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Page 4

by Tessie Bradford

  The whole table dissolved into peals of laughter, including Kate. Yes, they were teasing her. Hell, she would have been teasing any of her girlfriends if the tables were turned. Yes, they were surprised but nobody was being mean or judgmental. Kate felt about a thousand pounds of emotional baggage fall off her back.

  “Hey, I’m allowed to have some fun you guys. I know I haven’t brought a guy around in like forever but I can date if I want to.”

  “That little display makes me think that date might not actually summarize what you kids have been up to, if you know what I mean,” Renee giggled while Kate groaned and rolled her eyes.

  “Scoot over a bit,” Bryan said as he placed Kate’s drink on the table and maneuvered the chair that he brought back with him so that he was sitting close enough that they were touching from hip to knee. “So what did I miss?” He looked at Katie for signs of distress but was relieved when she smiled warmly back at him.

  “Only our friends making fun of me,” she answered before taking a healthy sip of her beverage.

  “They’re just jealous, Katie.” He put his arm across the back of her chair and stroked her shoulder. “Let them have their kind of fun and we will have ours,” he chuckled before brushing his lips across her temple. The entire group groaned in unison.

  “Good Lord, you’re going to be sickly sweet to be around now, aren’t you,” Beth stated as a fact instead of a question. Kate and Bryan just looked back at her innocently.

  After another fifteen minutes or so of bad jokes, off color comments and over-all ribbing, everyone was able to settle back into their comfortable camaraderie. Kate found herself idly stroking Bryan’s thigh, delighted in the fact that she was with the man of her dreams, in the full view of humanity and the world hadn’t stopped spinning.

  As the evening wore on and Kate availed herself of another cocktail, her thoughts began to wander away from shop talk. Her pussy began to warm up as she daydreamed about what she and Bryan might do when they left the bar. She deliberately began to stroke farther up his denim-clad leg, making sure that her fingers brushed his cock on each pass. Although she knew that nobody could see what her hand was doing under the table, she felt energized by her own daring. She was delighted when Bryan grabbed her hand at held it to his crotch while fixing her with a “be careful what you’re doing down there” look.

  “If you all are going to stay for a while,” Bryan said as he stood up and brought Kate up with him by her hand that he was still holding, “Katie and I are going to get a breath of fresh air.”

  Kate’s pulse raced as, instead of heading toward the front door, Bryan guided her through the crowd and up to the bar. She hoped that she had an idea about what he wanted to do but where were they going? He was moving with an urgency that sent wet desire straight to her pussy.

  “Hey Tom,” Bryan called over the noise to get the bartender’s attention. After finishing mixing a drink Tom walked over to Bryan, dropped a key into his waiting palm and then turned and left without a word. Bryan wrapped his arm around Kate’s waist and led her down the hall that, to the best of her recollection, only held the restrooms. When Bryan silently passed both of those doors to stop and insert the key into the lock on the last door, labeled “Supplies”, she thought that she might faint with excitement.

  “What in the world,” she breathed as he gently pushed her in front of him and into the pitch dark room. As soon as she heard the door click shut, he turned her in his embrace, crushing her tightly against his rock hard chest.

  “As best as I can figure it, Katie,” he growled as he planted moist kisses down her neck and into her exposed cleavage, “we have about fifteen minutes before our friends come looking for us or somebody needs something out of this room.” He spun her around so that her back was against the door and then began fumbling with the button of her jeans.

  “You’re kidding, right?” she whimpered but then nuzzled his neck while sliding her hands under his shirt to touch his warm skin.

  “Does this feel like I’m kidding?” he demanded as the zipper on her pants went down quickly and then her jeans and panties were pushed to her ankles. “Kick them off, honey, hurry.”

  Kate followed his direction without hesitation, refusing to listen to the familiar insecurities echoing in her head. When he had asked her to tell him some of her sexual fantasies the second night they had been together, Kate never dreamed that he planned to take her at her word and so soon too. In the utter darkness of the small room, Kate couldn’t see anything but she heard his own zipper go down and the sound of a foil packet being ripped open.

