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Taylored to Perfection (Taylor Made Book 2)

Page 13

by kj lewis

  “He didn’t even ask,” she laughs.

  “Ben and I also discussed it at length. I am grateful to him to help provide insight when I am still at a bit of a disadvantage. We called Graham last night and gave our blessing. Graham, I wanted to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of the process. And Emme, I want you to know that I am proud of the woman you are, and I trust you to know what is the right decision for you.”

  “You’re proud of me?” His words catch me off guard. My cheeks blush when I realize I’ve shown more of myself than I normally would.

  “I couldn’t be prouder. You’re a fighter. A survivor.” He pauses. “You’re me.”

  I’m overwhelmed at my blessings.

  We eat while we talk about the plans for the wedding. Graham has already told everyone it would be this weekend, so they were prepared. When we’re done, I collect the empty plates and carry them to the stewardess.

  “You know it’s her job to take care of that?” Graham tells me when I sit down.

  “I’m perfectly capable.”

  “At some point you’re going to have to adjust to having money.”

  “That reminds me. Ben, you’re still my lawyer right? Can you help me draw up a prenup?” I ask.

  “Do you have some money that you don’t want me to get access to?” Graham jokes.

  I roll my eyes at him. “You’re worth some money. We need to make sure you’re protected.”

  “I am. Forever protects me. We will be together forever. Until death do us part.”

  “What do you mean Graham is worth ‘some’ money?” Ben interjects. “Does she not know what your worth?”

  “Not a clue Dad.” Graham smiles proudly, and Ben looks a little surprised. I find myself bristling at Ben’s reaction.

  “And I think that’s great Son. But don’t you think that’s something you should discuss with her? I would think it would be quite a change for Emme. It’s your job to make sure she’s prepared.” Ben turns to me and adds, “I’m not saying I think you need a prenup, but I do think you are at a disadvantage not knowing what you’re marrying into.”

  “He has enough to make sure I have a roof over my head and food on the table. The rest is just details.”

  “Forty-two billion in details,” Harry says directly, also a little surprised.

  “Three,” Graham says, holding up three fingers. “Forty-three. I intend to make sure Emelia is prepared, but it doesn’t have to happen right now. She’s had a lot of adjustments these last few days and I don’t want to add to it.”

  He reaches up and pushes my chin to close my mouth.

  “Is that true?” I stammer. He nods.

  “What’s going on in your head?” Graham examines me apprehensively, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. He massages my earlobe before lowering his hand back to mine.

  “Nothing,” I answer weakly.

  “Emelia?” When I don’t answer, he says, “You say you don’t love me for my money. Are you saying you don’t love me because I have money?”

  “You know I love you.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “It’s just…humbling. I had no idea you had that kind of money.” I look at Harry. “I would never want you to think you were a part of my life because of your money.”

  “It’s your job to make sure she’s as prepared as possible,” Harry tells Graham. “And it needs to be before she walks down the aisle this weekend.”

  Shit. Who’s going to walk me down the aisle?

  “Why don’t we move on to the schedule today and we can revisit this later.” Eloise tries to redirect the conversation, recognizing that I am overwhelmed.

  “Emelia. My dad and Eloise are here because I have told them about Addie.”

  “You did what?” I’m blindsided. I don’t know if I’m grateful or pissed.

  “I was going to tell you today,” I say to Harry. “I didn’t know Graham was going to tell you.” I shoot a glare in his direction.

  “I’ll start,” Ben plows ahead. I’m not sure if it’s to give me time to process everything or to help get Graham off the hook. “I will be meeting with a local law firm to handle the legal representation. I spoke with them last night and they are working on some motions that we hope to get in front of the judge today while we’re here.”

  “The four of us will spend the day with Addie,” Harry adds.

  “Representation for what?” I ask.

  “For Addie. To help move things along. Get the courts to decide on custody,” Ben says kindly, not sure how to read my tone.

  “I have representation. I’m working on it.”

  “It’s time for some fresh blood. Plus, this firm has experience in similar cases and they’re the best in Memphis,” Ben says patiently.

  “What is their fee?”

  “What do you mean?” I can tell Ben’s deflecting.

  “I mean how much do they charge an hour to work on Addie’s case?”

  Graham gives a slight nod and Ben answers, “The team is $1000 an hour.”

  “That’s three times what I pay now. I can’t afford that.”

  “Emelia…” Graham begins.

  “My salary barely covers the lawyer fees and her medical bills now, Graham. I can’t afford that.”


  “What?” I snap.

  “I’m taking care—we,” he waves his hand between the two of us, “will take care of it. We can afford it.”

  “No.” I’m getting angry.

  “Emelia.” He’s confused by my reaction.

  “Addie is my responsibility, and that doesn’t change because we are getting married. I don’t need you to swoop in like knights and take over.”

  “It most certainly does change.” I can tell he’s trying to reign in his temper, although he’s not doing a great job of it.

  “It’s my job to take care of Addie. I said no. I mean no. End of discussion.”

  “Emme,” Harry and Graham say my name in unison.

  “Stop!” I lash out. “It’s too much! I’m overwhelmed and y’all need to let me be.” I take a breath. “Just…let me be,” I say gentler.

