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In The Eye Of The Moon

Page 5

by Mara Lee

  “Are you so certain?” Airek asked. “Are you so certain you can account for every moment of your mother's life? Did you ever wonder where she slipped off to at night? Did you ever see her stare out of a window with a light in her eyes that you could not place? Did you ever ask her about your father?”

  Sheila's eyes blazed fire. “Don't you say anything about my father,” she shouted at him.

  Airek sighed. “Sheath your claws, Sheila-mine. I do not disparage your father. I merely ask if you ever questioned your mother about him.”

  “Why should I have?'

  “Did she seem content, your mother?”

  Sheila could not speak. She could not bear to say the words. Her mother had been a gentle soul, a good mother, but she had been an unhappy wife. Her eyes never looked on Craig McKay with love. It was as if she had seen right through him. But Craig McKay had adored his fragile and ethereal wife. He had coddled, protected and kept her sheltered. He never once asked her for more than she could give, and she never gave more. Sheila had grown up believing that men and women behaved just like her parents—politely and with distance.

  “I never questioned it,” Sheila whispered out. Her voice was broken with tears.

  Airek nodded, “It is as you said before, why would you have questioned her? You knew no different.”

  Sheila felt tears flood her eyes. “Is … is … Craig McKay my father?”

  Airek nodded. He could give her that much. “Yes. Your mother met Craig McKay not long after she came to America. She had lost her mate; no love like the one she shared with Connel could be recaptured. She married your father and you were born shortly thereafter. You are half Loopin shifter and half human.”

  Sheila could not deny the evidence that was staring her in the face. Her mother had been born a Loopin shifter and had been married before she had met Sheila's father. She had Loopin blood in her veins.

  “So you see, Sheila, you are more Lupe than you know.”

  “This is crazy.”

  “No, it is fated, Sheila. You were born to be my one true mate. There is no other in this world for me, nor is there for you. We are a mated pair.”

  “Would you really have taken me from my parents?”

  Airek sighed. This was a complex question. The Loopin did not condone separating Loopin children from their mothers. The bond between the Pack was absolute and a child needed the warmth, love and attention of a nurturing mother. However, Sheila's case was different. Sheila was born to a Loopin mother and human father. Her father had no notion of the Pack laws and traditions and her mother had a crushed spirit. Sheila's mother had never let her daughter in on her birthright and had denied Sheila half of her soul. It was a travesty and in Airek's opinion as Alpha, he would have very much considered the possibility of removing Sheila from her natural parents. If Sheila had been raised among the Pack she would not be so lost now.

  “You're not answering me.”

  Airek's jaw clenched. “You should have been brought to the Pack council as a child. We would have instructed you on Pack law. We would never turn away one of our own.”

  “But obviously my mother did not want me to be part of the Pack.” Sheila looked into Airek's eyes and looked away. “She kept it all from me on purpose; there can be no other explanation. She hid me from you.”

  Airek said nothing, but internally he was fuming. He felt for Kathleen McKay, how devastating it must have been to lose her mate. But it was no excuse for her abhorrent behavior—to keep her daughter from her birthright was criminal. Kathleen McKay must have known that her daughter was destined to be a Lupe, a born mate to an alpha male, such things were not a surprise and still she had kept Sheila from him. He could never forgive such actions. He could have lost his mate due to her mother's prejudice and fears. As a former Lupe, Kathleen should have known better.

  “But you found me,” Sheila said quietly, reverently. She reached up and touched his cheek. “You found me.”

  “I could do no less. I cannot live without you, Sheila.”

  Sheila blushed. “Please don't.”

  Airek pulled her against his taut body and gave her a hard look. “You are my soul, Sheila. There will never, on this earth or beyond be another for me. Your mother's deception made the finding more difficult, but she did nothing but delay the inevitable. We are a mated pair; of course I would locate you. Our souls ache for one another.”

  Sheila pressed her head into Airek's chest and wrapped her arms around his solid, comforting body. It was right, this closeness. He was her mate. “So, wolf boy, don't we have a hunt to get ready for?”

  Airek's answering smile was brilliant.

  Chapter Five

  Sheila squirmed under Airek's intense scrutiny.

