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In The Eye Of The Moon

Page 9

by Mara Lee

  Sheila cleared her throat. She wasn't a marriage counselor; this wasn't an area she wanted to get into.

  Unaware that Sheila was uncomfortable, Raquelle continued. “Seth has always looked, but until now he has never approached me about the possibility of joining beds.”

  “Joining beds?” Sheila asked.

  Raquelle looked away. “The term we use for sharing bedmates.”

  Sheila's mouth opened in a giant O. Now she understood. Jeez, Raquelle's mate was interested in a threesome, or perhaps it would be foursome. Sheila blushed, as all of a sudden she had a flash of Sira's smooth hands caressing her straining breasts. She had never entertained the thought of sharing her bed with several individuals, but the sensation had not been unpleasant with Sira. It made her consider future possibilities. But she understood that Raquelle perhaps would not want her mate interested in having sex with other partners.

  “He wants you,” Raquelle suddenly spat out.

  “Excuse me?”

  “They all do. They stare at you and their lust is not disguised.” Raquelle bit her lip. “Seth asked me—after the first meeting—if I would entertain the notion of inviting you to our bed.”

  Sheila said nothing. This was a touchy subject.

  “I do not want you two together.”

  Sheila nodded. “Fine, then we won't be together.”

  “You would abstain from Seth's bed?” Raquelle drew back, shocked.

  “Of course, Seth is your mate. If you do not want to share him, then don't share him. I will not argue the fact. I don't know how comfortable I would feel letting Airek climb into bed with just anybody.”

  Raquelle's eyebrows drew down in bewilderment. “You would truly keep away from Seth?” Raquelle suddenly frowned. “You don't find Seth attractive. Seth is a beautiful man.”

  Oh boy. Sheila rolled her eyes. “Listen, you're giving me a headache, Raquelle. You're making this a lot harder than it needs to be. This has nothing to do with how attractive Seth is. This has to do with how you feel and what you want. If you do not want Seth to be with me in any way, then fine, we won't be together.” Sheila didn't bother telling Raquelle that she wasn't attracted to the obviously egotistical Seth. No point in stirring up other issues. “It's that simple. Can we call a truce now? I have no designs on your mate. I am very, very satisfied with my own.” Sheila watched the indecision filter across Raquelle's pretty face.

  Raquelle didn't know what to make of her Alpha's Lupe. She had been furious that her Alpha had chosen a half human woman to mate with and even more furious when Seth had asked her if they could invite Sheila to their bed. She couldn't believe that her mate would be interested in bedding a half human. But now, as her Lupe stood and spoke to her so earnestly it was difficult not to thaw, even just a little. She seemed honest in her words. “I suppose I could try not to hate you.” Raquelle said.

  Sheila laughed at the grudging tone of Raquelle's voice. Well, it was a start. “Good, so now that we've got that figured out, want to help me clean up the dishes?”

  Raquelle's eyes widened and she smiled slightly. “You wash, I'll dry.”

  Sheila grinned. “Done.”

  * * * *

  Four miles from the housing site they picked up the scent, it was very strong. Airek licked the dirt and tasted the rubber of shoe soles; someone had been through here. He lifted his head, opened his mouth and let out a howl. His cry was cut short when he heard a mournful wail slice through the night. He recognized that cry, it was Thane. Thane was close by.

  “It's Thane,” Seth rushed up to his Alpha's side.

  “Yes, I know. He has to be close. I can smell him now.”

  Seth nodded.

  “Seth, take the south side, I will cover the north, and we will meet up in the center. He is here, I know he is.” Airek rushed into the dense brush and began to sniff low to the ground. He could not lose Thane's scent, not now when he was so close to discovering his location.

  Airek let loose another howl and felt triumphant when he heard Thane's answering wail. He foraged deeper into the forest until he reached the abandoned salt mines. At the entrance to the salt mines he was bombarded with Thane's scent; his friend was here. “Thane, can you hear me?” Airek quickly shifted back into human form and slowly made his way into the dark mine. The mines had been abandoned long ago, they were unstable and, Airek knew, very dangerous.


  Airek turned the corner and saw the long narrow mine shaft. He let his eyes quickly adjust to the pitch black of his surroundings when he saw a large lump huddled against the far wall. Airek rushed forward. It was Thane.

