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Love and Misfortune

Page 2

by Kitty Parker

  "What is it Sadie?" Tessa screamed.

  The younger girl was breathless and she barely came to a halt as she shrieked the words, "Luke is up in the tree; he won't come down!"

  Tessa rolled her eyes; this was not the first time Luke climbed a tree without permission, but she was no less worried. She jogged with Emma on her hip, following Sadie as she wove her way through the jumbled shanties. Finally, they came upon the tree that held her younger brother. She passed Emma to her sister and looked up.

  "Lucas James Evans, climb down from there this instant! You know you're not allowed to be this far from home, let alone in a tree."

  "But Tessa! I can see so far, I'm okay, I'll hold on," he answered without looking down.

  "Luke, don't argue, please just come down," Tessa said with a sigh.

  "I don't want to!"

  "Lucas, I do not want to have to punish you on such a beautiful day, but I will if you don't obey," she threatened, waiting tensely for him to move. She finally noticed a change in his features that told her he would listen. With anxiety, she watched him move toward the trunk of the tree, and began to climb downward. She saw the panic that streaked across his face before she heard the branch that he was standing on crack.

  It happened so quickly, before Tessa could do anything, Lucas was falling through the air. She didn't breathe, and thought that her heart might have stopped while she watched her six year old brother tumble to the ground. When he had landed, she rushed toward him, hurling herself on the grass beside him. He had a large gash on the side of his head and his eyes were closed. Tears pulled at her throat but she forced them back down, knowing she had to take care of him before she could allow herself to cry. Fortunately, she had become very skilled at covering her emotions for the benefit of her brother and sisters.

  She pulled Lucas into her arms and began to walk, screaming as she went. "We need a doctor, please does anyone know a doctor; is anyone a doctor?" she asked frantically of everyone she passed. The people out of their homes just stared, as if she hadn't spoken to them at all. "Sadie, start asking for a doctor, quickly. Lucas needs stitches."

  Sadie nodded and began to go in another direction on the same small street. They asked and asked; it seemed like hundreds of people. Lucas was getting heavy in Tessa's arms and she had all but decided to sew him up herself when Sadie rushed toward her, dragging Emma. "They say to head into town, to find Dr. Parker Sullivan. They didn't remember the exact address but say that he lives on Pine Avenue and has a post outside his door."

  Tessa didn't waste a minute, "Let's go." She was walking as quickly as she could, checking her sisters behind her as she drove forward like a woman determined. Life had not been easy these past two years, and Tessa was not willing to lose another family member.

  Her calves burned and her arms ached when she finally saw Dr. Parker Sullivan's office sign. Glancing back at Sadie and Emma one last time, she could see that they were tired too. With a final push of energy, she made it up the steps, and was all but pounding on the thick oak door. Three years ago it would have been considered impolite to knock in such a way, now, it was a necessity. They waited for what seemed like an eternity. The tears that threatened were all but pressing down on Tessa in her despair; she didn't know what she was going to do, or how she would walk back with a sleeping Lucas in her arms. When she had almost given up hope, she heard footsteps coming toward the door.

  "I'm sorry, I thought Kelly was here, or I would have come sooner," a young gentleman said with a smile. It took only a moment for him to notice Lucas, and opened the door immediately, his face turning grave. "Here, give him to me," he reached as if noticing Tessa's exhaustion and took Lucas in his own strong arms. Tessa, Sadie and Emma followed him into the house and watched as he placed him on a table in a small room.

  "Will you get Dr. Sullivan, sir?" Tessa asked.

  The man turned and smiled at her, "I'm Dr. Sullivan, can you tell me what happened?"

  "Oh! I'm sorry sir, I just imagined you would be..."

  "Older?" he asked, predicting her answer.

  She blushed, "Yes, I'm sorry. I am Tessa Evans and this is my brother Lucas. He fell from a tree this afternoon, and hasn't woken since. I think he hit another branch with his head on his way down. I must tell you sir, before you start, that I have no way to pay you. I am certainly willing to do anything for your service, mending, laundry, cooking, anything."

  "That won't be necessary Miss Evans. I will begin on his wound before I try to wake him, the pain of the needle might do exactly that, and if it doesn't, it will be better for him to sleep through it."

