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Envoy to Earth

Page 7

by P. S. Power

  "The ones that did it aren't Counts. I think that trimming off the offending organs will be enough to start with. If Count Ward ever finds out about this, and eventually he will, Petra, no matter how well you hide it, then we need to be able to go to him and prove it was handled." He was faking his best noble accent again, and as amazing as it always felt when he did that, no one got after him over it. He really needed to practice that more however. He overdid the hard sounds. Emphasized the T's and K's too much.

  From the back Collette did something that he wouldn't have expected, being the voice of reason most of the time. She leaned forward, touched his shoulder from behind gently and then patted it.

  "That... Sounds like an excellent plan, Gerent. One that we should have thought of already, just for the torture. I think we were all so focused on Rodriguez that we forgot that part. We need to go carefully however. Get the right people, and make sure they can't ever retaliate against us, once punished. There are others that will want to help us too. If..." She moved, and touched Petra lightly on the arm, as if the warrior was fragile or something.

  She'd hidden being raped, but not out of shame, simply because she wanted to save innocent people. She did it well enough that no one else had even guessed otherwise. Not even Timon. Gerent had, only because he knew that kind of person too well. Guards and bullies always did what they could to steal away a person's worth and self-value. He'd never even stopped to think about it before, but Petra Ward was a strong person, and not just with a weapon in her hand.

  The pretty woman in the back spoke softly anyway. Hesitantly.

  "Is this what you will, Pet? The wrong was done to you, but I agree with Gerent's assessment. If this is found out some day, and in our world, it will be, given all the spies, it would be best to show Marvin that real action was taken."

  Petra shook her head, but when she spoke it was full volume, not the half whisper her friend had used.

  "I... I was just trying to let things go. If they were ordered to do it, then they didn't have a choice. Not that they didn't seem to enjoy themselves. Do you really think this is the best course? If... As long as no one talks..." She looked over at Gerent, as if he were going to be the one to let the secret out.

  Because she didn't know how very good he was about keeping his own council. There was a rustling from the back, a soft hiss of fabric on leather, none of it real. Collette pushed in half on top of Petra, between the seats, cradling her closely. Like a mother with a child, as ridiculous as that image was.

  "Nothing is secret, Pet. You know that. It's the first lesson. Never speak, or write anything, and never suppose that anything is kept from the prying eyes. Maria may seem like a ditz half the time, but she has spies everywhere. Eventually one of those guards will get drunk and recount what happened, and word will spread. If it hasn't already. We need to get in front of this, or it might end with the death of thousands before you can get to your brother to beg for their lives. Marvin isn't a hothead, but he can't let something like that stand. Rodriguez the man is out of his reach, so that only leaves his old county as a target."

  There was a returned hug, but Petra nodded.

  "I guess. So, who else do we need? I can probably track them all down on my own. One at a time none of them can match me."

  That one got Gerent to snort.

  "No. If you do it, then your brother, when he finds out, will still act. We have to show that everyone else agreed with this and did it without telling him, only to save others that have done no harm from his wrath. Not that I know who's needed. You mentioned Captain Kerry? Judy? I bet she'll help us. She's nice." That seemed backward, but she was also the kind of person that found out that a woman had been tortured and helped to kidnap Counts.

  Collette touched his arm too, as they sat in front of the palace, hovering over the well cared for green lawn. She didn't speak for a moment, but finally nodded.

  "Right. Judy is Holly Printer's heir, so that will work for one county. We can get Count Peterson, I bet. Tovey too." She looked over at Petra. "Count Thomson, his wife, Tamerlane, as well."

  That last bit got Petra to look baffled for a bit, and furrow her brow. It was cute, Gerent realized. Like a lost child. That thought struck him as unkind, so he forced it away as she spoke.

  "Why would Countess Thomson do anything for me? I think we've met a handful of times, but we aren't close. I only know Tovey from school, really. He's a cousin of mine, and too close to marry, so we were never put together that much. He might help, being a good sort, but..."

