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In the Billionaires Club

Page 11

by Burroughs, Anne

  “Vinnie doesn’t know him. Listen. I overheard him on the phone, and someone did something wrong, and there was this intense tone to his voice as he set the guy straight. I kept thinking that he wasn’t yelling not because he was weak but because he didn’t have to yell.”

  “That makes sense. He definitely didn’t luck into his money.” Gin gave up resisting and took a sip of her drink. “Okay, I get it. He’s like this perfect guy. So what’s the problem?”

  The smile on Lisa’s face fell into a frown. “I’m not sure. I think that he’s freaking out that I moved too fast. You are kind of right that he’s innocent. He didn’t say it, but I think he’s actually a virgin.”

  “No way. The guy’s like twenty-five or something; he’s cute; he’s got the press loving him, and, let’s be honest here, he’s stinking rich. At worst he’s had a few girls just for hookups or something.”

  “I don’t know, he was so incredibly nervous.” Lisa explained how they had sat on the couch to watch a movie and that Lisa eventually slid her head down to watch the movie with her head resting on Bill’s lap.

  “Classic move,” Gin replied with a smile.

  “Yeah, so the movie ends, and I roll over to face him.”

  “I know what you were really facing. But go on.”

  “Anyway, I start to make my move, and he’s like, ‘No. You don’t have to do that. I’ll still go out with you even if you don’t.’ So I’m telling him that I really want him and that I just want to be with him and that I really really need to have this connection with him.”

  “Did you actually say ‘have a connection’ to him?” Gin shook her head.

  “I know. Normally I’d just say something more direct, but it just didn’t seem right. In fact, the whole discussion wasn’t erotic at all. It was like a negotiation.”

  “Weird. Did you make any move at all by then?”

  “Gin, by that point his pants were unzipped, his cock was hard as a rock, and my hand was wrapped around it. I could tell that he badly wanted me to give him a blowjob. Like he was desperately wanting me. I just knew it.”

  “So what was the problem?”

  “He kept talking and saying things like, ‘You don’t have to do this.’ The thing is, I could not have been any more clear that I wanted to do it.”

  “No doubt. Clearly he doesn’t know you as well as I do. So what happened?”

  “I just went for it, and it was great. When I finished I looked at him, and he had this look of pure joy on his face.”

  “So all good, right?”

  “No. Not all good. He opened his eyes, and as I smiled he had this look of terror in his eyes.”

  “Okay, this is starting to sound really weird.”

  “No shit. So I was thinking he’d offer to go down on me or he would be all appreciative or he’d say something sweet, but he gave me that look, and then he kind of moves me out of the way as he stands up and leaves the room.”

  “No fucking way.”

  “Yes. He flat out left the room.”

  “Wow. So what happened next?”

  “He came back a few minutes later with cup of tea and a small flower that was resting in the saucer. He handed it to me, and said, 'I should have stopped you, but I didn’t. The weakness was mine, and I’m sorry.'”

  “Hmm. The only thing that makes sense is that he must be really religious, and you just set off every guilt alarm in his psyche.”

  “I thought of that, and that may be right. God, I hope not. All I want to do is be his girlfriend. Isn’t a good sex life part of being a couple? I can’t deal with the guilt shit.”

  Gin shrugged.

  “Anyway, I left shortly afterward. He could not have been nicer, but there was this whole walking on eggshells vibe. I left feeling like I betrayed him. How fucked up is that? I give a guy a blowjob and swallow and I’m the bad guy.” Lisa laughed, but it wasn’t a happy laugh. Looking up, she added, “But enough about my crazy chaotic night. How did things go for you?”

  Gin provided highlights of her and Rob’s fun and engaging date, from the conversation in the Club to the restaurant. She knew Lisa had no boundaries, so she then described the truth or dare game leading to her being fucked on the back of a couch. Gin went into the details of Rob’s cock, referencing her and Lisa’s common reference point in Bat.

