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Shadow's Dilemma (Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls Book 4)

Page 17

by Erin Osborne

  “Are you serious? Thank you so much!” I tell him, wrapping my arms around him. My enthusiasm causes us to fall back on the bed with me on top of him.

  “I would’ve done this a lot sooner if I knew this was goin’ to be your response,” he says, pulling my head down so he can kiss me.

  I get lost in the moment as soon as Shadow’s lips touch mine. Before we can get completely lost in the moment, there’s a knock on the door. Shadow growls as he pulls away from me and rests his head against mine. I roll off of him and lay on the bed as he goes to answer the door.

  Harley, Riley, and Darcy come bouncing in the room with huge smiles on their faces. I can see that they had the same talk with their men and everyone has agreed to let us go out tonight. Their excitement is palpable, and I know that they will make sure we have the most fun tonight.

  “We’re leaving in a few hours. We need to go shopping and get ready to leave. You staying here or coming with us?” Harley asks, plopping down on the bed next to me.

  “Well, I think I’ll stay here. I need to call my sister about watching Dylan for the weekend and then get him ready. Shadow, can someone go out there with him?” I ask, wanting to make sure that my son and sister are protected.

  “Don’t need to. I already called her and talked to Jennifer. Melissa is going to stay at her house with Dylan for the weekend. With Wade just getting over being sick, I figured she could use the company. She actually seemed to like the idea of having someone there with her for a few days,” he answers, walking over toward me.

  “You guys go shopping and get ready. I’ll get ready here,” I tell them, letting them know that I don’t want to go out with everything going on right now.

  “Okay. We’ll see you in a little bit. Don’t do anything we wouldn’t do,” Riley says, a smirk on all their faces as they leave the room to go shop.

  Shadow goes to grab me just as his phone rings. He lets out a groan of defeat before pulling it out of his pocket. I sit on the bed and listen to his side of the conversation. Apparently, he’s going to have to leave on some club business. I’m disappointed, but that just means that I get more time to get ready for tonight.

  The only concern that I have about going out tonight is the girls finding out my secret. No one knows that I’m pregnant right now and I’d like to keep it that way. But, I know if one of them even think that something is off with me, they’ll dig and dig until I spill the beans. Shadow should be the first person to know. I was going to tell him before I left tonight, but that isn’t going to happen if he’s leaving now.

  “Sorry, Doc, I gotta run. Club business,” he says, leaning down to give me a kiss that leaves me wanting as he deepens the kiss even more. “I’m droppin’ Dylan off at Jennifer’s. Melissa is almost here, and Jennifer said it’s okay. Wayne and Tech are goin’ to be there with him. Are you okay with that?”

  “Yeah. I’m just going to give him a hug and kiss before you leave. Here’s a bag of stuff that’s been packed for a while now. Can Melissa get back in here if we’re not here?” I ask, wanting to make sure that he has everything he’ll need as I pick up his favorite stuffed motorcycle and blanket.

  “Yeah. I’ll let the guys know that she’s allowed in my room. One of them will let her in. Have fun tonight and I’ll see you later,” he says, giving me one more kiss before leading me out to find Dylan.

  He’s sitting at a table with Axle. They’re playing with the cars as we walk up. As soon as Dylan sees his stuff in our hands, he gets excited and begins to pick up the cars that he’s been playing with. We’ve been working on him picking up his own mess as he goes. It’s been going a lot better than what I thought it would. Once everything is put in the box the guys keep in the common room for the kids, he runs over to me. I pick him up and wrap my arms around him. It’s so hard to let him go with everything going on, but I know the guys, my sister, and Jennifer won’t let anything happen to him.

  “Bye baby boy. You have fun with Aunt Missy and Jennifer. I’ll see you later on,” I tell him, giving him a kiss and another squeeze before I let him down to leave with Shadow.

  The two walk toward the door as I stand there and watch them. Dylan reaches up and grabs Shadow’s hand before they get to the door. Since I already have my phone in my hand, I snap a picture of the guys in my life without them knowing. There’s a few of them that Shadow hasn’t seen. I figure that I’ll put them up around the house when I get them printed. It will be a nice surprise.

