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Descent into Desire

Page 12

by Marie Medina

  “I care for you very much, and I want you even more.”

  “It should be the other way around. You need to be in love with me. Your feelings should be outweighing your desire. I want that. Can’t you understand?”

  She ran her hand up his leg and fondled his cock through his pants. “Why touch me once then refuse to do it again? Why make me wait?”

  His cock hardened the moment she touched it. He thought about how sweet she would feel as he took her for the first time. He thought of holding her close as he slowly made love to her, touching her as no other man had. He imagined feeling her come as he told her he loved her.

  “You believe you’re falling in love with me?” he asked.

  She trailed kisses over his cheek and then down his neck. “Yes. Please let me stay with you. At least kiss me and hold me. We don’t have to have sex.”

  That was very tempting, and her pleading and her caresses were driving him wild with desire. Even if she didn’t feel everything he felt yet, she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  “If I took you to my bed, I’d be making love to you all night. I can’t, Persephone. You act as if I’m rejecting you because I want to wait. You know it isn’t true.”

  She pulled away, and her face was expressionless. “I’m glad I’m making you happier. What you said earlier…I know it’s what you meant. But if we can’t be together like that I want to be alone for the rest of the night. All I want to do is touch you, so I can’t think if I stay here with you.”

  She stood up, but he grabbed her hand to stop her.

  “Are you angry? Please stay for a minute if you are. I’d rather talk about it.”

  She pulled her hand away gently. “I’m not angry. I’m as frustrated as you are, just for slightly different reasons. Will you try to understand that as I try to understand your actions?”

  “Yes. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have touched you that day in the garden. I wanted to touch you so badly, and I wanted to intrigue you, keep you guessing. I started playing a sex game and then stopped after my first turn. I’m sorry. It’s like I was leading you on. It’s unfair to you.”

  “I let you touch me. You would’ve stopped if I’d objected in any way. May I go now?”

  “Yes.” He felt his heart sinking. It was a feeling he was getting tired of experiencing. “Can I see you tomorrow?”

  “Yes. Let me find you though.”

  “Of course. Good night.”

  “Good night,” she said softly as she walked to the door and left. She made the effort to close it very gently.

  Something about that action made him incredibly sad. Weeks ago she would’ve stormed out and slammed the door. It was a good sign, but that in and of itself made him want her more. She was changing. She had grown and matured so much in only a month, and that made him love her more because it proved how amazing she truly was. He resisted the urge to go after her. He knew it would end with them making love, and he’d promised Zeus, Hera and Demeter as well as himself that would only happen on his wedding night.

  * * * *

  Persephone stopped when she heard a noise behind her in the hall. She turned but didn’t see anything.

  “He’s such a fool, making such an eager girl like you wait.”

  She thought she knew the voice. “Hypnos?”

  She turned around again, but it wasn’t Hypnos. Thanatos stood very close to her, smiling suggestively. She was struck again by the resemblance to his brother. They were the exact same in every way, except Thanatos had jet-black hair. And she didn’t like the way he looked at her. Even when Hypnos had been kissing her and touching her that first day, there had been warmth to the desire she’d seen in his eyes. The look in Thanatos’ eyes could only be described as cold lust.

  She’d never been afraid of anything before, but she felt a cold chill go over her entire body. “It’s none of your business.” Her bedroom was very close. “I’d like to be alone now, if you don’t mind.”

  “I do mind, actually.”

  She heard a loud bang in her bedroom. The door shook, and she heard barking and growling. She also saw chains on the door.

  “Cerberus!” she called, suddenly panicking. Cerberus would only act like that if she were in danger.

  Before she could move, Thanatos grabbed her.

  “You’re mine now, and unlike Hades, I will follow through and make that true in every way.”

  She struggled against him. “Hades! Hypnos!” She tried to kick at him, but he held her tight. “Zeus, help me!”

  Then everything faded to black.

  * * * *

  Hades ran down the hall, colliding with Hypnos. “Where is she?”

