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Healed by Hope [Marked 6] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 5

by Jana Downs

  Gray nodded. “I know. That’s why I’m concerned.”

  Steve waved a hand in dismissal. “No use worrying about it now. We’ll figure it out or we won’t. You know me. I’m not opposed to casual hookups from now unto eternity. You guys aren’t completely opposed to that, right?”

  Looking reassured, Gray ducked back under the doorway and carried on down the hall.

  For all his nonchalance, Steve was a little worried about the prospect of the lifestyle all wolves seemed to love and live by. It wasn’t in his nature to dwell overmuch on his worries, but he wasn’t sure how it would work to try to engage in any sort of relationship with one of the pack members.

  “It’s too damn early to think this damn hard about something,” Steve muttered to himself.

  He probably needed a pot of coffee, but his bed was so comfortable and his heart was so free after so long being miserable that it was much easier just to let himself slip into the half-awake place just before dreaming.

  Unbidden, an image of Hope drifted up in his mind and all he felt was an overwhelming sense of warmth. Steve would bet his bottom dollar that Hope was a hell of a good cuddler. The image shifted so Hope was spooning with him, his breath teasing the nape of Steve’s neck.

  It was so right, so comfortable, between one breath and the next, he was fast asleep.

  * * * *

  Hope stopped into Riders to check the schedule for performances before mentally picking through which of the ones he thought would turn on someone who wasn’t necessarily into the lifestyle. He didn’t want anything with a lot of pain and he didn’t want anything that was too out there, fetish-wise. The rope performances would probably be a go. Unable to decide, he took out his phone and snapped a picture. He’d mull over this at a later date.

  This time of day, Riders was empty except for the staff members getting ready for the night. Apparently there was going to be some kind of dance number because some of the availables that worked at Riders were gyrating in unison. He never noticed how different this place looked in the afternoon. It lost some of its mystery when all the lights were on and the pulsing lights weren’t keyed to some sort of music.

  “Anything I can help you with, Hope?” Tanner asked as he came through the swinging kitchen door with a case of some kind of alcohol in his arms.

  Hope shook his head. “Nah. I’m bringing someone new to the club tonight.”

  Tanner grinned. “Oh? Someone special?”

  “Maybe.” He wanted to play things close to the chest before he told anyone he’d found his mate. He’d been a real fool last time he’d been in love with someone and hadn’t been so reserved.

  Tanner hefted the box of drinks up higher. “I’m glad you’re bringing someone in. It’s been too long since that little asshole.”

  Hope tried not to get annoyed with that comment. Yes, his ex was a little asshole, but if everyone had known the entire time they’d been together, why hadn’t they said anything? Not that he would’ve listened at the time but at least he wouldn’t have been blindsided when all the drama went down. What made it worse was that the pack was a tight-knit community. Literally everyone and their mother knew everything about his humiliating experience.

  “Hopefully things will go better this time,” Hope said. It was the only neutral statement he could make. It was either that or “thanks” in the most sarcastic tone imaginable. “Is Valant doing his medical play stuff tomorrow?”

  Tanner nodded. “Yeah. He’s doing some needle work from what I understand.”

  Yeah, probably not going to that one. As fascinating as he found needle play, it wasn’t his cup of tea and it really wasn’t a good intro for Steve either.

  “Can I make a suggestion?” Tanner asked. Hope nodded. “If you want something more vanilla to start him off on, I would suggest going to Rich Davis’s sex and submission demo in the back room. It’s more sensual than hardcore.”

  That sounded right up his alley. “Awesome. What time?”

  “Nine on Friday. We’ll be serving back there, too, so you can eat and enjoy your show.”

  “Do I need to sign up online?” He knew sometimes they had number restrictions if the shows weren’t on one of the main stages.

  Tanner shook his head. “Nope. I’ll sign you up now if you like. We haven’t even put it online yet.”

  “I appreciate it, man.”

  “No problem. Hope your date enjoys it.”

