Holly's Crush: The Complete Trilogy

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Holly's Crush: The Complete Trilogy Page 4

by Dahlia, Bree

  Holly was left standing there with Scott. “Um, hello Scott. Nice to meet you.” She was talking to him, but not paying much attention. Her focus was on Jack and the woman she thought was her friend. The one she threw this stupid party for. Jealousy, which was quickly becoming a commonplace emotion for her, welled up inside. She wanted to be the one on Jack’s arm, the one who would most likely end up in his bed tonight. Get a grip Holly. Rationally, she knew that Lexi wasn’t doing anything wrong. She was just being her normal man-magnetic self. Lexi didn’t know how much she wanted him. Too bad her logical mind was always battling with the rest of her lately, which she was convinced was insane.

  “Oh. My. God,” Amy screeched. “You have a thing for him!”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Holly said. “And keep it down.”

  “Oh, pffft. No one can hear me in this crowd. You couldn’t be more obvious with the way you are glaring over at them. If looks could kill, Lexi would be dead on the floor, and Jake – is it? – would be feeling you up in a corner somewhere.”

  “It’s Jack, not Jake, and this is Lexi’s party and if she wants to be with him tonight, I say let her go for it. Besides, look at her – I don’t stand a chance”

  “God, you are so hot for him! You are just as beautiful as her. You just don’t show it to the world. Lexi could pick up a man at his own wedding. If it wasn’t Jack tonight, it’d be someone else. He doesn’t mean anything to her. If you want him, you gotta take a chance.” Amy, now finished with her pep talk, went to join her boyfriend while Holly pondered that over.

  Throughout the rest of the night, Holly couldn’t keep her eyes off of Jack. She met all of her guests, liked most of them, and engaged in plenty of gossip. All this, and she still was able to alternate between feelings of lust and jealously. She was quite the little multi-tasker.

  She knew she was supposed to be “hitting it off” with Scott, but he just didn’t do a thing for her. He was attractive enough, in a college frat boy kind of way, and he seemed nice enough, but she wasn’t going to give up her alone time right now for just “enough”.

  Now, Jack on the other hand, was definitely making her reconsider this whole taking a break from men thing she had thought she wanted. She watched him across the room while he talked to Bill (Bob? Brett?). His dark t-shirt fitted perfectly over his well-sculpted arms and flat stomach. His jeans were just tight enough to show off that perfect ass and muscled thighs. Does he spend his entire life in the gym? He made it really easy for her to imagine his hard body on top of her, pressing down, overwhelming her.

  A light bulb clicked in her head and she realized that Amy was right - she needed to go for what she wanted. Finally, she worked up the moxie to go tell him exactly what that was. She turned around, ready to march right over to him, and ended up colliding straight into his chest. The impact knocked her drink out of her hand, causing it to spill down the front of her white shirt. An entire large vodka and soda (at least it was clear) clung to her; she looked liked she was lactating (for triplets).

  “Oh shit, Holly. I’m sorry – are you okay?” Jack asked. She swore that his eyes lingered over her breasts for longer than an appropriate amount, but maybe that was just wishful thinking. There were certainly guys leering at her that she didn’t want to be. “I was just coming over to thank you for having me at your party.”

  Holly felt positively tomato-like. “I’m fine,” Holly responded. “It’s just a little spill. No problem. Glad you’re enjoying the party. Can you excuse me for a minute? I really should go and change. When I get back, I’d love to talk some more, okay?”

  “Yeah, you should probably change before you break up a couple relationships. I’ll be here when you get back.”

  Holly walked to her room, aware of all the eyes on her. A little spill, yeah right. I feel like I just entered a wet t-shirt contest. Holly took a bit longer than she would have liked; she not only had to change her shirt, but also her bra, and she was all sticky. By the time she came back out to the party, Lexi was standing next to Jack, laughing and being her regular flirtatious self. Holly was not pleased.

