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Envoy to Earth

Page 16

by P. S. Power

  "We have this part. Go... See to your own happiness, too. She seems like a nice woman."

  There was a nod then, from the lady with the orange eyes, who touched his arm gently, as if worried that he'd run away.

  "I... help?" This came in Standard, and Gerent smiled back, happily. It may not be great speech making, but this lady clearly was someone in charge.

  "That would be most welcome. Thank you." Then they mainly just worked, since it was too dark away from the craft for anything else. They were, as a group, getting good at it, though everyone else was tired. He passed the new Wakening Device around to everyone, which got envious looks from a few people.

  The Afrak women seemed a bit afraid at first, but relaxed after using it, simply being awake again. The main lady, the one with the blue hair, moved closer to him as they finished the last off loading, and touched his arm gently again.

  "Daughter I have, Abumanitalli Mutta. Words from her?" She seemed to be struggling with the language barrier, but he recognized the name.

  "Princess Abbey is your daughter? You hardly look old enough for that." He meant it, but she nodded, and smiled, pleased by the reaction. It was true however. This woman looked about the right age for him to date, truth be told. If he weren't engaged. Or, if noble rules were being used, even if he were. He kind of doubted that this lady, the Queen of Afrak, was going to think that way. They had different ways of doing things, he thought.

  That let him get things around for more communications units, and he passed them over, then showed her how to use the thing to get in touch with her daughter. They woke her up, but when she realized who was calling her soft and pleasant voice became very excited. That was just for him, too.

  "Gerent Lairdgren! Do you need my aid? I can still walk the world below, if it is needed. I stand ready to-" She stopped when he moved the screen so that she could see her mother there. Then, without warning the whole thing switched over to another language. Afrak, Gerent was willing to bet. He was smart that way, being that everyone else there was using it.

  Smiling he left the woman, since she was on her own device, and moved in to rescue Erid, if it was needed. He'd switched from marriage negotiations to food unit demonstration. The ladies were all impressed, and another one of them tried to make an offer for his hand, with Kimi moderating.

  Finally she snapped at the other women a little, it seemed like, and they all left to stand by the leader. Then the girl grinned.

  "I told them that I was unimpressed with their offers, and had decided to marry him myself. Then, also, I mentioned that I own a large part of the Moon, and that they could not compete with my grand wealth and power."

  Gerent nodded, not bothering to smile. Neither did Erid, but he didn't tell her no, either, even if she did just lie to a bunch of her own people. There was no particular point in giving that away, after all. If she were clever enough to see that Erid was worthy, who was he to keep them apart?

  Princess Abbey was still talking to her mother, who, when they started to leave, jogged over, and tried to hand the communications device back to him.

  "Your magic..." She didn't know what to call it, but he just shook his head, slowly, not even knowing if it meant the same thing to the strange ruler in front of him. She wore a loose outfit of shining tan silk, but it was practical other than the material it was made from. That was very fine. They made the best stuff there, and everyone knew it. Probably from those goats that everyone kept mentioning.

  "No, that, and those other devices, are for you to use. Gifts from Terrence Baker." Then he went through it all again, with Abbey making a point of clarifying and explaining it all in her own language, asking a few questions occasionally. That meant, as day broke, they were all back to his ship.

  Which, he realized, didn't have a name yet.

  He'd have to think about that, since it was clearly a lot more than just a vehicle. It was too impressive not to be more than just a thing that he happened to own.

  It was easier to find where he was supposed to be going in Vagus, even given the fact that as a land, it was so vast you could have fit two or even three Noram's in it. Gerent had thought that no one in the world had made a landing place for a giant ship like his, but he was wrong. There, ringed in bright white lights, visible even during the morning as the sun hit the open prairie that reminded him a lot of the area around Ross, being filled with grass, was a vast open area. Packed into focus stone too, and very official seeming, with a large and lightly glowing copper red building not too far away. Perhaps a half mile? He settled the craft himself, wondering how Captain Debri was doing in Noram and Soam. It was an odd thought, but he'd given her the simpler job. Just taking two loads. He had the other lands and the rebellion, himself.

