Rewriting the Rules
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Rewriting the Rules
Copyright © 2015 by S. Moose
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used factiously, and any resemblance to any actual person, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner.
All rights reserved.
This book is intended for mature adults only.
Photography by Pat Lee @ Pat Lee Photographer
Cover Design by Sommer Stein @ Perfect Pear Creative Covers
Interior Formatting by Integrity Formatting
Model: Daniel Kielgast
Editing by Jessica Glover
Proofreading by Judy’s Proofreading and Alexis Whitney
Blurb assistance: Carol Eastman, The Blurb Bitch
Release Day Blitz and Blog Tour by The Next Step PR, Give Me Books, and Enticing Journey
Table of Contents
Other Books by S. Moose
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
About the Author
Not that Simple by Mike Posner
Losing My Mind by Charlie Puth
You Can’t Break a Broken Heart by Kate Voegele
Confident by Demi Lovato
Should’ve Ran After You by Cole Swindell
Nirvana by Sam Smith
Dangerously by Charlie Puth
House of Cards by Tyler Shaw
Come a Little Closer by Dierks Bentley
Unsteady by X Ambassadors
24-7 by Spencer Saylor
Poison & Wine by The Civil Wars
If You Ever Come Back by The Script
Yours by Russell Dickerson
To the Moon and Back by Luke Bryan
Other Books by S. Moose
Never Letting Go series
Reaching Out For You
Holding Onto You
Next to Forever
Infinity Series
Vision of Love
Vision of Destiny
Vision of Hope
Interrupted Series
Interrupted Vol 1
Interrupted Vol 2
Interrupted Vol 3
The Offbeat Series
Even Rhythm
Teach Me Love
Beautiful Lessons with Rebecca Brooke
Take Me Away
To anyone who thinks love won’t touch their lives.
Always believe in love.
Believe in faith and have courage to fight for what you deserve.
Chapter 1
“I’m so sorry, Shawn.” I cover my mouth with my hands and watch my boyfriend of three years fall on the couch behind him. The ring falls from his hand and hits the carpet. Kneeling down I place my hands on his knees and beg him to talk to me.
“I’m so sorry,” I whisper. “You don’t deserve this and I don’t know what else to do. Please understand I want to be honest and true with you.”
“You don’t love me.” The tone of his voice is quiet and hurt. This is my fault. I’m hurting a good man because my heart isn’t with him anymore.
“It’s not that,” I explain. “I love you. I just don’t love you in the way you deserve to be loved. It’s hard to explain, and I really want you to understand that I wish I didn’t have these feelings. You’re an amazing man, Shawn, and I don’t deserve you.”
“But I deserve you, Charlotte. You’re my world, and everything makes sense because of you. When I wake up in the morning and look at you, I feel complete. I feel at peace. It’s because of you that I’m able to get up in the morning and fight for our future.”
I blink back the tears and listen to him convey his love for me. It’s hard to hear, especially since I don’t feel the same way.
“I knew when we first met it was because of your brother. I never expected to fall for you and I never expected for you to feel the same. We’ve been through a lot together. Are you really willing to throw it all away?”
“Yes, we met because of Will and things happened between us. It doesn’t mean anything, though, Shawn. I think you’re confusing love and using me as a crutch. You say it’s because of me that you’re here and alive. It’s not, though. You pushed through and fought the demons.”
“With your help. You’re my best friend, Charlotte. I don’t know what else to say,” he stammers. “I love you and I want you to be my wife.”
“I’m sorry,” I tell him again. “I want the best for you and I know it’s not me.” Getting up, I lean down and kiss him on the forehead. Heading to the bedroom we’ve shared over these past years I collapse on the bed and cry into my pillow. Thinking about the last ten minutes is killing me.
“Charlotte, you saved me and brought the light back into my life. Before you, I didn’t think life mattered. There were days I couldn’t get out of bed and days I wanted to stay away from the world. Then you, my light, came to me and gave me reason. Without you, I’m nothing.” I watch Shawn get down on one knee and pull out a solitaire diamond ring. All I can see is Troy and I’m smiling from ear to ear. My dream is coming true. “Marry me, Charlotte. Make me the happiest man.”
“Yes! Yes, Troy, I’ll marry you.” As soon as the words escape my lips I don’t see Troy anymore. I see Shawn. I see the man I’ve been with for the past three years and the man who gave me everything.
“Troy? What?”
“Oh no.”
Pulling out my phone I scroll through until I find Jessica’s name and press call. She answers in two rings with an excited tone.
“What’s wrong,” she quickly asks when she hears me crying.