  “You are certifiable,” she gasped when he lifted one of her legs, held it against his hip and moved his fingers to her soaking pussy. She thrust her pelvis shamefully against his palm when he inserted three fingers deep inside her body. “I didn’t really expect that…”

  “I promised you that we would explore every one of your desires together, Katie,” he murmured into her ear as his thumb circled her clit. “Lesson number two, fucking in a public place when we could be found out at any second.”

  Instantly his hand was gone, replaced by the huge head of his penis. Acting solely on instinct, she grabbed on tightly around his neck and tried to position herself for his entry. She was so hot, so frantic for him to take her hard and fast that she couldn’t seem to get it right. She cried out in frustration, only to have Bryan’s hands go behind her thighs and lift. In one fluid motion, both her feet were off the ground as he surged into her pussy with a vengeance.

  “Wrap your legs around me, I’ve got you,” he moaned as he held her against the door and rammed in and out of her pussy.

  Kate knew that her juices were flowing freely. She knew that her nails were raking the back of his neck. She knew that their combined grunts and groans were too loud for a public place. She also knew that she didn’t give a damn.

  “Harder, Bryan,” she begged as she met him thrust for thrust, “I’m going to come!”

  And with that, he followed her direction, pounding her against the door until the first shudders of her release began. At the moment her orgasm crashed over her, Bryan held himself buried so far into her that his heavy balls rubbed her ass. Kate felt him pulse violently inside her body as his lips crashed down over hers, muffling their combined cries of satisfaction.

  “Un-fucking-believable,” Bryan exclaimed with gusto while pulling out of her body and carefully lowering her feet to the floor. They stood for just a moment, holding each other.

  “Not trying to ruin the mood or anything,” Bryan ran his hands down her sides as he crouched down at her feet, “but I know that your fantasy is the possibility of getting caught, not the reality.” He helped her put her pants back on in the darkness. “We need to get out of here.”

  “So what now, we simply waltz out of here like we didn’t just have sex in the supply room?”

  “No, Katie,” he put himself back together before kissing her forehead, “we walk out of here proudly, knowing that we just had sex in the supply room. Own it, honey, that’s half the fun.” With that, he threw open the door. The blinding light in the hallway, along with her trembling limbs caused Kate to hold on tightly to Bryan as he guided her to the ladies room. “I’ll be right at the end of the hall, don’t be long.”

  Kate was shocked to see her flushed cheeks, reddened lips, perspiration soaked hair and wild eyes staring back in the mirror. A finger combing and splash of cold water wasn’t going to hide the fact that she had been fucked senseless, so she did the best that she could while letting Bryan’s words of encouragement wash over her. “Own it,” she said to her reflection with a shy smile before leaving the bathroom. Hand in hand, they went back to the bar. When Bryan tossed the key to Tom, a wink and a smile was the only reaction he gave when putting it back into his pocket.

  “Do I want to know what you told him in order to get those keys tonight, Bryan?” she asked playfully as they made their way back to the table.

  “You’re a smart
woman,” he smiled seductively down at her, “you can probably figure it out on your own, Katie.”

  Chapter Five

  Two weeks later, Kate finished rinsing the dinner dishes and marveled once again how much her life had changed in such a short time. Bryan had just finished his coffee and had left to settle in her living room. Today they had spent the day at the zoo, walking hand in hand for hours, enjoying the crisp fall day. Two days before, they had raced go carts at a place that she hadn’t even known existed and it was only twenty minutes away from her house. One time they had gone out dancing at a nightclub, another evening they had stayed in to play video games and many nights they had cooked dinner together at each other’s homes.

