He is just being a kind considerate friend”.

  Nikos had felt his lips twitch, knowing that she truly believed this, once more amazed at her naivety as his eyes had flicked to the other man.

  “In that case I apologise” he had directed his comments to Bill “How nice of you to bring wine … to help a colleague” the note of sarcasm not lost on Bill, who had shuffled nervously, his eyes shiftily looking around, clearing his throat, knowing that the other man had clearly understood his intentions.

  “Yes well…you have the casserole Mina…so I guess I can leave you to it”.

  Mina had glared at Nikos as she had repeated that he was most welcome to stay, secretly too nervous to be alone with the Greek. However, with a last shaky smile he had made to move, Nikos stopping him as he had handed back the wine.

  “Best keep it for somebody else” his tone holding an implied threat, as Bill had taken the bottle nodding.

  Lifting his jacket, he had then moved quickly up the hallway Mina not moving until she had heard the clicking of the door as he had left.

  “Are you happy now?” she had thrown at him, as he had raised his eyebrow.

  “He was not here out of kindness Mina…he was here to take advantage of you while you were down”.

  She had given him a disbelieving look.

  “Oh my God you are unbelievable”.

  Her eyes regarding him contemptuously “I am a big girl Nikos. I can take care of myself”.

  His mouth had set, his brow furrowed in annoyance “You can be so naive sometimes. Guys like Bill take advantage of that”.

  She had stared back at him, her eyes wide.

  “Wow. Wouldn’t want somebody to take advantage of me would we Nikos?”

  Seeing as he had scowled “What the hell do you mean by that?” he had bit out, as she had waved her hand away not willing to add more as she had felt suddenly so tired and heart-sick.

  “What are you doing here Nikos? Did you only come to attack me, because I really wish you would just leave” she had bitten out, confusion, hurt and anger all showing on her lovely face. His expression had instantly changed, become unsure, an almost pleading look entering his eyes.

  “I told you earlier…we need to talk” He had said softly.

  She had shaken her head with determination “And as I said earlier we have NOTHING to talk about”.

  Her chin raised in defiance, a defiance belied by the look of hurt on her face and the way her eyes shone with tears which she had furiously blinked back.

  “We have a lot to talk about Mina…just hear me out” Nikos moving even closer. Mina had given a soft sob, her emotions in tatters from seeing him for the second time that same day, her whole body starting to shake.

  With a groan and tears spilling over the lids she had looked up at the man before her, her red lips starting to quiver “What do you want Nikos?…Please I asked you to just leave me alone, please respect that”.

  She had seen the shadow cross his eyes as he had looked back at her, his voice softly repeating “I just want to talk to you Mina”.

  Turning to pull herself together, she had finally fallen back on British politeness managing in a voice that still trembled “Fine. But I am afraid I can only offer you tea” seeing as he had moved to sit on the old settee, his long body making it seem even smaller. Shaking his head he had refused, his eyes watching her warily, as undecided she too had given up on the drink, sinking into the armchair furthest from him. Seeing as his lips had twitched softly, understanding why she sat where she had.

  “So talk Nikos…what is it you need to speak to me about?”

  His face had once more become serious, as he had looked uncomfortable.

  “I heard what you said to Alexander at the vote Mina” pausing for a second to look deeply into her eyes “I am so sorry for what I thought and said”.

  Looking down at her hands she had nodded “it’s fine…please just forget it”.

  Raising her head quickly she had heard the frustrated sigh come from him, seeing as he had risen to his feet, moving backwards and forwards in front of the settee his body taut like a caged panther.

  “No it’s not fine” he had bitten out, finally coming to a stop to look down at her from across the room.

  “I have spent the last week trying to figure out what I should say to you Mina, how I could apologise for the way I treated you, and the truth is there is nothing I can say to you that will explain what a jerk I was”.

  For the first time she had felt a small chuckle leave her, breaking the tension between them as her head had nodded softly.

  “Yes you really were” she had managed, as he had given a soft groan, laughing back with her.

  “Yeah I really was, and I am so sorry Mina”. His eyes now imploring as the two had looked at each other. Giving a small cough, she had waited as he had continued.

  “I should have trusted you…I should have listened to you…”

  Mina had looked up at him, her face full of hurt.

  “Yes you should have. You should have also trusted that I would stand by our agreement” pain crossing her lovely face as she had allowed the hurt to be heard so clearly on her voice “You didn’t have to make me your mistress to control me Nikos…I would have stuck by our agreement no matter what”.

  She had seen as his expression had changed to one of confusion.

  “Make you my mistress? What does that mean Mina?” his look incredulous “You think that I slept with you to control you…to make sure that you voted for me?”

  Mina had dropped her head, her fingers tugging at each other “Why else would a man like you take any notice of someone like me Nikos? You could have any woman you wanted. Why would you waste one second of your time on some school teacher from the UK, who doesn’t know a butter knife from a fish knife, who has the sophistication of a child. A woman who was the daughter of a man you detested”.

  Her voice had tapered off, as she had heard his sharp intake of breath, felt as he had moved in closer to her, kneeling down before her, a small groan leaving him.

  “Is that what you think Mina?…My God you could not be further from the truth. True I fought my feeling
s for you because of who you were, because you were Alexander’s daughter. But I couldn’t hold back from you. You are the gentlest, kindest, funniest, most intelligent woman I have ever met”.

  His hands had moved to grasp her shoulders, her head still dropped unable to look at him.

  “Every time I looked at you I wanted to hold you, to kiss you. I have never felt that way about a woman before”.

  His voice had broken slightly as he had continued “Not having you beside me has been hell. I can’t sleep, can’t eat and all I can think about is you”.

  Finally Mina had raised her head, her eyes looking so deeply into his, a small tear rising to them seeing the honesty in his face, the hurt she felt reflected in his.

  “I miss you Mina, I need you”.

  With a sob she had thrown herself into his arms, the one place she most longed to be “I miss you too…so much Nikos” she had sobbed, feeling as his mouth had kissed her hair, his hands pulling her harder against him “I don’t want to let you go ever again Mina” with that his mouth covering hers, his kiss demanding as his tongue had once more laid claim to hers, his hands moving round to hold her tightly against him

  “You’re mine…only mine” the words spoken against her mouth as she had groaned back nodding softly, her arms flying around his neck, fingers raking through his hair. With arms which shook he had swept her up, rising quickly before making to the stairs in the hallway, every part of him needing to find a bed.

  As Mina had woken, she had felt the weight of Nikos’ arm resting over her waist, her back tight against his chest as he had held her loosely in his embrace. His breath had fanned her hair, his breathing deep and even, Mina closing her eyes, smiling happily to feel him holding her. Their lovemaking had always been intense, but last night it had been even more so, both having come so close to losing the other.

  With a frown, she had replayed the night, the realisation hitting her that at no time had he told her he loved her nor had he made any commitment to her, a soft groan leaving her lips at the realisation that he had come back to claim her as his mistress, remembering the night before she had left, his offer to her then. Her mother had been mistress to the man she loved, living from moment to moment when she would see him next, Mina knowing that she could not live like that, while knowing that she could not live without him. The realisation hitting her that soon she would have to make a choice, be miserable without the man she loved or enjoy snatched moments of happiness with him.


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