  “Hey, Sweetie,” Lexi called. “Come over here. I gotta tell you about our plans for next weekend.” Holly walked over to them, feeling agitated for not having Jack to herself. “I talked with Scott and he thinks you’re great. He wants to get to know you better.” Holly got another one of Lexi’s winks. “I thought it would be lots of fun to double date: you and Scott and me and Jack. Wouldn’t that be a blast? I’d ask Amy too, but they’ll be out of town next weekend. I’m so excited! There is this awesome band playing at Excalibur. We could all meet up there for drinks first and just see where the night takes us. Sound good, Holly?”

  Holly looked at Jack, but he just shrugged and gave another one of those “I have no idea what happened” smiles. “It could be fun,” he said.

  “Um, I guess that would be fine,” Holly said.

  “Yay! It’s a date then,” Lexi said as she proceeded to wrap her body around Jack, giving him a huge kiss.

  Bitch, Holly thought. She made up some excuse about having to leave and refill the pretzel bowls.


  Holly collapsed on the couch after the last guest finally left. Besides the periods of lunacy that had racked through her and becoming a teenage boy’s wet dream from the drink incident, the night went off without a hitch. Everyone seemed to have a great time and no cops were called by any of her uptight neighbors. That was definitely a plus.

  It was late and she was feeling tired, but too wound up to go to sleep. She wasn’t even a little bit tipsy; she had more alcohol go outside of her than in. She thought of Jack and his gorgeous, muscular body; it didn’t take long after that for her to decide what to do next. Within minutes, her clothes were off and she was spread out on the bed with Mr. Feelgood in her hand.


  Jack fell back on his chair, happy to be alone. Lexi had hinted at coming back to his place after the party, but he declined. He was giving up another opportunity to get laid, but he was fine with that. There’d always be more chances. He got up to get a glass of water when he noticed two sets of keys sitting on the table.

  “What the hell?”

  He picked them up, instantly recognizing the bright green frog. He must have grabbed Holly’s keys, along with his own, when he was leaving her place. He was puzzled how that could have even happened, but since it was so late, he decided to not worry about it until the morning.

  Sitting down again, his one-track mind went back to Holly and what she did to him after seeing that drink spilling down her chest. She was so soaked that he could make out the outline of her nipples. His cock hardened as he relived the moment. How he had wanted to reach out and touch them, squeeze them, put them in his mouth and suck. His dick was really starting to throb now, hard and tight in his pants.

  “Fuck it,” he said, grabbing her keys. “I’ll return these to her tonight.”


  Holly spread out on her bed, fully nude, thinking about Jack. As she imagined him there right next to her, she started to lightly caress her breasts, pretending they were his hands. She gasped as she squeezed a nipple, feeling the sensation shoot down to her sex. She ran her hands down her body and softly rubbed her clit. She could feel the moisture gathering between her thighs and she let out a small sigh.

  She increased the pressure and continued stroking her pussy until she was on the brink of coming. Slipping a finger inside, she felt how wet she’d become. She slipped another one inside and felt how easily they entered her.

  She reached for her vibrator and placed it over her swollen clit. The pulsation caused a jolt of ecstasy to ripple through her; she held it firmly in place until the spasms took her body over and she felt that sweet release. Her orgasm came hard and fast; her body writhing with pleasure.

  She still wanted more. She placed the tip of the vibrator at the opening of her pussy and visualized it being Jack’s cock. She pushed it in a l
ittle further, feeling the thickness fill her. Squeezing her eyes shut, she imagined that this is what it would feel like to have Jack between her legs, spreading her wide, teasing her, before plunging the entire length deep inside her.

  She continued pushing the vibrating shaft deeper, moving it in and out of her, thinking of Jack. “Ooohhh…that feels so good,” she said, moaning, as she pretended that it was Jack’s cock slamming into her.


  Jack stood at Holly’s door. He had knocked a few times with no response and was debating about turning around and going back. His hard-on was subsiding slightly, but he was still horny as hell. He had felt some kind of vibe with Holly tonight, and he was pretty sure that she felt it too. He was not about to give up now.

  Using her keys, he let himself in. He felt a twinge of guilt for trespassing into her home, but he pushed that aside. His dick really did control his judgment sometimes and he wondered if he would have made the same decision if he wasn’t so consumed with lust.

