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The Abyss - Part 1

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by Renée del Mar

  The Abyss

  Copyright 2013 Renée del Mar

  Published by Renée del Mar at Smashwords

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  The Abyss (Part 1)

  I pushed open the front door of the club and still couldn’t believe I was going through with this. Kelsey had said I needed to get my mind off my douche bag ex, Max, and this was a sure fire way to do just that. She was right, I needed a major distraction and something to kick start my life again. I was a wreck and things were continuing to spiral downward with my job, my friends, my family, hell everything. I needed a good shock to my system and this whole sex club orgy scene was bound to do just that, the shock part at least.

  I walked up to the bouncer a few feet inside the building and flashed my drivers license. He instantly grabbed it and stood there staring at it for what seemed like ages, flashing his eyes back and forth between the card and me. I knew he was trying to decide if it was a fake, probably thinking there was no way the age stated on the card was accurate. I looked no more than 20 tops, even with a heap of black eye shadow on my face I still didn’t look my age at 27. He bent it touching the corners briefly and ran a black-lighted over it, finally unable to prove it was a fake he grunted, and let me through.

  It wasn’t a fake, but that was the normal reaction I got when I handed over my ID, no one ever believed I was 27 and I kept telling myself one day I would appreciate looking so young, but for now it was slightly irritating. I walked down the narrow staircase unsure of where it would lead me. Was I going to descend into a pit of writhing naked bodies glistening with sweat and moaning? I really had no idea what to expect, it wasn’t like the website posted photos of people going at it. The site prided itself on class and confidentiality, which is what appealed to me in the first place. I didn’t want to find naked pictures of myself on the internet the next day, or ever.

  I walked up to what appeared to be a coat check and welcome desk. It was very high class with tall sleek counters accented with a small desk lamp that illuminated the woman behind the counter. She on the other hand clashed with the upscale looking décor, with her short spikey purple hair and lip ring. Her one full sleeve of arm tattoos instantly caught my attention; they were beautiful. A slender crane was etched on the outside of her bicep surrounded by an elegant Chinese style mountain mist scene.

  Before I could introduce myself I blurted out, “That is the most beautiful crane I’ve ever seen.” She arched an eyebrow at me and then, seeing the sincerity in my expression, her whole face cracked into a full eye-scrunching smile.

  “I’m Melinda” she said, “welcome to Abyss.”

  I smiled back, a full upper and lower teeth-baring smile and introduced myself, “Helena Riley.”

  “Nice to meet Ms. Riley, please have a seat and I’ll take your things.”

  “Please, call me Helena.”

  I handed over my purse and she looked down at the stylish black button-up coat I was wearing, waiting for me to hand it over as well. I took a deep breath and unfastened the buttons one by one, attempting to steel my nerves at exposing myself in the only sexy piece of lingerie I owned. I’d never worn it before and bought it on a whim with Kelsey before getting into a tangled relationship with Max. I remember shopping with her:

  “Lena, all you own are granny panties and that shit is never going to get you laid the way you need to get laid. Here! Buy this little number!”

  I never wore it for Max; he didn’t care much for sexy undies. He was all about public appearances, so every dime I spent was on purchasing well-fitted upscale apparel that would meet his speculative eye. I hated it; I loved wearing jeans with my favorite comfy leather sandals and a tank top. He told me he would burn those clothes if he ever saw me wearing them, so squirrelled them away on my side of the closet, along with this sexy black lace sheer nighty I was sporting tonight with only a black lace thong underneath. I had to buy the thong earlier today and it was a liberating post break-up outing. Since I spent $30 on it and returns weren’t allowed on sale items, it helped tipped the scales to make sure I showed up tonight. Otherwise it would have been a waste of money. $30 is a bit much for scrap of lace, but it was a really pretty scrap of lace. It gave me the rational I needed; first to buy them and then to show up here at a sex club.