  Most nights they had made beautiful love, learning how to bring each other the most pleasure. Kate was getting much more comfortable with being honest about her desires, much to Bryan’s delight. He was always more than up for filling her fantasies. They had also spent a few nights simply holding each other close, talking about nothing very important and falling asleep in a comfortable tangle of arms and legs.

  Tonight, Kate was feeling especially excited. Bryan had a special gleam in his eye all through their meal, a look that she knew foreshadowed some interesting play to come. She shivered with anticipation, wondering what he had up his sleeve. Kate put down the dish towel and went to go join her man in the living room, which would have been perfect except that he wasn’t there. Her pulse began to race. Where else can he be except the bedroom? her dirty mind asked. The bathroom maybe, her regular mind answered. She decided to go with her first thought and headed down the hall. Her bedroom door was left partially open and as she approached, a strange but enticing aroma of spice and herbs wafted in the air. She drew in a deep sniff before entering the room. The scene that greeted her was beyond anything that she could have dreamed of.

  Candles of all sizes and shapes were set on every available flat surface, bathing the room in an undulating pattern of soft illumination. The covers had been turned down, a thin red vibrator and what looked like a small pile of black fabric lay in the middle of the bed. Bryan stood at the headboard, his muscular, shirtless back turned to her, so that she couldn’t quite see what he was doing.

  “And what’s been going on in here, while I slaved over a hot sink of dishes?” she asked playfully.

  When Bryan turned around, Kate gasped, first taking in his intense gaze and then realizing that he had been tying a long piece of silk fabric on the post of her bed. She noticed that its match was hanging from the other post. She continued to stare as Bryan clasped his hands behind his back and widened his barefoot stance, making her think of a military man standing at attention.

  Kate’s breath became labored and her hands started to shake when the reality of what Bryan was planning to do to her hit home. She ran her tongue along her dry lips as she tried to picture herself restrained to the bed while he made love to her. Her pussy heated at the thought of being completely at his mercy.

  “Tonight’s lesson, or game if you prefer, is submission,” he said with quiet authority. “I will be in charge of every thing that happens in this room tonight. I will tell you what to do and how to do it and I will reward or punish you accordingly. You have thirty seconds to decide if you are going to stay.”

  Kate’s heart slammed so hard that she was sure that it was going to burst. Bryan was every inch the dominant male, standing proud and tall, muscles and other parts bulging all over, causing a shiver to run the length of her spine. Her mouth went dry as she desperately fought to get past her inhibitions. She used the full thirty seconds that he allowed her before responding.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Bryan,” she finally answered with a shaky voice.

  You won’t regret it, Katie, I promise.” A playful grin tugged at his lips but was gone in a split second.

  “Pick a word Katie,” he instructed, “one that you wouldn’t say in everyday conversation.”


  “That is the last time that I will allow you to question my instructions tonight, Kate. But you definitely need to understand that there are rules to this kind of play and that ultimately, you never give up your power. A safe word is one that you can use if things have gone too far, if I have pushed you past your limits. A person can say ‘no’ or ‘stop’ when they really mean the opposite, but a safe word is something that you wouldn’t ever say in the heat of passion. You can count on the fact that if you say it, I will stop immediately. You can also count on the fact that if you say it, I will not start again, so it is a very powerful word.”

  The comment that he had made to her in the car that day on the way to the cabin rushed into her head. She had been a bit confused with what he was talking about then, not so much now.

  “Wombat,” she said with not only nervous humor but with a courage that she was just beginning to discover in herself.

  “Very good.” He struggled not to laugh. “Because from this point forward the safe word, or an answer to my direct questions, or your cries and moans of ecstasy are all I want to hear from you. Do you understand?’ Kate nodded her head in agreement.

  “An answer, now!” He barked the order, causing her to flinch with shock.

  “I understand,” she whispered as her eyes instinctively dropped to the floor. Heat and wetness rushed to her pussy.

  “Take your clothes off.”

