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Knights of the Inner Rim (Beyond the Outer Rim Book 0)

Page 25

by Reiter

  “What? Things have been pretty quiet around here, aside from the moans and groans. I thought we were due for something to go very wrong. Give us a chance to start showing what we can do!”

  “Interesting mentality,” Valian said, putting on his gloves and walking for the stairway. “Actually, we will have something to do and very soon. After four months in the Middle Rim, and only two attempts made on their personal security – only one reported – it would seem that the Duke is taking a respite from his dealings with the Interplanetary Amalgamation. He will be arriving at the estate in four days.”

  “Four days?!”Annodia asked. “Then he must already be on his way.”

  “No,” Valian said. “... since it is only a break away from the talks, he and Mother will be traveling by way of portal. But he is in fine health and he believes that they are nearing an agreement that both sides will be somewhat satisfied with.”

  “That is good news,” Quilori remarked. “The Duke is a worker of fine miracles.”

  “I have no doubt it took something of that nature to get this job done,” Valian agreed, reaching the bottom of the steps and he started for the front doors. “But let us focus ourselves on– Scatter!” Valian and Kethgeegan jumped straight up while others jumped over the railing of the stairway. Only Bef’Lurro was still on the stairs when the double doors were kicked in by Gilestra who walked into the house giving her battle cry.

  She fired her launcher, and a shell cracked against the stunned retainer’s chest. Blue smoke exploded all over his body and he fell down from the impact. Gilestra then lifted the launcher and fired up for the chandelier. More blue powder and smoke exploded, but the only things struck were the chandelier itself and ceiling.

  “Behind you, Lady Gilestra,” Valian said as he landed behind her.

  Gilestra quickly turned around, waving frantically. “No, Ereena, don’t–”

  Ereena fired, but her projectile passed through Valian and the false image of him faded out of sight as Ereena’s shot continued into Gilestra’s chest.

  “... shoot,” the woman finished. “... it’s an illusion.” She sighed, spitting out blue powder.

  The window above the front door shattered and Valian came flying out. Ereena hurried, reloading the launcher. She lifted the device at the same time that Kethgeegan came swinging out of the front door, flying feet first into her. She was knocked to the ground and her rushed shot was spoiled. Valian landed on his feet and rolled to absorb the impact of the drop. When he got back up to his feet, he looked down at Ereena and then over at his blue trainer. His face changed, looking at Bef’Lurro who looked pitifully sad that he had not moved when the order had come.

  “Well, it wasn’t perfect,” Valian sighed. “Bef and I are going to be running laps tonight... but Lady Gilestra, how do you rate the rest?”

  “I don’t remember calling–” the sounds of weapons charging and others clearing their sheaths surrounded the Lady KnighT and she could not help but smile. “Cease!” she commanded, shaking her head. “You people have definitely grown sharp and steady.

  “Bef’Lurro... you, and you alone, meet me after class.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” the young man said softly before turning to look at Valian. “I failed you, my Lord.”

  “No one here is without fault,” Valian replied.

  “No one?” Larry asked, coming out from the side of the stairway.

  “And some of us are even without worth,” Valian added as he walked back inside the house. A number of the retainers laughed, including Larry. “We train for a reason. Speaking of which, the basement awaits us.

  “By the way, appreciate the assist, Kethgeegan,” Valian said softly.

  “Say that to my brain,” the KnighT Counsel replied as he rubbed his temples. “You’re heavier than you look!”

  In truth, all of those who had visited the Nexus of Wonder knew that the bridge Kethgeegan had crafted had been a minimal application of his ability. Valian had not taken the opportunity to go back to the temple to ask the Nexus to explain its actions. For the moment, the Outer Rim was more trouble than it was worth, especially with the more pressing matters in the Inner Rim that Valian had on his mind.

  Still, those that Valian had sent had been limited in what font of Energy they could pursue. All of them had been regulated to choosing a single Energy, and Valian had been relieved to hear that MannA had never been a consideration. After very little debate, the group had chosen EnerJa.