  Gerent thought for a moment and then stared for longer than was polite. At Collette, who hadn't answered yet.

  "Petra... Tamerlane is Tor and Timon's sister. You're their friend. When Tim, who was what, twelve then? When he found out about you being tortured, he stole a whole Count and did unspeakable things to him. Can you imagine what his sister, the Countess, would do?" He couldn't. Not at all. Tamerlane, Terlee to family members, was kind, shy and gentle. Still, Collette Coltress nodded, as if the words were true.

  "Exactly. So, that will round things out. They'll have resources and be able to aid us in this. Gerent and I will handle that part, before we leave. We should get some sleep. Petra, you're going with us, to Harmony. You have the latest shield, the one for space work?"

  The larger and more muscular woman snorted, her voice mellow when it came. Pleasant.

  "From the first batch. I... Thank you, both. I don't know that this is the right thing to do, but... Thank you."

  They got out and he took his Timon Craft down, putting it away. He'd need a room, but they all went in, and he was shown to one directly, since Collette had simply expected him to stay. As if he had a right to. Being family. It was big, and had everything needed for a good night's sleep in it. If anything it was close to the nicest such place he'd ever been in. Most of his early life he'd lived in pits, and hollows, a few shacks and sometimes barns with pigs and chickens. Near the livestock. Not like a person, since most hadn't really thought of him that way.

  Now he was given a room that was nicer than most people had ever even dreamed about seeing. More than that, while it was close to the grandest place he'd been in, it wasn't. He'd been in the King's palace, and Tim's. The Estate too, in Ward, which was what they called their palace. Each was different, but it would have been hard to point at one and claim that that one, there, was the best.

  The bed he was in certainly was more comfortable than sleeping curled up under a bush, which was a thing that he'd done more than once too. Much more. In fact, it was hard to fall asleep, in that nice of a place, and he ended up on the floor, in the corner that the bed made by the wall, on the far side of the door. It was uncomfortable, but let him get some rest.

  That meant that when Petra came in, at first light, sneaking a bit, he wasn't visible to her.

  "Gerent? I came to get you up for the day? Collette said she wanted to get an early start?"

  When he stood up she just looked at him for a long time, her face totally blank. He smiled and waved at the floor, where he'd made a little nest of blankets and pillows.

  "Survival sleeping. It wouldn't do to get all soft, having a comfortable bed each night, would it? This way I'm ready to sleep in a ditch, if it comes up. I try to do it at least once a week, just to stay in shape for it." He deadpanned the whole thing, and to his surprise she tilted her head a little.

  "That's a good idea. I hadn't thought of it. Give me a comfy bed, and I just climb in and sleep until I can't most days. We should get a workout in, before we start for the day. It's about six right now. Breakfast at nine, which is unheard of for the Capital. Meet me out back in ten minutes?" Then she left, as if he'd agreed.

  Still, she wanted to do something, so it made sense to go along with it. Or at least he thought so until she started making him run around for half an hour and then beat him as he tried to run more, to get away from her. Worse, she laughed as it happened, like he was playing.

  "Ah, right! I keep forgetting you
weren't raised with fighting tutors. Here, let me show you what to do. Unarmed first. Put your hands up, like this, and spread your feet. A bit wider than your shoulders." She kicked him gently, until he did it right, then moved his arms up, so they were mainly in front of him. "Good. This is the base position. Being tall you need to develop a good low defense. Tighten your gut and bend over." She showed him what she wanted, and then, when he got it, started hitting him again, harder than before. He took most of it on the arms.

  "Excellent. You're a natural at this, I think. Lift your left knee like this, and push it out a bit." Then, after he did that, she kicked him so hard he nearly fell down. It hurt, but that, apparently didn't count for much. He was expected to just take what she gave him, without complaint. Or, well, she didn't say he couldn't whine, if he wanted, but that seldom did much for a person, so he didn't say anything, just doing what he was told, using the first punches and kicks and a tight guard, until she seemed pleased with him about it.

