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HATE ME: a bad boy romance novel

Page 9

by Jaxson Kidman

  My tongue fluttered with speed, splashing her wetness all over my lips, chin, between her thighs. She made a mess and I was the one in control of it.

  I closed my mouth around her soft and tender labia, suckling against her. My tongue flirted with her puckering cunt, feeling her body doing its beautiful job of squeezing out every last droplet of honey it could.

  When I had my fill, I kissed up her mound and left a nice wet trail of her own orgasm to glisten.

  Her ass lowered to the bed, but her hands were still holding the sheets tight.

  I rose up and then stood there before her, just like I had done before I began.

  Her eyes met mine and I reached for my cock.

  Tonight, the devil was going to be kind. I wasn’t going to fuck her. I wasn’t going to rip that innocent cherry open. Not tonight.

  But now it was my turn to come.

  I stroked myself, feeling my balls tightening as I stared down at Violet. She was beautiful, innocent, the opposite image of myself. I was everything wrong, she was everything right. If I was the devil, she was purest fucking angel… and she was about to get smothered in the devil’s desire.

  I reached down and grabbed her right hand. I pulled at her and leaned over the bed a little. I replaced my hand with hers and then made fists, putting them to the bed. Her lips quivered and eyes went wide as her fingers began to explore the sheer length of my cock. She could have spent all night exploring, but I wasn’t in the mood for that bullshit.

  “Now,” I ordered her. “Make me come all over you.”

  Her mouth made an O shape. I wasn’t sure if she was trying to say oh shit or she was trying to say oh no.

  Either way, she was about to get covered with my cum.

  Her hand slid up my shaft, stopping just below the tip of my cock. That ridge was fucking sensitive as hell and that’s where the magic really happened. Getting jerked off along my shaft and down at my root was one thing. Any guy could hang for a while there. But once a woman got to the head and knew how to work that skin, it was game over.

  I groaned as my balls loaded up nice and tight. Like a fucking gun ready to shoot for the kill.

  I leaned down and crashed my mouth to Violet’s. For a second she tried to get away, worried about tasting her own pussy. Too late for that, babe.

  We kissed wildly for a few seconds before I broke it.

  I needed to take easy care of Violet. A kiss like that could leave lasting implications. We weren’t going to become friends. We weren’t going to become lovers. I was going to work her pink plump pussy until my cock was buried to the hilt. Then I would be out for good.

  I’d go back to being her asshole neighbor and anytime I looked at her I’d picture her naked, screaming my name.

  I looked down at my cock and knew I was just seconds away.

  “Look down,” I said. “See what you fucking did.”

  I stood back up, my legs pressing against the bed.

  My cock started to throb, pulsing, pushing my cum to the tip.

  I sucked in a breath and let out growl as I started to release.

  The first wild spurt of my warm jizz blasted all the way to her chest. Glistening cream, almost looking like lotion.

  Violet gasped.

  The second spurt was just about the same.

  Then she groaned.

  Her hand rolled over the tip of my cock, collecting the third shot of cum. She was fucking masterful as she smeared my own release down my shaft and used it to jerk me off. I grunted each time my cock pulsed, dripping more and more cum all over her. I filled her belly button. I left a pool on her bare mound.

  There were even a few stray drops that were just a centimeter away from her pink flesh.

  I wondered if any man’s cum had come that close to her cunt before.

  I gritted my teeth as she finished me off, slowing when I stopped shooting my load at her.

  When I was done, I grabbed her wrist and peeled her away from me.

  “Don’t fucking move, babe,” I said.

  I grabbed my jeans and hiked them back up. I didn’t give a shit about cleaning myself up right then. I went to the bathroom and got her a towel. When I returned to the bedroom she hadn’t moved an inch.

  She was in processing mode. Trying to figure out how my tongue could do what it had just done. And figuring out when she would feel it again. After that, she’d wonder how she could ever fit my dick inside her. It would scare her, but make her wet at the same time.

  I dropped the towel on her stomach.

  “I’m going to grab a drink,” I said. “Need anything?”

  “This is my apartment,” she finally spoke.

  “Not tonight,” I said. “I own this place and everything inside it… including you.”

  She let out a gasp. “Fuck you, Mason.”

  “You’re allowed to put on a shirt. Nothing else.”

  “You’re staying here?”

  “I’m not going home,” I said.

  I left the bedroom, giving her time to herself. Truth was, I needed to get the fuck away. I should have right then just left and went home. Better yet, I should have gone to the shop and slept there. This innocent virgin shit was driving a stake through my heart. Violet had become something of the ultimate prize. I wanted her cherry. I wanted to see her face the first time she took a dick. I wanted to see her climb up on me and learn how to ride a dick.

  I went to the kitchen sink and splashed cold water on my face. Then I opened my jeans and flicked some water down at my dick. I needed to ease up a little.

  I rubbed my jaw and started to walk back toward the bedroom. I detoured when I saw her laptop sitting right there in the open. Something told me she was so nice and trusting she wouldn’t have a password on it. Why the fuck did that matter to me? I didn’t know. Why the fuck was this chick driving me nuts? I didn’t know.

