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In The Eye Of The Moon

Page 2

by Mara Lee

  Sheila was in heaven, or close to it. It had been so long since a man had held her like this and she couldn't ever remember feeling so needy. Sheila had limited experience with the opposite sex—really limited. She had been too busy studying and perfecting her voice to ever really notice the looks guys gave her. She had lost her virginity, at seventeen, to Craig Sherman—captain of the English Decathlon—and boy had that been a disappointment. After Craig, and his one-minute relay race, Sheila decided that men were not worth the effort. Better to focus on her career. The few partners she had had after Craig had not boasted much better. But now, with Airek's tongue so rough on her lips, she felt vindicated. She so deserved this wet dream. It was about time.

  Airek's tongue felt like sandpaper and satin—she loved it. Sheila opened her mouth to accommodate him; she wanted to feel him in her mouth, duel with him. He tasted and felt wonderful. She grabbed at his back and urged him closer, desperate to feel him pressed against her. Her head spun, she was on fire and this time the fire was within her.

  “This is nuts, amazing, but nuts.” She wrenched her lips free from his and began to pant; her eyes went wide when she felt his tongue lapping at her neck. Was he licking her?

  “You taste incredible,” Airek said, and continued to lick the sweat from her neck. He could see, feel and almost taste the pulse that beat there. He wanted to sink his teeth deep into her neck while he sunk his cock deep into her wet and willing body. He had waited too long for his chosen mate, his need was unbearable. “Your skin is soft as silk, Lupe.” He bunched the shirt that covered her in his hands and tugged it up her body. He felt her back, so lean and long and silky smooth and rubbed one hand against her lightly furred mound. He smiled into her mouth when she moaned from deep in her throat. “You are wet for me, Sheila-mine.”

  Sheila wanted this Wildman. When she had felt his hand on her she had almost begged him to push his fingers into her pussy. Liquid pooled between her thighs and she ached to have him touch her. He was a nutcase, but he was the handsomest nutcase that she had ever seen and he wanted her, oh how he wanted her.

  She rubbed herself against his hand and begged him without words to touch her slick folds.

  Airek pulled Sheila's shirt over her head and tossed it to the floor. His mate's body was flushed and her mouth parted and glistening. He felt her rub against his cloth-imprisoned cock and groaned—she was hot and willing. Why could he not consummate the claim now? “Yes.” Airek pushed two fingers into her wet pussy. His fingers were instantly encompassed by scalding wetness as her liquids flowed with each gentle movement he made.

  Sheila dropped her head back and thrust her pelvis forward. His fingers produced a fine tension within her body and she wanted more. “Oh God, please,” she groaned.

  Airek bent down and took her breast into his mouth. Her nipple puckered and became pebble-hard in his mouth. He laved the tender bud with his coarse, textured tongue and continued to move his fingers in and out of her delicious pussy. He loved the sounds that she made deep within her throat and could not wait to feel her against his cock. Decision made, Airek pushed her back to the bed, never once breaking contact with her hot body. He removed his jeans, pushed her down onto the narrow bed, and claimed her lips in a searing kiss. “Your body speaks to me, Lupe.” Airek murmured against her lips before nipping her ears delicately.

  Sheila's movements became more urgent against his probing hand and she reached down to cup his testicles gently. She loved the feel of his sac in her palm and gloried at the fact that his cock grew larger and harder from her ministrations. She moved her hand up the length of him and caressed the head of his cock in shallow circular movements. “So big,” Sheila moaned, not stopping her caresses. He was so big. Thank God. Of course it was her dream. And she would expect no less from her dream man.

  “I want to feel your mouth on my cock, Lupe, but that will have to wait.” Airek positioned himself at the entrance of her pussy lips and kneaded her heavy breasts, plucking at her hard nipples. “We must consummate the claim.” Airek kissed her forehead gently before thrusting deep within her.