  Tessa didn't know what to say, but she backed away from the doctor and allowed him to work. He pulled a pair of spectacles onto his nose and skillfully threaded a needle through Lucas' wound. She couldn't bear to watch as he worked the dark string through her brother's head, and turned to check on her sister. Emma was snuggled against Sadie and looked as if she might fall asleep, she wouldn't be surprised, the little girl had done more running then she ever had before. Sadie looked as worried as Tessa felt, and she forced herself to look back at her brother.

  The stillness of his body sent chills through her spine; she remembered seeing her father laying that still a little more than a year ago. If she watched very closely, she could see that his chest was rising and falling with breath, something that had not been evident when she found her father. Dr. Sullivan worked quickly, and soon, Lucas' head was cleaned and the bleeding had stopped. The young doctor waved smelling salts under his patient's nose, and his blue eyes opened slowly for the first time in two hours. She moved closer, ignoring the doctor.

  "Hi Luke, how do you feel?" she asked tenderly, brushing the dark hair from his forehead, trying to avoid his cut.

  "My head hurts."

  She laughed, glad to hear his voice sounding normal, "I bet it does love, you had me very worried."

  "Sorry I didn't listen, Tess; I wish I did."

  "I'm sorry Miss Evans, I still need to check your brother over; may I?"

  "Oh yes, of course!" She grabbed Lucas' hand and gave it a tight squeeze before moving back to the end of the table. Dr. Sullivan produced a small flash light and inspected Lucas' eyes. He asked a few simple questions, and Lucas answered him honestly. He complained of a headache, feeling tired, and feeling a little bit like he was going to throw up. The doctor was gentle, and spent a good amount of time with Lucas. Tessa couldn't help but watch him, amazed with his gentle care.

  He had dark brown hair which was a bit long and looked as though he always had a hand in it, as it didn't look combed, but she liked it that way. For the first time since she entered, she realized that he was handsome. There was something boyish about his appearance, but she could now see that he was in his mid to late twenties. His eyes matched his hair, and his cheeks were a constant pink, making it look like he was blushing.

  Before she had finished her appraisal, Dr. Sullivan turned toward her, catching her off guard. "I believe Lucas has a concussion, I'd like for him to stay here tonight, so I can keep an eye on him."

  "Oh, is that necessary? I really don't feel right about leaving him." She felt the cold grip of panic clutching her as he gave his suggestion.

  "Yes, it is necessary, but I didn't intend for you to leave him. You are all very welcome to stay, it's a large house, and you will be settled in a room for the night. I just feel better about having Lucas under my roof, in case there is a problem."

  Tessa wasn't sure what to say. She was uncomfortable with his suggestion and wanted to know what could be so serious. "What kind of problem?"

  "Concussions can be dangerous, if not watched carefully, they can lead to comas. While I don't think your brother's condition is that serious, I would rather not take any chances," he paused. "All of you can sleep in the same bedroom. I'll get you blankets and let you know where I will be sleeping so you can get me if anything is wrong."

  Tessa looked at the faces of her siblings and could tell that they all w
anted to stay. Perhaps a night in a real house, with more than one room and a bed would be good for them all. She didn't know why the doctor was being so generous, but she decided to accept after one final reminder. "You know that we can't pay you, right Dr. Sullivan? We live in a shanty not far from here and don't have much of anything..."

  His face pulled awkwardly at her admission. She could see the shock on his face as the full impact of her words hit him. Still, he righted his face quickly, and even imparted a smile, "Miss Evans, as a doctor, it's my job to see to my patients. It did not cost me anything to see to your brother's head, and it will cost me nothing to house you for the night. Believe me when I tell you, it is no inconvenience."

  "Thank you for your kindness, Dr. Sullivan."

  "Essa, I hungry," Emma said from the chair.

  "Oh! I'm sorry love, I didn't bring anything to eat."

  "Please, follow me, Kelly left me a large dinner, and I am more than happy to share." Tessa stood in unbelief, but upon hearing the mention of food, Emma followed the stranger immediately. Sadie laughed at her younger sister, threw a shrug in Tessa's direction, and followed as well. Tessa gave her head a shake then turned to Lucas, who was smacking his lips in anticipation.

