Holly's Crush: The Complete Trilogy

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Holly's Crush: The Complete Trilogy Page 5

by Dahlia, Bree

  He noticed Lexi out on the dance floor dirty-dancing with some guy she just met. More power to her. He would have been the same way before – if his date wasn’t going to give him what he wanted, it was on to someone who would. He was just relieved that she was finally leaving him alone. It gave him more time to look out for Holly.

  He glanced over at her again, not wanting to be too obvious. She hadn’t looked so good when she stumbled over to the table, nearly dumping a bowl of pretzels over some guy’s head. He didn’t want anyone taking advantage of her in this state, especially Scott. He seen the way he leered at her all night and that kiss drove him fucking nuts; he wanted to march right over and cold-cock the bastard. It looked like Holly wanted no part of it, but it wasn’t his place to intervene if he was wrong. For all he knew, Scott could have been the one in Holly’s bedroom last week. Although, if that was the case, she sure wasn’t acting like she wanted a rematch. One thing was blatantly obvious though – she had too much to drink. He also couldn’t escape the protective feelings he had towards her. He had a strong need to make sure she was safe tonight.


  The next thing she knew, Holly was riding in Jack’s car. She vaguely remembered sitting at the table waiting for all the pretzels she ate to kick in. Scott had come over wanting to take her home, and wasn’t taking “no” for an answer. She had some kind of an altercation with him; she just wanted him to go away and he wouldn’t listen. Jack appeared out of nowhere and something went down between him and Scott (if her head wasn’t playing on a merry-go-round, she would have known what that was). Whatever happened, it happened quickly and the next thing she recalled with any clarity was being in Jack’s car.

  “When was the last time you ate something?” Jack demanded.

  “I had pretzels.”

  “That doesn’t count. We need to get something in your stomach.” He pulled into a fast food drive-thru and came away with a bag packed with food.

  Holly had a hard time looking at most of it; the only thing that didn’t turn her stomach was the fries. They ended up tasting better than she expected and she quickly ate two large orders.

  Jack watched her lick all the salt off her fingers. “It looks like you enjoyed them.”

  “Oh, yes,” Holly responded. “I am feeling better already.”

  “There is plenty more food here for you. Or we could go somewhere else?”

  “Nope, all good. So…why are you the one taking me home?”

  “Lexi was in no position to drive, so Scott is going to make sure she gets home safely.”

  Holly wanted to ask why he wasn’t taking Lexi home, but she thought against it. She was starting to feel better now and her dizziness was subsiding. All that was left now was a serious buzz. She took a moment to really process what was happening. She was in Jack’s car! Alone! Her head was swimming again, not with alcohol this time, but with euphoria (and lust).

  “We are just about home,” Jack said. “Would you like me to stop anywhere before we get there?”

  Holly assured him that she was just fine and the only thing she wanted now was sleep. Liar.

  Jack parked the car and quickly got out to open the door for her. Holly stepped out and thought she was going to faint.

  “Whoa…” She swayed backwards into Jack’s arms.

  “I’ve got you, it’s okay. We need to hurry up and get you into bed.”

  “I usually never drink this much.” For some reason, Holly felt like she needed to explain herself to him. “I don’t know what happened tonight. I –”

  “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it; it happens to all of us at one time or another. I’m just glad you’re safe at home now.”

  Jack helped her upstairs to her apartment, all the while Holly clung to him like a monkey to its last banana.

  “Wow, you’re strong,” Holly said. She had been aching to touch him since that first day she saw him walking down the hallway. Feeling bolder than her usual self, she ran her hand up and down his arm and over his chest, feeling the taunt muscles under his shirt.

  “You are so hard…you must live at the gym. Or maybe you spent the night in a freezer?” Holly giggled.

  Jack gave her a stern look. “I would prefer it if you didn’t do that.”

  Shit. Did she just cross some kind of line? Holly stopped feeling him up and looked at him, embarrassed.

  “Holly…I didn’t mean to be so abrupt. I’m just trying to get you home. You need your sleep.”

  They came up to her door and she fumbled around for her keys. I wonder if your cock is as hard as the rest of you. Holly looked into her purse and pondered that to herself. At least she thought she said it to herself. Please don’t let me have said that out loud. She looked over at Jack and his expression was nothing out of the ordinary. Good, she was in the clear. Note to self: Do not drink so much next time.

  When they did get inside, Jack turned around to leave once he knew she’d be fine.

  “What’s the rush?” Holly asked as she stumbled again and almost fell through the coffee table.

  Jack ran over to catch her. “I guess you’re not as fine as I thought. Let’s get you into bed.”

  Holly snickered again at the thought of Jack in her bedroom. She felt like a schoolgirl going through her first crush, not some woman starting a new life, complete with an ex-fiancé. Holly relaxed in his arms, partly because it felt so damn good, but also because it was easier than trying to hold herself up on her own. She couldn’t help herself; she looked into those incredible eyes and ran a finger over his scar above his eyebrow. He flinched and she really hoped he wasn’t repulsed by her.

  “How did you get that scar?”

  “Long story, but short version is that I was young and stupid. Nothing I want to talk about now.”

