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Eternal 3: Eternal Surrender

Page 9

by Ann Lory

  His shoulders slumped, and his pain seemed all consuming, matching her own. Alyssa’s heart constricted tightly in her chest as brilliant red tears slipped from beneath his closed eyes.

  She slipped back into his mind and relived the first time he had built a wall around his heart. His sister had stolen from their own mother, and one of the servants had been blamed and punished. The wall had grown higher, thicker, when he witnessed her cruelty again and again. The barrier solidified when D’Angel turned him. Alyssa watched his efforts to stop her after he was newly made ‑‑ and saw the way D’Angel punished him, crushed him, whenever he succeeded in thwarting her. How his heart had hardened ever more over the years, the wall becoming too towering and too deep to penetrate as he tried to love and protect his sister even as he loathed what she was and what he himself had become. The way he’d been forced to physically guard himself in the beginning and then spiritually in the end, until finally he became an empty shell.

  Eventually, he’d learned to master his own powers, had refused to let her touch him in any way. No emotion, no feelings ‑‑ though there was that sliver of compassion that had wavered close to oblivion…until she, Alyssa, had appeared in his life.

  Sinking back down on the bed beside him, Alyssa hesitantly brought her arms around his shoulders. His shudders ripped at her, undoing her.

  She brought them both down flat on the bed and cradled him to her breast, holding him until sleep took him. Her heart ached for the two of them.

  Alyssa knew she wouldn’t run from him again. She understood him, understood, too, that they would have to fight D’Angel together to find peace.

  Chapter Eleven

  Roberto watched his mistress from where he knelt on the stone floor. She went to the open window, gazing out into the night, appearing calm and serene. But looks were deceiving; he felt the rage emanating from her.

  Turning around, D’Angel glared at him, her eyes like frozen black ice. “Damian should’ve killed you.” Her skirts swished around her legs, the material brushing against his arms as she began to pace in front of him. Her voice was full of venom as she spoke to him. “At least it would’ve saved me the trouble of doing it myself.”

  Roberto did not glance up again; he didn’t dare. She could kill him with a snap of her fingers. He’d always thought himself a proud man, but he knew he would beg for mercy if she carried out her threat.

  A dainty finger touched beneath his chin. “You should have at least killed her or died trying.” Her hands cupped his face and kissed his forehead. Her voice became sweet, a rush of warmth brushing over his skin. “Would you see her destroy me, now that my own brother has turned his back on me? Vincente is dead, after all.”

  He closed his eyes, fell under the spell of her voice. “No, D’Angel, I’d never allow anyone who meant you ill to come near you.” Roberto cried out as her nails raked down his cheeks, the gashes deep and burning. He toppled away from her, touching his face, his palms and fingers coming away with blood. The smell assaulted his senses. His gaze went to D’Angel, saw the way she laved the dark liquid from her fingertips.

  She looked like a young lady who had just been awarded a treat. Like chocolate had melted in her hands, and she was happily licking away the sweetness.

  Her black eyes met his, and her lips curved into a seductive smile. Her fury disappeared as if it had never existed. “Roberto. My sweet Roberto.” She sashayed toward him, her hips swaying suggestively. Kneeling down beside his prone form, she reached out slowly, her hands lightly touching his face again.

  He jerked.

  D’Angel cocked her head to one side and grinned at him as though he were a cute boy who had just done something to amuse her. “Come to me, Roberto. You’re safe with me.”

  He relaxed, then sighed with pleasure as she moved forward, straddling his hips. The swishing sound of her skirts filled his ears, the feel of the heavy satin fanning around them weighed heavily over his legs.

  But it was her tongue that made him groan in pleasure as she flicked slowly over each wound she’d inflicted. The rough wetness healed the wounds, but she continued to caress his flesh until her lips found his own, and she ground her body against his arousal.

  “Why has my brother turned his back on me? Why would he choose a human woman over everything I have given him?”

  He shook his head, his hands reaching up to cup her breasts through her dress. “I don’t know, D’Angel. I’m sorry he’s hurt you.”