  “No. I won’t.” Harry’s strict denial draws my attention to him. “Emelia Magnus, do not start,” he demands when he sees I’m about to launch into another tirade.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You need to drop the attitude now.” He holds a hand up to halt Eloise’s interjection as he leans across the table toward me. “The fact that you have had to do this on your own for all these years is not your doing nor is it mine, but I will not indolently sit by and allow it to continue. Addie may be your sister, but she is my daughter. Like you, that makes her my responsibility. I would never take your place in the decision making process; you are in complete control of what happens, but I will no longer allow you to shoulder the burden alone.”

  “We are not your responsibility.”

  “The hell you aren’t,” he yells. “I’ve had my parental rights stripped for twenty-five years. I refuse to allow it another day. And that includes by you, young lady. Like it or not, I am your father and until you say ‘I do,’ you are my responsibility. And I’m quite certain it doesn’t end there. So get used to it, daughter.”

  I try a softer approach. “Settle down. I do like it. All I’m saying is I don’t need your money to handle these things.”

  “And I’m saying enough! You being a smartass comes with the package. We don’t get a choice. Me having money comes with the package. You don’t get a choice. Deal with it.”

  “Whatever you say, father.” I cross my arms like a twelve-year-old.

  “It’s high time you recognize it.” He chooses to ignore my tone, pulls a box out of his pocket, and slams it hard on the table. Sitting back in his chair, his eyes hard on mine, he visually challenges me to say something.

  Tentatively, I open the box. The watch we have worn since we were little girls sits inside. I am uncomfortably aware that I’m on di
splay. With a defiant look, I remove the watch and fasten it around my wrist, then smile sweetly at him. It works. I disarm him and bring a smile to his face.

  “You two are mirror images,” Eloise says, shaking her head in disbelief. “I’m not sure who to put my money on.”

  “Me,” Harry and I say in unison.

  Everyone has moved to their separate corners and are engaged in their own agendas for the day. I’ve been making lists of things I know need to happen if we are going to pull off a wedding this weekend. I let myself into the office to check on Graham. He and Ben holed themselves up in there a while ago after my battle of the wills with Harry.

  “Hey, beautiful.” He watches me from the mirror in the bathroom where I find him washing his hands. I wrap my arms around him from behind.

  “I want to talk to you about something.” I lean my head around his arm so my eyes find his in his reflection as I rub some lotion from the bathroom counter on my hands.

  “What’s that?”

  “No more sex until our wedding night.” I announce as my fingers find and undo the button on his jeans. Lowering his zipper, I run one hand over his taut stomach, my hand following his happy trail until I reach my targeted destination.

  “I will never have this kind of definition. Your body is amazing.” My words gratify him as my other hand rubs back and forth over his stomach.

  “I don’t want you to. I like you soft under my hands.”

  “And I like you hard,” I tell him as I pull on his cock, causing a hitch in his breathing. Standing behind him gives me the advantage of stroking him in the same manner he would himself.

  “Hard is what you’re getting.” His look is stern. “This isn’t very nice, if you are saying we aren’t having sex for the remainder of the week.”

  “Technically, we aren’t having sex.” I lower his jeans to give me unrestricted access. My hand finding a rhythm that begins to match his breathing.

  “I’ve grown really fond of this part of you. I like it in my mouth. How you taste. How you feel in my throat. I like the velvety feel of it in my hand. I like it deep inside of me.” I close my eyes and let a slight moan fall from my lips. “God do I love it when you’re inside me.” A slight shiver escapes me. When I open my eyes, his are dark, heated, and wanting. “I like watching you move in and out of me. Your cock wet because of me.”

  He wraps his arms behind us pulling me closer, his hands massaging my ass. His breathing quickens as I become more deliberate in my strokes.

  “Every time you think about wanting to have sex this week, I want you to remember what it was like the first time you fucked me. How we couldn’t get enough of each other. Still can’t. Remember what it feels like to be inside of me. Remember how no one has ever been there but you. No one will ever be there but you. Remember how deep you get. How tight it feels. How wet it is. All for you, Graham. Only you.” My lashes lower over my eyes and I take a deep breath as I continue to pleasure him with my hand. Feeling his body tight and driven with need has my own body ready for him. Slowly I release a breath in hopes to calm myself. This is about what I want to do to him. I open my eyes and he’s watching the effect he’s having on me and I can tell it’s turning him on. Gaining some control over my body, I continue.

  “I’ll be thinking about how full you make me feel, how you know my body like no one else. How you’re going to fuck me again and again this Saturday night. Every part of me is yours.” My hand moves swiftly; he’s on the brink. Three more purposeful pumps and his body convulses as he falls against me. He gasps my name. I catch his come with my hand and lubricate him with it as I continue to pump and drain everything he has to give. His hands clamped hard around my ass. His breathing erratic as he finally gives it all.

  “Fuck,” he says through staccato breaths. I give him a minute to rein in his breathing before I clean us both and pull up his jeans. His watches me without a word. Without turning him around, I rest my hand against his chest and use the other to pull his face toward mine for a long kiss. I leave without another word.

