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Nocturna League- Season One Box Set

Page 33

by Kell Inkston

  Jim’s eye sparks with intrigue. “Did he tell you about the whole duel with The Captain? How they became friends?”

  Grancis nods, happy giving a simple answer.

  Colette shrugs her shoulders at Grancis as if more context was needed, and Jim sighs. “Okay? So, what happened?” Jim asks.

  “Oh, yes, I guess you would want to know, wouldn’t you? Well it all happened at Amniss Island off of the Abyss Reef, The Captain brought The Nocturna there to get a witch relic called ‘The Teeth of Gulan’. It was a particularly difficult mission because the relic was guarded by a cult of lobster seasorts, greater ones, like Boris.”

  Colette squints in that specifically-Colette-like brand of disbelief. “So… There’s more than one Boris?”

  “Oh, no! There’s only one just like there’s only one you, but apparently it was a whole tribe of these giant lobster people. They guarded the Relic for Gulan and in return Gulan gave them the ability to make any dish with any food they pleased. The Captain’s arrival threatened to force them all back to eating coconuts for three meals a day, so they obviously weren’t happy, especially the leader, wh-”

  “Boris,” Colette injects.

  Grancis smiles - a brilliant ray of white amidst the dreary dark of The Eversea. “Yeah, it was Boris. He was really famous along The Eversea too; they called him ‘The Tyrant Butcher of The Waves’ because he coul-”

  “OH GO-…GO-… OKAY! OKAY!” Comes a great scream from the interrogation room. “ANYTHING!”

  Colette and Jim share impressed, gruntled glances, and Grancis just smiles politely like any other time she’s feeling uncomfortable. A minute of silence later they hear the door open and two pairs of footsteps go across the deck above. One’s obviously the measured, booted footsteps of The Captain- by this point the three could hear him marching from a mile away. The other pair is but a shadow of its former self, uneven, nervous, light steps- this is Captain Delugars. Colette and Jim rise from their seats just long enough to spot a mortified Delugars crawling back into his submarine while being waved off by The Captain. The Captain then taps his foot in that certain, strange pattern, and the tentacles gently lower the Arnados back into the ocean. The sub turns and rushes off at full speed and after a minute The Captain turns back to the gym. He finds all three of them neatly placed in their seats.

  “Captain Delugars is all bark and no bite, it seems… or rather, all hiss.”

  “Talk went well, Cap?” Colette asks.

  The Captain scoffs through his cloud-white bandages. “It certainly did. I had a few things to ask and he was quite cooperative about the whole thing- a real sport. Now then, back to dancing!” The Captain takes up the chalk with a bloodied right hand and continues the lecture, switching his modes from “cold interrogator” to “jolly instructor that’s more than a little drunk” in but a minute’s notice- it makes Grancis in particular a little uncomfortable, but she’s used to it enough by now that she can pay attention and concentrate when she’s called up to practice the steps.

  Wreckwind at Day and The Rather Intrusive Hostess

  Surprisingly enough The Nocturna arrives on time. Mastering the shifting waves of The Eversea is a task for even the most hardened minds, but both Jim and The Captain were especially determined to get there a day early. Jim wants more than anything to get off the ship and stretch, enjoy a celebration, and be away from Dunklestein for a while. The Captain, on the other hand, wants more than a good time, but to put his pieces in place for the final move in the rivalry between himself and Miss Irefall.

  After lunch, the port comes in view over the black waters of whatever ocean of the Eversea they’re on at the time. The Captain is standing out at the front of the deck with a cup of coffee, wafting out an aroma reminiscent of smoked pine and malice; for those who haven’t smelled pine before, think of an energizing, rich scent like mint, but with an earthy tone of cinnamon- ecstatic and masculine. For those who haven’t smelled malice before, remember that light, airy feeling at the back of your throat when you’re caught doing something you’re not suppose to, and you know well this will lead to dire consequences? It’s like that, but more savory. Yes, we can all agree that The Captain is a true connoisseur of coffee, perhaps the greatest in all The Eversea, so great is his adoration of the beverage.