  Easier said than done, Kate thought frantically as she tried to make her nervous fingers work buttons and zippers. She was keenly aware of the fact that Bryan didn’t move a muscle while she struggled and fumbled around until she had finally completed her appointed task. After what seemed an eternity to her, Kate stood naked and waiting.

  “Sit there, on the side of the bed,” he pointed to exactly where he wanted her and she followed his direction. He moved to stand towering over to her, leaning his denim clad legs against her knees. “Open,” was all he said. She immediately spread her legs wide and he came closer. He leaned to his right picking up both the vibrator and the black fabric. As he trailed the toy lightly between her breasts with one hand, he unfurled the short leather and fur-covered whip with his other.

  Whip, Kate’s mind screamed. Absolutely, positively, no fucking way! Panic flared fast and furious. Kate grabbed his wrist, trying with all her strength to push the frightening thing away from her.

  “Let go, Katie.” Bryan flexed his arm. “Unless you are going to call ‘wombat’, I will not tolerate you trying to take control. Trust me.”

  They glared intensely at each other for a few moments. It was a battle. Kate desperately fighting her fears and Bryan fighting to contain an almost unstoppable desire to push her to her limits. Together they had already overcome so many of her insecurities but could she allow herself to take this next step? He personified every image she had ever conjured up of a dominant male taking control of his woman and it turned her on beyond belief. She just needed a little time to adjust to this new twist to their lovemaking.

  “I’m more than willing to try something new, Bryan but I think that maybe we should discuss it first,” she offered cautiously, counting on the fact that she couldexplain what she was feeling and that he would comfort her. He easily escaped her hold and snapped the whip in the air.

  “You broke the rules already,” he stated with quiet authority. “That means punishment first.” She opened her mouth to protest but as she watched him entwine his fingers through the ends of the whip, she closed it instantly.

  “Lie on the bed, Katie.”

  She obeyed immediately, never breaking eye contact with him.

  “Now roll over onto your stomach.”

  Again, she did as she was told.

  He positioned her head comfortably on the pile of pillows, turning her face away from him. His warm palm trailed down the side of her neck, down her shoulder, down her arm with the lightest of touches. He took her hand and placed it flat on the length of silk lying next to the pillows.

  “Grab the piece of silk
.” He smiled as she followed his direction without question. He tied it firmly around her wrist but allowed her to keep her arm in a comfortable position. Bryan moved to the other side of the bed and repeated the entire process, this time allowing Katie to watch what he was doing.

  “See, hon?” he lifted her arm, moving it up and sideways to demonstrate the range of motion that he had left for her. “You can still move a bit and you can certainly pull on the scarves when necessary, like each time you’re coming and crying out to me.” He winked suggestively.

  Katie groaned and rolled her eyes at him. He definitely was having a good time with all of this. She was feeling apprehensive about what was to come but also her skin seemed highly sensitive and she knew that her juices were beginning to flow, making her ready for whatever he had in store. He came up onto the bed, gently spreading her legs and she felt him settle, probably on his knees, between her thighs. And then, simply, nothing. He didn’t move, didn’t speak didn’t touch. With each second that the bedside clock loudly ticked off in the silent room, her pulse sped up. Her breathing became shallow and she struggled against her need to beg him to do something.

  “Are you wondering what comes next, Katie? Are you desperately trying to figure out how I’m going to punish you?” His voice was pure seduction, part growl, part whisper. He dangled the ends of the whip so they brushed between her shoulder blades. Her upper body jerked at the contact. “Move your hips, honey, up and down just a bit.”

  He slowly moved the whip in a lazy circular motion down the length of her back.

  “Your ass is so beautiful.” He leaned down and kissed a cheek.

  Kate used the leverage of pulling on the scarves to help her follow Bryan’s directions, loving the tickling sensations that he was creating. Her eyes fluttered closed as she allowed herself to simply experience the sensations as the whip ends glided down her legs and between her toes and back up again. Then he was moving them under her arms and along her ribs, a strange combination of soft fur and cool leather.


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