  “Ooookay…just wondering.”

  Forgetting about her embarrassment (a whole five minutes ago), Holly reached over again and brought her hands down his bulging pec muscles. She was probably being too gutsy tonight for her own good, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself from touching him.

  Jack grabbed her wrists. “Holly. Please stop.” He spoke to her in that severe tone that he used earlier.

  She finally took him seriously and immediately started feeling like some kind of a scumbag. Here she was, rubbing all over her friend’s date. Maybe something was going on between him and Lexi. Maybe he really liked her and that was why he recoiled whenever Holly touched him. Maybe he has a thing for prostitute/tube-top girl or one of the other millions of women out there. Maybe she should stop thinking about things that piss her off.

  She resolved to keep her hands to herself as Jack helped her into bed. The pillow felt so nice and soft against her head. Someone must have dropped a lead weight in her brain because she was suddenly so drained she could barely keep her eyelids open. Jack pulled the blankets over her and she zonked out before she could thank him.


  Jack stood over Holly’s bed for several minutes watching her sleep. He had made sure she was comfortable, but beyond that, he wasn’t sure what to do. He didn’t think she’d want to sleep in her nice dress, but he couldn’t exactly get himself to take it off of her. The thought certainly invaded his mind half a dozen times, but it seemed wrong. He wanted nothing more than to see her beautiful body free of clothing. Okay, he could think of something he wanted more, but the point was; he didn’t want to take advantage of her when she was this drunk.

  He was the last one to be called a saint though; if she would have kept kneading him like that, he wasn’t sure how long he would have been able to control himself. She had no idea of the effect she had on him. He had to keep pushing her hands away – Jesus, they were all over him – when he really wanted her to never stop. She had been pushing him dangerously close; it wouldn’t have been much longer before his dick defeated his brain. It had already become boulder-hard just because she wanted to touch him so much. What the fuck would she do to him if they were naked together? He had to get h
imself out of her room now.

  “Sweet dreams, Holly,” he whispered, softy kissing her forehead.


  Holly awoke the next morning (afternoon?) feeling like she just ate a game board. She definitely needed something to drink. Groaning, she forced herself to sit up, trying to ignore the bongo drums playing in her head. That’s when she noticed that she was still wearing the same clothes as last night. She tried to piece everything together, but her mind was so fuzzy.

  Looking over at her nightstand, she saw a large glass of water sitting there, along with a couple aspirin. She grabbed them, downing it all in a few gulps. Setting the glass back down, she noticed a note. Her eyes were not cooperating too well and the words were swirling around the paper, but she managed to make it out:


  From the looks of you last night, I knew you would be needing this today. If you

  need anything else, remember that I’m right across the hall.



  Holly struggled to remember everything that had led to her wearing this crumpled-up dress and feeling like crap. The entire night at the club was recalled somewhat easily, even the parts she wanted to forget, but afterwards was patchy. Jack brought her home and she had to rely on him to make it up the stairs. She must have looked pathetic. Once she was inside her apartment, she wasn’t sure of anything.

  “Oh my God! Jack was in my apartment.” Holly wondered what she had lying around for him to see. Half-eaten pieces of pizza? Underwear? Magic Flipper?

  A million scenarios played out in her mind and she could not figure out which one really happened. The last thing she remembered was Jack holding her up as she walked in the door – his body had felt so good – but after that was a blur. Her brain was aching from thinking too hard, wondering just how much she had made a fool of herself in front of him.

  She made herself get into the shower hoping to feel better. Fortunately, that was the case, at least until the hot water ran out.

  After the head fog has dissipated to the point where she felt more like her normal self, she found herself knocking on Jack’s door. Holly’s eyes grew wide when a woman answered and she wanted to hate her immediately. She looked into her round face and violet eyes, realizing it would be like hating an angel. For that is what she looked like to Holly, specifically a cherub, with her sweet face and ample, voluptuous body. Despite being full-figured, or maybe because of it, she was absolutely breathtaking. Does that eye color even exist? They have to be contacts.

  “Can I help you?” The woman asked, smiling.

  “Yes, is –”

  “Who’s at the door?” Jack said, coming out of the kitchen. He was holding a spoon filled with some kind of sauce. It smelled delicious.

  He can cook too? Holly thought.

  “Hi, Holly.” Jack handed the spoon to the violet-eyed woman. “Glad to see you up and about. Would you like to stay for dinner? I’m making manicotti with my homemade sauce.”

  “Which is amazing, as always,” the woman said, handing the spoon back to Jack.

  “Uh, no thanks. I appreciate the offer, but I can’t stay.” Holly felt really uncomfortable standing there between the two of them. “I just stopped by to say thank you for seeing me home last night. I hope I didn’t mess up your evening in any way.”

  “Of course not,” the woman said, speaking up before Jack had a chance to. “He was happy to do it.”

  Holly was starting to feel more and more awkward being there. Who is this woman?

  The woman/cherub smacked Jack on the arm, urging him to say something.

  “Sorry, I forgot to introduce you. It’s hard to get a word in sometimes around my sister, she has a tendency to speak for me,” Jack said.