  He takes a deep, sobering sip, stretches, and turns back to the gym. Colette and Jim are practicing the foxtrot with Grancis, who learned much, much faster than the other two, and is now the designated secondary tutor.

  “How goes it, Miss Vereyrty?” The Captain takes a seat, kicking one leg over the other.

  Grancis hums. “Good,” she leans in. “But Jim’s lead is really weak. He gives the signals but they’re too soft for Colette to notice.” she says in a low key.

  The Captain shrugs. “An expected trait for someone who spends most of their time in the brig, I suppose,” The Captain says, watching Jim almost float his hand at the back of Colette’s waist. “Perfecting it will have to wait, however. We’re at our destination.”

  Grancis nods and stands up with The Captain. “Alright, so do we need to pack clothes?”

  The Captain shakes his head and pushes up his spectacles. “I’ve taken care of everything. All you three need to do is look good and perform well.”

  He leads the three of them out to deck. The blast of sea air is the same as usual, but the sight ahead of them is less familiar.

  “Wow,” Colette says.

  Neither Grancis nor Colette have seen Wreckwind Port at day. It’s a long city, surrounded by water. There’s not a landmass in sight with the exception of the rows of houses planked and bolted together to keep them from floating off. In the center are five intricate brass towers, piercing the clouds with with the heights of human achievement. There’s a great, glowing line beneath the port, reaching down into the depths as far as the eye can see.

  “What’s that?” Colette points down into the black waves, made gray from the brightness of the massive glowing something below.

  The Captain nods. “Miss Irefall was the one who ‘came up’ with the idea of a permanent spot on The Eversea. She and her engineers invented a magi-tech piece she calls the ‘Eversure’- Witty.”

  Colette snickers. “Sweet name.”

  “It’s basically a giant anchor,” The Captain continues. “It was shot down using her manor, which is part of the device and doubles as an aquatic insertion device. The thing was blasted down at such a high speed that nothing below could stop it in time before it hit the bottom. It latched into the ocean floor and woopdie doo, a permanent, non-drifting Eversea isle. All she needed then was to tell everyone about it and everyone freaked out and made it the central hub of culture and commerce. And after the O.E.L. dug up one of their own space gates and erected it in the town, things really exploded and she became rich- really rich. All thanks to her stolen idea for a permanent island.” The Captain’s tone has a slight, slight hint of bitterness amidst the sea of coolness that is his usual.

  Colette scratches her neck as she looks over the vast city. “But aren’t there already permanent islands?”

  “Permanent in the sense that they don’t leave their assigned oceans, yes, but as the oceans of The Eversea move from place to place, a solid, anchored port like this won’t be going anywhere because it’s gripped to the back of The Entity itself, specifically between two joint lines. So for those not in the know, think of it as a needle of considerable curvature that just keeps two pieces of the shifting quilt together.”

  The three humans look confused. “Entity?” Colette asks.

  The Captain coos thoughtfully. “Right, pardon. I’m speaking a bit much for my own good. Knowing about all that extra stuff wouldn’t help you three much now. I’ll tell you some other time.”

  Colette looks to Grancis, who grins in horror.

  The Captain gestures with his finger, bringing forward a group of sailors with a bevy of suitcases in tow. “Now, I expect you all to be on your best behavior. Be polite
, do your best, accept offers to dance, don’t sleep around like some backslidden degenerate, no smoking or drinking, either.” The various helping sailors pile down one suitcase each for everyone. Luisoix and Boris gain up the rear with their own luggage.

  Colette huffs. “But you let us drink on board!”

  “Yes, I concede that small comfort while on the waves, but young ones, practically children like you all, should hold themselves to a higher standard.” Colette inhales to complain just as The Captain continues. “You’re all too inexperienced to be selling your souls off to love or libation or otherwise. Only when you’ve been thoroughly trampled and broken will I allow you to engage in such adult activities amidst popular society.”

  Jim and Luisoix exchange snide looks at the realization that The Captain considers the chaos of Wreckwind Port to be anything close to “popular society”.

  “Yes sir,” Grancis puts out quickly with a salute.