  It meant that a lot of resources were going to be in Richard's hands compared to everyplace else. Well, that wasn't exactly true, almost half of that load was for Soam. If anyone was still alive there. He just got out through the loading bay in the back and walked out with a line of floating boxes behind him. That meant he saw the line of red robed and scared looking people first, with all his helpers still safely inside.

  "Hello! I'm Gerent. We have some gifts for you?" Because everyone liked gifts, didn't they? He wondered how to explain what was going on, when a single man stepped forward. He was dressed in decorative black leather, and looked different than most of the others around him. Taller, for one thing, being nearly six-foot if not a bit over that. Six-four, Gerent figured, as well as thin and hard looking. He had a mustache, but seemed to be from Noram, by his looks. Tan skin instead of the gold of those around him. His eyes were different too.

  "Ah? I'm always happy enough to receive presents." The man closed with him, followed by another fellow, who looked different to Gerent now, being smaller than he was. A person he knew from the Ranford, however.

  "Mage Deshi? I know I look a bit different, but you remember how I told you about Tor changing me?" He bowed, which got a smile from the other man, who was in front. He stepped a bit to the side, so Gerent moved the bow over to him, going lower, as was proper. After all, the man seemed to be in charge.

  "Indeed! I had wondered what the result would be, but it is as I considered. Grand Mage Torrance did something no other could have managed, again. I stand humbled to be in your presence, Gerent Lairdgren."

  Things started to flow off the ship then, and the man in black waved at everyone to move out of the way. Not help yet, because they were all standing there with weapons in their hands, ready to fight, just in case things were different than they seemed.

  "What are the gifts? If that isn't improper to ask, I mean?"

  Gerent smiled and bowed again, going for extra polite, since the man was being very pleasant about everything so far.

  "Food production magics. They're hard to make or copy, so Timon sent a lot of them. If they're used correctly they should make food for everyone. Perhaps Erid will show you how to use them? He's a High Servant." That nearly got an explanation, but the man in black just grinned.

  "Oh, I've heard of that. Something about the need to beat them into shape? That was a while ago..." He looked at Gerent seeming pleasant and friendly.

  "The very same order. Except that Erid is the real thing. He takes his vows very seriously, and helps whoever he can. Right now that's me. This is the first aid delivery from Harmony. On the Moon? Did anyone tell you about that?"

  "No... Deshi, you mentioned that being part of a plan, but I thought it would take years, if it ever happened. People actually live there now? Fantastic. I should go and visit some day!" There was a playful happiness to the words, but then he sighed. "Not that I can afford a trip. For that matter I should probably get home soon and start working again. They don't need me here. I've been teaching Standard and nothing much else, since Lyn passed. My wife. She was the leader here, but for the most part the people don't really need one. If they did, well, they have Deshi now. The other Mages here as well."

  He looked around, and t
hen shook his head.

  "Travel is hard to come by however. I don't suppose you could use someone else in your crew? I'm a merchant by birth and trade. Dorgal Sorvee, I don't think I said."

  Gerent froze for a bit. Timon had told him to help any Sorvee that came to him, hadn't he? Here one was. If this was some kind of Assassins Guild thing then, well, he couldn't think of how that was going to work. They had to have a long reach, but this place was pretty isolated, and he knew for a fact that the man hadn't killed the Red Ancient, his wife.

  Gerent had.

  He bowed, going low.

  "I'm horribly sorry for your loss. I... It was my hand that set the Ancient Death Plague on her. The Green Man asked me to. He said that it was all of them, the good Ancients that-"

  Dorgal looked grim for a bit, but then reached out and patted Gerent on the arm, then pushed him back up gently.