  It takes several minutes before Graham comes out of his office. His eyes immediately find mine. Eloise joins me at one of the tables.

  “What are you working on?”

  “Making a list for the things that I need to get done. I have to get organized if I’m going to pull this off in five days. I’m keeping it simple, but there’s still a lot to do.”

  She smiles and nods but she seems nervous. “Eloise, is everything okay?”

  She looks like she is gathering her courage. “You can say anything to me, Eloise,” I reassure her.

  “I’d like to help you plan your wedding, if you would let me. I know we are still getting to know each other and I can never replace your mom, nor would I try to, but the fact remains that you’re now my daughter too and I would love to be a part of your special day.”

  I close the iPad and turn to face her. God, I’m such a dick.

  “Eloise, I have been doing things on my own for so long that it’s not a natural step for me to think of asking others to help.” I place my hand on hers when I see her face fall a little at my response. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask you. It’s not because I don’t need a mom. It was a careless oversight on my part, it just never occurred to me that you would want to. In these last couple of days, I have already grown to admire you. Not many women would accept a grown child coming into their husband’s life with no preamble. You have done it with grace and caring and I am so thankful. It would mean a great deal to me if you would help me.”

  Graham and Harry have taken a seat on each side of us. Eloise wipes a tear from her eye.

  “Oh no. You’re a crier?” I tease.

  “You’re not?” she asks.

  “No. I never have been. I’ve had a wayward tear that has escaped twice since I was eleven. Both in the last week actually. Other than that, no. I don’t cry. I’m guess I’m just cold-hearted,” I laugh.

  Jim announces our arrival to Memphis. I’m already buckled, but everyone else follows suit. Graham puts his arm around me and holds my hand while he keeps the conversation going—to distract me, I think. It works. We are on the ground and I didn’t have a single panic attack.

  We taxi into Wilson Airport. There are three Mercedes SUV’s waiting for us on the tarmac, and I’m once again reminded that I am traveling with people who have more money than God. How is it that I am part of this life, where my plane pulls to a stop, I get off, and walk thirty feet to a waiting car? Ridiculous. It’s a much different experience than the last time I landed in Memphis when we were late and waited 45 minutes before they even let us off the plane. I like this much better.

  Ben leaves immediately to make his appointment. We decide Smith and Teague will follow the four of us. Graham holds the car door open on the passenger side, but I continue to walk around to the driver’s side.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he says as I reach for the handle.

  “I’m driving.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Do you know how to get there?”

  “No, but the human GPS in the passenger seat should direct me just fine.”

  “My hometown. I’m driving.” I take the seat behind the wheel and buckle my seatbelt. We watch as Graham has a conversation with himself before he climbs in the car. I notice his thumb skimming the tips of his fingers. It’s a threat that is connected directly to the nerves deep in my torso.

  “Besides, I don’t know if you have what it takes to drive in Memphis.” I tell him as we leave the airport, Teague driving behind me. “We can’t get in to see Addie until noon, so why don’t we grab an early bite to eat and I can show you a few places.” I lead us around the south end of I-240 in the direction of Berclair. I’m taken aback when the Bluetooth rings. I didn’t realize Graham had programed it to my phone when we got in.

  “Yes, Teague.”

  “Does anyone around here use a blinker?”

  “Tourists,” I say changing l
anes without it. “We’re going to get an early lunch before going to the center.”

  I disconnect the call, weaving through traffic. We pull across a shopping center parking lot and park outside of Elwood’s Shack. It’s a one story small building that is easily missed if you aren’t looking for it. Aptly, it looks like a shack.

  “We’ll get BBQ for dinner as a group, so I suggest trying something different. Their fish tacos are delicious, but really you can’t miss with anything on the menu.” It’s a few minutes before eleven, so we’re able to snag an outside picnic table with no problems. It doesn’t take long before the place is packed.

  “Taste this.” I hold up a fork of blue cheese coleslaw with jalapeno peppers for Teague. I’m not able to see his eyes through the sunglasses I got him, but his grunt tells me he approves. Actually, everyone is wearing shades so I can’t see what anyone’s thinking. “Make sure to save room for dessert,” I remind them.

  Everyone seems to be enjoying lunch. Even Smith, who is usually reserved and all business, seems to be enjoying himself. It’s a strange experience to be back in Memphis and in a good mood. There are so many great things about this city. I realize I’ve let the last several years rob me of the joy I had here. Addie and I had a lot of fun times eating at these tables and living in this city. I regale everyone with stories about Addie’s and my adventures. How we would go to the Summer Drive-In, sneak into bars on Beale Street, and anytime we were up at 4am, we would go to Gibson Donuts for a crack at the first batches of the day. On summer weekends we would grab a burger at Huey’s and catch a live show at the Hi Tone.

  I take the group to Jerry’s Sno Cones for dessert. We’re all pretty full, but I want them to have the full experience in the hour we have.

  “How are you doing?” Teague asks me as I taste his Lime, and offer him my Tickle Me Sweet.

  “Do you think this is as surreal as I do?” I ask him. “I mean, two weeks ago I was living life as normal and you were doing what?”

  “I was living on the streets,” he says casually.


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