  She pulled at the ties of her bodice, pushing the material aside for his hands to come against her bare flesh. He lifted his head and greedily lapped at her nipples, loving the way her fingers tangled in his hair with her pleasure. He’d always wanted her, even when they were children. And when he’d thought her dead, it had seemed all joy had left the world. But years later, she’d returned, and he’d fallen to his knees and given his life to her.

  “You are safe, my love. Your brother can’t travel here, to this time.”

  She yanked his hair painfully, forcing him away from her breasts to look into her eyes. “And that is how we’ll destroy her.”

  Roberto frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  She grinned and kissed him, her hands gliding from his hair, down his chest, and further below to cup him. He groaned, and she bit his tongue, quickly lapping away the blood. “Bring her to me, Roberto. Damian will never find her here. Will you do this for me? Keep me safe? Love me?”

  Her honeyed tones washed over him, warm and exhilarating as her touch. Her free hand pushed at his shirt while the other hand still fondled him exquisitely.

  Roberto grunted, then roughly grabbed her wrists. He bucked and rose, sweeping her onto her back, the sound of her taunting laughter ringing in his ears as he swiftly released himself, lifted her skirts, delved between her legs, then plunged into her, pumping hard. “For you, D’Angel, anything.” He breathed heavily against her pouting lips.

  She pulled her mouth away, grinning widely, her body meeting every thrust. “Good. That is what I like to hear.” Her tongue sizzled along his mouth as she continued in a husky whisper. “Those precise words.” Her fangs bit into his lower lip, and her nails raked down his back, drawing more blood, as he felt her shudder around him. “Anything for me.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Christian was an excellent host, easy with conversation, and he’d even gone so far as to get food for her when she came downstairs for the evening. She didn’t want to like another vampire, but he seemed to go out of his way to make her feel comfortable in his presence. Damian seemed annoyed as Christian ignored him and entertained her for the few hours Damian allowed them before they departed. It seemed that Christian hadn’t had the company of a woman in a long time and was taking full advantage.

  She studied Christian for a moment before Damian quite literally thrust himself between them and their conversation. Christian’s blond hair was bright, making her think of someone who’d spent time in the California sun, but his pale skin belied that, as did his slow, warm, and inviting southern voice. His eyes were the same black onyx as Damian’s.

  Alyssa blinked as she realized Damian was looking at her. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening.”

  His smile was full of warmth. “I asked if you’re ready to go home.”


  Once again, she was forced to face her heart. Home was wherever Damian was. Where she longed to be.

  She nodded briefly, then turned to Christian. “It was nice to meet you, Christian. Thank you for the conversation and for,” she patted her flat stomach, “getting me something to eat. That was very thoughtful of you.”

  Christian bowed eloquently. “My pleasure, Alyssa. The honor was all mine.” He took her hand in his and kissed it. She almost sighed, never having had anyone treat her with the courtesy and respect one would a true lady. He released her hand and clasped his behind his back. Damn, these vampires were starting to grow on her.

  Damian cleared his throat. She looked at him and he ap
peared…was he jealous?

  “Don’t be cute, Mason.” He then extended his hand to Alyssa, the long, tapered fingers stretched in invitation. Her gaze met his; his eyes seemed to wrap her in their dark embrace. The annoyed look that had been there before was gone, to be replaced with the love he’d confessed, reminding her that she had yet to return the words to him.

  Without taking her eyes from his, Alyssa slowly lifted her hand, placing it in his. His fingers closed around hers, and heat surged up her arm. She shivered at the simple, yet all too intimate touch.

  When she stood, her body brushed along his. There was a stark intensity to his eyes; she could feel desire arcing between them, hot and swift, making her ache to be in his arms and feel his lips against her own.

  She licked her suddenly dry lips, swallowing several times before she could speak. “I-I’m ready.”

  Damian released her, turned, and nodded to Christian. “Thank for your hospitality. It was and is much appreciated.” He clasped Christian’s shoulder. “Take care of yourself.”