  As I peeled her laptop open I shook my head.

  My plan in life was simple.

  Flirt. Fuck. Then get the fuck out.

  Nowhere in that plan was there exploring thoughts, feelings, or a goddamn laptop.

  The screen turned on. No password needed.

  I was surprised as I stared at a picture of a doofus looking guy with a girl. The girl wore a big ass diamond ring. The guy had a perfect little haircut, parted to the side. The good boy quarterback kind of smile with a freshly shaved jaw.

  I looked to the bedroom door.

  Then back to the screen.

  Then to the bottle of wine on the table.

  The pieces were all in the open now.

  This douche on the screen broke Violet’s heart. This douche set her back for years. She had no idea how to fucking function in a social or sexual setting because of this douche. And now he was engaged.

  So he made Violet a mess and I was the one cleaning it up.

  I shut the laptop and stood up.

  I refused to ask. To get involved.

  No fucking way.

  If Violet was a mess… and I was cleaning it up… I was going to fucking enjoy myself the entire time.

  I slithered up behind her and put my arm around her. I quickly then pulled away. She grabbed for me. I let her get hold of a finger and felt her tugging. If I held her while she slept…

  I broke away and reached for the bottom of the shirt.

  “Did you listen to me?” I asked.

  “Find out,” Violet whispered.

  I peeled the shirt up and touched smooth, bare skin.

  “Good girl.”

  The tips of my fingers crept down, sliding against her warmth. I pressed two fingers against her rose petals, opening them with ease.

  She shuddered and sighed. “Mason…”

  “One more for the road,” I whispered.

  I then started to kiss her neck. My fingers kept going, pressing deeper into her. Slowly, I pressed my body tighter to hers, putting her almost on her belly.

  She tried to thrust, but I was far more powerful than her. My fingers went w
ild against her tender clit. Moving left to right, up and down, like I was frustrated trying to rip something out of her. Maybe I was. Or maybe I just wanted to hear her scream my name one last time for the night.

  Violet had her head to the right, her hair in her face. The harder she breathed, the more her hair danced.

  “Come on, babe,” I growled. “Come again. Right now.”

  I moved a little so she could feel the thickness of my cock pressing against my jeans. Fuck, it took so much out of me not to rip my jeans open, prop her up on her knees, her ass in the air, and just fuck her. I could rip through that innocence before she knew what was going on. Then she’d never have to worry about it again. If anything, I’d be doing her a favor.

  I dug my fingers harder against her clit. I twisted like I was trying to open a broken lock. I put my face into her hair, smelling her, grunting each time my fingers curled, spreading her warm honey all over her cunt and her bed.

  “Mason,” she purred. “Shit…”

  Her right hand shot out. She punched an alarm clock on the nightstand. Her hand grabbed the back of the nightstand and she wrestled with me for more room.


  Turning her head, she put her face into the pillow.

  She started to come, her legs and hips finding more strength than she knew she had. I eased my body away just enough to give her some room. She jumped on her knees on her own, rocking back and forth as my fingers coaxed all the sweetness out of her body.

  My dick was raging, wanting it all.

  I came forward and gently placed a kiss to her left ass cheek.

  Then I put her back down on the bed. I ran my fingers across her belly and to her back, leaving her own orgasm as a reminder of what her asshole neighbor could do to her.

  I fucking loved the power.

  I remained on my knees as I watched Violet succumb to the pleasure and the tiredness that came with coming like she had done.

  I placed my hand to her back and pulled at the shirt, pulling it down over her bare ass. Then I climbed out of the bed and grabbed the covers. I covered her up and stood there watching her.

  These were certainly uncharted waters for me. A sliver of my heart gave a damn. Only because of the innocence though. Because at one point in life we were all innocent. Even me, the devil. I wasn’t born that way, time made me that way. And no matter how much anyone tried to help me, the devil always rose up to win.

  I grabbed my shit and left the apartment.

  I wasn’t going to hold her all night. I wasn’t going to go down on her in the morning. I wasn’t going to make her fucking pancakes and then ask what she wanted to do for the day.

  Fuck that.

  I was still an asshole. And I needed her to keep hating me.

  It was the only way she wouldn’t get hurt in this mess.


  A Good Shower


  The hangover wasn’t in my head, but in my body. Waking up wearing nothing but a t-shirt, feeling places tingling from what Mason had done. It took me a few minutes of sitting up in bed to actually process what happened. What he had done. What I had done.

  What I had confessed.

  He knew I was virgin. But he didn’t know why. Whether it mattered or not, it bothered me.

  I sprung from the bed and hurried over to his place. The whole neighbor thing had a small advantage, finally.

  As I knocked on the door I realized that I wasn’t wearing any underwear. Or a bra. I was in nothing but a t-shirt. I started to blush. Mason never came to the door.

  I retreated back to my apartment and made coffee. I hit the couch and opened my laptop. The first thing I saw was a picture of his face. The picture that kickstarted the night before. I hurried to close the site and tried to get work done. Staring at coding and a marketing plan was doing nothing for me.

  My eyes kept looking to the bedroom.