  “What are you looking at?” Her voice held a tinge of annoyed heat.

  Airek grinned at her lasciviously. “You, you're splendid.”

  “I'm very naked.” Sheila still felt uncomfortable in her birthday suit. “Can I please wear the shirt?”

  Airek shook his head.

  “You wore a shirt and jeans, are you trying to tell me that I'm always going to have to run around in the buff?”

  “Of course not, Sheila, but tonight is a hunt and you cannot wear clothing on the hunt.” He cleared his throat. “It is messy.”

  Sheila clenched her jaw. Messy, yeah, she bet it was.

  “So, everyone is going to be…”

  “Naked, yes, everyone will be naked. Then again, most will probably be in wolf form so you need not worry about your nakedness.”

  Sheila rolled her eyes. Oh, that was terrific—so instead of worrying about everyone's nakedness she should now concentrate on not becoming some over-anxious wolf's meal. “Are you going to tell me what happens after the hunt?”

  “We come back here and I strap you to my table?” Airek smiled at her devilishly.

  Sheila shook her head. “I mean, with that guy, Kristoff.”

  Airek instantly tensed and he walked away from her. Sheila followed; there was no way he was getting off that easily. They were a mated pair, right? That meant there were no secrets between them.

  “Tell me,” Sheila demanded. “Or you'll sleep alone.”

  Airek whistled. He was impressed. She was not retreating. She was certainly not as fragile as he once had thought.

  “Kristoff has challenged my claim as Alpha,” Airek admitted.


  “Because I declared him rogue.”

  “Because of me.”

  “No, this had been coming for a long time. Kristoff was in league with Rex. They planned on overthrowing me. I have known about it for some time, but had hoped that away from Rex's influence, perhaps he would be different. I was mistaken. Kristoff harbors too much hatred, envy and evil to ever fit into the Pack. He cannot accept the laws and therefore he cannot be one of us. I had to disown him. However, it was his right to claim a challenge.”

  Sheila was icy cold. Did this mean that Kristoff and Airek were going to go at it? “So, you fight?”


  “Uh, I take it this isn't like boxing.”

  “It is as all fights between the Loopin are, full contact.”

  “And you win, when…”

  “One surrenders at the other's mercy—or one lays dead.”

  Sheila had thought she had heard it all, but this really took the cake. Her new wolf mate was telling her that he was going to fight to the death this night.

  “You're serious”

  “Of course,” Airek answered, bluntly. “Do not worry, Sheila-mine. Kristoff cannot win. I am Alpha of the Loopin and my power is absolute.”

  Sheila clenched her teeth. Her mate was overconfident and cocky and that could get him killed. She had just found him, she couldn't lose him now.

  “You think so little of my skills?”

  Sheila didn't even blink. She was getting used to this mind sharing thing. It still irked her, the lack of privacy, but the thought that she would be able to r
ead Airek's mind compensated for that.

  “I think that Kristoff is a very, uh, large man,” Sheila said. She was thinking back on Kristoff's huge, muscled body and the hatred that had blazed forth, hatred that was directed at her mate. How could she not worry?

  “I am large as well, Sheila-mine.” Airek stood, feet apart in front of Sheila. He shot her a grin. Sheila blushed and swallowed heavily; he was just a beautiful man.

  “Yes, uh, yes you are. I'm still worried.”

  Airek drew her into his arms. He nuzzled her softly and whispered into her ear. “Do not worry for me, Sheila-mine. I am an alpha male and Kristoff, Kristoff is just an upstart. There is no comparison between us. Enjoy the hunt this evening and do not trouble yourself over this little argument between Kristoff and myself.”

  Sheila nodded slowly; there wasn't anything else that she could do.

  There was a loud knock at the door and Sheila jumped, startled.

  “Come, we must let them in,” Airek said. He motioned Sheila forth and went to answer the door. Sheila hung back slightly, still hesitant about this entire 'Let's go hunt a deer' thing. “Come, come in.” Airek ushered the Pack into his cabin and watched as they formed a loose circle around her.

  “Good evening, Sheila,” Sira said with a wide, open smile on her face. She was standing close to her mate, Thane.

