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Slow Burn 2 (The Archer Brothers)

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by Rose Harper






  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten







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  Copyright © 2018 by Rose Harper, All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations within critical reviews and otherwise as permitted by copyright law.

  NOTE: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination.

  Any resemblance to real life is purely coincidental. All characters in this story are 18 or older.

  Copyright © 2018, Rose Harper Publishing. All rights reserved.

  Edited by Mitzi Pummer Carroll

  Mitzi Carroll: Editor

  Proofread by Marisa Nichols

  Marisa Nichols: Proofreader

  Cover Art by Mae’s Wicked Grafix

  Mae’s Wicked Grafix


  She gave me her innocence. I gave her a baby.

  As her brother’s best friend, Sparrow has always been off limits.

  And that night all those years ago, my restraint slipped.

  I wanted every part of her.

  Was too weak to field her advances.

  It was only supposed to be a one-night stand.

  But it became so much more.

  I took her virginity.

  Felt her sweet submission.

  I knew she was meant to be mine from the first stroke to the very last.

  To touch. To command. To love

  But I left before anything could be started,

  Headed to California to run my father’s side business.

  It’s been ten years since I saw her face,

  And when I see her, I find out she has something that belongs to me.

  Drake, my son.

  She’s hidden him away from everyone since his birth,

  Afraid of the money grabbers trying to make a play for our baby.

  She thinks she did the right thing, but I’m about to show her different.

  You never take anything of mine and expect to leave unscathed.

  She better be ready, because this slow burn is about to turn into a full-blown inferno.

  Slow Burn 1

  The Archer Brother’s Series

  Chapter One


  “I’m only going to ask you this one more time. Who the fuck is Drake?” I fume in a threatening tone.

  I continue to glare at her rigid form as she stares at Derrick, whose mouth is dropped open in shock. It looks like all the wind has been sucked out of his sails, and he’s fighting for air. His face steadily turns a menacing shade of red, his eyes darkening with rage before he gasps and catches his breath.

  Keeping his eyes trained on her, I can tell hundreds of questions are zipping through his mind. But just like me, he can’t settle on the first one. At least I’m not the only one stunned to hear this. I mean, who wouldn’t be? The fucking girl everyone thought they knew … turns out no one has the first clue about her.

  “You all weren’t supposed to hear that,” she admits softly. “I don’t think we can forget this entire conversation, can we?”

  “Fuck that!” I thunder, walking farther into the room.

  Regardless of what Derrick thinks, I grab Sparrow by the elbow and force her to turn around and face me. I don’t know why, but I need her to look me in the eyes when she tries to talk herself out of this. Knowing Sparrow, she will. She’ll backtrack her words, thinking I’ll believe every lie that falls from her pouty lips.

  It may have been that way when we were younger, but today is a new day, and I’m not the same naïve little boy I was back then.

  Fuck that.

  It’s not going to happen.

  I will never fall for her beguiling tricks ever again.

  “Goddammit, Sparrow.” I get up in her face, seeing the unshed tears dancing along the surface of her eyes. She can cry all she wants, but I’m at the point where I can’t care less. There have been too many secrets. Too many things that have been left unsaid that’re now biting us in the ass.

  She’s going to tell me everything. I don’t give a fuck if I have to torture it out of her.

  “Drake …” She inhales deeply, pain twisting her features as she tightly closes her eyes. The movement causes the beading tears to fall, slowly making their way down her puffy, sorrow-ridden face, but again, I show no emotion. “Drake is my son.”

  Confusion tilts my world on its axis. It feels like there’s a black hole imbibing all the air inside of my lungs as I stand there, blankly staring down at her. There’s no way she’s standing here saying what she is right now. No possible way. No one could be that fucking manipulative. That fucking deceitful—especially my little bird.

  Just no …

  “If you stand there …” I say, tears ghosting in my eyes as I fight with everything in my being to keep the rage at bay. Pinching the corners of my eyes, I inhale sharply, before running my fingers through my hair. “If you stand there and tell me this entire time I’ve had a son with you I didn’t know about, there will be hell to pay.”

  “That’s enough,” Derrick interrupts, jumping to his feet. “You’re not going to do anything, Declan. If Sparrow kept him a secret for God knows what reason, then it must have been a good one.” Turning toward Sparrow, he forces her to face him, asking, “What is your reason? And it better be a good one, because if it isn’t, even I don’t think I’ll be able to stop him.”

  Worrying her lip, Sparrow glances between the two of us, never once keeping eye contact long enough for us to see the emotion resting in her almond-shaped eyes. She knows we’ll be able to catch her if she gives us the chance. It’s the same thing she used to do when she was younger. She was never the one who could lie and keep up appearances.

