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Unprepared Daddy: A Second Chance Romance

Page 67

by Bella Winters

  I grabbed the coffee and took it into the shower with me. I scrubbed my body and refreshed my heart. The hot water no longer felt like an agent to wake me from my drunken state. It felt like the start to a new beginning. I picked out a casual, but nice, set of clothes and pulled them on, spritzing a bit of cologne on for good measure.

  I walked out of my wing, feeling refreshed, and caught the eye of the servants who stood to the side. They bowed to me as I approached. I told them to get the jet ready and to call for a car service in Liverpool.

  As I boarded my jet, I no longer paid any attention to the stewardess or the large bed at the back. I knew that soon, I would be facing Adriana and trying to convince her that our forever was no longer a sham or a joke.

  As the plane soared high over my kingdom, I looked down and imagined flying home with Adriana by my side. Over and over again, I practiced what I would say to her, coming up with tactics to avoid that blinding fear that so often stopped me in my tracks. This time, though, I knew that fear was far beyond me. Instead, I feared a life without Adriana and our child by my side.

  The flight to Liverpool wasn’t very long. I peered out the window of the plane and saw the degradation the city had fallen into. It was nothing like Silesia, and it bothered me that my wife was left in such conditions to fight for herself. An overwhelming guilt flooded through me, and I vowed to make it up to her and to her mother, who I knew would need to be part of this entire idea.

  When we taxied to the runway, I was already up from my seat and standing at the door, knowing I couldn’t waste another moment. As the doors opened, I saw the car sitting out front, and I jumped in, taking the flowers from the driver that I had ordered ahead of time. I pulled out the paper that Brat gave me and handed it to the driver so he knew the destination. The look on his face as he peered in the rearview mirror told me all I needed to know about where we were headed.

  I looked out over the city as we drove through it. I watched as workers headed home to their run down apartments and dilapidated housing. Suddenly, it occurred to me that my father’s fears weren’t that the wealth of his family would get squandered, but that his kingdom would find themselves in the same terrible situation. He was trying to protect the people of the kingdom, even down to his last breath. I couldn’t even imagine walking out of the castle and looking out over Silesia in such a dismal state.

  As we turned onto the street where Adriana’s flat was located, I looked up at the battered and graffitied sign that read Toxteth. On the streets, we passed hookers, drug dealers, and thugs, all lined up doing whatever it was they did on a daily basis for survival. A few minutes later, the car came to a stop outside of an old, worn-down flat with the paint peeling from the sides and a pile of papers piled up in front of the door. I looked to the driver for assurance and winced as he nodded his head yes. This was where I had banished my love to, a worn-down, poverty plagued city.

  I nodded to the neighbors as I stood from the car and straightened my shirt. They stared at me and my car strangely, as if they wondered whether I was lost or not. I climbed the stairs and breathed deeply, pressed the doorbell, and waited for Adriana to answer.

  She opened the door, looking more beautiful than I even remembered. She looked at me with wide eyes, surprised by my appearance in her doorway. I stuck the flowers out toward her and watched as she squinted her eyes and looked at them. She reached her hand out and took them from me, but as she did, I noticed she was no longer wearing her ring. Immediately, anger hit my chest, feeling as if I had made a huge mistake.

  “Where is your ring?” I tried to hide the anger in my voice.

  “What do you want Milos?” She didn’t have the patience for me at that moment.

  She turned from the door, and I followed her into the flat. I wanted to know if she had taken the ring off from heartbreak, or if I had traveled all this way for nothing.

  “What did you do with the ring?” I asked, trying to keep my voice even.

  “I pawned it, okay,” she snapped, turning back toward me. “The house was going to be taken, and I needed to catch my mother up on her mortgage. There was no food, nothing. So I had to do what I had to do. It’s not like it was that valuable, anyway.”

  I looked down at the ground, remembering how I had ordered some cheap, fake ring from an online store, thinking that it wasn’t important in a fake marriage. At the sound of her voice choking back tears, I felt completely guilty. She deserved so much better than what I had given her. At that moment, I vowed to myself that if I could convince her to give this a real try, I would buy her the biggest and most expensive ring I could possibly find. She deserved a thousand rings, and she deserved more than what I had given her to that point.

  She dropped the flowers to her side in desperation and turned toward the kitchen. I followed along behind her, trying to remember all the words I had come up with to say. In the plane, they had seemed perfect, but standing in her run down flat, I couldn’t seem to make them work in my head.

  I looked around at the blank walls and sparse furniture, realizing everything she had told me, everything I had found so horrible for her, was worse than she had described. She had no reason to be ashamed of what was here. It was the hand she’d been dealt, and fair or not, it had turned her into the strong woman I had come to know and love.