  “He was not only longer than Bat, his girth was way bigger. It seriously hurt when he started fucking me.”

  “Jesus. It sounds kind of erotic and amazing and yet horrible.” Lisa was completely engrossed in Gin’s story.

  “No, it wasn’t horrible at all. It was just a bit overwhelming. He didn’t pull a Bat and shove the whole thing as far into me as he could. He actually had his hand around its base so he’d know when to stop.”

  “That’s both incredibly sweet and incredibly erotic.”

  “So we finish, and he says he wants to see me again, and that’s pretty much it.” Gin took a longer sip of her drink. “Oh, I should note that I’m sore as hell. No sex for me for a few days.”

  “Damn, girl.” Lisa put her hand on Gin’s. “So do you think he’s going to commit his time to you?” Gin had to smile. It was Lisa’s polite way of asking if Gin thought Rob would still sleep around.

  “Oh, no way. He’s probably going to be sleeping with some other girl tonight.”

  “And you’re okay with that?” Lisa’s voice was full of skepticism.

  “Yeah. We both know where we stand right now. The key is ‘right now.’ I just have to prove to him that I’m the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with. That will take time, but I’m patient.”

  Lisa shook her head, smiling. “Okay, let me get this straight. You have this amazing dinner with lots of fun conversation. You basically outline what each of you wants from each other sexually, and then you both do it. He’s happy and wants to see you again, and you’re sore and are looking forward to being sore again.”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Oh my God, why can’t I have your life?” Lisa dropped her head into her hands. “Look, I’m not jealous, but I have this crazy night which ends with no one knowing where they stand and where it is going, and you end your amazing night with solid plans and this fundamental understanding of the future. God, you two are going to get married, and Bill’s going to run off in fear, leaving me to a future of spinsterhood.”

  “Don’t be like that. You are—“

  Lisa grabbed Gin’s arm. “Hey, look who walked in!” Gin looked to her right. It was Vin, shuffling into the room wearing his ever-present jeans and t-shirt. “God, he’s fucking hot.”

  “I told you he was!” Gin exclaimed. “I’m going to say ‘hi.’”

  “Sounds good. I’m going to text Bill and let him know I’m here. I think I just have to nurture him along.”

  Gin walked away as Lisa started punching her fingers into the phone’s screen.

  “Hey,” she said, sliding into the seat next to Vin. His eyes went wide, which was followed by a huge smile framed by his cute dimples.

  “Gin! I’m glad you’re here. I’m so sorry about last night. You were right. I was out of line. I just—“ Gin put her finger against Vin’s lips.

  “Stop. It’s okay. You were just looking out for me. What did Rich say? You have no filter. I’m glad you have no filter.” Gin put her hand on Vin’s arm as he nodded. “I think we just need to get to know each other better.”

  “Yes, we do,” he said as he looked deep into Gin’s eyes, his voice practically a whisper. Vin blinked and then turned away, knocking his knuckles on the bar. “Holy shit, Martin. You’re worse than Rich, and that’s saying a lot. Where’s my drink?”

  Martin walked over shaking his head. “If you don’t like the service pour your own damn drink.” Gin smiled. It was the perfect response from one bartender to another.

  “You see this?” Vin looked at Gin. “It never ends. No matter who’s behind the bar I get horrible service.” Martin poured the drink, looking like he wa
s suppressing a smile.

  “I sure hope Vin tips you well.”

  “What’s fifteen percent of free?” Martin asked.

  “More than you’re worth!” Vin replied, unable to stop himself from smiling. He took a look sip of his drink as Martin wandered off to help another customer. Gently setting his drink on the bar, Vin turned in his chair, facing Gin. She didn’t know what was going on. Vin rarely focused all his attention on anyone like that. “So how did your evening go?”

  Gin outlined the night, skipping over everything sexual. “So he has an apartment nearby, and we went over there and we just talked there for a bit.” Gin nervously finished her drink in a gulp. It didn’t help that Vin’s impossibly blue eyes were entirely focused on her. It was like he saw through every gap in her story. “That’s it.”