  “Yes, Declan … he’s your son. And yes, there is a reason I hid him from you. I swear.”

  The only thing I hear is: I couldn’t trust you enough to tell you the truth. It’s a crock of bullshit. I gave her no reason not to trust me. Yes, I ran to California after we had sex, but I didn’t think I was knowingly hurting her, goddammit. I didn’t do this shit on purpose. There was an entire business venture my father started that I had to run. What she did, she did out of spite. There’s no way around it.

  “Why?” I seethe, stepping into her. “You say you have a good reason, then why? Quit being a passive bitch and tell me why you kept my son from me!” I finish with a yell, feeling as if my entire being is boiling in a cauldron of hot water. To say I’m pissed is a complete understatement.

  I’m feel fucking murderous.

  Her eyes drop to the floor as she cowers in on h
erself. Most of the time, I’d back off when it gets to this point, but I can’t—I have to know. Anyone would want the information only she can provide. A person who says they don’t is lying to themselves.

  “I didn’t … don’t …” she stammers, fidgeting in front of me.

  “Just spit it out already! I’d like to go to sleep sometime!” Darcy says, huffing loudly.

  “I didn’t want your mother to find out about him!” Sparrow screams in a rush, her shoulders falling in on themselves when she’s through, before she whispers, “Among other things.”

  All the wind is knocked out of my sails at her admission. The entire reason she didn’t tell me, or anyone, we had a son is because she didn’t want my mother finding out? She honestly thought I wouldn’t protect Drake against my own mother?

  If she believes that, she never knew the real me in the first place.

  “Do you honestly think I would let my mother do anything that would put him in danger?” I ask between clenched teeth. “Do you believe your family would allow anything to happen? Sparrow, you should know better.”

  “How?” she asks, heatedly. “Your mother changed so drastically after your family came into money. I knew she would use Drake against all of us. That she would take him away from me, and make my family pay for it.”

  Fury ignites inside of me. “I would never allow that to happen! He’s my son just as much as he’s yours, and if I had only been given the chance to show you nothing would happen, we wouldn’t be in this situation right now.

  “My son doesn’t even know who his father is. My son doesn’t even know his own family, Sparrow. You’ve taken nine years away from him—from everyone—that none of us will be able to get back.”

  “I can’t do this right now,” she sniffles, pushing past me, but I snatch onto her arm once more, halting her retreat.

  Meeting her tear-rimmed eyes head on, I narrow mine in warning. “The only reason I’m allowing you to leave right now instead of explaining this shit is because I’m still tipsy. But you better believe your sweet ass that we will be finishing this conversation tomorrow. Is that understood?”

  She nods almost imperceptibly, and my fingers unfurl from her arm as I allow her to go. At the moment, I’m still trying to process everything going down. The proverbial shitstorm Sparrow has been hiding under lock and key for the last ten years is out in the open for everyone to see.

  She can no longer hide behind her lies and She-Beast behavior. She can no longer lie to anyone in her family anymore because Derrick, Darcy, and I know the truth. I’ll give her tonight. But tomorrow, I will voice my demands. I refuse for Drake to grow up with an absent father in his life. Before now, it wasn’t my fault. But now, if I do nothing, my son will be the one to pay the price.

  My son …

  Until now, I hadn’t thought of having a family. Never given half a thought to having children with someone in general. To say I’m not a family man is an understatement. I work too many hours to be pooled in with the other nine-to-fivers.

  Most days I don’t leave the warehouse until close to four or five in the morning, exhausted beyond all belief. The men I employ don’t leave until well after that. Our type doesn’t keep hours like that of a hardworking family man. I’d be nothing more than a name on a sheet of paper. Nothing more than a bank to raise children and have a family.

  But now I’m met with the ordeal of having a son; everything is changing. My entire outlook is glazing over with the thoughts of coming home to see my son off to school. Coming home to our son’s mother as she smiles brightly at something our nine-year-old says.

  I start thinking about shit I’m not supposed to think about. Ever.

  Chapter Two


  How could I be so ignorant? For years, I’ve kept Drake my little secret. Watched all interactions I had with my family to make sure I didn’t slip up. Didn’t give them a reason to question the secrecy I exuded throughout the years by being a bitch. I did absolutely everything, and in one moment of foolishness, it all came crashing down.

  No one knows how hard it’s been for me to take care of Drake alone, feeling like I have no one else in this world to turn to. Many nights I cry myself to sleep over the predicament I found Drake and myself in. Numerous times I prayed for things to change so I wouldn’t have to be this awful person anymore.

  The times I had to leave Drake with Brandy while I came down here to visit, when I knew more than anything, he wanted to see the family he’s heard so much about. I’ve been pushing his feelings aside for so long, and for what? So no one would find out about him? So I wouldn’t run the risk of getting him taken away? So my family wouldn’t know the lies I’ve been weaving?