  “Thane, are you all right, my friend?” Airek checked him for wounds and found nothing.

  Thane opened his eyes slowly and blinked. His gaze was groggy and fog clouded. “Airek, they took Sira.” His voice was hoarse and gruff.

  “Who took Sira, Thane?”

  “Kristoff and Rex.”

  Airek growled low in his throat. Now his cousin had gone too far. He should have destroyed him when he had the chance. He had not bothered to check on Rex's condition at the fallout shelter when he had rescued Sheila. He had been in a hurry to care for his Lupe. It was his fault. He had been negligent in his duties; he should have checked to see if Rex was still breathing. Now Rex had stolen one of his Pack members. And he would have to die. “What happened?”

  Thane moved his arms and legs slowly. “Sira and I had just sat down to dinner when we heard the distress call of one of our brother wolves.” Thane ground his teeth together at the memory. “We thought perhaps he had become ensnared in an illegal trap. We did not want to burden you with such a trivial matter, especially at sup time, so we ventured out ourselves. We thought we could free the wolf and be back to finish our dinner in no time. When we were not too far from this accursed place we were attacked. Rex and Kristoff took us unawares. They drugged me.” Thane's eyes were dark with fury. “As the drug kicked in I could see them securing Sira. I tried to help but my limbs would not work, I could do nothing to protect her. They chained her and took her away, and dumped me here.”

  Airek knew his cousin's hate. Rex had been plotting against him for too long. But this atrocity was punishable by death. To steal and chain a fellow Pack member, well, there would be no reprieve for Rex this time.

  Airek felt a quick pang of regret for his cousin. Rex had not always been an evil Loopin. As children Rex and Airek had played, often side by side. They had been a trial on their poor parents. It was only as adulthood loomed that the evil head of jealousy overtaken Rex. Suddenly, Airek was no longer the boyhood playmate that Rex had once cared for but a hated competitor, a thorn in his side. Airek had done everything in his power to make Rex feel like an important member of the Pack, but nothing had worked. As the days faded into months and the months into years, Rex's hatred had grown until there was nothing left in his soul but his obsession to rid himself of Airek.

  “We must get her back. I fear what they might do to her.” Thane's voice cracked with emotion.

  Airek shook his head to clear his thoughts. He could not let whatever tender feelings he once held for his cousin shadow his intention now. Rex would have to fall. His audacity knew no bounds and he would never stop until one of them was destroyed. In Airek's mind the one who was to be destroyed had already been chosen.

  Airek helped Thane to his feet. “Do not worry, Thane. We will get Sira back. And Rex and Kristoff will be dealt with, once and for all.”

  Thane nodded. If his Alpha said it would be so, it would.

  “Come, let us meet up with Seth, we must catch Rex and Kristoff's scent before it fades.”

  Airek and Thane struggled out of the mine; both had the death of Rex on their minds.

  * * * *

  Sheila paced nervously. It had been a long time without word from Airek or Seth, and she could not help but begin to worry.

  “It is only eleven, Sheila, be at ease, I am certain we will hear from them soon.” Raquelle said

  Sheila threw her hands up. “How do you know what time it is, Raquelle?” She took in Raquelle's very naked form. “I don't see a watch anywhere on that lovely body of yours.”

  Raquelle laughed and gave Sheila a coquettish look from over her shoulder. It was a very feminine gesture. “I am a creature of the forests, Sheila. I can read the moon and its shadows. It is clearly only a bit after eleven.”

  Sheila grinned. “That must be a handy talent to have, reading the moon.”

  Raquelle's mouth curved up into a catlike smile. “You will soon be able to do that which I do. Rumor has it that you're only in your first turn. Eventually you will have all the senses of a true Lupe.”

  Sheila swallowed and the mark over her heart burned. “We'll see.”

  Raquelle's eyes dropped to Sheila's chest and her eyes widened in surprise. “Or are you past your first turn?” Raquelle stepped forward. She reached out her hand. “You're marked.”

  Sheila nodded.

  Raquelle gasped in sudden understanding. “He did it; our Alpha took blood during consummation.”

  Sheila opened her mouth to speak but she could find no words.

  “You will see your full turn in the eye of the moon.” Raquelle gave Sheila a genuine smile. “You will truly be one of us.”