  Vin stared at her for a bit and then turned away, sighing. “Sounds like you had a wonderful evening.” He took a long drink. “Are you going to see each other again?”

  Gin watched Vin. He was staring straight ahead, his finger tapping the rim of his glass. “I’m sorry, Vin.” He turned and looked at her. “I didn’t tell you everything. I just don’t want you to be upset.”

  “You slept with him.” His voice was matter-of-fact, and Gin couldn’t tell if he was mad or not.

  “More or less. Look, I know you’re worried about me. But I’m a big girl.” Gin grabbed his arm, which caused him to turn and face her. “Vin. Don’t worry. I know he’s probably fucking some model tonight. He’ll be with some other girl tomorrow night. Hell, I’m not going to see him until next week, and between now and then he may be with a different girl each night.”

  “And you’re okay with that?” Vin looked genuinely curious.

  Gin lowered her head and took a deep breath. “Yes and no. I’m okay with it for the short term, but eventually I know that he’ll settle down, and I just know that will be with me.”

  “Why are you so sure of that?” Gin was grateful that Vin wasn’t being judgmental but rather was asking difficult questions, the kind of questions a friend would ask.

  “I don’t know. It just feels right. I mean, we didn’t just fuck last night. We talked for hours, and there was a really deep connection. We have so many things in common, and our beliefs are close, too.”

  Vin looked doubtful. “Rob talks a good game, Gin. Remember that.”

  Gin threw her hands up in the air. “Fine. You’re right. I’m wrong. I’m such a naive little girl that I couldn’t possibly grasp the underlying sexual agenda that the nefarious Rob Greene has in mind.”

  Vin was quiet for a moment and then replied, “I’m sorry.” He didn’t look at her. “I need to develop a filter. You were right, though. I just worry about you.”

  “I know, and I appreciate that.” Gin put her hand on Vin’s. “You don’t need a filter. I need to just remember you’re refreshingly honest. You’re a good friend.”

  Vin looked at her and smiled, his face an odd mixture of sorrow, acceptance, and… something else Gin couldn’t figure out.

  chapter eighteen

  Gin glanced over to check on Lisa and was shocked to see that she had left. Dave told her that she had left with Bill, which made Gin both nervous and relieved. After what she knew of their previous night, how would things go? Lisa had a tendency to overreact, and that could mean anything.

  Vin understood as Gin told him she was going to head home and wait on Lisa. He jokingly said he’d be a gentleman and take care of her tab as Gin stood up to leave. She playfully punched him in the arm. Catching his smile as she turned away, Gin felt sad leaving. Even though he sometimes drove her crazy, Vin was becoming one of the more stable and comforting parts of her life.

  Gin texted Lisa on the way home.


  I’m heading home. You good?


  Out with Bill. Good so far. Will call you later.


  Good luck. Love you. I’m around if you need me.

  The chaos around Lisa made Gin think of Rob. She definitely didn’t want to be clingy. That would have been the worst thing she could do, but she also wanted to at least confirm that things hadn’t changed since the night before.

  After making a cup of coffee, Gin sat down on her sofa and picked up her phone. She texted Rob.


  Hey, really enjoyed last night ;) We still on for Wednesday?

  Less than thirty seconds later, Rob replied.


  Enjoy is an understatement! You were great company at dinner, and even better later. I cannot wait until Wednesday. I’ll send a car to meet you if that’s okay. Six o’clock?


  I can’t wait. That’s perfect.


  Wear something summery, but bring a bathing suit. Or just wear a bathing suit. I have a surprise for you…




  It’s worth the wait. Trust me.

  Rob didn’t text again after that. Gin wondered what he had in mind. A bathing suit implied swimming or sun bathing. But they were getting together at night, so it couldn’t be sunbathing. Something on a boat? As Gin started to think about what it would be like to be on a billionaire’s yacht her phone rang. It was Lisa.