  After a few more minutes of spent signing paperwork and buying a two-week guest pass for Steve, Hope was ready to go meet with the Alpha. He really didn’t mind spending money at Riders due to the fact that the profit from the place went right back into the pack’s fund. The Alpha could dip into it whenever they needed it whether it was for a family in the pack that had fallen on hard times or the new meeting house and parking lot for their get-togethers. Plus it was nice to come to a place that they could really act like themselves on two legs. They used Riders to unwind and, though he hadn’t been here in some time, he’d missed the atmosphere.

  He went out the front door and then into the nearly empty parking lot beyond. He checked his phone for the time. He was going to be a few minutes late but he didn’t think Mustang would skin him for it.

  The tattoo shop that Mustang ran was only a few blocks from Riders. Hope crossed his fingers that he would remember the turn off. He hadn’t really had reason to go to the shop in years and had only been there twice before that, once when he’d come of age and had gotten his gamma tattoo and the other time when his ex had wanted to get his dick pierced. He had a piece he’d been meaning to get for years but he had always found a reason to put it off.

  His phone went off, indicating he’d received a text message. A quick glance at the screen informed him it was from Steve.

  He smiled and brought the message up so he could dial the number. The phone rang twice before Steve picked it up.

  “You know, text message etiquette dictates a return text message before you just go on and dial them. I could’ve been busy,” Steve said by way of greeting. Judging by the scratchy tone to his voice, Hope imagined he wasn’t too far from his bed.

  “I’m driving. I figured I shouldn’t kill myself answering your message when I haven’t even taken you out on a date yet.” He pulled onto the road, trying to keep an eye on the passing businesses as he cruised along.

  “Hm, well, there is that.” Steve paused. “I think this is the first time I’ve woken up alone here. Gray must’ve gone with Mustang to work.”

  “He probably needed an extra hand at the shop. He’s taking a meeting with me.”

  Steve sighed. “Figures. He means well but he’s an overbearing dick sometimes. If he threatens you, I’m sorry.”

  “All good. I expected it. Mustang feels very protective of you.” He turned down what he hoped was the right street.

  “I guess he has reason to. I was really fucked up for a while so I guess that makes sense.” The sound of a yipping dog came over the line. “Ah, Gray left me his puppy, I see.” He chuckled. “I’m surprised. He hasn’t let the dog leave his sight the entire time he’s had him.”

  “What’s his name?”

  “Chaos. Mustang named him.”

  Hope laughed. “That sounds about right for a pup. I have one from the same litter. Her name is a bit more common. Princess.”

  “Aw, I love dogs. They’re really bubbly, full of energy, and they always seem happy. I love that about them.”

  “That’s what I love about them as well. I just got out of a long, bad relationship. Starting over with a dog sounded therapeutic to me. I’m a big animal lover, obviously. I have all sorts of critters I’ve rescued at my office, but it’s not quite the same as a personal pet.”

  “Can I come down to your office sometime? I’d love to see them.”

  The enthusiasm in Steve’s voice thrilled him. “You’re more than welcome to. I can pick you up after I get done at the Alpha’s shop if you like.” He had already mentally prepared him
self for whatever Mustang had to tell him. As far as he was concerned, Steve was his already. Everything else was just details.

  “I’m hungry. Maybe we can grab a sub or something beforehand?”

  “Sounds good.” He made a mental not to overeat with Mustang.

  “Hey, Hope?”


  The shop popped out of nowhere, and he had to pull a NASCAR evasive maneuver in order to avoid the other drivers on the road and turn into the parking lot.

  “What the hell was that?” Steve asked. “It sounds like you’re drag racing.”

  Heart pounding a little bit louder than normal, Hope chuckled. “Just about. I think I’m going to need new tires after that stunt.” The acrid smell of rubber filled the car.

  “Okay, you’re not allowed to drive and talk on the phone, bud. I only thought old people had those sorts of problems.”

  He pulled around back as instructed, leaving customer parking for the paying clients that walked through the doors of the shop. “Ha-ha. Keep up your teasing and I’ll paddle your little ass and see how funny that is.” He said it in jest but too late he realized Steve wouldn’t necessarily react like any other potential love interest that came from the pack.