  “Very good, Miss Vereyrty. Your personal stability is as admirable as ever.” The Captain looks over to Colette as he adjusts his glasses.

  Colette looks away, sighs and looks back. Her hand lazily knifes against her forehead in a salute. “Yeah, fine. I’ll be good,” she says.

  Jim nods in defeat. “Whatever you say, sir.”

  Like a rocket through a wall of meat Boris bursts in from the back, knocking a trio of sailors aside. “THE AFTERNOON IS OF THE GOOD THIS DAY I AM OF THE HOPING!” He exclaims as he tips his flamboyant, purple, feathery hat with one claw and twirling about his ornate cane with the other.

  “Hey kiddos,” Luisoix says, as small, unexcited, and relaxed as always. Other than his usual uniform, he has a small, gray rucksack on his backside.

  The Captain nods in recognition. “Thank you, Boris. It’s a fine day indeed.” He turns to Luisoix. “Is everything prepared for our departure?”

  Luisoix nods. “Dunks gots it fine.”

  “Dunklestein has it taken care of,” The Captain corrects.

  “Yeah, sure thing, Cappy,” Luisoix says as he triple checks the contents of his pack.

  “So, anything you all can think of that we might need before we go on our way?” The Captain’s met with silence and shaking heads. “Very good, now please pose.”

  Colette looks to The Captain as he steps onto the port beam, adjusts his cap, and stares out daringly. “What?”

  The Captain nods slightly in Colette’s direction. “As discerning people of command and ability, we must look our best to our opponents.”

  “Opponents?” Grancis says, trying her best to copy The Captain’s lethal, fearless pose. “Aren’t we here for a pardon?”

  “Everyone’s a prospective opponent when it comes to making impressions, my dear Miss Vereyrty. An upstanding group of command like ourselves have no choice but to show them what true culture looks like.” He explains as he raises and points his gaze up toward the sky as if he has something much more important to look at than lowly mortals like the ones he’s about to meet.

  Were the situation more private, she would ask, but Grancis decides to keep it to herself once Colette takes out her gun and copies The Captain’s head gesture, Boris musically claps his claws and raises his whiskers to look sharper than ever, Jim pulls out the gun show and makes a burly flex, and Luisoix just sort of crosses his arms like he’s too cool for nautical school. Grancis looks at the group for a moment in complete hesitation, and then slowly raises her hands to make a double peace sign, because that’s super cool looking, right?

  The Nocturna glides along the dismal, gray waters of the port, passing mercenary ships, fishing ships, and even an airship above when they finally reach the edge of port three. As The Nocturna slows to a halt, the three humans, two seasorts, and one captain hold the pose in front of a group of strange vehicles that reminds Grancis of a carriage, just without the fun four legged animals that love carrots and hay. Assisting sailors throw down the board-plank, and The Captain breaks poise to start across to the crafted brick of Wreckwind. Grancis notices the particular care The Captain takes when descending- she assumes he must really care about his appearance to this Irefall woman. Perhaps that’s simply part of the position as captain.

  He makes his way to the port with the others close behind him just as a dashing young man with white hair and a scar under his left eye steps out from the driver’s side of the vehicle and goes around to open the passenger door facing the six. From the door steps a tall, elegant, beautiful and young-looking woman with an air of dignity and poise on par with The Captain’s own. She looks nice; the same way cheese on a mouse trap looks nice to a stupid mouse.

  “Well, if it isn’t my beloved reaper himself,” a snooty, interested voice comes from her.

  “Good afternoon, Mayor,” The Captain says, taking the lady’s hand before her slow, calm assistant can.

  Pulled from the car, she stands to her full height in a golden brown dress- including her voluminous hair do she’s just a few inches taller than the Captain. “Please, talk to me as if it were older times.”

  The Captain scoffs. “As you wish, my donut,” he says with intrigue. Colette flinches in curiosity. “It’s such a pleasure to be reacquainted in person, Golden Eyes, Miss Irefall, Master Inventor and Engineer.” His grip still sure upon her delicate, light bronze-colored hand, he leans his head in and presses his face against it as if he were kissing it.