  Rolling her eyes at her brother, she turned towards Holly and offered her hand. “Nice to officially meet you. My name’s Olivia, Jack’s sister.”

  “I really need to get back to my sauce. If you change your mind about dinner, we have more than enough food.” Jack left for the kitchen, leaving the two women together.

  Holly’s shoulders relaxed after finding out that this beautiful woman was Jack’s sister. Of course! She could see the resemblance now. They both had the same silky dark hair and extraordinary-looking eyes; different colors, but equally bewitching.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to stay for dinner?” Olivia asked. “I’d love to get to know you better.”

  As tempting as the smells were coming from the kitchen, and the even more tempting thought of the man in the kitchen, Holly had to decline. She still wasn’t feeling fully better and the thought of actually eating the food, and not just smelling it, made her queasy. Some of her friends swore by greasy food to cure a hangover, but she couldn’t stomach that idea. She did better not eating at all and just drinking tons of water. Then the next morning, she was usually starving and would scarf down an entire box of cookies for breakfast. Hmmm…maybe not the best solution either, but neither was drinking yourself sick to begin with.

  “Is everything okay?” Olivia asked.

  “What? Oh, sorry…I guess I’m still a little out of it.”

  “Yes, I heard all about your night,” Olivia said, winking. “I’m so glad that my brother was there to help.”

  Wait, what? Did she look like that much of a fool last night that he was talking about it to others?

  Olivia must have noticed the horrified look on her face because she laughed and said, “Oh, I didn’t mean to embarrass you! It really wasn’t that big of a deal. Tell me who hasn’t had a few too many.”

  “Thanks Olivia, but I should get going so I can hurry up and veg out on my couch the rest of the night. It was nice meeting you.”

  Holly turned to leave when Olivia blurted out, “Wait a sec.” She grabbed a pen and paper and started writing something. “I know you just moved here not too long ago and it never hurts to meet new people—”

  Holly put up her hand. “I appreciate that, but I’m really not looking to be set up at the moment.”

  Olivia burst out laughing. “No, that’s not what I meant. Here is my number.” She handed Holly the slip of paper. “I thought it would be fun for us to hang out. You know, girl stuff: shopping, going out to lunch, wine. I know this great little café that has the best wine and pastries.” Olivia struck a pose. “As you can see, I am no stranger to pastries. I know what I’m talking about.” Olivia let out another of her deep, sincere laughs.

  Holly promised to call. She seemed like a fun person and very sweet, with the added benefit of her being Jack’s sister. She never had to wonder if this was yet another potential hookup for him.

  Holly went back home and headed straight for the fridge. She suddenly had this intense craving for orange juice. As she stood there, guzzling it from the carton, she was reminded of the upcoming wedding. The wedding that she was dreading big time. She felt a bit pitiful going without a date, but surely no one would expect her to be with someone so soon after her breakup. It sucked that her ex-fiancé, Brian, would probably be there; she did not want to cross paths with him again, especially this soon. She could wish all she wanted, but que sera sera.

  She tossed the empty carton in the trash and headed for the bedroom. She was planning on settling in for the night with a mystery novel she’d been wanting to read. But first, she forced herself to call Amy back. She wasn’t in the mood for talking on the phone, but Amy had already left her several messages and she would start worrying soon if she didn’t hear from her. Holly didn’t need anyone breaking down her door tonight.

  It was a quick conversation. Evidently, Holly had interrupted her during “private” time with her boyfriend. By the way that Amy was panting, it sounded more like she caught her in the middle of hot monkey sex. Why in the world would she even answer the phone? Holly made plans with her to talk later when her mouth was free, but not before she found out that Lexi ended up going home with Scott last night. Apparently, they are fuck buddies. Nice.
Holly thought that bit of information would have been good to know before her date last night, but at least she didn’t have to feel guilty anymore for lusting after Jack. She’s gotta give the girl some credit though – she goes for what she wants and what she wants is sex, pure and simple.

  Holly put her phone away for the night and snuggled in the covers, bringing out her book again. A few pages in, she became distracted. Once in awhile, she just felt lonely and wanted a man beside her. For the most part she was happy and content with her newly single life, but that didn’t change the fact that she was a warm-blooded woman who craved a naked body next to her now and then. For now, she’d just have to settle for Mr. Flipper.


  The next few weeks brought some good and not-so-good news.

  Starting with the good, Holly was offered a permanent position with the accounting firm. The lady she was filling in for decided to stay home and try her hand at full-time motherhood. It was quite a relief to not have to worry about finding another job, since she had been looking around recently, and not having much luck. It wasn’t her dream job, but it was a job for however long she wanted it.

  The not-so-good (actually, shitty) news, besides not seeing Jack around lately, was what she learned at Julie’s and Trey’s wedding shower. It had been fun to see some of her (their) old friends again, but it was also uncomfortable. They asked so many questions:

  “So…what happened between the two of you anyway? I heard you freaked out and took off.”

  “Did you meet someone else?”

  “I can’t believe you left him – he was loaded! You would have been set for life.”

  “I heard you were a lesbian and just couldn’t live the lie anymore.”


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