  Sheila shivered. The thought of shifting to full wolf form still sort of freaked her out. How could it not? But it was true that she longed to belong fully to Airek and his Pack. And it was not as if she could turn back the clock and wipe the mark out of existence. She was marked and the full moon would see this change through. “I suppose I will.” Sheila said quietly.

  Raquelle took a deep breath. “You will get used to the idea, Sheila. It takes a little time.”

  “Yeah, thanks.” Sheila's ears perked up. “Raquelle, did you hear that?”

  Raquelle frowned. “Did I hear what?”

  Sheila gasped when she heard a twig snap. She strode to the door. “That? There is someone out there.”

  Raquelle followed Sheila to the door and they peered out of the window. Nothing but shadows answered their curious stares. Raquelle sniffed and suddenly growled. She thrust Sheila behind her right before the door crashed open to reveal Rex's imposing form.

  Sheila ground her teeth together. The sight of the man who had kidnapped her sent shivers down her spine, none of them good. She pushed away from Raquelle; she would not hide behind the other woman. It mattered not if she was frightened, she was the mate of the Alpha of the Loopin and she did not hide, nor did she cringe. Sheila saw how Rex's molten gold eyes devoured her naked form. It disgusted her.


  Rex strode confidently into the cabin and laughed at Raquelle's snarling form. “Time has not tamed that temper of yours, Raquelle. I thought by now Seth would have beaten some sense into you.”

  Raquelle narrowed her eyes and clenched her hands into two tight fists. “You are not welcome here,” she ground out.

  Rex shrugged his massive shoulders and dismissed Raquelle with one derisive look. “You matter little to me, Raquelle,” Rex's gaze was trained on Sheila's still, non-quivering form. “You, however, Sheila—you matter.” Rex continued to move forward.

  “Airek will return shortly, do not do anything foolish … or have you forgotten what happened the last time the two of you clashed?” Sheila said, bitingly.

  Rex snarled. “Airek is otherwise entertained. He has much to do, what with trying to track me down.” Rex laughed. “Predictable, Airek has always been predictable, not to mention much too humane.” Rex narrowed his eyes. “We are wolves, we are not human. Humanity is lost on us.”

  “On you,” Sheila bit out. “There is nothing human about you.”

  “Ah yes, you are right, Sheila McKay. I am not human. You see, Airek's weakness is that he cares, as a human does for his friends,” Rex licked his lips, “for his mate. He cares too much. His loyalty and love are weaknesses.” Rex laughed. “I have no such weaknesses. I know what life is about, it's about power. We rule or we are ruled. I will not let any rule me.”

  Raquelle opened her mouth and emitted a long baleful howl. She launched herself at Rex, her claws unsheathed.

  Sheila scrambled back as the two hit the floor. She watched as Raquelle slashed wildly at Rex. Blood began to poor from long gashes on Rex's arms and chest. Rex snarled and his face elongated and stretched until the skin had pulled out to cover a large wolf's head. He opened his mouth to reveal deadly fangs.

  Sheila screamed out a warning to Raquelle, but it was too late. Rex sunk his fangs into Raquelle's soft neck and tore at her flesh. Raquelle squealed and struggled. She slashed at his arms and nicked a vein; Rex released her. Raquelle fell, limply, to the floor. She brought a hand up to her heavily bleeding neck to staunch the flow. Rex balanced on his haunches and smiled at the wounded Raquelle.

  “You are a foolish little girl, Raquelle. And your impetuous nature is your downfall.” Rex reached forward and dug his claws into Raquelle's chest. She screamed. He flexed his claws in Raquelle's flesh. It was obvious he was intent on pulling her heart from her body.

  Sheila shook her head in horror, her heart beating furiously. She didn't think, she jumped onto Rex's back and began to pound at his back and shoulders as hard as she could. “No, don't hurt her.” Sheila locked her teeth into Rex's neck and bit until she drew blood.

  Rex threw Sheila off of him and stood over her. He brought his hand up to his bleeding neck and laughed. “Ah, you are a Lupe, and you've got sharp teeth.” Rex looked down his nose at the fallen Raquelle and then turned bright eyes to Sheila. “If you come now with me, Sheila, I will leave her, as she is.”

  Sheila looked over to Raquelle. She was unconscious and bleeding heavily, she could still die. But if she didn't go with Rex now, she would die. Sheila bit her lip so hard she tasted blood. She couldn't watch as Rex killed Raquelle, Raquelle who had tried to protect her. Sheila brought her eyes up to Rex's and nodded curtly. “Fine, I'll come with you. You promise me now, on your oath, that you will no longer harm Raquelle.”