  To his relief, Steve laughed. “If you think you’re big enough, go right ahead. I warn you though. I was a state lacrosse champ in high school.”

  He snorted. “Oh really?”

  “Yeah. Really,” Steve teased. “All right. I’m going to let you go. I have to walk this stupid dog before he pees on my carpet. Call me when you’re on your way?”

  “Sure thing.”

  They hung up.

  He cut the engine and then unbuckled his seat belt. Mustang came out of the back door and leaned against the railing, raising an eyebrow in a way that conveyed “hurry the fuck up” without a word.

  I always feel like I’m going to the principal’s office when I go to see the Alpha.

  “You’re late,” Mustang said as he climbed out of his truck.

  “Yeah. Sorry about that. I was checking on things at Riders and then Steve called.”

  Mustang’s eyebrows shot skyward. “Steven called you?”

  “Was he not supposed to?” If that was the case, then he and Mustang were really going to have a problem. Hope could understand being overprotective, but the Alpha wouldn’t have a right to say jack shit if they got to the bonding process.

  Mustang shrugged. “Nah. I was just wondering. He was playing your encounter close to the chest, so I wasn’t sure if he was still into you or if he was just riding the high from the shift.”

  Hope tried not to prickle at the easy dismissal. “Done that before?” he asked dryly.

  “No but then he hasn’t exactly been known for his relationships thus far. How was his control during the moon?”

  He’d expected to be able to drill Mustang, not the other way around. “He was fine. He had a bit of an issue with one of the females who came up, but once I covered him, he was fine.” The palpable relief on his face was enough to tell Hope that bad things had been happening in the near past that caused Mustang to worry.

  “That’s the first time someone has been able to calm him during a meltdown.” Mustang let out a breath. “I’m so glad. I was afraid that not even a fated mate would be able to help him through the worst of it. If it was a matter of strength, I could’ve handled it, but his wolf doesn’t trust anyone—” He cut himself off, shaking his head like he’d said too much. “Let’s continue this into my office, shall we?”

  Hope nodded. “Sure thing.” After their chat, he still had to get back to the shop and deal with his last two appointments before he swung by and picked up Steve.

  He followed Mustang up the ramp and into the back of the shop. He was instantly assaulted by the smell of ink and the telltale buzz of the tattoo guns as they stepped through the doorway. Grayson was situated on the station nearest the two of them doing some wolf language lettering across a woman’s chest from one collarbone to the other.

  “Tanya,” Mustang said in lieu of any other greeting.

  “Alpha,” she returned, tilting her head to the side in a subtle show of submission. “Your mate is doing well on my ink.”

  “Good to hear. I knew he was placing your ink when I came through the first time. Wanted to check it out. Finally getting Reg’s name on you?”

  “You know the big baby has been whining about it for years now. I thought I would get it for his birthday.” She beamed. It was well known that she loved her sub more than the average Domme. It was also a well-known fact that she abhorred pain. Reg must’ve been a very good boy to warrant the new ink.

  As she caught sight of Hope, she waved at him as well. “Hi, Hope. I saw you got one of Tanner St. James’s pups. She’s a cutie.”

  “Thank you, Tanya. How’s Barney?” The twelve-year-old iguana she had had been one of his clients since he was only eight inches long. Now, at nearly six feet, he was a giant vegetarian monster.

  “He’s good. The new vitamin supplements are working well for him.”

  “Great,” Hope said, smiling. “I’ll see you at his checkup.”

  Mustang led past the other occupied chairs down the hallway to his office. Hope had been there once before with his last boyfriend, signing paperwork, and not much had changed since he’d been there. There was still sparse decoration and a stack of papers on one side of an ancient-looking laptop, though he would admit that it was a bit better organized than the last time he’d been here.

  “Grayson spend a lot of time in the office?”

  Mustang grunted. “Yes. My mate tends to straighten and”—he shuddered—“he actually put things in the filing cabinet. I will never find them again.”