  I could hear her mother shuffling around upstairs as we entered the kitchen. I stood in the doorway, staring at her. She looked beautiful, and I could tell she was trying to hide her belly from me. But it wasn’t like I could tell she was pregnant through her sweatshirt and yoga pants. Her hair had fallen halfway out of its bun, and I watched as she closed her eyes and pulled the blonde ringlets back away from her face. I loved this girl more than I could even imagine, but as I stood in her presence, in her life, I didn’t know if there was any chance that she would ever forgive me.

  Chapter 19: Adriana

  When my eyes first landed on Milos standing at my door, my heart skipped a beat, but at the sound of his possessive voice, I immediately became defensive. What did he expect? He had done everything he possibly could to run me off. And when I had, he acted surprised that I wouldn’t still be wearing his ring.

  I was terrified he was standing in my kitchen with the intention of dragging me back to the castle to finish out my year contract in the sham of a marriage I had originally agreed to. Just the thought of going back there when I had fallen in love with him, knowing I would be subjected to his cruelty and heartbreaking behavior, was absolutely terrifying. I couldn’t take another ten months of loving him and then hating him, over and over. Not to mention it would be kind of difficult to hide a baby for that long.

  I needed to play it cool like I had no fears, no emotions, and no thoughts about him. I needed to hide the fact that I was pregnant and make sure I didn’t get dragged back to the palace. My heart ached at the thought of watching him drool all over other women in the tabloids. I moved behind the counter to hide any sign of a slightly swollen belly. I wasn’t far enough along, but I felt like you could already tell. He stepped forward and stood in front of me. I watched as his eyes went from mine and down to my belly. Butterflies were shooting through my chest, and my breath was heavy.

  “I’m sorry,” he said as he shifted his gaze to his own clutched hands. “I have made a mess of something that could have been beautiful. Now, I am faced with losing you and our unborn child.”

  “What?” I said, stepping back. “How did you know?”

  “Zlata,” he said, shaking his head. “I was furious that she checked into you, but at the same time, it brought me to my senses.”

  “That bitch,” I said with clenched teeth. “She was such a miserable human being.”

  “I’m a miserable human being,” he replied. “I can’t get you off my mind.”

  “You don’t have to pull this little stunt and make yourself sound all sad,” I said, sighing. “I signed a contract, but I don’t want to be hurt anymore. I can’t just keep letting you play me f
or a fool. I have someone else to think about now. In reality, Milos, you just need to forget about me and leave. Make up whatever story you need to get yourself out of this mess.”

  I looked down at my shaking hands. I couldn’t look at him for another minute without collapsing into his arms for comfort. I needed to be strong. He hadn’t shown any sincerity. I moved to walk away, and he grabbed my arm and spun me toward him. I watched as he fell to his knees, tears tugging at the corner of his eyes. I stepped back in shock, not knowing what to do or say.

  “Please Adriana, I can’t live without you,” he said pleadingly. “After you left, I fell apart, even worse than before. I locked myself away in my room and just ran everything through my head over and over again. I realized how much I truly loved you, how badly I had treated you, and how perfect you are for me and my kingdom. I realized that you would be the most amazing queen, the most amazing mother, and the most amazing wife that I could ever imagine. Please marry me, or stay married to me. Let me love you and worship you forever. I’m begging you.”

  I stood there, and he grasped my hands, waiting patiently for my response. I didn’t know what to do, and I stood frozen in front of him. Could I truly believe that he had changed? Would I get back to the palace and find that he quickly forgets me all over again? I could tell his words were sincere, but I didn’t know if they were strong enough for him to give up that life he once clung to so tightly. At that moment, I knew I loved him too much to not give it a shot. The worst that could happen was I ended up back here in the same position as before, with the same broken heart. I breathed deeply and grasped his hands in mine.

  “I will,” she said. “But there is one condition. We are going to draft a real marriage contract, and if you break the rules, there will be heavy penalties. I will not live a life cast in the shadows and neither will this child.”

  “Absolutely,” he said without hesitation. “We will do it as soon as we return.”

  His reaction was so quick that I knew he meant every word that he was saying. He stood from the floor and pulled me close, embracing me with everything he had in his body. The warmth of his arms covered me, and I relaxed into him, feeling like I was once again at home. He pressed his lips against mine, sweetly at first, but then heavier. I felt his wants, needs, and love pulsing through his veins, and I pulled back and laughed at the passion between us.

  “Grab your mother,” he said, adjusting himself. “I’m going to take you two to a hotel.”

  “Just make sure Mother’s room doesn’t have a mini bar,” I said, only partly joking.

  Milos helped me bring my mother downstairs and get her situated before we left for the hotel. He had called ahead and booked two suites, one right across the hall from the other. To say my mother was slightly confused was an understatement, but I explained the gist of what was going on. She seemed to snap out of her haze very quickly. I ran her a bath in the large tub and ordered a pot of coffee and dinner for her in her room. She didn’t even ask for any alcohol, which made me pretty proud of her.

  When I finally got into our suite, the lights were dimmed and Milos was standing in the doorway of the bedroom with a smile plastered on his face. He raced across the room, scooped me into his arms, and pressed his lips strongly against mine. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back with all the passion I could muster. He raised up, leaving me dangling around his neck, and walked toward the bedroom.