  Rex nodded, triumphantly. He had gotten what he had come for. “I promise.” Rex grabbed Sheila roughly by her wrist and dragged her up. He leered into her dirt and tear streaked face. “You smell of fear, Sheila dear.” Rex licked her neck and tasted her sweat. “It is delicious.”

  Disgust roll through Sheila's belly. She flinched, but met his eyes with sheer determination. “You are a pitiful man, hurting those weaker than you.”

  Rex grinned. “Ah, but I am not a man, Sheila. I am a wolf. That makes all the difference,” Rex picked her up and slung her easily over his broad shoulder. “God, I cannot wait until Airek comes back to find you missing.” Rex laughed. “I would pay good money to see the look on his face.”

  Chapter Nine

  Airek narrowed his eyes. The scent was familiar; too familiar. Airek put his hand up to stop Seth and Thane.

  “What is it?” Thane asked.

  “I have smelled this scent before; it is a trick, Thane. They have been back-tracking us, using their scent to deceive us. It was carefully placed to have us sniffing at our own damn tails.” Airek swore. He could not believe he had fallen for such a trick. Of course Rex and Kristoff's scent would not be so easy to locate—that it had been was an indication of trickery. Obviously this trail had been marked for them to find.

  Airek's eyes widened in sudden understanding, and he raced off towards the housing site, and Sheila. Oh my God, Sheila.

  * * * *

  Airek saw the broken door to his cabin and felt panic flood through him. He rushed into the cabin to find Raquelle lying like a broken doll on the floor. He rushed to her side.

  “Raquelle, Raquelle, can you hear me?”

  Raquelle groaned but remained still.

  “Oh God, my love,” Seth pushed Airek away from Raquelle and took his place by her side. “What have they done to you?” Seth gently turned Raquelle to her side and hissed when he saw the huge claw mark on her ch
est and the still bleeding neck wound. “I will tear his beating heart out.” Seth growled.

  Airek motioned to the bed. “Take her to the bed, Seth.” Airek found his homemade salve and brought it, along with bandages and hot water. Airek grimaced when he saw the deep neck wound that Raquelle bore. “I am sorry, this will hurt, Raquelle.” Airek cleaned the wound and inspected it. It was deep but not yet infected. He thoroughly washed off the caked-on blood and applied the salve generously to the wounds, then wrapped them tightly. Airek saw that Raquelle's eyes were now open and blinking. He placed a cool cloth on her head. She would heal, shifters often did. “Can you tell me what happened?”

  Raquelle moaned and tried to clear her throat. She turned glassy eyes to Seth and smiled. “Seth.”

  Seth kissed her hand. “Yes, my love, I'm here. I am so sorry … so sorry.”

  “Don't be.”

  Seth's eyes were dark with anger. “I didn't know. I should have been here.”

  Raquelle shook her head slightly and winced. “Don't be a fool; no one could have known their intent.” She turned to look at Airek. “I am sorry, Airek. I tried to stop him. I … I wasn't strong enough.”

  “Do not strain yourself, Raquelle. You did well. I am proud of you. Can you tell me what happened; can you tell me where he took her?”

  Raquelle took a breath and shook her head—even this small movement made her wince. “I don't know where he took her. But it was Rex. He came for her; he came with the intention of taking your mate. I saw it the moment he entered the cabin. The look in his eyes told me.”

  Airek clenched his hands and tried to calm his fury. He ran a hand across Raquelle's damp brow. “Rest now, you did well,” he repeated. “I will find my mate and I will have Rex's head for this. There will be no mercy for him.”

  * * * *

  Sheila looked around her prison; this one was better furnished than the last. She was in a large, lushly decorated room. Her feet sank into thick carpeting and everywhere she looked something beautiful met her eyes. There were silver picture frames, expensive paintings on the walls and gleaming wooden furniture. Sheila had found that a diaphanous white toga style dress had been laid out on the large bed in the center of the room. She had loathed taking it, but she did not wish to be naked in the face of her enemy, so she donned the gown. Once on, she realized she almost felt more naked wearing the piece of nothing fabric than she did in the nude. She fidgeted and paced the large room angrily.


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