  He stepped into her apartment and could make out a voice coming from the bedroom. Not sure if the sound was coming from Holly or the TV, he quietly inched his way a bit closer until he could verify that it was definitely not the TV.

  “Ooohhh…that feels so good,” Holly cried out. “Oh, yes! Fill me up with that beautiful cock of yours.”

  Jack froze dead in his tracks. Oh, shit. She’s with someone.

  Feeling absolutely deflated, in more ways than one, he turned to let himself out. He quietly placed her keys on the table and tried to ignore her cries of passion as she was starting to come. He wanted to be the one in there making her scream, for fuck’s sake, and he didn’t need to hear this for one moment longer than he needed to.

  He softly shut the door behind him, never hearing Holly’s next words…

  “Oh Jack, how I wish this was you.”


  Holly’s Crushed Out

  Crushed Out

  The feeling of having a crush on someone, only stronger.

  --Urban Dictionary


  Lexi is late! I have been sitting here for a ½ hour now waiting for her to pick me up. Scott & Jack are supposed to be meeting us at Excalibur soon. Jack. Just writing his name down makes my heart beat faster. Scott seems to have the opposite effect on me. Very unfortunate considering he is the one I’m going to be with tonight. When Lexi set up this double date, I went against my better judgment. But still…I am very excited. I have an entire night around Jack. I’m starving! I really should go eat something before I go, but my stomach’s too jittery. I’ll be fine, limiting myself to 2 glasses of wine – tops! I’ll get food later. These nerves are killing me. I have no clue what to expect out of this night, but the thought of being around Jack sends my body into overdrive. I haven’t seen him since the bd party last weekend and it’s making me crazy! Is he looking forward to tonight? What is going through that gorgeous head of his – does he wish he never agreed to this night? Is he hoping the night ends with Lexi in his bed? Aargh!!!

  Holly set down her diary (journal) after coming to the conclusion that writing down her thoughts probably wasn’t going to do her a lot of good tonight. It was barely a few minutes later when her doorbell rang. “It’s about time,” Holly said. She grabbed her purse and set out for what should be, at the very least, and interesting evening.

  Not surprisingly, Jack and Scott were already there when they arrived, holding a table.

  “Hot damn, girl. You’re looking nice,” Scott said, giving Holly a once-over.

  “Ahem,” Lexi said. “And what am I, canned meat?”

  “I think we can both agree that the women look especially stunning tonight,” Jack said.

  Holly swore that Jack looked at her for a few seconds longer than he had at Lexi. It was either that or wishful thinking. She was getting pretty good at that lately. Still, she knew she looked good tonight. She’d better after spending all those hours getting ready. She was wearing her killer new dress, tight but not skanky-tight, and her hair had decided to behave. Yes, she was feeling pretty damn confident, as long as she didn’t compare herself to Lexi too much. One look at her and she felt insecurity creeping back in, especially because she was Jack’s date for the evening.

  The four of them settled in at their table and got ready for the band to start. Lexi and Scott went up to the bar for drinks, leaving Holly alone with Jack. Gulp. He looked fine as ever, hair so dark and silky; she had to practically slap her hand to prevent herself from reaching out and stroking it. His smoky grey eyes (with a touch of blue) mesmerized her; she’d have no problems gazing upon those all night long. There was no need to even comment on his body. It was well-built perfection, plain and simple.

  Jack opened that luscious mouth with those full, kissable lips and said, “So, Holly, how did those brownies turn out?”

  Wait, what? Holly thought.

  He must have noticed her bewildered look. “The brownies. The famous ones that you needed my sugar for. You never did let me try one.”

  “Oh, those…um, I burnt them.”

  Jack gave her an amused smile. “You certainly are different from other women. I’ve never met anyone quite like you before.”

  Different? What? Holly was screaming in her head. Good different or bad different?

  Holly pondered this as Lexi and Scott returned to the table. They brought back a round of mixed drinks for everyone except Holly; she was being a good girl and sticking to her glass of red wine.

  “Okay – everyone good?” Lexi asked.