  I handed over my coat and Melinda took it slowly, appraising me with a small quirk to the side of her mouth. “Go have a seat and I will have someone come to show you around the club”.

  She must no everyone by name and face, making me an obvious first timer in need of guidance, excellent customer service. Plus, I sure as hell didn’t want to be wondering around this place on my own. A flash of the writhing naked orgy bodies crossed my mind again and I cringed. Yea, I don’t want to fall into that pit just yet.

  I plopped onto a firm black leather chair in my barely-there-dress-nighty that didn’t even cover my ass when I sat. My nerves started acting up so I placed my hands on my thighs and leaned over slightly, bending my head down so I could take deep calming breaths. What the fuck was I doing here, this had to be the worst last resort in the world. Sure my ex left me for some cougar older businesswoman who could “show him the ropes” of art finance, but did that warrant a trip to orgy land? I am totally not the sex club type; I’ve never had kinky sex that went beyond being on my hands and knees. I don’t even like to wear leather! I had asked Max to blind fold me or handcuff me to the bed a few times, but he wasn’t into taking his time. He just wanted to mount me, cum, and then go back to work. I had given up on kinky sex and stuck to pleasuring myself in shower while Max drank his morning protein shake. I closed my eyes as my thoughts were turning into chaos in my head.

  I vaguely heard Melinda welcoming what sounded like a regular and saying she had something for him, or did she say someone? Whatever, I was getting ready to run out of here like a bat out of hell. Then I heard footsteps, slow and casual, coming my way. I looked down at my thighs and noticed they were shaking a little. I quickly brushed out the tiny braids I was absentmindedly weaving in my hair. A nervous habit that rears its ugly head now and again, especially since Max found the overall experience of an older, more “mature” woman to be more alluring. At least that is what he told me.

  Suddenly a man’s face appeared in front of my legs and my eyes went wide. The sight of him crouching down in front of me sent all my previous thoughts flying out the window.

  “Hi. I’m Callum,” said the most gorgeous man I have ever laid eyes on. He had olive toned skin and rich dark brown hair that was styled like he has just finished working a long day at the office. But he was shirtless, and I could see his tanned skin covered a glorious set of pecks and abs. This hypothetical office must have a gym I thought, a nice one with a view. I expected fancy slacks and shined back leather shoes, but instead he was wearing black leather pants that hugged in all the rights places and he was barefoot. Barefoot? Hmmpf, I snorted in my head and wondered if he worried about getting athletes foot walking around barefoot in a place like this. I must have snorted out loud because h
is lips twitched slightly. That caught my eye. Oh shit, could this be any more embarrassing. What kind of woman snorts in front of a stranger, a gorgeous one at that.

  Trying to recover from my accidental snort, I breathed out my name, “Helena.”

  “Helena,” he said out loud and stood up, seemingly mulling over whether or not I just made up the name on the spot. I should have given him a fake name.

  Note to self for next time I go to a sex club: use fake name.

  I looked up at his beautiful face, his slightly fuller lower lip than the top, his adorable tiny nose, dark eyebrows, and smoldering dark brown almost black iris. He held out his hand as if he were asking me to dance. Oh god how I would love to do a tango between the sheets with this man. He looked like he had the stamina to tango for several hours and dip me until I screamed his name at least thrice. Any thoughts of my ex douche Max were completely forgotten as I took his hand.

  Gently, he brought me to a standing position in my little shiny black heels. I was glad to be wearing them since they made my short legs look a longer and brought me up two and a half inches to a mediocre 5’6. His eyes swept me from head to toe and back again, a smile playing on his lips. He must think I look ridiculous in this sad excuse for sexy apparel. Maybe I should have worn a bra instead of letting my nipples show slightly behind the sheer black lace. I didn’t own any nipple exposing leather bras, so this was as close as I could get to what I thought people wear to sex clubs.