  Leading the group had been Boris, and since he was already capable of delivering electricity, the Nexus allowed him to learn of the disciplines normally reserved for an EnervationisT. The shape-shifter had excelled at Conversion and Conduction.

  Kethgeegan had chosen Coherent Light – with an added point of being able to make it black. The Nexus had warned the young man that making it black would not necessarily make it harder to see, but Kethgeegan had assured the Keeper that was not his intention.

  Quilori had thought that Photonic Light would be a wonderful addition to her skills with Shadow MajiK. As the applications of the Energies was often an exercise of focus, Quilori soon established herself as the most gifted recipient.

  Annodia had exercised her ambition and courage by choosing Power, a culmination of Force, Cold, Heat, Electricity, and simple Light disciplines. So far all she had been able to do was to form fields of Power surrounding her hands, but Lady Gilestra had been quick to take full advantage of that fact, and Valian’s squire could deflect energy blasts as well as punch holes in armour-reinforced walls.

  Reaching the basement, everyone approached their locker, changing from their clothes into the fighting gi each had been given. Lady Gilestra had insisted that Valian keep the teaching of Girzakki to his squire and his Counsel only. After the treachery of Larry, Valian found he had little ground to argue the request. So, it was Tae Kwon Do – with instruction from Gilestra and Champanna – which the retainers were all taught along with Sandra’s capacity for Hand-to-Hand Combat and Gilestra’s weapons training. Annodia and Kethgeegan covered the basics of tumbling and general athletics respectively. N’Char taught the group how to ride effectively along different terrains and how to adequately care for the animals that were their mounts. It was a mystery what the L’Konno man was doing with the horses when their riders were not around. Whatever it was, it took up most of the man’s time.

  After thirteen weeks of intensive training – including all sorts of surprise attacks – the group of retainers was beginning to take shape. Quilori had more than once mentioned that the group could use an established HealeR in its ranks, but the correct candidate had yet to present themselves.

  The next point of interest for Valian – equipment.

  Both Duke Vaiyorl and Praeceptor Jorkethian had made substantial donations to Valian’s coffers; the latter having done so after collecting on a sizeable wager during Valian’s performance at the Test Tower. That amount had been allowed to accrue interest for five years along with the annual deposits the Duke had made and continued to make. Even after the purchase of the tools Sandra had requested, Valian was looking at a sizeable fortune... and he was eager to add to it.

  Valian walked into the warehouse and was yet again impressed with the amount of work that Sandra and the Gorrie Twins had managed to produce.

  “That was a nice fake out, Valian,” Cedric remarked, walking in front of Valian without looking up from his data-pad.

  “Thank you, Cedric. Can you tell me where I might find Sandra?”

  “To your left and thirty meters!” Sandra called out.

  “More like thirty-two point six meters,” Valian said softly, looking at the sleek chassis of a racing ground-car. Sandra’s legs were sticking out from under it.

  “I heard that,” Sandra returned. “You keep to the measurements outside the vehicle. Let me see to the ones inside.”

  “Aye, Chief. I just came by to see how things were coming along.”


  “And to se
e when I might be able to start applying to some events.”

  “So, what’s stopping you?”

  “Your imposed moratorium on all such matters,” Valian said, starting to get a little confused.

  The hover-pad Sandra was lying upon moved out from under the car and the brown-eyed woman looked up at Valian with a squint. “Oh, right... I did do that, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, you did.”

  “And you’ve honored it, too, haven’t you?” she asked, wiping her hands.

  Valian stepped back and held up his hands in protection and surrender. “No... wait... that was a foot race!”

  “Was it now?”

  “Okay, it was a foot race over the city,” Valian said, nodding in acknowledgement. “But I didn’t even use skates for that!”

  “You were wearing skates,” she argued.

  “I skated to get to the race and back again!”

  “Did you win?”

  “By eleven seconds,” Valian smiled devilishly.

  “And how much did you net from that one?”

  “Eighty-seven thousand credits,” Valian informed. “With another sixty-three thousand in promissory notes.”