  Gin answered. “Okay. Please tell me you two are like engaged or something. Or having sex. No. Tell me you are calling me while you are having sex after he asked you to marry him.”

  Lisa laughed. “No marriage. No sex.”

  Lisa’s voice sounded upbeat, so Gin continued her teasing. “Not sure which disappoints me more.”

  “Well, the thing is I think we could have had sex, but I’m still figuring Bill out. So we just talked.”

  “Are things better?” Gin was still unsure but hoped that they had moved into a good place.

  “A bit. I’m still kind of freaked out. I think that Bill got hurt really bad by a former girlfriend. Like she not only broke his heart, she also took it out and trampled on it in public, ridiculing him. So he has trust issues for sure.”

  “That explains a lot. I can see him going through the trauma and then retreating into himself and his work.”

  Lisa sighed. “I know. But I have an idea.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I think he just needs someone to rebuild that emotional connection.”

  “And obviously you’re the one to do it. What’s your plan?”

  There was a pause, and then Lisa laughed. “We’re having another movie night at his place tonight.”

  “Oh my god. You two are totally going to fuck.”

  “Shut up!” Despite the raised voice, Gin could practically see the smile on Lisa’s face.

  “Fine,” Gin replied. “How about this? You are going to have a wonderful time cuddling while you watch a romantic movie, and as the movie ends, you will be so full of love and affection that you’ll make love by candlelight, building an emotional connection so strong that it takes your relationship to a new level.”

  “Well, the movie is a horror film, and I’m way too unsure of how things will go to count on the rest of what you’re saying, but I would love for that to happen.” Before Gin could crack another joke, Lisa added, “So what about you and Rob?”

  “Not exactly drama central there. We traded flirty texts and are looking forward to getting together on Wednesday. I think he’s going to take me out on his yacht.”

  Lisa sighed. “I’m looking forward to when I can get to the no-drama-flirty-text stage.”

  Gin replied, trying to be supportive, “You’re probably already there. You both just don’t realize it yet.” Thinking of Rob, Gin was actually glad that he was honest with her. So he’s out fucking some model tonight. Who cares? Gin at least didn’t have to deal with the stressful uncertainty that Lisa was going through.

  chapter nineteen

  Things just got better and better. Gin and Rob would exchange a few texts a day, usually following up on a conversational point that star
ted during their first date meal or a recent headline or just a provocative comment about their upcoming date. Gin had also been Facebook stalking Rob and searching the news about him. There was nothing about him seeing anyone else.

  Gin wasn’t naive. She knew it was unrealistic to think that he had already committed to her, but it still felt good that he wasn’t overtly running around with a model on his arm. And to make things even better, Lisa and Bill were pretty much spending every free hour together.

  They ended up not sleeping together on their movie night, and as far as Lisa was concerned, she was in no rush. This shocked Gin to no end. Lisa was one of the most sexual people she knew, a woman who considered sexual compatibility something that you had to examine early and often in the dating process.

  That Lisa was in no rush was a dramatic change, and something that Gin considered a real positive sign. Her only concern was that when Bill and she finally did hook up that he wouldn’t ruin everything after she committed so much of her heart to him. It seemed dangerous and unnecessary.

  Still, Lisa was happy, so Gin was happy.

  Despite everything going so well, Gin was nervous. Her date with Rob was the next night, and Gin had decided that it was critically important for her not to sleep with him. She had to slowly bring him along on multiple levels. She had already shown him that she’d let him toss her over the back of a couch to fuck her. They also had a relaxing and enjoyable conversation at dinner. They had shared some provocative stories without letting it define or overwhelm their subsequent conversations. Now she had to show him that they could just hang out together and relax without any kind of expectation.

  The thing was she wasn’t sure that Rob would go for that. He was clearly a sexually aggressive guy. He not only slept with a lot of women, she knew from her own experience that he was unafraid at pushing things in that direction. So while she felt like it was a good idea to not sleep with him, she was afraid that he’d demand it or that he’d be disappointed if they didn’t.


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