  Finally, she looked up at the sun, her clothing looking like black silk, to his dark brown canvas.

  "We need to get cleaned up and to the table, so we don't miss the food. That... Really, you know, I've seldom seen anyone take to fighting that well. Are you sure you haven't had training? I could take you with what you just did and stand you against half the students at the Printer School. Most of them have had tutors for years, too. I'd love to see... Well, we can do more, later? I have to keep in practice, for my job, anyway."

  Blushing a little, which didn't show too much with his dark skin, he gave her a look that was probably sheepish. "If you think it's worth the time."

  There was a secret pleasure in hearing the words. Gerent hadn't gotten a lot of praise in life, and being told that he was good the first time he did something, or that he could be, which he knew was what she really meant, thrilled him a bit.

  They both met, dressed for the day in visiting clothing, in the front of the house, since neither of them knew where the dining room was that they were supposed to meet Collette in. Thankfully, she knew that, since it was her bad habit of moving all the rooms around constantly that left them confused like they were. She walked in, clothed in a dark blue dress that touched the floor, looking like velvet, with a fine jacket and black shoes poking out the bottom. There was no hat on her head, but her hair had an intricate braided pattern, that looked sophisticated. She was, of course, lovely. Enough so that Petra sighed and nudged Ger on the shoulder.

  "I can't compete that way, can I? She's a great beauty. I hear that even Queen Constance is jealous of her. From the Queen, so it isn't idle gossip. It's why she never invites you to the big parties you know, Collette. She doesn't want you to overshadow her that much."

  Rolling her eyes, Collette grinned at the darker woman.

  "You're pretty too. It's just in a different way. Besides, you're a Conserina, That's hard to beat. Is that true though? About Constance? I thought I just didn't rate, only being a Baronetta. It makes sense, given that most of the rest of my lot can't get in either."

  There was laughter, from both women, making it seem like something funny. Gerent was used to humor, but didn't see it. That spoke of it being a thing out of his station. He lacked the ability to understand it as funny, because there was something in it that was hidden from a low person. That, or a man. He wasn't certain which one it would be, but knew enough not to ask.

  "Not that one at all, Col. First she didn't want you around, because you were her rival for Tor. Then... Well, it became habit. She isn't getting younger, and in a few years the lines will start to show. Or they would have, if she didn't have a good disguise amulet. As it stands she won't probably 'age' at all for years. But I've been around, more than once when she struck you off the list, flat out telling the room that it was because you were too pretty. The only answer to that, of course is to-" She stopped dead, staring, as Collette giggled.

  "Hold a fete grand enough that she has to come, and overshadow her in front of everyone?"

  For some reason that was considered humorous too, but it didn't make sense to him. He tried to work it all out and ended up shaking his head.

  "Wouldn't it be better to throw that party, that's what fete means right?" He got a nod from both of them and went on, as if he weren't stupid. "So hold your get together and make yourself look less than her? On purpose? Then she'll feel better about you and realize that you aren't trying to make her look bad." As long as it wasn't taken as pity, but if she didn't oversell the whole thing, wearing a sack with ashes on her face to hide her looks, that probably wouldn't happen.

  There was more giggling, as Collette got them to the table, where food came out quickly enough, being mainly made up of eggs, bland sausage and pancakes with a sweet apple sauce over it. With apples on the side. There really were a lot of those. Flour and sugar too. After a bit he got that the sausage had been made of beef, not pork. There would still be both kinds of animals around, but the beef steak was cheap and people were probably gouging on fine foods already. Like herbs for flavor.

  Not that he'd been in the market, to see.