  Sheila swallowed. There was a giant lump in her throat. Sira was beautiful naked, even more so tonight than she had been this morning. Her jet-black hair was thick and shiny and fell in loose waves behind her tiny back. Several thick tresses lay against her breasts and provided scanty coverage. Her onyx eyes twinkled with merriment and excitement and her mouth curved in a large smile. Sira was just a stunning woman. Sheila could not deny the obvious.

  “Your body is beautiful, Sheila,” Sira said. Sira was staring at Sheila with shining eyes. Her tongue made a slow circle around her lips, wetting them. Sira shot a look at Airek and frowned when he shook his head.

  Sheila followed this exchange with curiosity.

  “Not ever?” Sira asked with a disappointed look on her face.

  Airek cleared his throat and looked over at Sheila. “I do believe we must give Sheila more time to accustom herself to our ways.”

  Sheila frowned. “I don't like people talking about me as if I wasn't in the room. Uh, do you care to tell me what this is all about?”

  Airek opened his mouth to speak but Kristoff beat him to it. Kristoff's eyes were strangely yellow, his face still taut with anger. He smiled; it was not a comforting smile, then stepped toward Sheila. His mouth was curved in an insolent smile. “Has Airek not explained how close the Loopin are? Has he failed to mention 'sharing' to you?” Kristoff laughed when Sheila's eyes widened considerably and her mouth dropped open.

  Sheila turned enquiring eyes to Airek. She wouldn't believe anything that she did not hear from him. “Is this true?” Sheila asked Airek. She knew that Kristoff hated her mate and she wouldn't put it past him to try to stir up trouble, and yet, Sira had been looking at her strangely.

  Sira stepped forward. “Let me formally apologize, Sheila. I was rude. I looked towards our Loopin to answer when I should have addressed you with the question. I am very attracted to you,” Sira smiled knowingly, “as I believe most of the Pack is. I was hoping that you would allow us to share your bed, some time.”

  Sheila swallowed. Well this was a first. She had never been propositioned by a woman before. “Well, I … I've never.” She blushed.

  Sira apparently found Sheila's blush charming. “I understand our Loopin's hesitance, now. You do not understand how the Pack works. Perhaps when you are more comfortable you will think about it.”

  Sheila nodded slowly. She couldn't deny that she found Sira very beautiful. But she had never considered being with a woman before.

  “Until then,” Sira ran her hand up Thane's muscled arm, “I will dream of you.”

  Sheila was speechless.

  Airek felt heat spread through him. Sira's mischievous twinkle and Sheila's adorable flushed face and wide eyes had made his cock unbearably hard. It mattered little that he was in the presence of his Pack, they had all seen him in readiness before. His only concern was for Sheila; she was still a visitor to this way of life and seemed embarrassed about her own sexuality.

  Airek grinned. That would change very soon. His mate was a sexual woman; soon, with the urgings of the Pack, she would see all she was capable of. The mental image of Sheila lying under Sira's lithe, nubile body was enough to cause shivers of desire and anticipation to run up and down his body.

  “Do we hunt, or do we sit and watch you ogle your mate as well as Thane's.” Kristoff's voice was dry as dust, his eyes challenging.

  Airek did not deign Kristoff with a reply. Instead he turned to the rest of the Pack and graced them with a wide smile. “Tonight marks a joyous occasion; the welcoming of my mate, Sheila, to our family, and the stalking of prey. We of the Loopin are masters of the forest and tonight we show our dominance. Let us celebrate our identity and sing our praise to the moon.” Airek smiled when his Pack cheered, clapped and howled acknowledgement.

  * * * *

  The moon was a crystalline orb, and cast its silver shadows over the crackling forest. The forest was alive with scents, sounds and smells. Each creature that inhabited the wood was aware of the Loopin that stalked silently among their homes. Hearts were alive with fear and anticipation and the cycle was ready to start anew.

  * * * *

  Sheila took in everything with the delight of a child at Christmas. Her eyes were sharp and intent and she could see everything in the midnight-black of her surroundings. Her hearing was perfect and her sense of smell impeccable. She had never experienced anything like this in her life.