  "I didn't know your name, but Lyn told me that she was going to die. That she had to, since it was far past time for that. She also told me that she'd personally ordered it done. Before it happened, so there is no blame there. Not for simply being her hand."

  He didn't ask again about a trip home, just looking at Deshi, who had tears in his eyes. For a bit Gerent wondered if the man would kill him, for taking the Red Lady away from her land, but he didn't move, and managed to get control of his face before turning. He called out in his own tongue, but other than find Erid and set up that demonstration, no one did anything.

  Looking at the man in front of him, a possible assassin, and former King, for all that he looked about twenty-five or so, Gerent nodded.

  "I can take you where you need to go. You can stay with me, or simply call on me at need. I'll get you a new communications device. I guess the rest stay here with Deshi and his people? I'm heading back to Harmony in a few days, if you want to go, and back to Noram... In about a few hours." He didn't have any reason to lie to the man, so didn't, just spelling it all out. "Captain Debri had the main load of devices for Noram, the things for the King. Soam too. I have the rest of the lands and the Noram rebellion. I don't know if you want to associate with those people or not, but they don't deserve to starve." He felt a little defensive suddenly, but the man just bowed a tiny bit.

  "Like I said, merchant born and trained, but living here, in this place, has taught me a lot. Do you know that the mages here simply give their work away? Not a single coin changes hand, yet they always have what they need. People bring food and gifts to keep them healthy and well. We... They, aren't as good as the best builders of Noram, but we have fifty three full builders since we started. Do you think some of them could find training? In Noram, perhaps?"

  Ger tilted his head and then shrugged.

  "Send them to Harmony. We can make Tor train them. He can't come here, but that should work. You can suggest it to him when we go in a few days. If you want to?"

  There was a long pause and then a hard look that wasn't directed at him, thankfully. A few of the Red mages glared at Gerent, as if ready to end his existence, not waiting to even see what the issue was, until the man relaxed and spoke.

  "I suppose it's time for me to crawl on the floor and beg forgiveness there. I was... Mean to Tor in school. Cruel. Later we made up a bit and I apologized, but it turns out that he's actually a cousin of mine, through his father. Family, and I treated him unkindly. That part isn't going to be fun, but I guess I'll have to take whatever beating comes of it. Worse, he's good at that. I saw him take down Count Rodriguez in a full duel to the death once, without doing more than simply waving some little magics at him. While we were in school. I stopped teasing him after that, you can rest assured. I darn near wet myself that day, once the implications set in."

  The man smiled, but Gerent didn't which got slightly widened eyes.

  "I... Is Tor a particular friend of yours? If so I apologize for..."

  He shook his head, then explained.

  "No... Or, yes, being that he's my adopted brother, but I'll let him deal with that part of things. Count Rodriguez. I..." He took a breath and then looked around, and explained to the assassin. The whole situation. For some reason, the man became hard suddenly. Angry even.

  "I understand. It will be hard, sneaking into the palace to kill the man. I think I can help, but it would be best not to mention it to anyone."

  Gerent looked away.

  "Actually, I'm not sneaking in anywhere. It's part of why I need to chat with the rebellion. I'm going to see about getting their support, and simply doing what's needed. The King is in on this plan and having everyone, well... It might not work, so it would be good to have a back-up plan. You can help with the guards though. We'll tell everyone that it's Vagus' part in this." That would be a good enough explanation, though the man being on his crew would work too, if he wanted.

  Gerent mentioned that, which got a smile.

  "That might be better. I can set up a mobile base, on your ship, for trading. Or, as the case may end up being, giving things away. That still sounds funny. Like it can't work. I've seen it happen, but I keep waiting for it to end, somehow. For someone to steal all the wealth for themselves."

  They chatted for a bit, then he walked away, to pack and say his goodbyes. It all went smoothly enough, until the very end, when Dorgal moved to climb onto the ship, and about half the Mages followed along. They didn't have bags with them, and were of all different ages. Deshi tried to go too, which had Gerent looking at them all, tilting his head and not getting what was going on.