  “I don’t know. I heard her say my name. I started to go to her room because I thought she had called me. Then I heard her yell for both of us.”

  Hades ran to her room faster. “She called out for Zeus. Something’s wrong.” His blood began to burn when he saw the chains on the door. They glowed bright red, and he saw the door shake as Cerberus snarled and growled on the other side, throwing his body against them.

  Hades kicked the door, but it didn’t move.

  “Those are Thanatos’ chains. You can’t break them.”

  Hades grabbed Hypnos and walked both of them through the wall. Cerberus stopped when he saw his master, but he soon began barking again.

  “What’s he playing at?” Hades asked.

  “He’s taken her. It’s his way to defy you.”

  “Defy me?”

  “He’s stolen your queen. You’ll do anything to get her back.”

  Hades balled both his hands into fists. “Including giving the Underworld to him.”

  Hypnos nodded. “I thought he’d given up the scheme after Zeus warned him all those years ago. I think his jealousy made him forget that.”

  “He’ll have taken her to the Chamber of Darkness. No one can enter it. He’ll pay for this.”

  “But if he’s taken her there, won’t she die and be trapped there forever?”

  Hades felt his heart jolt, but then he shook his head. “No. I protected her from all of it. No powers of the Underworld can affect her. I would never have brought her here if I couldn’t do that.”

  A strong hand landed on his shoulder. “What have you done?”

  Hades turned to Zeus, who was dressed in full armor and carrying a sword. “Thanatos has taken Persephone.”

  “And you let him?” Zeus roared. The pressure of Zeus’ hand increased exponentially.

  “I wasn’t quick enough. You took your time getting here.”

  “I was in the mortal realm.”

  “Where, at a Renaissance fair?” He could care less if Zeus threw him across the room.

  Zeus brought the sword tip to Hades’ neck. “I was at a costume party, but the armor and sword are quite real. Where is she?”

  Hypnos spoke up. “We believe he’ll have taken her to his inner sanctum.”

  “That means it’s up to her to escape.”

  “She’s a goddess,” Hypnos continued. “Can’t she protect herself?”

  “She’s never had to before. What if she doesn’t know how? His powers are so unlike those of others.” Zeus kicked the bed and threw his sword down.

  Hades felt his mind spinning faster and faster. He was powerless. He couldn’t save her because he couldn’t get to her. His brain filled with gruesome images of Thanatos forcing himself on her. He tried to push them away, but all he could think of was her crying out for him to help her. And he couldn’t.

  “Do something!” Hades yelled. He pushed his brother. “Fucking do something!”

  Zeus pushed him back. “You’re responsible for this. You left her unprotected.”

  “We came as fast as we could,” Hypnos said. “Cerberus tried to protect her. If you want to place blame, it’s me you want. I knew Thanatos was jealous and wanted her for himself as much as he wants the Underworld. I of all men should know what’s in his heart, so the failure to protect her is mine.�

  “It’s not your fault,” Hades said. He turned to Cerberus. “Go, Cerberus. Find your mistress and guard the door. Let no one leave the room.” He touched the wall so Cerberus could leave the way he and Hypnos had entered.

  Cerberus growled and ran out of the room.

  Zeus watched him go. “Will it work?”

  Hades nodded. “Those chains were unbreakable, and Thanatos was lucky Cerberus was inside the room, not outside. Cerberus cannot be killed, but he could have killed Thanatos. And he would’ve done it to protect Persephone.”

  Zeus stood very still. “And what happens if it comes to that? If we kill the god of death?” He seemed to be addressing this question more to Hypnos than to Hades.

  Hades had no idea. “Is it possible?”

  “Perhaps we shouldn’t worry about it. Persephone’s rescue is all that matters. If he can be killed, then his death couldn’t harm the world,” Hypnos said, looking at Zeus. “The cosmos balances itself in the end.”