  “Oh, I’m good,” Jack said, staring directly at Holly. Gulp, again. She felt her face redden and her temperature rise about a thousand degrees. How was she going to get through this night without having an orgasm?


  As the evening revved up, Holly didn’t have a care in the world. She had to admit, even to herself, that she was having a great time. The band was fantastic and the four of them shared an enormous amount of laughter. She even had fun dancing with Scott. It was like ‘dancing with your brother’ fun; but fun, nonetheless. It was one of those nights to be thankful for being young and free.

  A couple hours later, that all changed.

  Holly’s bubble burst when Lexi, who appeared to have one too many, decided to use Jack as her personal pogo stick. She sat in his lap and bounced up and down, no doubt trying to be seductive, but instead looking trashy. She was grinding herself all over him, giving him a personal lap dance, leaving no question in anyone’s mind just how much she wanted him. It was sleazy, even for her.

  And that wasn’t even the worst of it; Lexi managed to top herself in the sleaze department when she kneeled down in front of Jack and asked to suck his cock. WTF! She would have done it right then and there too, if he would have agreed to it. Instead he just looked so uncomfortable sitting there with Lexi bobbing all over him like a friggin’ cat in heat. Holly was embarrassed for him and for once, she wasn’t the one turning red.

  Who knows why, maybe her porn scene wasn’t having the result she had hoped for, but Lexi suddenly decided to become more respectable and merely just sit on Jack’s lap. She still kissed him; however, and that sent Holly’s blood to the boiling point. Was Jack actually starting to enjoy this? She was going to have to commit herself soon if she continued to let this stuff bother her.

  With the hopes of becoming oblivious, Holly grabbed Scott’s drink and downed it in one gulp, ignoring the wine-only rule that she had set for herself tonight. She asked him to get her another, not really caring what it was – he could surprise her, when her stomach growled. She hesitated for a second, thinking that she really needed to get some food first. But then she pushed that thought aside figuring she could always throw in a frozen pizza when she got home, topping it off with some whipped cream straight from the can.

  She added on a few cocktails later, or a few shots, or a mixture of both – who knows? She didn’t care at this point. Jack was fading from her mind and she was enjoying life, that
’s what mattered to her. There was no point in being upset with Lexi. It wasn’t her fault that they both wanted the same man; she had no clue about Holly’s all-consuming lust for Jack.

  During one stupid momentary lapse of judgment, Holly had grabbed Scott and planted a huge kiss on him after she noticed Jack glancing over in her direction. It was wrong and childish, but she was hoping to cause some kind of reaction. Maybe even bring him to feel just a fraction of the jealousy that she had felt when Lexi kissed him.

  Stupidity, fueled by liquor, was a dangerous combination.

  It wasn’t smart to use Scott in that way; he made it no secret all night how interested he was in her. But even though she was capable of being logical and could come up with a million reasons why leading him on was such a bad idea, she did it anyway. Please, please let me feel a spark, it would make everything so much easier, Holly begged herself. She had wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him to her. She intended on a short kiss, but Scott had other ideas. He morphed it into some kind of a lizard love-fest with his tongue darting all over her mouth trying to gain entry. After what felt like way too long, she was able to push him back, unlocking the lip suction. It felt like she was going to have bruised, purple lips tomorrow and it wouldn’t even be worth it.

  “Um, thanks, I guess…but I’m not feeling too well right now and I probably should sit down.”

  Holly left for a small table in the corner, grabbing a bowl of pretzels along the way. She never lied to Scott; she really was starting to feel woozy, but that kiss seemed to push her over the edge and make her nauseated. She hoped that scarfing down a bunch of hard bread would soak up some of the alcohol that was swimming around in her stomach. It was starting to feel like a whole damn pool party going on in there.


  Jack continued looking over at Holly, wanting to make sure she was alright, but not wanting to interfere. Lexi was starting to get on his last nerve. Once again, this hot babe was offering herself up to him, on a fucking platter, and he wasn’t interested. He had no doubt that she would of screwed him right there in front of the whole bar if he would of let her. There would have been a time not too long ago when he would have been into something like that. Sure, they would have been thrown out of the place, but it would have been worth the rush.


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