  Christian nodded as well and patted Damian on the back. “I will, my friend.”

  Then, before Alyssa knew what was happening, Damian was in front of her, scooping her up into his arms, and racing from the plantation house into the waiting night.

  She clung to him as she felt his body shifting, as she was lifted to his back, and then she was burying her fingers into thick black feathers and watching the world pass them by.

  She smiled, lifting her face into the cool night breeze, her heart pounding in exhilaration as they soared against the sky. Clamping her legs tighter around Damian, she reached toward the velvet night, pretending her fingers danced over the sparkling light of each star. The sparse clouds that appeared in the darkness hung low this night, and as they passed one, she ran her hands through the vapory mist. Its moist chill flowed over her skin, leaving a shimmering iridescent glow along her flesh.

  Shivering, Alyssa snuggled into the feathers, letting Damian’s warmth envelope her as she peeked over the expanse of a wing. It’s so beautiful up here. So peaceful.

  The fact that she used this mental path to speak to him didn’t go unnoticed by Damian, even if it had by her. He decided not to draw attention to it, not knowing if it would cause her to backtrack, or if she would accept what she had done and move forward. You’re beautiful, little one, he replied, making his voice low and seductive in her head.

  He sensed she smiled and closed her eyes.

  I’ve always considered myself average.

  Damian was unable to hide his surprised reaction.

  Alyssa, your hair is like ebony silk, your skin like pure ivory, smooth and creamy. Your eyes… He paused, trying to think of the perfect words. Your eyes are my undoing. They’re like emeralds that glimmer and shine, entrancing me.

  Thank you, she whispered, brushing the words across his mind. Then she slept.

  * * * * *

  Alyssa came awake the moment Damian landed. He shifted, and she was set on her feet. She gazed up at him as he smiled at her.

  “Sleep well?”

  Nodding, Alyssa walked inside his home. Her pulse was racing. She knew the moment had come. The one she had put off these last few years while she’d hunted the killers of her family.

  She turned and faced him, but he was right there, invading her space. She sighed as his hands came up to frame her cheeks.

  “I won’t hurt you, Alyssa.”

  “I know, Damian.”

  He lowered his lips and brushed hers softly. Then the caress deepened, his tongue stroking against hers. She wrapped her arms around him, gasping when he picked her up again and brought her to his chambers.

  The door opened as they approached, and when they crossed the threshold, closed again. Damian ravaged her mouth, trailed his lips down her neck, licking and driving her mad with want.

  He positioned her against the door, and she twined her legs behind his back. His hands drew her shirt from the waistband of her pants, and he impatiently pulled the material over her head. She sucked in a breath. No man had ever seen her this way, had ever touched her the way he did, but this was Damian. It was okay to be vulnerable before him. She finally felt she could trust someone again. She wouldn’t let thoughts of her past, or his, intrude now.

  She watched as his eyes widened and groaned at the look of reverence on his face; his movements went from demanding and aggressive to slow and tender. He cupped her lace-clad breasts, and she bit her lip as his thumbs brushed over her nipples, Lightning shot through her and she arched.

  His hands slid to the clasp at her back. Her bra gave way and his mouth immediately covered one nipple. His tongue swirled over one and then the other, pulling the hard buds into his mouth and building a fire low in her belly that kept growing with every sweep of his lips, every caress of his tongue.

  He worked at the buttons on her jeans, his mouth never leaving her breasts. She clutched him helplessly as he rained fire over her flesh. Suddenly, he reached for her legs and lowered her to her feet, his hands pushing her jeans and panties down to pool on the floor.

  He stood back, spreading her arms wide and raking his gaze over her. She felt too exposed but didn’t try to cover herself. She averted her face.

  Her head snapped back, however, when he growled. He was panting, his fangs were bared, and his eyes were hot with a savage need.

  “You’re beautiful; my heart aches just to look at you.”