“I called him Troy.”
“Oh no. Sweetie,” she hurries to say. “I’m on my way over now.”
“Thank you.”
Lying on our bed I look around the bedroom, the same room we’ve shared, and look at the pictures hanging on the walls and on top of the dresser.
I was happy with Shawn. He made me laugh and was romantic. For one of my birthdays he planned a surprise party with our friends at a restaurant and then took me away to Wilmington, NC. We went on the One Tree Hill tour and stayed at a cute bed and brea
kfast. It was a fun weekend and I was happy.
It’s nice to have someone in your life that loves you and will do anything to keep you happy. The thing is I knew deep down it didn’t mean forever. Breaking up with Shawn doesn’t mean I don’t love him or care about him. Letting him go means I love him enough so he can find someone who’ll love him the way he deserves to be loved.
And I deserve to be with the man who owns my heart and soul.
We haven’t talked in about four years and every day I miss him. I’ll never forget the look on his face when we were last together.
Sitting in the booth with my two favorite guys, Will, my brother, and Troy, the love of my life, we laugh about something stupid while waiting for food.
“Charlotte, wow, I can’t believe you’re going to be a senior,” Will gushes. “I’m proud of you, little sister.”
“Thank you!” I feel Troy’s hand rubbing my thigh and my body soars with desire. Discreetly looking at him I see the smile on his face and fall deeper in love with him.
I’ve been in love with my older brother’s best friend since I was sixteen. We grew up together and I think I’ve always loved him, but it finally hit me and at that moment I wanted him to be mine forever.
He’s two years older and is way more mature than I’ll ever be, but we’re made for each other. He’s my person.
Slipping my hand under the table, I entwine my fingers with his and feel the tight squeeze. We’re not together in a boyfriend/girlfriend way because he wants me to focus on school and soccer. Then there’s my older brother who’ll surely murder Troy without a second thought. Two years ago we made a promise that the day I graduate from college is the day we tell him our feelings and beg for his blessing.
My brother is the only family I have and he’s my rock. I can never disappoint him. Never.
“Oh, I totally forgot to tell you,” Will says. “Remember my client, Shawn?” I nod and see Troy’s shoulders tense. “So he’s going through a rough time and I’m hoping you can be his shoulder to lean on.”
“Why her?”
Will looks at us and shakes his head. “Come on. He’s a great guy and needs a friend, plus he really likes you.”
“We met like once and I hardly talked to him.”
“Hey,” Will raises his hands, “his words. I think he’ll be good for you. Troy and I are moving to Rochester, New York in a few weeks and we won’t be here as much, so having Shawn around will make me feel better that my baby sister will be safe.”
“I can take care of myself, Will. I can’t believe you’re trying to play matchmaker right now. I don’t want a relationship.” I hold Troy’s hand tighter. “Why are you doing this?”
“Charlotte, I’m not doing anything to hurt you. I want someone who I trust to be here for you and protect you. I mean, if something happens to you guys then that’s great. He’s a good guy. Give him a chance.”
I remember everything Will’s given up for me and slowly let go of Troy’s hand. He pulls me back, but I pull hard enough and he lets me go. At that moment, I lost him and broke the promise we made.
Jessica comes over and helps me pack my things. Since I moved in with Shawn I don’t own much, just what I brought over. My belongings fit in three suitcases, two duffel bags, and a tote. I look at my bags and hear Shawn coming into the bedroom.
“I’ll take these down to your car,” he absently says. The only thing I can do is nod and look at Jessica.
“Thanks, Shawn,” she says for me.
When he leaves the bedroom, I sit back on the bed and pick up a framed picture of Shawn and me.
“How did this happen?”
“You can’t blame yourself, babe.”
I look at my best friend and am so thankful to have her in my life. We’ve been friends since first grade when she moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan. Since that day, we’ve been inseparable. She knows everything about me and has been there whenever I need her.
“You’re going to go to Rochester. Be with Will and Troy, then when things settle down you’ll talk to Troy.”
“He won’t talk to me. I tried for so many months and he never responded. He hates me.”
“I don’t think he hates you. Sure, he’s mad, but hate? No. He can’t. That man loves you so much and you love him.”
“What am I going to do?”
Jessica places her hand on my heart and I understand what she’s saying. She knows this is the right thing to do and it gives me a little bit of hope knowing I’m making the right decision. I can’t be with a man I don’t truly love. My heart beats for someone else and it’s not for Shawn.