  "Don't be a glutton Luke, we all have to eat, and Dr. Sullivan will have his fill."

  Lucas nodded slowly, a bit of disappointment showing on his face. Tessa helped him from the table and to the large dining room where everyone else was gathered. Dr. Sullivan was sitting at the head of the table, and Sadie and Emma's eyes were gleaming at the sight before them. There was a large portion of ham, bread, and bowls filled with potatoes, green beans and applesauce. Tessa felt her own mouth water as she settled next to Lucas. They all looked at Dr. Sullivan in anticipation. He bowed his head and they followed suit; he prayed for their meal, and their family, which brought tears to Tessa's eyes. She just managed to swallow them before opening her eyes, she watched with joy as Dr. Sullivan filled each one of their plates.

  Chapter 2

  Parker watched in delight as the family before him ate with a hunger he had not known for a long time. It reminded him of the days he had spent with the Taylor's, swallowing oatmeal just to fill his belly. Lucas ate feverishly despite the ache in his head. His clothes did not fit, the cuffs of his shirt reaching only to his mid forearm instead of his wrist. The two younger girls were eating almost as quickly as Lucas, they were both cute, but dirt was layered on them. When he was certain that the eldest of the four was focused on her plate, he allowed his eyes to linger upon her.

  She wasn't short, in fact, she might be considered tall, but her frame was of a delicate build. Small fingers gripped her fork with grace, and she ate slowly, seemingly savoring every bite. She had dark hair, which was cut a bit shorter than her chin, full of soft curls. It was obvious that she was tired, from the dark circles that underlined her deep blue eyes. Occasionally, she looked up from her plate, smiling beautifully at her siblings. Her looks were a bit more uncertain when her gaze brushed past Parker, which was to be expected, knowing that he was a stranger to them.

  The entire family was quiet throughout dinner, and Parker found himself not minding at all, despite being used to a much louder atmosphere at the dinner table. When he didn't have hours at the office at night, he went to his parents' house for dinner and ate with his large family. Sometimes nights got lonely when he had posted hours for his practice, so he was more than happy to have this family here with him. Something about them tugged on his heart the moment he opened the door and saw that boy limp in his sister's arms.

  "Essa, I need go," Emma said in a near panic, wincing uncomfortably. Her small voice had broken through Parker's thoughts.

  "Oh!" Tessa said suddenly, "Dr. Sullivan, may Emma use your bathroom? I'm terribly sorry."

  "No need to be sorry Miss Evans, please, finish your dinner; I'll show Emma the way."

  The little girl clutched his hand as soon as he stood, and she smiled up at him for a moment, before pulling him in urgency. He quickened his own pace and walked her past the kitchen toward a small bathroom. She rushed inside, pulling the door out of his hand to close herself into the small room. Parker waited outside the door for her, not wanting her to get lost on the way back to the dining room. After only a minute, she reappeared, her own brown curls bobbing as she shook her head up at him. She and Tessa had the most family resemblance. If it hadn't been for the little girl's use of Tessa's given name, he would have wondered about her parentage.

  "Thank you Docca," she smiled, her small cheeks full.

  "You're welcome, Emma; would you like some dessert?"

  "Desser?" her little mouth puckered with the word, clearly one that was not familiar to her. Her dark eyebrows knit together and an adorable wrinkle creased her forehead.

  Parker hid a laugh, "Sweets?"

  "Sweet!" blue eyes that matched her sister's were wide with excitement. This time, Parker could not hide his laughter. Emma giggled happily with him, and they returned to the rest of her family in such a state. Lucas wanted to know immediately what was so funny, and when Parker told them that a pie was waiting, his eyes sparkled just as Emma's had.

  He fetched the pie from the kitchen and cut it into five equal slices, piling one on each of the Evans' plate. Sadie's fork hit her piece first and Lucas was not far behind. Emma stared at the food before her as if she had never seen such a thing in all her life. Tessa encouraged her to eat, and began on her own piece of the blueberry pie delicately. Parker even thought he heard her moan softly in delight as she chewed. He couldn't help but smile, the sound reminded him of his mother. Whenever she ate something she enjoyed, similar noises could be heard from her end of the table.