  Running to my room, I slam and lock the door behind me. My emotions are all over the place. My actions are in complete contrast to what I’ve become accustomed to. Something I feared would happen when my entire scheme came to light.

  Walking over to the adjoining bathroom, I lock that door as well. It wouldn’t do either one of us a bit of good to be in the same room with one another right now. As it is, I’m barely keeping myself in check from breaking down because of my accidental outing. So, just putting either one of us within arm’s reach wouldn’t be good for anyone in this house. It’d be hell on earth.

  Making my way toward my bed, weariness settles over me as I sit down on the edge. My entire body aches like I’ve been run over by a truck—my heart being what aches the most. I knew Declan was going to hate me for what I had to say, but I didn’t expect that level of menace to roll off him. He’s changed since he left our small town ten years ago, and if I’m being honest with myself, I’m petrified of what he’s going to do with the new ammunition he has against me.

  Sighing, I turn around in bed, scooting up to brace myself against the headboard as thoughts continue to swirl. The plushness of the duvet doesn’t register. The softness of the mattress underneath me doesn’t help me relax. The only thing that keeps turning me inside out is Declan’s reaction to the news. He looked like his world was ending; he looked like a man on the verge of receiving his ball and chain.

  It’s the first time I’ve ever seen him look at me like he hates the very ground I walk on.

  Pulling my legs up to my chest, I put my face in my knees and weep. Sob after sob wracks my system as disarrayed thoughts try to piece themselves together, hoping to figure a way out of this fucked up mess I find myself in. Yet, no amount of thinking will ever get me out of the danger zone of drowning. Not even if I take action to nip this in the bud will it allow my head to break the surface for my first breath of fresh air after nearly a decade.

  I fucked up. I’m the one that completely turned this into something more than what it truly is.

  All I wanted to do was protect my son. Instead, I alienated myself from the family that always kept me safe. From the man who never let me have anything but utter confidence in myself.

  What the hell am I going to do? So much shit has happened now that I’ll never be able to reset the clock. Would I even want to if given the option?

  If honestly given the opportunity to change how things came to pass, as much as I hate to admit it, I don’t think I would. Maybe that makes me a crummy bitch, but, at least Drake wouldn’t be in the middle of family quarrels and squabbles he doesn’t need to be part of.

  For nine years, it’s been picture perfect. Hard, but amazing all the same. I have my son, my son has me, and we’re so fucking content. Just knowing that, I wouldn’t be able to make a sound decision on the topic. I’m very happy with my life.

  Or am I?

  While I’ve been part of everything, Declan has missed out on nearly a decade of his son’s life. He missed Drake’s first everything. He wasn’t there to see him get his first tooth. Wasn’t there to see him talk, walk, or go to preschool, kindergarten, first, second, and third grade. Didn’t get to attend his birthdays, Christmases, and every other holiday you can think of.

  He missed so much, a
nd a small part of me wishes Declan could have been there to witness the joyous occasions.

  Just thinking about everything I’ve cheated them both out of causes a storm of emotions to fester inside me. It gets darker—angrier—the more I think about what he’s missed—what Drake has missed without having his father around.

  More tears flow as I recant everything. God, I’m such a bitch. Here I am upset over the prospect of losing my son when Declan didn’t even get the choice to have him in his life. Why am I so fucked up?

  “He’s never going to forgive me,” I whisper into my knees, before sliding down onto the bed. “Would I even forgive Declan if our roles were reversed?” No, I don’t think I would, and that’s the part that hurts the most.

  Hugging a pillow to my chest, I press my face into the soft material, willing sleep to take me away—to allow this nightmare to retreat, if only for a little while. Maybe tomorrow, in the light of day, everything will become clearer. Perhaps I’ll be able to start gluing back the pieces of the life I’ve broken.

  If only things were that easy.

  Chapter Three


  She lied to everyone. I never thought Sparrow was capable of this level of deceitfulness until now. In school, she was always the softhearted, gentle person who never spoke ill of anyone—even the people who did her wrong. She never fought—unless, of course, you put her brothers in the fray.

  Down to earth, loyal, kind—all of those things were used to describe her. Hellfire, until that time she had a scuffle with Jason, I didn’t think Sparrow even had a bad side.

  How can someone change so drastically? How can they allow the fear of the unknown to make their decisions for them?

  Yes, my mother has turned into a frigid bitch, but that doesn’t mean I would allow anything to happen to my son. Just the thought causes a raw ache to settle in my chest. I’ve never even met the little boy and I already know I’d give my very life for him. Why couldn’t she give me the benefit of the doubt and just tell me about him?


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