  The short, red robed mage waved at him, and then spoke to Dorgal directly.

  "You said that they should prepare to go, and learn from the Great Brother, Tor the Wise. So they have. They will travel with you to the Moon, and learn from him, and then return when they have the needed skills. I shall endeavor to teach the rest here, and help them learn the tongue of your land, so that when their turn comes they may go and learn as well." There was a very definitive tone to the little speech.

  Gerent could only see one problem with it.

  "We might want to warn Tor first? He has his own life and ordering him to teach people seems a tiny bit heavy handed. Not that I won't try it, but I may need to beg and humble myself in person for a while first." He was trying to hint that it might be best if they stayed there, but clearly no one thought that was a real concern.

  So he put his foot down, smiling at the same time. After all, they only wanted to learn, and possibly get to go on an adventure.

  "Take a hint, Deshi! I'll be back in a month or two, after properly getting cooperation. We don't have to do this all today. For one thing, they'll need places to stay while they're there. You have the communications device now, so they won't ignore you. I won't either. It won't take years to get this done." He understood that they might be afraid of being abandoned. Their Great Mother had left them, and only recently. Now Dorgal her consort was leaving, too.

  It would be too easy for them to be left behind.

  They weren't a rich land and not yet powerful in magic. They would be, that was true, but they weren't, at that moment.

  "So, why not elect an Ambassador? I'll take them around with Dorgal and myself, and they can help get things set up?" He didn't know how they did that there, but Deshi mentioned it to the people in the mainly empty goods bay they were in, which got a tiny girl to step forward.

  She wasn't a child, probably being old enough to marry, but she was small. Like he used to be, if perfectly formed. Maybe four foot tall, or a few inches more than that.

  "I'll go, if that is service?" Her words were accented, and high pitched, but clear enough. "With acceptance of Mage Deshi, Standard do I have the best of."

  Gerent looked down at her, and nodded slowly. She wasn't a grand beauty, and small, but there was a dignity about her, as if none of that mattered. Only her work did. It wasn't humility, but still, he was quietly impressed.

  "That could work. Good, this lady, Mage..." He hadn't been told that, so Deshi filled it in for him.

>   "Mage Eto."

  "Mage Eto, will be your Ambassador? That seems about right. Let's get that all set up. Thank you everyone." That got them to leave at least, and meant that all he needed to do was set Erid to helping her. She got a nice room, a communications device and managed to find her way to the bridge, where she promptly started to watch his every move. For his part he just caused a comfortable chair to appear for her, to his left hand side and explained to Dorgal how to pilot a ship. They didn't practice, since it was dangerous, given all those people being with them, but he did use his new device to get in touch with his contacts, including the Prime Minster of Austra, Timon and Queen Tiera.

  It was strange that he avoided Tor, or perhaps not so much given the current mess he was making for him. So Gerent finally sighed, as he orbited the planet, noticing that both Dorgal and Eto had gone silent. It was impressive, looking down on it all like that. Ger was just used to it.

  "Can you get in touch with Petra for me? I need my hands on the controls, but she's working in Printer, and that's a good enough place to start our last deliveries. Or, well, part of them." He had a lot of visits to make, he realized, thanks to the generosity of Terrence Baker.

  Most of whom were people that he didn't know, and a few of them might very well take exception to him, just on general purposes. If that was the case, then he had to be careful. Except that, as things would no doubt prove, he didn't control that part of things. Other people controlled how they reacted, and that might lead to his death.

  Luckily for him he had a shield. It didn't hurt that he looked the part of visiting noble now, either. He could blend with them, and leave them thinking he was one of their own.

  This also let Dorgal do something that would keep him busy. Plus it made it seem like he had a secretary, which was very formal. Dorgal Sorvee, no matter who or what else he had been, killer, or King of the largest land in the world, was very smooth with words, when he wanted to be.


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