  Now that they’re gone, I make my way back to our room so that I can take a bubble bath before getting ready. After the long few weeks, I need to unwind and relax for a little while. Yeah, going out with the girls will be fun, but I need some ‘me’ time too. Everyone needs that now and again I believe. So, I grab a book and a bottle of water before making my way into the bathroom. As I look around, I notice everything that has changed this time. Before, the only items occupying the bathroom belonged to Shadow. Now Dylan’s toys and my lotions are mixed in amongst all of his possessions. I love seeing it all.

  Once the water is hot enough and I plug the tub, I quickly strip down and set my book right by the tub. Sinking down in the water, I get comfortable before grabbing the romance book that I’ve been trying to read for weeks now. No matter when I try to read, I always get disturbed or find my mind wandering to other things. Today, I should be able to get swept away in a world where the violence and danger don’t affect me like normal life.

  After soaking in the tub for longer than I intended, I rushed around to get ready for tonight. It took me a while to find the little black dress that I wanted to wear tonight. Finally, I found it stuffed way in the back of the closet. I guess Shadow found it and that was his way of telling me he doesn’t want me to wear it. Well, I won’t be able to wear it much longer, so tonight that’s what I’m wearing.

  My make-up is done and I’m just getting ready to start on my hair when there’s a knock at the door. I rush over to see the girls standing on the other side looking ready to have some fun. Harley is wearing a short red dress with black high-heeled boots. Her hair is up in a high ponytail with the minimal amount of make-up on her flawless face. Riley is wearing a longer dark blue dress with matching ballet slippers. She has her hair down and flowing around her back in soft ringlets. Darcy is wearing a short black skirt with a silver tank top. She’s added some height to herself with the wedge sandals adorning her feet. Her hair is up in a messy bun with a few tendrils surrounding her face. All three girls look amazing!

  “Girl, you look hot as fuck!” Harley says, stepping forward and wrapping me in a hug before walking into the room.

  Riley and Darcy nod their agreement before copying Harley’s actions. I shut the door before walking back in the bathroom to curl my hair. It’s up in a ponytail that I plan to curl. Instead, Darcy walks in behind me and takes the curling iron off the counter. I stand and let her do her thing since I trust her completely.

  “Are you ready for a night out?” she asks me, focusing on what she’s doing.

  “I’m more than ready. This week has been so hectic and I’m glad the guys agreed that we needed to get away for a while,” I tell her as I watch her in the mirror.

  “We’ll have fun! I just hope there’s no more incidents with Wood,” she answers, letting me know that he’s definitely one of the guys going tonight.

  “I think that it will be amazing to see one of these ‘incidents’ in person. I’ve heard all the stories, but I have yet to see anything happen,” I say, teasing her as she finishes up the last curl.

  Darcy laughs as she puts the curling iron on the counter and grabs the hairspray. Thankfully she doesn’t plaster it on. After spraying just enough to hold the curl, we walk out into the bedroom. Harley and Riley are already at the door waiting to leave. So, I grab my keys, ID, and a light jacket. There’s money in the SUV that we’ll be taking. Shadow sent me a message earlier telling me to take ours and that he left money in there for me.

  Killian and Mike are wai
ting in the common room as we enter. They stand and make their way out the door in front of us. Hell, Killian even opens the door for us before getting on his bike. This guy is truly a gentleman and I’m glad that he decided to stick around for a while. He pulls out first while Mike follows us.

  The drive took almost two hours to get to. Three guys from the Phantom Bastards met us about halfway and made sure that the SUV was surrounded as I drove us to the club. I’m not sure where we’re going, but I was assured that Killian and the rest of them knew. I just go with it and follow whatever bikes are in front of me.

  For the entire drive, the girls talk nonstop as I sit and try to figure out how I’m going to keep my secret while not drinking a drop of alcohol. Finally, I realize that I’m completely overthinking the situation because I’m the designated driver. That’s the perfect excuse for not drinking anything other than soda or water.