  Her pulse spiked at his words, and a warm flush of pride stole over her. She felt beautiful when he stared at and spoke to her that way. She stepped toward him, her hands still linked with his. Then she gently released her fingers and began to undo the buttons on his shirt.

  His thumbs rubbed circles over the insides of her wrist, sending frissons of sensation up and down her arms. She pushed the shirt from his shoulders, where it draped at his elbows before slipping off, then unfastened his leather pants.

  She took a deep breath, his scent filling her lungs, and then shoved the leather over his hips. His cock seemed to bounce free of the restricting material, full, long, and hard. She licked her lips, then wrapped her hand around him.

  What sounded like a tortured groan rushed from his throat, and she glanced at him. His eyes were closed, but his face held a fervid intensity.

  Then his eyes opened, and he brought her flush against him, kissing her hungrily. Her senses reeled. The feel of him, skin to skin, was overwhelming, and she couldn’t get enough of it.

  He led her to his bed. She lowered herself onto the coolness of the sheets and gasped at the contrast between the fabric and the warmth of his body. She stared at him, uncaring that she could see his fangs peeking from his lips, that his eyes glowed back at her.

  Damian couldn’t stop touching her. He ran his hand down her throat, through the valley of her breasts, and lower. Her stomach quivered, and she arched when he covered the mound between her legs.

  She was already hot, wet, and ready for him. It had been centuries since he’d taken a woman, but she wasn’t just any woman. This was Alyssa, his sweet “I’ll stake you in a heartbeat” Alyssa.

  His fingers glided through her feminine folds and sought her entrance, found a welcoming heat. She writhed on the sheets, trying to push closer to his hand. Her arousal engulfed him; needing to taste her before he lost total control, he brought his shoulders between her legs and lowered his mouth to her glistening flesh.

  She grabbed at him, but he grasped her hips to keep her from bucking, while his tongue delved deep and found ambrosia. Her shocked cries of pleasure were music to his ears, and he feasted on her as he brought her to orgasm, her honeyed juices covering his tongue and sliding down his throat.

  He rose above her, watched as she focused dazedly on him. He leaned closer and brought himself against her opening. She stiffened slightly, but made no protest. Then he captured her lips and entered her. She gasped again, but he swallowed it…and surged through her virginity. The realization hit him.
r />   He broke the kiss and gazed down at her. She was panting, her body taut. “I knew, but…” His voice failed him.

  Alyssa reached up and laid her hand on his cheek, her touch gentle, loving, shaking him to his very core. “I never focused on men, only revenge these past few years. Then there was you, Damian.”

  He sucked in a breath at her admission. Stared at her and absorbed her words, the way she looked as she said them. Her lips were kiss swollen, her hair tousled around her, and her creamy, naked flesh flushed from his ministrations. Groaning, he claimed her mouth again and began to move within her.

  Alyssa wasn’t prepared for the sensations that enveloped her when he began thrusting. When he’d given her such pleasure with his mouth, it had taken her breath, but this was even more wonderful as he forged between her thighs.

  She moaned as he pumped in and out. Glided smoothly through her flesh. She gripped his shoulders when his mouth left hers and trailed across her neck, her collarbone, then cried out as a ripple of ecstasy shot through her.

  She heard him growl, lick the pulse at her throat, then jerked when his fangs sank into her tender flesh. Flames swallowed her, and she crooned as he began to pound harder into her, over and over while drinking in her very essence.

  She dug her hands into his scalp, wrapping her arms around his head as the climax raked over her body, wave after wave rippling through her. She thought she might’ve screamed, his name tearing from her throat.

  His tongue swept over her pulse, and he lifted his head, looking every bit the dark angel he was. Then he sheathed himself once more and gave a final thrust, finding his release and sending her over the edge yet again. Oblivious of anything but Damian, she clutched him tight, her legs hugging his waist.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Damian held Alyssa close to him, listening as she slept. Her breathing was even, her heart beating a nice, slow rhythm. He inhaled deeply, dragging her scent into his lungs, filling himself with her.


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