  Hope snickered. He was good friends with the pack accountant, Joseph. Every time tax season rolled around, he came into the restaurant they both frequented near Hope’s house and proceeded to rant to the entire bar about Mustang Richards’s aversion to any sort of organizational system.

  Poor Joseph. Better him than me.

  “Why don’t you have a seat and we’ll get this conversation over with?” Mustang asked, circling around to his side of the desk. He waved to the worn leather chair in front, and Hope sat down in it without further prompting.

  “Okay. Lay it on me,” Hope said.

  Mustang reached into a drawer on his desk and pulled out a thick manila folder with a red tag on the tongue with the Circle’s emblem on it. He placed said folder in front of Hope.

  “Here is all his medical history since becoming wolf. Basically, vital information on his behavior tendencies and a clinical history of his abuse. It’s the same information I gave the Circle and it’s the same information you will parrot back to them if they should ever ask.” There was a threat in that sentence somewhere. “What I’m about to tell you is for your information only. If you repeat it, I will kick your ass from here to the moon and back. Feel me?”

  Hope nodded. The anticipation was killing him.

  Mustang considered him for a long time before he seemed satisfied. “He was turned against his will.”

  Hope sucked in a breath, instant rage blossoming in his chest. “No.”

  “I’m afraid so. You know the conflict with the other pack, the one who was keeping slaves?”

  He nodded.

  “They were turning wolves and trying to force them to be submissive pack mates. Others were just raped and used as availables. It was a horrifying existence. Steve was one of the few who we didn’t send to the Circle for either scrubbing or rehabilitation.” He looked away, staring off into the distance like he was remembering a particularly horrifying event. “The ones who were still human most likely made full recoveries without their memories. Unfortunately, the ones who were turned were not so lucky. Though the Circle didn’t say directly they would be humanely put down those who couldn’t control themselves, I highly doubt they would allow anyone to endanger us by risking exposure. As unstable as Steve was when we brough
t him home, I agreed with Grayson that if he had any hope at normalcy it would be with us at our home. The Circle doesn’t have the patience for the type of care he needed.”

  That explained so much about his fear, his inability to really separate from his wolf, everything. The poor guy had been traumatized. A well of protectiveness rose up to join the anger. No one would ever hurt his mate again. He would make certain of that.

  “Tell me you got the bastard,” he rumbled. “Tell me he was ripped limb from limb.”

  “He was killed during the rescue mission for the humans. I am happy to say he died bloody.”

  That was something at least. “He exhibited some control of his animal when he was with me. You must’ve been working very hard with him.”

  “We’ve tried. He goes through periods of good control interspersed with lapses. The worst of it by far has been the depression. He’s been suicidal on more than one occasion after he’s lost control of himself. JP ended up getting attacked by him at one point, even, and you know how utterly nonthreatening JP is.”

  Hope nodded. Yeah. The male was about as submissive as they came. There was no reason for any wolf to feel intimidated by him. He’d seen Steve. He wasn’t a small wolf. Whatever horrors that had been endured, it had clearly scared the wolf and the man together.

  “What gives me hope was you being able to calm him down last night,” Mustang continued. “I’ve never seen anyone be able to reach him when he falls into a panic. He becomes violent and all cornered-animal instinct. That being said, I don’t mind you taking him out to Riders but I want you to keep the public trips to a minimum. He’s still too unpredictable to be allowed free rein just yet.”

  “I can do that. He does want to go to my shop to see the menagerie, but it’ll be just the two of us.”

  Mustang shrugged. “That’s fine. He needs to get out. I just don’t have the time, energy, or ability to watch him properly and deal with his meltdowns in the public sphere. I’m entrusting you with that. Forewarning, his fuckups are yours now. If he exposes us, it’s you I’m going to discipline.”

  Hope raised his chin. “I understand. Can I take this with me?” he asked, indicating the folder. He wanted the details of Steve’s abuse to be a more private viewing. Part of him wanted to wait and see if Steve would tell him all the details on his own. The other part of him knew that he needed to be responsible and know what he was getting into before he just started assuming Steve could handle himself.


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