  When they finished, Parker began to clear the table and Tessa insisted on helping. Seeing that she was exhausted, he quickly thought of something to distract her. "Miss Evans, perhaps you'd like the children to have a bath while they're here?"

  She dropped the spoon she was cleaning and turned to face him, "Really, Dr. Sullivan? You wouldn't mind?"

  He smiled, "Not at all, why don't you take them upstairs; I'll find some towels and night clothes and bring them right up. The bathroom is the third door on the right upstairs."

  Tessa began to walk toward the kitchen door, but stopped, sending her curls whipping around her face and into her eyes. "Don't bother with the dishes, Dr. Sullivan, I'll take care of them when I'm done with the children." With that said, she flounced out of the room. He heard her gathering the children, and listened to their hesitant steps through the house.

  It seemed that he couldn't wipe the smile from his face as he washed the dishes against Tessa's strict orders. He could hear the water running upstairs, and was finished before he heard it go off. Taking his time, he walked slowly to the linen closet, gathering three towels and wash clothes for the children. He then walked to his exam room and pulled three old nightgowns from the cupboard under the sink for them to sleep in.

  He walked quietly up the stairs and knocked on the bathroom door that wasn't completely closed. "Come in," Tessa sang.

  Parker walked in to find all three children with their stockings off. The bath was just nearly full and Tessa had her sleeves rolled up and her dark brown tresses pinned back, clearly ready for battle. "I have towels here and assumed that none of you would have things to sleep in, so I brought some night gowns for the children as well. I wasn't sure how you wanted to do the sleeping arrangements, but there are enough beds for all of you, and you are welcome to them. I would be happy to sleep on the couch in my study if that will make you feel better."

  "That won't be necessary Dr. Sullivan, we'll all share a room and I'll sleep on the floor."

  Parker smiled and nodded his head, leaving the discussion until after the children were asleep. Tessa turned the water off and Parker left, noticing her eagerness to give her siblings a good scrub. He went down to his office, listening carefully for Tessa to be finished so he could check on Lucas again before letting him sleep.<
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  When he heard their footsteps in the hall, he closed his book and went back upstairs. Tessa and the children were standing in the hall, clearly unsure of where to go. "Oh I'm sorry! Here, this room has two beds, the girls can have one and Lucas the other. I'd like to check him once more before he goes to sleep, and then I'll come and wake him every two hours or so."

  "Thank you Dr. Sullivan, I'll just put the kids to bed and be down to help you with those dishes."

  Parker chose not to say anything and lifted Lucas up onto the smaller of the two beds. When he was settled under the covers, Parker pulled the gauze off of Lucas' forehead and checked his wound quickly, making sure the bleeding had stopped. Once satisfied, he moved his small flash light to his eyes. Lucas answered every question, and Parker was confident that he would be fine to sleep, and noted that he would only come to wake him once in the night.

  He stepped away and let Tessa kiss the boy goodnight, and then escorted her from the room. Leaning slightly to her left side as she walked, Parker could tell that she was tired and weary, he was glad that he had already finished the dishes, there could be no argument now. "Miss Evans, why don't you take a bath, and then meet me downstairs for a cup of tea." It seemed like he had just offered her gold, her knees went weak at the mention of tea, and her eyelids fluttered. "I'll go get you a towel and a night gown."

  "Surely you don't have anything my size..." she said in a voice that sounded with disappointment.

  "I do indeed, my mother gives me all the old nightgown hand me downs, sometimes they're useful. I'll go get you one."

  He was watching carefully as her eyes filled, making the blue intensify. "I haven't had a nightgown in years," she admitted.

  "Then you'll keep it when you go, all of you."

  "Oh, Dr..."

  "Not another word, just go in and start the tub, I'll be right up with your things and get the tea on." He had to gently push her into the bathroom. "And don't even think of using the same water your siblings used, draw yourself a fresh bath," he called into the room before making his way back down the stairs. Finding a towel, and the nicest nightgown in the cupboard, he made the trek up again and left the things outside the door. Putting water in the kettle, he decided to wait to put it on, knowing that Tessa Evans would enjoy her bath until the water began to grow cold.


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