  Sheila let out a short shriek. He was huge and he was imbedded completely within her tender body. She felt her breaths coming out in short pants as he began to move urgently within her. She lifted her breasts up to his waiting mouth and moaned when he bit the tender flesh around her nipples. “Please, suck me,” Sheila begged and gasped when he began to suck at her sensitive nipples. His body was fused to hers and his mouth was locked around her breast. “It feels…” Sheila could no longer speak, she could only feel. She thrust her pelvis up towards him and grabbed at his back. When his movements became shallower she dug her nails into his back and begged him without words to fuck her harder.

  Airek complied and ground himself against her pliant body. He locked his hands onto her hips to guide her movements and moved his mouth over her heart. He fanned her chest with his hot breath before locating the pulse that pounded furiously from just under her delicate skin. He grabbed her rounded buttocks in his hands and forced her more fully onto his demanding body, while simultaneously digging his teeth into the flesh right above her beating heart.

  Sheila screamed. The sensations bombarding her body were so intense. She felt Airek hard and hot within her body and couldn't bear it. She needed to come. Her inner muscles spasmed, and right before she began to orgasm she felt a sharp pain invade her chest; one second later pleasure like she had never known shot through her in great arching waves. She dug her nails as hard as she could into Airek's skin and felt her body shiver and quake.

  It was too much for Airek. He let the delicious warmth of Sheila's blood flood his mouth and one moment later followed Sheila into orgasm, spilling his seed deep within her receptive body.

  Sheila's heart pounded furiously and her head tingled, as if she had run a great distance. She opened one sleepy eye to regard the man sprawled on top of her and smiled. “You're heavy.”

  Airek immediately rolled to his side, bringing her with him to spoon against him.

  Sheila all but purred her satisfaction. Her body was languid and lethargic and she was still experiencing tremors throughout her body. “That was the best wet dream I've ever had. I don't think I've ever experienced such a great orgasm, not even in real life.” She shut her eyes and let her body slacken.

  “It is not a…” Airek stopped when he realized his Lupe was fast asleep and snoring gently into her pillow. His mouth curved up into a self-satisfied smile and he pressed himself even more tightly against her warm body. He draped one arm over her hip and joined her in sleep.

  Chapter Three

  Sheila moaned in delight as a warm hand rubbed her pussy lips. She parted her legs and sighed as thick fingers made their way past her slick folds. “That's good,” she murmured and began to thrust her hips demandingly against the very-talented hand. Sheila licked her dry lips and gasped when a rough tongue laved her hard nipples and bit at the soft flesh of her breasts. She felt her juices flow in abundance and wondered why she didn't wake this way more often. “Oh my God,” Sheila screamed when more fingers were added to the foray. She felt deliciously tight and stretched and began to pant. “Yes, yes, please.” Sheila wrapped her legs around the hand and began to pump her hips furiously, needing release. She felt sharp pricks score her breast and could not believe the pleasure that surged through her body. Two fingers plucked gently at her clitoris and Sheila felt her eyes roll back just as her hips arched and her juices broke through.

  “Uh huh, that was nice.” Sheila murmured against her pillow.

  “Just nice, Sheila-mine?”

  Sheila's eyes shot open. “What the hell?” She rubbed her eyes, hard.

  Airek smiled and stretched, propping his hands behind his head nonchalantly.

  His huge cock was already stiff and bobbing gently. She shook her head, trying to clear it. It had all been a dream, right? This Wildman was a figment of her imagination, the product of reading too many romance novels.
/>   “You're not real.” She inched closer to him, and taking a deep breath, poked him. There was very real, very naked flesh under her finger. “Oh, oh no, oh my God,”

  Airek smoothed down his hair and tossed it over his shoulder in one languid motion. “Lupe, good morning. It is a beautiful day.”

  Her mouth gaped open in delayed shock.

  The Wildman of her dreams leaned forward and put his hand gently on her chin, closing her mouth. “Would you like to join me in a morning run, Lupe?”

  “Huh?” Not exactly the answer of the century, but it would have to do.

  Airek slid off the bed in a fluid motion and held out his hand to Sheila. “Come.”

  Sheila had to admit she was curious as to what her dream man was offering. Of course hadn't curiosity killed the cat? Oh well. She took his hand and let him lead her to the window.

  Sunlight poured into the log cabin, blinding her.