  “It's amazing,” she murmured.

  “It's the forest, the home of our hearts,” Airek replied in reverence. He pulled Sheila to him, reveling in the feel of her naked body against his. Her heart beat furiously and her eyes sparkled with excitement. “Do you feel it now, Sheila-mine? Do you see what your soul has been aching for?”

  Sheila nodded. She couldn't believe that her mother had kept this from her. How could Kathleen McKay, knowing what her daughter was, have denied it to her? Sheila felt pain flood through her. For so long she had believed that Kathleen McKay was as sweet as a saint, and all along she had been lying to her, deceiving her. How could she have borne the shame of separating Sheila from her Loopin Pack and her mate?

  “You must understand that once a Lupe has lost her mate, there is little left for her in life.” Airek ran a hand down Sheila's hair. “Your mother's heart was shattered and she did her best by you. Did you ever feel unloved?”

  Sheila shook her head. No, she could give her mother that, she had never lacked for love.

  “Were you ever mistreated or ignored?”

  Again, Sheila shook her head.

  “Then, you lived a life that any human would wish to have.”

  Sheila felt a tear trickle down her face. “But I am not human, not entirely.”

  Airek sighed. “No, you are not. And yes, your mother should have told you about your heritage and the Loopin. But we all make mistakes, Sheila-mine, and I am sure that your mother came to terms with hers.” Airek did not know why he was now feeling charitable towards Kathleen McKay. Kathleen McKay was the worst sort of deceiver. She had all but stolen his Lupe from him, and yet it was difficult to disparage a Lupe who had lost her mate. Airek knew that he would not be able to live without Sheila, could he blame Kathleen McKay for what she had done in lieu of these facts?

  “But I am home now.” Sheila murmured against his chest.

  “Yes, Sheila-mine, you are home. And you and I will never be apart again.” Airek stroked Sheila's back and felt goosebumps jump to her skin. He gave her a smoky look. “Are you cold, Lupe?”

  Sheila felt heat spear through her pussy. The look he gave her was enough to make her moist with want. “No.”

hen the shivers and goosebumps are not caused by the chill, they must be caused by something else.” Airek blew gently into her ear and laughed when she moaned. “We must commence the hunt so we can get around to … other matters.”

  Sheila liked the sound of that. And she was very much looking forward to 'other matters.'

  * * * *

  The thicket was full of predatory faces. Ten pairs of eyes watched the deer drink from the spring, head gently bobbing as its throat closed around the cool water.

  Large mouths full of razor sharp teeth smiled with the knowledge that flesh would soon be theirs.

  Sheila stifled a cry. Half of her mind screamed to pounce on the unsuspecting animal and the other half screamed to warn the poor beast away. Her heart thudded and she could almost taste the deer's blood in her mouth. What was wrong with her?

  “Nothing is wrong, it is nature,” was Airek's whispered reply. He gripped her hand comfortingly and smiled into her tense face. “Watch, it happens.”

  Sheila's eyes went wide as she realized the Pack was beginning to circle the deer. The deer was vulnerable and still unaware of what was occurring around it. Sheila saw Sira's smiling face just before she flattened herself to the ground and became obscured by the thick brush.

  “Oh,” Sheila was shocked. When Sira reappeared she was in the form of a medium-sized black wolf. Somehow Sheila just knew that this wolf was Sira. And when the wolf looked up and smiled into Sheila's face, it was confirmed. The wolf's eyes were black as pitch and shaped like large, lush almonds. “Sira,” Sheila murmured.

  “She is a fine wolf,” Airek said.

  Sheila jumped at the sound of Airek's voice, so low and muffled. She turned her head and pressed her hand to her mouth to stifle a terrified scream. Her Airek was now a giant silver wolf. His fur was thick and shiny and his snout long and full. When he opened his mouth to smile two rows of huge teeth were revealed, teeth so sharp they could rip a person to shreds in a moment. Sheila began to shake; this was real, her new boyfriend was a wolf.

  “Would you like to pet me, Sheila-mine?” Airek's voice was low and hoarse. And each time he spoke those giant teeth of his shone brightly in the moonlight.


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