  All the things I said to Mason. The things he did to me. The way I screamed his name.

  I sort of used him.

  He was a pleasant distraction for me for the night. My heart twisting and aching over the picture I found of him and the first thing I did was run to another man. I never did that before. I never wanted to become that woman. Yet it had happened. I texted someone to come cure my heartache.

  And someone showed up.

  And someone did the job.

  “Mason,” I whispered.

  I bit my lip and grabbed my phone.

  I wasn’t sure what he was thinking or feeling from last night. He didn’t spend the night. Last thing I remember was his strong hand between my legs, bringing me to orgasm for a second time. Then my eyes grew heavy, my body warm and relaxed. I fell asleep.

  Morning. Where are you?

  I sent the text without even thinking about it. Where are you? I shut my eyes, ashamed. The man I hated went down on me and took care of me, and now I was texting him like some clingy woman.

  I was shocked when Mason replied.

  Breakfast. Ready for more of me? I want that cherry

  I gasped.

  He kept saying that to me. Wanting my cherry. Wanting to take my virginity.

  I had to save a little face.

  Not going to happen, Mason. We need to talk about last night.

  This time, Mason never replied.

  I ended up taking a call from Victoria. She had a whole bunch of new designs to send over. My job was to give judgment (like I knew anything about fashion) and then work my magic to spruce the designs up and make sure they looked good when in thumbnail mode. The joys of being slightly geeky.

  The launch was coming up pretty fast. I should have been nervous and excited. All I could do was look at my phone and wonder why Mason never got back to me.

  I drove myself crazy, unable to focus and concentrate. An extra cup of coffee only helped to fuel my nerves even more. So I settled for a shower and fresh clothes. Wash away the night and then never talk about it again. Not even to Victoria. What I had done… well, it was pity, guilty, desperate.

  I knew he wouldn’t wait for me for forever, but I didn’t expect to see him engaged.

  I turned the shower water on and grabbed the bottom of the long t-shirt when my phone beeped.

  It was Mason.

  His asshole instinct must have told him that I was about to get naked.

  Want to talk?

  I shut the shower off.


  I waited.

  Of course, nothing with Mason was easy.

  I’m in the shower. My door is unlocked. It’s your turn to take care of me. Then we talk

  I read the message a few times.

  We needed to talk about what happened last night. What it meant. Why I did what I did. Not to keep going.


  I looked at myself in the mirror and bit my lip.

  My phone beeped again.

  If you don’t join me someone else will

  I felt jealous.

  Then I went over to Mason’s apartment.

  His door was unlocked like he said it would be. And he was in the shower.

  I pushed open the bathroom door and was hit with steam. It was warm. It felt good. The bathroom smelled like Mason. That was not a good thing. My memory was too fresh with what happened.

  You’re smarter than this, Violet.


  The shower curtain opened enough for Mason’s head to pop out. I started to count the droplets of water dripping off his face. I lost count after three because it was just too much water. His hair… his skin… everything wet. Dripping.

  “I’m waiting,” he said.

  “I’m not…”

  “You’re in the same t-shirt. You’re not wearing anything else, are you?”

  “I put panties on,” I said.

  “Take them back off.”


  “Keep saying my name. I want you in this shower, Violet. Then we can talk.”

  He disappeared into the s

  I debated on what to do.

  My body fighting my head. My heart throwing itself into the mix. Everything crashing and colliding.

  I was still in the same clothes from the night before… so…

  I grabbed the bottom of the shirt and took it off. I slid the panties down with my eyes shut. I was starting to hate myself for how bad I wanted Mason. Just in a physical way though. Nothing else.

  The picture I found of him still burned in my head. Engaged. Happy. Doing whatever he wanted. Settling when he wouldn’t settle with me…

  I stepped into the shower and faced Mason.

  He grinned at me, his eyes devouring me. Scanning me down and back up without shame or hesitation. It actually made me feel pretty when he did that. I wasn’t anything to write home about and yet this monster of a hunk was all over me.

  Mason turned to the side and motioned for me to get under the water.

  I stepped forward, trying to hold my confidence, when in reality my knees wanted to give out.

  The second the water hit my body, I shivered. My nipples were tight and hard. It felt so good I let out a little groan.

  Mason touched my lower back. “So… you want to talk.”

  “Last night,” I said, turning to face him.

  “Nothing to talk about,” he said.

  He moved his other hand down and touched my thigh. He cut between my legs, getting close to my slit.

  “I didn’t come…”

  “Yes you did,” Mason said. “Twice from what I remember. And me only once. So you actually still owe me one.”


  “We talk later,” Mason said. He moved his hand from between my legs to my cheek. “First… I get to come. It’s only fair, Violet.”

  He kissed me.

  He controlled me.

  I wanted him more than anything I’ve ever wanted.

  We kissed harder, faster, but he wasn’t touching me. He wasn’t making comments about my cherry. Or my innocence. Or my body. He just stood there, waiting for me to do something.

  I was the one who broke the kiss.

  My bottom lip quivering.

  Slowly, I looked down and saw that his cock was hard again. Rock hard. Pointing right at me, the fleshy tip hitting me in my stomach.


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