  He set me down and lifted my sweatshirt over my head. He kissed the side of my neck and my shoulders as he pulled my pants down and lifted me up onto the bed. I kneeled at the edge as I unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it from his broad, strong shoulders. He leaned down and kissed my mouth softly as my fingers fiddled with his belt and buttons.

  As his pants fell to the ground, his hard cock bulged under his black boxer briefs. At that moment, all the pain drifted away, and I could think of nothing more than feeling him inside of me, filling me to the brim. He reached around and unclasped my bra, letting my breasts spill out, my nipples hard and ready. I scooted back on the soft bed and laid my head back on the pillow. He crawled toward me, stopping and pulling my panties from my body. He sat up and stared down at me as if he was scanning every inch of my body with his eyes. He rubbed his hands down between my breasts, across my belly, and hovered right above my wetness.

  “God, I missed you,” he whispered before lowering his head and spreading my legs. “I want to taste every part of you.”

  His mouth moved softly across my lips, and his tongue parted me, rubbing over my clit. I arched my back at the sensation of his wet mouth rolling across my skin. I didn’t realize until that moment that my body missed him just as much as my heart did. His touch was light but steady, and he lapped over my mound repeatedly. My body writhed beneath his hands.

  He pulled his hand up, ran one finger through my wetness, and slowly pushed it inside of me. I groaned loudly at the sensation. It felt like every nerve in my body was on high alert. The heat of an orgasm began to move from my stomach, downward. I started to grind my hips, feeling more need for him than ever before. I let go of my inhibitions, knowing that I had forever to feel the erotic nature of his touch and let him bring me to a full orgasm.

  My back arched, and I reached out and grabbed the sheets. Milos pulled me forward into his mouth and moved his lips frantically across my nub. I screamed out as wave after wave of pleasure pulsated through me. Whether it was my pregnancy or the understanding that I could rest easy in our commitment, I didn’t care because that was the most intense orgasm I had ever had. But I wasn’t done.

  As soon as my body untensed, I grabbed his face and pulled him toward me, planting his mouth on mine and licking his lips. I could hear him groan as I tasted my own wetness on his mouth, and he wasted no time slipping deep inside of me.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he moved gently over top of me, slowly thrusting in and pulling back out. He explored my mouth with his tongue, and he continued to build us both toward climax. His hands slid up my arms and wrapped around my hands, pulling them up over my head. He began to push faster and harder. I grasped onto his hands tightly, and I felt every inch of his hard cock pounding into my pussy with increasing speed. The pleasure was beyond measurement.

  I broke free from his hands and grabbed tightly to his back. He reached down and grabbed my ass, lifting me up in the air and moving his hips like a wave. The motion spiraled the ecstasy out of control, and he groaned loudly into my mouth as I dug my fingernails into his back.

  The bed shook and squeaked beneath us, and my short, loud screams followed along in a symphony of pleasure. I could feel Milos’s body begin to tense as he thrust deep and hard inside of me. With two more pushes, he grabbed on to my hips and pushed his face into my shoulder, letting out a deep growl. I could feel his cock explode inside my body, and immediately, my building orgasm took notice, pushing me over the edge right along with him.

  I leaned forward and bit gently down on his shoulder, and he thrusted in short bursts against my pulsating mound. I could feel my wetness engulf his throbbing erection, and we sunk slowly into each other as our muscles relaxed.

  Milos fell to his side and pulled me close to him, our faces toward each other. He kissed my nose gently as we both attempted to catch our breath. I leaned my forehead against his and smiled at the thought of our forever. He pulled me in even harder and squeezed tightly. I never wanted him to let me go. I never wanted to feel what life was like without him ever again. The bond that we had fought for had finally arrived, and butterflies flew into my stomach.

  He whispered into my ear. “I love you Adriana, and I always will.”

  Chapter 20: Milos

  I stood there next to my bride, holding her hand, as she lay on the examination table. A blue sheet draped over her waist, and the sonogram technician sat comfortably next to her. There were so many instruments around us, it looked like a torture chamber. I winced as the technician globbed some of the clear jell
y she was warming in a tube on the big wand she was holding. Adriana giggled at my reaction, and I looked down at her beautiful face and smiled in awe at how far we had actually come. There had been so many ups and downs, but we were finally in a place that left us both happy, relaxed, and completely in love.

  The tech nodded her head at Adriana and rubbed the large wand across her growing belly. We looked up at the screen, but I had a hard time figuring out what we were actually looking at. Then it happened. I heard a tiny, beating drum pulsating from the speakers. It was fast and strong, and I looked down at Adriana in complete amazement. She grabbed on tightly to my hand, and I watched a tear fall from her eye and down her cheek.

  “There’s the baby,” the tech said, smiling.

  We looked up at the screen and watched as a tiny little human shimmied and shook as if it were dancing to the sound of its own heartbeat.


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