“I’m going to Rochester,” I whisper and prepare myself for another life-changing moment
Chapter 2
“Thanks, Doc.” I disconnect the call and start laughing uncontrollably. Tears stream down my face, and I’m holding my stomach from laughing so hard. “Wow,” I mutter and put my cell phone in my pocket.
Heading down to my basement to work out and clear my head, I start with an intense cardio session. Sprinting for a minute and then jogging for thirty seconds. I do this for fifteen minutes and then work on my arms and biceps. Running and lifting helps put questions in my head back into perspective. Things are clearer and I’m able to make better decisions without using my raw emotions.
I work out until my body hits the point of exhaustion. Wiping the sweat from my face and chest, I chug a bottle of water and make my way upstairs.
“Baby!” I look over and see my girlfriend running to me and jumping in my arms. “Oh, you’re so sweaty,” she winks and gives me a kiss.
“Gotta shower. I’ll be down in a little.”
“Sure. Want me to start dinner?” I nod and head upstairs.
Stepping into my shower, I turn on the water faucet and welcome the warm water to travel down my body to relax my muscles. I think about the phone call with my doctor and shake my head. It makes me think about relationships and loyalty. Being in a committed relationship means you’re committed to that person. Sure, temptation is everywhere and some people may act on it, but others who are loyal do not. See where I’m going? Commitment means monogamous. Monogamous means one person, unless there’s an agreement for a threesome and then you’re a lucky son of a bitch. Either way, commitment is to one person and loyalty means not giving in to temptation.
The type of man who remains faithful is the type of man a woman needs in her life. I’m the type who’ll be in a relationship and put my efforts into her. My mother taught me how to treat a woman and my father is the prime example of a gentleman. I’ll treat my woman right, lavish her with gifts, open the doors for her, and make her come at least three times. I may not believe in love or marriage, but I understand women and as long as what I want is laid out for them to understand, they get me. I have rules and a code I live by. This way of life is what keeps me from getting hurt. A broken heart is a bitch to deal with. The emotions that come with a broken heart fucking suck and will eat you alive, leaving you a broken man with barely anything to hold on to. The dream of being happy with her is gone in a matter of moments.
I make my rules clear and make no attempts to lead them on. If she doesn’t like it, I won’t chase her or make amends. There’s the door, you can use it the same way you came in. If that’s harsh, then I’m an asshole, but I’m an honest asshole.
Dressing in a plain white tee and basketball shorts I head downstairs and walk into my kitchen to find my girlfriend, Andrea, busy fixing dinner. Leaning against the counter, I cross my arms across my chest, and watch her move around. She’s beautiful, no doubt and she makes me laugh. We have a good relationship because she understands what I want and what I need.
“Smells good in here,” I tell her while grabbing a bottle of white wine and the salad bowl.
“Thanks, baby. I found this honey-glazed chicken recipe online and knew I had to make it for you.”
“Sure. Go s
it down!”
“Alright. So how was your day?”
“Good,” she turns to me and smiles. “I went out with Liza for some girl time.”
“Sounds fun. How’s she doing?”
“Really good. We had lunch at PF Changs and shopped at Von Maur. I saw a few things I liked, but nothing I loved.”
“I’m surprised. Usually, you come home with bags full of clothes.”
She shrugs and hands me a plate with chicken, green beans, and red potatoes. “Looks good. Thank you for cooking dinner.”
“Of course, baby,” she leans down and kisses my cheek before taking her seat and continuing her story about her day.
Looking at Andrea across the dinner table, I think about our relationship a little more. It’s been over two years, my longest relationship, and after hearing the news from my doctor, I don’t feel anything deep for her besides my cock in her pussy.
Our chemistry in the bedroom is good and I have no complaints when we fuck and she’s screaming my name. She loves to fuck just as much as I do, and there’s no such thing as making love or slow and sweet. We fuck fast, hard, and dirty. I don’t need the love connection with her or anyone else. My heart doesn’t beat for her and I certainly don’t spend days and nights thinking about her or a future. She’s a warm, hot body and I’m a man who craves sex and control. It’s a basic equation that makes sense. I care about her very much and want us to work out, only liars and cheaters don’t have room in my life.
In the bedroom, we connect. Outside of the bedroom, I look at her and wonder why my dick is stronger than my mind.
In the beginning, things were next to perfect. A beautiful supermodel with a sexy as hell fitness coach. We had the same beliefs about health and our lifestyle, and wanted to live. She made me laugh and spending time with her wasn’t a task; it was something I enjoyed. As time went on, the shift in our relationship slid to the point where I tolerated her and I made excuses to not travel with her or go out. I wanted to have the relationship work out between us and thought about taking her away so we could spend time together.