  Unexpectedly he bent his head down and placed a gentle kiss on the top of my knuckles. I blushed so violently I was sure my face was a scarlet shade of red and I shifted my eyes sideways to see if Melinda had caught it. She did, and was smiling a wolfish smile from ear to ear. She turned back to her computer screen, still smiling. I figured that smile was her trying to hide her laughter at the scene before her, me a total idiot blushing at the sexy shirtless Adonis standing before me. I must be losing my mind for coming here and making such an ass of myself.

  Still holding my hand he asked, “Shall I show you around?”

  I peaked up at the six foot four GQ model and wanted to say yes, but all I could do was shake my head up and down twice. God, I have never been at a loss for words like this, granted I was shy sometimes but I’ve always been able to keep a cool calm head. Hell, when Max would go on one of his rants about who-knows-what and let his anger take hold, I could always talk him down with calm mellow words and soothing phrases. With this man, this Callum, I felt like I had just downed an entire bottle of bubbly, which I never do because I hate loosing total control of myself. Not to mention I am a light weight and an entire bottle would mean hugging the toilet for at least 5 hours.

  I wasn’t sure if I should let go of his hand or not, but I liked the warm way it felt and it helped me steady myself in my heels as we ascended a flight of stairs. My heart was hammering in my chest and I still couldn’t believe I was doing this. Sure, I’ve watched the occasional porno in my spare time, I mean, a girls got needs and watching people getting it on expedites the whole orgasm process, at least in my case. Lately my porn site history has been straying towards the BDSM videos, what can I say? I find a little, or a lot of kink, pretty fucking hot. Boring sex with Max lead me seek out exciting visual stimulation so I could close my eyes, imagine, and attempt to eek out an orgasm while he pumped into me for one, maybe two minutes if I was lucky.

  Callum was quiet the whole way up the flight of stairs and I was thankful for that, because honestly I don’t work out, ever, and climbing these stairs in heals felt like I had just spent an hour on the treadmill. Maybe I should get a gym pass. My labored breathing was probably pathetic sounding to Callum who looked like he spent at least 3 hours a day at the gym. Shit, who was I kidding, I was never going to get my ass to the gym, I HATE the gym. I snorted in my head thinking about me at the gym trying to exercise as we reached the top of the stairs. At least I thought it was in my head. But Callum shifted his gaze towards me with a questioning look and I knew I must have done it out loud, again. Jeeze, could I act anymore like a fool in front of this guy. Snorting, really, who does that? Apparently me.

  I quickly glanced down at my heels and pretended like I had no idea why he was looking at me as if I had just done something amusing. He pulled my hand gently and led me to an open archway where behind it was a square shaped room with what appeared to be something quite interesting going on, since people were gathered around and watching. I stood on my tiptoes to get a better look beyond the crowd and what I saw shot an instant bolt of arousal through my entire bodily system. Holy shit, there was a beautiful blond woman bent over a bench with her arms and legs tied down. A muscular stout man was spanking her bare ass with a dangerous looking holed black paddle. Yet, the woman’s moans weren’t those of pain, but of extreme pleasure.

  My eyes dilated and my pulse quickened, I started breathing erratically and I must have gripped Callum’s hand tighter because he stiffened slightly beside me and turned his head. I couldn’t peel my eyes away from the sight of the woman racing towards an orgasm from being repeatedly spanked. I felt my pussy clench and my thong moisten, shit this was turning me on something fierce. I couldn’t see the look on Callum’s face as he stared at me, but I was sure it would be one of mock amusement.

  He probably thought I was some shocked prude little girl who had no place being at a club like this. I didn’t care. I liked what I was seeing. The woman finally reached he braking point, begging the paddle wielding man behind her for permission to cum. He relented, unzipping his pants and thrusting his hard dick into the blonde’s soaking pussy. He barked CUM and her entire body spasmmed against the bench she was splayed over. I felt my own pussy clench again in a ghost orgasm and another rush of wetness hit my panties. A soft moan escaped my mouth. I blushed violently, again, for the second time tonight and quickly looked down at my heels hoping Callum did not just see or hear any of that.