  Colette and Jim share a glance of utter horror as Grancis flushes red once Irefall reaches up and strokes The Captain’s chin with complete disregard of onlookers.

  “Ah! How I missed your touch, Captain… But I feel it best that you introduce me to your little friends before we get any more intimate,” she says as she trails the tip of her finger across The Captain’s cotton neckline.

  He nods, adjusts his spectacles, and turns to his group. Irefall teasingly adjusts the pair of shining goggles strapped across her head and turns with him. Naturally the five line up to be presented. Irefall steps up to the left most of them and The Captain speaks.

  “I’m certain you remember Boris,” he says.

  She coos as she looks him over. “How could I forget? It’s been such a long time. You’re as… large as ever,” She says this smiling as she again disregards personal space and lays a soft touch along one of Boris’ whiskers.


  She nods and move along to Colette. Irefall squeals as she looks over Colette’s fairy-like blond hair, and her diminutive, though well-padded out musculature- lean and efficient.

  “This is Miss Colette Ketiere, my apprentice. Introduce yourself, Colette.”

  Colette forces a smile as she makes eye contact with the golden irises of the tall, enchanting lady that she’s going to steal from tomorrow. She skews a curtsy as she bows her head. “A pleasure, Mayor,” Colette says, keeping it prompt.

  Mayor Irefall is enchanted, and she works her warm fingers around the back of Colette’s cold neck as she lowers herself just a tad to look the girl over. “She’s so…” mid-sentence, Irefall pulls Colette off balance and pushes the lass’ face into her mountainous corseted cleavage in the form of a one-sided hug. “Cute!~ Captain! She’s just so precious! You’re a man of such taste!” Irefall says as Colette struggles for air and Jim becomes as red-faced as Grancis.

  “I’ll interpret that to mean I have good taste in people with potential,” The Captain says, adjusting his cap as Irefall releases Colette from her soft grip of death to move onto Grancis.

  “This is Miss Grancis Vereyrty, assistant chef on-board,” The Captain presents.

  Irefall gasps as if she’s just found a starving kitten on the street looking for a new home. “And you are absolutely…” Irefall says as she caresses Grancis’ neck much in the same way as Colette’s.

  “H-hello mam,” Grancis says with an awkward smile before she feels herself pulled in for a hug. Grancis has the foresight to take at least part of a b
reath before being suffocated in the breast of the surprisingly strong mayor.

  “Ah-door-ah-bull!” Mayor Irefall says as she swings the constrained Grancis back and forth like an alligator mutilating a catch. “I just know us three will be the best of friends! I can’t wait for you two to tell me all about your little adventures on The Captain’s little boat. We’ll have so many adventures together too! I’ll show you all the best places to eat in Wreckwind! We’ll play games, and do make up, and cook together, and talk to boys, and go shopping! Oh we’ll have just so much fu-”

  The Captain clears his throat, and Irefall jolts. “O-oh!” She releases Grancis, who in the second pulls in a deep, life-saving breath. “Pardon me! I really don’t know what came over me. It’s just been so long since I’ve seen two young ladies as precious as you two!”

  “It’s quite alright, mam!” Grancis says with an immediate and professional curtsy. “I’d love to do all that with you!” she adds.

  “Oh, you are just so precious!” Irefall grabs Grancis’ cheek and tugs it endearingly as a disgusted Colette and an excited Jim watch next to her. “Captain. I certainly hope you’ve been treating these girls properly!”

  The Captain nods. “As good as any deckhand can expect from her commanding officer under a fair and well-measured relationship.”

  Irefall sighs. “Oh, Lewis,” she says, winning another confused look from Colette, “You really don’t know what ladies want, even after all these years, do you?”

  The Captain leans in slightly. “I suppose you would say they want shopping and eating pastries at cute cafés and degenerate relations with multiple cute boys, wouldn’t you?”

  She scoffs haughtily as she moves on to Jim, who’s practically trembling in his boots with excitement. “Oh,” she says with feigned interest. “What a cute young lad… Is this Jim?” She says as she reaches around and caresses Jim’s neck like she did to the two girls.


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