  Sandra frowned, tossing her hand towel to the floor. “One hundred and fifty thousand credits?!” she nearly shrieked and Valian calmly nodded. “On a single race?!” Valian closed his eyes and continued to nod. “Is that how you managed to get me the higher grade capacitors?”

  “Almost to the credit,” Valian replied. “Shipping costs pushed it over the amount.”

  “You spent all of your winnings and more... on me,” Sandra said, putting her hands on her hips.

  “You said you needed the capacitors with the designs you’re working with,” Valian explained.

  “This kid,” she thought, keeping from shaking her head. “Great leader... lousy administrator!

  “Well, I sure as shit needed them,” she admitted, turning to walk over to a separate work area.

  Valian followed her, for a few strides. Once he saw the frame of the powered armour suit hanging above the floor, he froze, gasping for air.

  “Guess I don’t have to ask what he thinks,” Sandra thought, grinning at the construct.

  “We don’t have a name for it yet, but–”

  “Kolinkar,” Valian said softly, finding the will to move again. “This one we name after my father. You have his file, yes?”

  “Sure do,” Sandra nodded. “I guess we also know what to make this bad boy look like.”

  “You’re doing some very good work, Chief,” Valian said softly.

  “Me? No, I’m just a glorified cheerleader for most of the real innovation work, Val. You want to thank someone, thank those two over there.” Valian turned with the head gesture Sandra was giving and looked at Cedric and Kyle, busy at work on what appeared to be some sort of flight pack. The young KnighT was thrown by the structure, as it appeared to be very large.

  “What are they doing now?”

  “Working,” Sandra answered.

  Valiant smiled at the woman’s tone and was reminded he was in the company of not only an Ardrian Marine, but a Ground Chief and all he was to her at the moment was another flyboy. He had no place here, and Valian was not about to press the issue. He just chuckled and gave the woman a two-fingered salute.

  “Aye-aye, Chief,” he said softly. “Message received and understood. Oh, and when you get around to the flyer, her name will be Arva. It’s Greek... it means Eagle.”

  “That was your mother’s name, right?” Sandra verified.


  “We’ll take real good of the both of them, sir.”

  “I have no doubt. It may be a few days before you see me again... the Duke and Duchess will be returning from the Middle Rim for a well-earned respite, and I intend to visit them.”

  “We’ll be sure to keep the pieces of the stuff we break,” Sandra said, returning the salute. “Keep her nose up.”

  Valian turned to respond, but stopped short of saying anything. His mind had been taken to another process, one of his Focused Memory. Instead of seeing Sandra, he looked upon Deck Master Chief McIntosh, remembering what he had been told and what he had read regarding her career.

  “Chief, the Twins can work without you, yes?”

  “They sometimes prefer it that way,” Cedric asserted without looking up from what he was doing.

  “Shut up, you,” Sandra barked as she approached Valian. “What do you need?”

  “You,” Valian said, turning to leave. “Come with me, please.” Valian then activated his comm-link. “Lady Gilestra, will you please meet me in the study?”

  Three days aboard a slow-moving transport ship, it was clear to see that Valian was anxious. He managed to keep from pacing, but that was about the only obvious sign he kept from demonstrating. He was in the cockpit, standing between the pilot and co-pilot positions being manned by Hugh and Carlos respectively. They had been the two who had stood with Larry and Kayjoe during their insurrection attempt, but had come to think of Valian quite differently since that day.

  “Yes, hermano,” Carlos said with a bright smile. “I think that’s it.”

  “It’s definitely an Imperial platform,” Valian noted. “Better start hailing them now. There’s no telling how long the verification process will take today. And, Carlos, no matter what they say, stay on script.”

  “Si, Valian. I’ll stick to the page. Opening channel.”

  “And I’ll slow our approach,” Hugh stated as he activated braking thrusters.

  Nearly an hour later, the door to the transport opened allowing Valian to disembark his ship and board the Rammodior Platform, which was more like a city in space. He walked quickly, keeping his eyes sharp for everything that was in front of him.