  Instead of pulling into the parking lot, one of the guys motions for me to pull right in front of the club. There’s a line of people and this is not looking like my idea of a good start to the night if we have to wait. I’m going to have to go to the bathroom at least once while we’re waiting, and it doesn’t look like there’s anywhere to go.

  We all climb out of the SUV as I grab the money Shadow left for me. A guy comes up and puts his hands out for the keys I’m holding. Looking to Killian, he nods his head for me to hand them over. I watch as the guy climbs in and moves the SUV to the parking lot right next to the building. Then, we walk to the doors of the club instead of going to the end of the line.

  “The club is owned by the Phantom Bastards,” Wood says, noticing the confusion on my face. “You guys are in a booth toward the back.”

  We all follow Wood as I take in the decorations of the packed club. Everything is done in dark colors. Lights are spaced out on the walls giving it a soft glow so that you can see when you’re not on the dance floor. There’s a bar on each side of the room and tables placed between them. At the very back of the club, booths line the space surrounding the dance floor. Instead of lights on the tables, there’s flickering candles. The dance floor takes up a majority of the space and it’s already packed. There’s a DJ booth in the corner and I can see a line of people waiting to submit their requests for the night.

  “Let’s hit the bar,” Harley says, as her body sways to the beat of the song playing.

  “No need. Someone is goin’ to be bringin’ drinks over to you all night,” Boy Scout tells us as he follows us to the table we’re sitting in tonight.

  I slide in the seat first followed by Riley. Harley slides in first on the opposite side, leaving the middle of the curved booth empty. Just as Darcy goes to slide in, something happens. I’m not sure if she trips on her shoes, or if someone on the dance floor that’s a little overzealous bumped into her. Before any of us can do anything, she’s falling toward the floor. Wood is standing in front of her and she reaches out to grab onto his arm as he turns toward Boy Scout who is trying to talk to him. Darcy’s hand is still outstretched and grabs onto the crotch of his jeans.

  “Fuck!” Wood yells out as he turns to see what the hell is happening.

  He quickly notices that Darcy is about to faceplant on the floor. Reaching forward, he goes to grab her arm to stop her. Unfortunately, the tank top she’s wearing is a little big on her and he grabs onto the front of it instead. Darcy’s chest is completely exposed. Thankfully Killian comes running over at the same time all of this is happening. He catches her before she hits the floor and manages to get her to release the front of Wood’s jeans. Turning her to face him, Killian makes sure that she is covered while she puts her top back in place.

  “Wood, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t expecting you to turn around,” she says as she turns away from Killian. Her face is beat red, and I can tell that she wants to run away.

  “It’s okay. I’m sorry that, um, your top came down. That wasn’t my intention. If Crash and Trojan were here, I’d be a dead man!” he says, turning and walking away before anything else can happen.

  Darcy carefully sits down and looks between the three of us sitting there with our mouths hanging open. “Well, I guess the epic wardrobe malfunction of the night is out of the way,” she says shrugging at her own act of clumsiness.

  We all burst out laughing as our waitress for the evening comes up to take our drink orders.

  “I’ll have a bottle of water please,” I say, smiling at her as she writes it down on the pad she’s carrying.

  “What’s up with drinking water?” Harley asks, sitting up straighter.

  “Well, I have to drive home tonight. If I’ve been drinking at all I won’t drive. I guess it’s because I work in the emergency room and see all the chaos and destruction that it can cause,” I say, hoping that the reason I give will be good enough to get them to drop the subject. It’s not like I’m lying to them, I’ve always been this way.

  “Okay. But, next time, you’re not driving so that you can drink with us,” she says, sitting back against the seat and watching everyone dancing.

  It’s almost impossible to talk with the loud beat of the music. We sit and sip on our drinks until Harley’s favorite song, Foolish by Ashanti comes on. Mike assures us no one will touch our drinks as we finally head out onto the dance floor. I know we’re supposed to stay within the guys’ sight, but soon we’re swallowed up in the crowd of dancing and swaying bodies. I forget everything going on as the music takes over. We stay out on the dance floor for the next few songs before Darcy says she needs a break. Before heading to the table, we make a detour to the bathroom, so we don’t have to get back up for a while.