  Hypnos seemed very confident, not to mention calm, and he and Zeus appeared to be hiding something. Hades knew Hypnos’ loyalty would fall with him and Persephone, but the coldness of his statement bothered Hades. “I want to rip Thanatos’ heart out, but Hypnos, he’s your brother,” Hades said. “Wouldn’t you rather see him punished than killed? Don’t you care whether he lives or dies?”

  Zeus held up his hand. “We don’t have time for this debate. I need Ares and Hephaestus. We have to think.” He grabbed Hades by the shoulders. “Go to Hera. I don’t give a fuck what you want. Go to her and stay there. Now that he’s gone this far, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill you, and you’re so upset you’d run right into it. Hypnos, go and tell Demeter. She can’t do anything, but she’ll be uncontrollable if she finds out and thinks we were hiding it. Then come back to me.”

  Hypnos bowed to Zeus and left, disappearing in a swirl of white smoke.

  Zeus shook Hades. “Are you listening?”

  He grabbed Zeus’ arms and threw them off his own. “He knows he has little chance of winning. He’s going to take what he can, do what damage he can. She’s the only woman I could ever love. I want his head, Zeus. How can you of all people tell me to just go to Hera and wait?” He lowered his voice, trembling with rage. “She’s as close to you as any of your daughters, if not more so, and you know he’s going to rape her. How can you bear that thought?”

  Zeus’ eyes flamed. “Go to Hera. Now. He will wish he’d never even looked at her when I’m done.”

  Zeus disappeared in a burst of flame. Hades didn’t even flinch as the heat rushed against him. He reached out with his mind and couldn’t find Persephone. She was definitely in the Chamber of Darkness. He swore that once he got her back he would never leave her side again.

  * * * *

  Persephone opened her eyes to a very dark room. Torches lined the walls. She was naked and lying on a bed. Her arms were chained over her head. She tried to break them with her mind, but it didn’t work. She tried again.

  “It won’t work. They’re special, made by Hephaestus himself.”

  She turned to see Thanatos come out of the shadows. He wore black leather pants and nothing else.

  “You must be completely insane.” She was so shocked at what was happening she couldn’t even be scared. “Do you know what Zeus will do to you? What Hades will do if Zeus lets him have the chance?”

  “Not if you protect me.”

  “Why would I do that?”

  “Because I’m willing to do what Hades will not. I’ll give you what you desire so much.” He sat on the bed, and his gaze fell on her breasts.

  “I love Hades. No other man will touch me.”

  “Maybe you should’ve told him that tonight then, if it’s even true. He’ll give me his crown to free you. Will you still want him when he’s no longer Lord of the Underworld?”

  “Of course I will!” I love Hades. I do. I am in love with him. Why didn’t I tell him? Why did I get angry and deny it when he pulled away from my touch? Even if he’d been doubtful, he’d have believed me in the end. We’ve grown so close, but now…

  Thanatos ran his hand over her breasts. She tried to pull away, but the chains that held her were very short. His hand drifted down her stomach and then over her thighs. She squirmed to get away from him. He flipped her onto her stomach and forced his hand between her legs as he pressed his body on top of her. His rough hand scratched and chafed at her. She pushed and struggled as hard as she could, but he was too strong for her.

  “You’re going to be so much fun, little one,” he whispered as his rough fingers began to work into her.

  And then he screamed and jumped off her.

  Persephone lay completely still. Her heart raced, and she felt tears running down her cheeks. A chill went down her spine as he thought of his body pressing hers down and his coarse fingers worming into her pussy. Her body felt very hot, but it seemed to be more than fear.

  She rolled over. Thanatos glared at her from the corner. His chest was burned, the skin pink and covered in blisters. The hand that had been violating her was twisted and warped as though he’d thrust it into an open fire.

  “Nice trick, you little whore.”

  She felt her body grow even hotter. “You of all people should know I’m not a whore. Considering where your hand just was, you should know I’m a virgin.”