  “It is a beautiful day, Lupe, come and run with me in our woods.” Airek tugged her to the door and opened it. Sunlight and warm wind flooded the cabin and caressed her.

  With the first touch of warm wind on her naked body, Sheila was roused out of her stupor. She jerked her hand out of Airek's and backed away from him.

  “What is wrong?”

  “I…I thought it was a dream.” She murmured.

  Airek's mouth curved up in a smile. “It was better than any dream.”

  “Oh my God, you and I, we…” Sheila tried not to look at her dream man's face. That smile was way too tempting. It almost made her want to do away with logic.

  Airek laughed and nodded triumphantly. “Yes, we did.” He had claimed his Lupe and marked her. Her blood had been spicy and thick against his tongue and her body wet and demanding on his cock. She was his, as she was destined to be.

  For the first time Sheila looked at herself. She was stark naked. She was also bloody.

  She traced the pattern of blood on her chest with numb fingers. What in God's name had happened to her? She turned to the beautiful man in front of her. “Uh, okay, I'm really freaked out now.” The first signs of shock rolled through her as her body began to quake uncontrollably. She wrapped her arms around herself to stifle them, but it did no good.

  Airek stepped forward and stopped when Sheila put a hand out. He didn't understand her hesitance. They had mated and she had been claimed, she should now be running the woods with him. “Why are you frightened? We mated as the Loopin do.”

  “We had sex. Yeah, I'm beginning to understand that. What I don't understand is who are you, how did I get here, and why am I naked?”

  Airek smiled. “You are naked because we could not very well mate clothed.” His grin widened. “Well, we could have, but this was a more comfortable option. You are here because I rescued you from Rex, and I, as I said before, am Airek, Alpha male of the Loopin.”

  Hysterical laughter bubbled up from his Lupe's throat. “Ah yes, Alpha male of the Loopin. You think you're a werewolf.”

  Airek shook his head. “No, werewolves can only shift with the full moon. I am a Loopin, a man-wolf.” He saw her befuddled look and continued. “A shifter can change to animal form even when they are not under the influence of the moon. But like the werewolves, we have Packs and laws and we live in a community set apart from humans. We are not man, but we are also not animal.”

  Sheila looked back down at her chest and the marks in her skin over her heart. “I didn't dream it. You bit me, like the other madman.”

  Airek's gaze turned furious. “Never like him. The Loopin that attacked you is not Alpha, he wishes to be, but will never obtain the position. He thought to get closer to the throne by taking you and claiming you.”

  He watched as Sheila pushed back fear. “Why me?”

  Airek advanced slowly, careful not to crowd her. “Have you not realized by now how special you are, Sheila? You are a true Loopin mate; there are very few in this world. Your spirit called to mine and we are destined to be together.” Airek narrowed his eyes. “Rex thought by calling first blood that he could have you, but he did not realize that you are not just any Loopin mate, you are a true Lupe mate. Only blood with mating can seal the claim. And that claim is an Alpha's right,” he thumped a hand to his bare chest, “my right.”

  Sheila opened her mouth but no sound came out.

  “Did you not ever wonder at the ache that filled your heart, the emptiness you have always felt?”

  Sheila had wondered, but had never thought the ache came from a longing to join a wolf pack. “You've got the wrong girl.” She answered quietly.

  Airek licked his lips. “There is no mistake, you are my mate.” He looked pointedly at the marks on her chest. “You are the Lupe of the Pack.” He gave her a brilliant smile. “If there is any doubt,” he turned around and showed Sheila his back, “then look on the evidence.”

  Sheila gasped. There were large, great angry welts on Airek's back, gashes that ran down the length of his otherwise perfect skin. Sheila slowly approached him and traced the raised, puffy marks with her fingers. “Oh my God, what happened to you?”

  Airek grinned. “You happened to me, wild-wolf. The marks came from your hands.”

  Sheila was horrified. “I didn't do that. I wouldn't do that.”