  After I was done taking care of the shipment for the house I’m working on, I made my way back to the clubhouse. Gage, Steel, Crash, and Trojan were all sitting at the bar drinking. None of the kids are here tonight either. Instead of partying and playing pool or something, they’re moping because the girls are gone. I join them, motioning for Tina to grab me a beer.

  “Why are we here?” Steel asks, setting his beer down in front of him. “The girls are out and we’re sittin’ around like a bunch of bitches. I say that we crash their little girl’s night out.”

  The rest of us look at one another before jumping up and making our way to our rooms to get ready to leave. I jump in the shower real quick so that I can get dressed and we can head out. It wasn’t long ago that the girls left so we don’t have to worry about missing them, but I’ll send a message to Wood before we head out.

  As soon as I’m dressed in a pair of faded jeans with a black a button-down shirt, I brush out my long hair and pull it back so that I can keep it out of my face. I slide my cut on before sitting down to put my boots back on. It’s been a while since I went out anywhere and I kind of miss it. But I have no problem staying in with Renee and Dylan. I’m getting too old to go out and party like I used to anyway.

  Walking in the common room, I see that the rest of the guys are waiting on me. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I call Wood. “What’s up?” he asks as he answers the phone.

  “Girls havin’ a good time?” I ask, listening to the loud as fuck music in the background.

  “Yeah. They’ve danced a little, but have pretty much stayed at the table,” he answers, moving somewhere a little quieter.

  “We’re on our way. Don’t tell them,” I say, heading out the door with my brothers.

  “Crash and Trojan are comin’?” he asks, a nervousness in his voice that I’ve only heard when something happens involving Darcy.

  “Yeah. What happened?” I ask as I straddle my bike.

  “Um, well, she tripped and went to reach out for me. At the same time, Boy Scout called my name. I turned, and she ended up grabbin’ onto my cock. As soon as I turned and saw her headin’ toward the floor, I tried to grab her but ended up pullin’ her shirt down. Killian grabbed her and made sure she was covered before anyone else saw,” he says, as I hear his voice drop in embarrassment and dread.

/>   “Oh shit!” I say, bursting out in laughter. “I’ll see you soon.”

  Everyone is looking at me as I laugh my ass off. I relay the story of what happened between gasps as I try to calm down and catch my breath. Crash and Trojan look like they’re ready to kill Wood. The poor guy has already had his ass beat. If Darcy and he have many more mishaps, I don’t know that he’ll survive. Trojan turns his bike on and roars out of the parking lot, not waiting for the rest of us.

  “Shit! We better go before he kills the poor guy,” Gage says, turning his bike on and taking off.

  The rest of us all follow suit and catch up to Trojan. He’s riding as fast as he can without attracting the attention of cops. Crash pulls up next to him and I can see some sort of communication going on. He will be the only one to reign in Trojan’s crazy when it comes to their girl. Tonight, just got a lot more interesting.

  Pulling up to the club, I see the SUV and park next to it. It’s where the Phantom Bastards all park their bikes and I’m sure they won’t mind if we park there tonight. Trojan leaves his bike parked right in front before stalking into the club. We all try to catch up to him before he starts a huge fight in the middle of the club. It wouldn’t be the first time it’s happened, and I doubt that it will be the last. But this isn’t one of our places and he needs to remember that.

  “Trojan hang on. Don’t go in there and fuck everythin’ up,” Gage says, trying to stop him from pushing people out of his way.

  “I’m gonna have a little talk with Wood out back. I won’t let there be any witnesses,” he says, his voice full of retribution.

  At this point, we all know that the only one that’s going to get him to stop is Darcy. I push past everyone and make my way to the dance floor. The girls are dancing close to the table and I easily spot Darcy in the crowd. Running up to her, I turn her to face Trojan. She sees the determination and anger on his face immediately and walks over to him. I watch in amazement as he faces changes and he looks at his girl with nothing but love. Wood stands off to the side and I know that he realizes she just saved his ass. At least until she’s not around.


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