  “Okay, Keth,” Valian said softly, “you’re on.”

  Moving to step ahead of Valian, Kethgeegan was the first to exit the tunnel, his eyes scanning for the person in charge of this section of the bay. The man stood out at once. One, for the look he gave at seeing Kethgeegan walk out of the tunnel and two, for all those that also looked at the Kethgeegan and then quickly looked at the slightly pudgy man with a frown forming on his face.

  “This does not appear to be a maintenance crew,” the man muttered.

  “Quite right, my good man,” Kethgeegan said loudly, hopping into a slow jog as he produced his Standard Marker. “We are an inspection team. My name is Kethgeegan, and I am Counsel to the Ward of Duke Vaiyorl Jhormynn. You may of course scan to verify.”

  “I’ve seen enough markers to know the real from the forged, Counsel,” the man said as he straightened his uniform. “How can I help you?”

  “We’re going to need you to say and do absolutely nothing,” Kethgeegan replied. “It’s not you or your department that we’re inspecting today. Still, I will need you to record in your logs the receiving of a maintenance crew. Mark the notation so that you can amend it later with the truth.”

  Without hesitation, the round individual entered the note into the bay logs. He looked up to see Valian and his group come out of the tunnel. Valian looked at Kethgeegan, who smiled as he nodded, and without breaking his stride, he turned to enter the facility.

  “That is the Duke’s Ward?!” the crew chief asked as he winced. “He’s so... pale!”

  “Just between you and I, perhaps the Duke is trying too hard to present a unilateral face to his work,” Kethgeegan sighed. “However, he was only a True Lord when he first took the pallid in... now he’s a Duke. Could be a reason why he’s a Duke and we’re not, eh?”

  “There might be something to that,” the man replied as Kethgeegan withdrew from him, keeping his thoughts to himself.

  “And to think, a little over five years ago, I would have meant every word I just said. But it wasn’t sympathy that gained Vaiyorl the Ascension of Status. He was one of many who had the intellect to do the job he does. Surviving an assassination attempt proved that he possessed other qualities as well.
That is what the Empress made into a Duke. I wonder if having a pallid Ward gave her hesitation.”

  Illumination in the large, metallic, circular chamber increased just ahead of the doors sliding apart. It had been found out ages ago that long-range teleportation was simpler to do through space than through an atmospheric field. It certainly lessened the chances for outside interference.

  Imperial troops filed in, walking quickly to their positions around the room. They were followed by two technicians who carried a small metal trunk between them. They walked just past the center of the room before they put the trunk down on the floor. Stepping back from the trunk, both technicians clapped the back of their left hands into their right palms held over their heads, thus summoning their protective wear. With their movement a little restricted, the technicians moved into position and waited.

  When the doors opened again, Quybron led three robed and cloaked figures and four of his own men into the chamber. The Head of Security appeared to be pressed by an issue as he walked into the chamber.

  “This just doesn’t make sense,” the man complained. “His Grace opted for the teleportation portal to be generated by Mechanix instead of MajiK?!”

  “I can promise you that either process is sound, Lord Quybron,” the robed figure assured. “Though it is more expensive, it is the more common means of teleportational transit in the Middle Rim.”

  “The Duke of Jhormynn is an Imperial citizen,” Quybron argued. “The man is a SpellCasteR of the finest form and power!”

  “That is not in argument, sir, but we do have our orders... and you did verify the Duke’s signet seal.”

  “Aye, that was his seal,” Quybron admitted. “But for him to make these changes... and after I teleported through. My conveyance came by way of MannA... it simply does not trek with the man I know to make such changes.” Quybron looked at his time-keeper and nodded. It was time. “But it would not be the first instance he has done something out of sorts and come away looking brilliant for it. Proceed, Administrator.”

  After giving the signal, the technicians opened the trunk and removed a fully charged capacitor-rod and carried it inside the center ring, loading the device into the floor. Backing out of the ring, they closed the trunk as the device powered up to receive the transmission.


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