  “Helena,” he spoke softly to me and he used his index finger to turn my head towards his face.

  “I believe you liked what you saw, did you not?”

  I stared stunned into his eyes. Oh god am I too easily turned on, a lightweight when it comes to alcohol and now sex too? Am I making a fool of myself so easily? I couldn’t speak and just shook my head up and down like last time.

  His gorgeous pink lips turned into a knowing smile and he said, “Good.”

  Good? What the hell did that mean? Was he going to spank me later? Oh God, I hoped so. Just the thought of it caused a little moan to escape my lips again and his eyes dropped down to where the sound came out. His index finger on my chin trailed up to my lips where he traced them slowly, searching, but for what I didn’t know.

  My mouth went dry and my lips felt like they were on fire. If I had my purse with my 5 different lip balms in it right now I would be rapidly applying at least two different ones to cool them down. Without the cooling balm my tongue poked out to wet my lips instead, except his finger was in the way and I inadvertently licked the tip of it. He quickly drew his hand away. I felt his other hand, the one I was still holding onto for dear life, go rigid. Shit, I probably freaked him out with my overly aroused moaning and lip-wetting display. He was obviously a Dom here at the club, which meant he probably had a partner Submissive waiting for him, since most regulars show or work in pairs. He was more than likely taken, hell he had to be taken, a man as yummy as him probably had his pick of the Subs in this joint. Subs? I can’t believe that word even crossed my mind, as if I even understood what it meant. And why did thinking about Callum touching someone else bother me, I just met him.

  Callum lead me by our clasped hands towards another archway, but before we could reach it a man stopped us. “Callum! Good to see you, we missed you last night,” said the muscle machine now standing before us with two ladies teetering directly behind him wearing nothing but 6 inch heels.

  “Mitch” said Callum, “good to see you too man, I see you are enjoying yourself?” nodding to the two naked red heads. />
  “Ah yes, my lovely little Subs here are being overly obedient this evening, aren’t you ladies?” “Both girls smiled mischievously as the looked down at the ground, “I think they are conspiring against me tonight,” said Mitch with a gleam in his eye. Then he turned his eyes on me, and slowly taking in the sight of me. I didn’t think I was his type, having light brown and gold streaked hair, with only 3-inch heels, and a soft and slightly rounded body, not a four pack with toned thighs.

  He cleared his throat for a second and took a step closer to me where he put his index finger under my chin to lift my gaze up to him. Almost in the same way that Callum had, but it didn’t feel the same and didn’t cause any little moans to escape my mouth. Callum must have been remembering my over zealous display of arousal earlier as a frown creased his forehead. Ugh, I needed to reign in my horniness if I was going to hang around here all night with my tour guide Sex God.

  I met Mitch’s sharp gaze and fell into a slight hypnotic state, his blue eyes were piercing and promised much pleasure, but also much pain mingled together. He was a Dom, but his presence frightened me slightly. He didn’t make me feel electric like Callum did. Mitch’s finger then slowly slid down my neck where it lingered over my collarbones, I held my breath.

  “Not taken? Interesting”, said Mitch. Then his finger started to slowly gravitate downward, towards my left breast. It was turning me on and my nipples tightened. The look in his eye promised what he had in mind would be both painful and pleasurable. But before he could finish his way to my lace clad nipple, Callum thrust his hand on the man’s shoulder, slightly jolting him.

  “Mitch it was truly great to see you again, but Helena needs to see the rest of the club still.” Mitch’s eyes stayed on my nipple as he licked his lips. Callum’s hand loosened around mine for a second, and I thought he was going to hand me over to this terrifyingly arousing Dom, but instead his fingers shifted to weave between mine and we were now holding hands like, well, like a couple. I blushed, for the third time, and Mitch’s gaze dropped down to our hands and then launched back up to Callum’s face. Something passed between them without words.


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