  He stood and walked over to her. His skin seemed to be healing, if slowly. He reached out his other hand, and she was shocked when he ran two fingers over her breast. She heard the skin sizzle. He snatched his hand away. She looked down, amazed her own skin looked normal.

  He groaned loudly. “I do enjoy a little pain with my pleasure. Perhaps not this much though.” He looked deep into her eyes. “How are you doing this?”

  “I don’t want you touching me. That’s all I know.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You can’t maintain it forever. You’ll weaken. I will be the first to take you.” He leaned forward. “And you will scream, my girl. Whether from pleasure or pain, I can’t say I’ll care.”

  He turned abruptly and went to the door. He opened it and started to leave, but he soon fell backwards.

  Persephone sat up as much as she could and craned her head to see. Cerberus stood outside the door. He tried to get in but couldn’t. He began whining frantically and pawing at the invisible barrier.

  “I’m okay, Cerberus. I’m okay.” She sighed with relief. They had heard her. They knew where she was. And they would come for her.

  She concentrated and a simple black dress appeared on her body. She brought her hands together. Her skin felt cool to her own touch, but she still felt hot all over. She hoped her defense was still working, as she had no real idea how she was doing it or how to control it. Was someone else protecting her, giving her a power she didn’t really possess?

  Thanatos shot daggers at her with his eyes. “I think you’re more trouble than you’re worth.”

  “Hades doesn’t think so. That’s why I love him.”

  “He tricked you.”

  “He made a mistake. He regrets it, and I forgave him.”

  “He hasn’t fucked you.”

  “He loves me. I’m more than a pussy and a nice pair of tits to him.”

  Thanatos smirked. “If you want to believe that. That’s all any woman is.”

  “Care to say that in front of Hera?”

  He turned away from her and retreated around the corner. The chamber was large, but there were no mirrors so she couldn’t see what he was doing.

  “You’re trapped here, aren’t you?” she called. “This is the Chamber of Darkness. Hypnos told me about it. That door’s the only way in and out, even for a god, and it’s the only place no one else can enter. They can’t come in, so they won’t let you out.”

  She heard a thud, like a bottle being set down on a table. He came back around the corner carrying a drink. The liquid was completely black.

  “Stop talking.”

  She wan
ted to say “make me,” but she shifted and leaned back against the headboard instead. She didn’t know where Hades was, but she knew he would come for her.

  * * * *

  Ares watched as Alala ran from the room in tears. Persephone was her best friend, so she’d demanded to be told what was happening when Zeus and Hephaestus appeared in their dining room. He and Zeus had tried to reassure her, but she’d turned from both of them, mumbling incoherently.

  Zeus took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Ares, I need something that will kill him.”

  “Can you do that?” Ares asked.

  Zeus nodded. “Trust me when I say we can. All will be explained later.”

  Ares didn’t question his father. He looked around the room and thought. “We may need to make something new.”

  “That’s why I needed you both. I need a new sword, but we need to make it from something old. Something that has harmed a god or at least an immortal. He’s strong, so it cannot be an ordinary weapon.”

  Ares nodded. “Yes, that makes sense. We should go to the weapons room.” He led them out into the hall and up the stairs. He approached the large double doors at the end of the hall and pulled a large black key from his back pocket. He always had it with him, since many of the weapons in the room were sacred and very powerful. He turned it in the middle lock, and a succession of clicks followed as the nine interconnected locks worked their way open.

  He pushed the door open and a rush of air and dust went past them. He snapped his fingers to light all the candles, as it wasn’t safe to have windows in the room. After the dust cleared and his eyes had adjusted, he led them all in.

  Ares looked around. “Over here might be best.” He went to a long table and pulled back the linen covering it. Several swords lay there. Ares examined them.

  He ran his hands over them. “Most of these were used in the Trojan war. Aphrodite gave this one to her son Aeneas, and he returned it when he went to the Elysian Islands. This one was used by Theseus to slay the Minotaur. Dionysus’ wife Ariadne gave it to him.”


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