  Airek felt heat suffuse him when he thought back on last eve and this morning. His little Lupe's cries had been so great they would have woken any slumbering woodland animal. He remembered the intense pleasure that had come from feeling her fingers digging into his flesh and the knowledge that he had found his true mate; only a Lupe would mark her man so. “Your marks were most desired, little Lupe.”

  “Stop calling me that.”

  “You are my Lupe, Sheila; you must accept this as the truth.” Airek ran a hand down her hair and watched her shiver. Even now she trembled deliciously under his touch and begged him with her body to have her again. “Your body and your heart cannot help but yearn for me, Sheila, as I yearn for you. We cannot be without one another now that we have mated.”

  Sheila heard the truth ringing in his voice but still she could not bring herself to accept his words. She was Sheila McKay, washed-up singer; she was not Sheila McKay, Lupe of a wolf pack. “I'm going home.” Sheila found the shirt that Airek had discarded on the floor and slipped it over her head. She pushed past him and walked out of the cabin, stopping dead in her tracks. She was in the wilderness and had no ride.

  She turned on her heel and glared at Airek. “Okay, wolf boy. You had to have brought me here somehow. I want the keys to your car. I'm going home.”

  Airek crossed his arms over his chest. “I do not have keys, nor do I have a car.”

  “Then how did we get here?”

  Airek smiled. “Pack members are very helpful. They were more than willing to lend their Alpha a vehicle.”

  Sheila nodded curtly, then stomped down the steps and began to walk.

  A huge ball of fur launched itself at her back and tumbled her to the ground.

  “Oomph,” Sheila found herself face-first in a pile of mud. She scrambled to her feet and shook her head back and forth. “Oh no, no, no, no…don't you do this to me.” She backed away from the giant silver wolf, not liking the gleam she saw in its eyes. “You are wolf, you are not a man.” Sheila kept chanting the words even when the wolf began to shift in front of her horrified eyes.

  When Airek stood in front of her in human form, Sheila could no longer deny what she was seeing with her own two eyes. She had slept with a werewolf. She had been bitten by a werewolf. Oh my God. “Oh.” She sank to the ground, covered in mud and dirt. Fat tears ran down her cheeks. “You aren't lying, and you're not crazy, are you? You really are a wolf. Oh.”

  Airek knelt down and offered her a hand. “I really am a wolf. You begin to understand.”

  Sheila took his hand and shook her head. “No, I don't understand any of this, but,” she swallowed heavily, “I can't rightly walk to New York City, can I?”

  Airek laughed and haule
d her out of the mud. Yes, he and his mate were going to get along just fine.

  * * * *

  Sheila studied her reflection in the full-length mirror. God, she was a mess. Her hair was tangled and disheveled and lay in clumps against her very pale face. There were bite marks on her breasts and neck and the one very prominent mark over her heart. Dark circles swept under her eyes, making her freckles stand out like black-on-white polka dots.

  “You are beautiful, Sheila-mine.” Airek said from behind her.

  She spun around. “Yeah right, I look like the bride of Chucky.”


  She rolled her eyes. “Forget it. I look terrible, Airek, I'm all bruised and bloody.”

  Airek bent down and licked each one of her wounds. “They are marks of possession and they are beautiful, like you.”

  Sheila gasped as Airek's tongue laved her heated flesh. The wounds that had ached and stung just moments before were now cool under his rough tongue. She swallowed as desire began to climb through her body.

  This was crazy. How could she crave him so?

  “You crave me because we were born to be together.”

  Sheila gasped. “My mind, were you just in my mind?”

  Airek nodded. “We will now share our minds with one another. I have tasted your blood, it flows within me, and your thoughts cannot be separated from mine.” He caressed her cheek. “Do not be frightened, Sheila. It is a most intimate thing, the sharing of minds.”

  This was too much. Wouldn't she have any privacy?

  “There is little privacy in the Pack, my Lupe. You must learn that.”

  “You stay out of my mind unless invited.” She wagged a finger in front of Airek's face. “It's rude to read someone's mind.”

  He laughed and gathered her up in his arms. “You are adorable.”

  Sheila scrunched her nose up. She had never been called adorable before. Suddenly she thought of something. “Is that why that other wolf guy could read my thoughts?”


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