  There was a sudden change of subject, with no particular comment on his last statement, as far as that went. It made sense not to anger a Queen though. Especially Queen Constance, who really was a lovely and kind person. For a half second he wondered what it would be like to kiss her. It would be nice he bet. Soft and warm, and she wouldn't smell of dung or anything. Shaking his head, he ate, enjoying the good food. It was very well made, and filling. He'd missed some meals the day before, and his stomach was not happy with that fact. It was more pleased when he finished what was on his plate. He didn't ask for more, even if he could have eaten it, since Collette stood.

  Her voice was tense suddenly, and slightly breathless.

  "So. And just so. I think we should test Count Peterson first. If we all go, he might see us. Normally that might be spotty, but I think we have enough rank. If he isn't too busy. We should show up in person too. That will make it easier to get a first hearing." She seemed nervous, but let her face seem strong.

  Gerent understood that, but Petra shrugged.

  "We won't know if we don't try. I guess that's closest. He should be at the Flyer's Base?" It made sense given he was the military commander of that section. It wasn't that hard to find, even though Gerent hadn't been there before himself. It was about two hundred miles north and fifty to the East of the Capital. Wildlands station was a good landmark for it, and both places were huge now, like full cities, since they had a big floating river that let people survive in the wastes. Both places had a lot of green around them now however. A lot of it had been stuff that he got into place over the last year. It wasn't a perfect forest, but the little trees still stood and struggled to live. Some of the shrubs, while low, looked full and bushy.

  Petra pointed at some of it, her hand going over his right shoulder, her left on the other one. That put her head just over his, so she could see. It was close, and nearly cuddly of her. Flirty, without being overdone. Smiling, he got the idea. She was trying to get him to like her. So that he'd take her proposal of marriage seriously. Collette raised her eyebrows at them, but didn't look upset.

  There was an amazed sound to Pet's voice.

  "This is the wasteland? I can barely see it anymore. It's nearly lush."

  To that he had to agree. Here, along the source of water that they were following, it really wasn't too bad. The goal was for the whole thing to look about like this, eventually. It would take decades, but if he could keep working on it, and the world didn't try to kill them all, it might just work.

  "That's the Flyer's Base, up ahead, I think. At least there are black dots in the air, so I better slow down a bit, or I'll hit someone." He grinned, but was serious and cut his speed to a bare crawl, starting well away from the place.

  Each dot was a man, or in a few cases woman, he didn't doubt, since the military let women serve if they wanted to. Especially if they were the kind that could afford thei
r own magical gear. Blinking, Gerent realized that he probably would have been let into this elite group too, just based on what he had on him. Not that he was trained like these soldiers were. They were practicing various things, like taking others out of the air, or fighting lines of fast moving people on the ground. It looked pretty sharp to him.

  The ladies with him were more interested in where they needed to land, which was outside the front gate, if the ten men that moved in front of him, pointing were to be trusted. He settled, since it was probably fair of them to do that. For all they knew he really might hit someone, just zipping in, not thinking of anything but his own time schedule.

  He made a small window appear, next to him, which was an empty hole that required him closing his eyes to make happen. The craft shifted to what you wanted, but not all that easily. It meant that every simple thought didn't influence it, which was good, he supposed.

  "Hello! Gerent Lairdgren, Petra Ward and Collette Coltress. Coming to visit Count Peterson? If he's in, I mean." It sounded far too diffident, but the man on the gate just smiled.

  "Just go straight in and follow the road around to the big place off to the right. Can't miss it. I don't know if you can get in, sir, ladies, but last I heard he and Princess Veronica were in. Do you need anything, sir?" That last bit came out strangely, but seemed polite enough.

  "Nope, that was pretty helpful. Have a good day." He smiled and tried to seem like a nice person, no matter what he had planned for the day. Guards were dangerous people. For a living. It would be foolish to forget that.

  This one patted the side of the floating green rectangle.

  "You too, sir. Ladies." Then they were waved past. It was a lot easier to get in than he'd thought it would be. Probably because, when you got down to it, each person here was a fighter. Well armed and armored, and anyone coming in the front gate probably wasn't too big of a threat for them to handle.


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