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Alien Romance: Rusneon Mates Boxed Set: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW)

Page 2

by Ashley Hunter

  “We’ve been here ten minutes…” Shalea whispered.

  “Exactly,” Tessa said, glad that she wasn’t the only one who noticed something weird was happening.

  “We’ve been here ten minutes, if even that.”

  “So what?” Serena exclaimed, her expression distressed.

  “Why is that so important?”

  “Serena, think!” Tessa looked back at her, “Why is it that we’ve only been here ten minutes, when these women have been waiting thirty minutes before walking into this room, all coming from the same room we were just in? We’ve been here ten minutes, but according to these women, it’s been almost two hours?”

  The information finally seemed to dawn over Serena, it dawned over the other women and they all exchanged more disturbed looks.

  “…Maybe they’re mistaken?” Serena asked weakly, but Tessa knew that she didn’t believe her own words.

  “I need to know what the hell is going on,” Tessa insisted. Shalea nodded, lips curling into a scowl.

  “I’m with Tessa,” she said, moving toward the door.

  “None of this makes sense.”

  Before any one of them could make another move, the floor suddenly dipped beneath their very feet. Tessa, along with the other women let out several cries of surprise. Her knees landed hard on the floor, sending a jolt of fierce pain through Tessa’s limbs.

  The chaos of chairs falling over and of the woman clambering to their feet was almost silenced as a deep and pronounced hum began beneath the floor. Tessa felt it vibrate against her hands and knees, and when she glanced up, she saw how the chairs shook as well. Looking away, she met Serena’s wide eyed gaze, frightened and confused.

  Tessa tried to push to her feet, but couldn’t when she noticed that there was another shake that shook the room. More cries of alarm filled the air around them and when Tessa looked up, she saw one of the women who had entered the room recently scramble toward the door.

  “Wait!” Tessa shouted, but stumbled when she saw the woman grab the knob.

  The door swung open, and a blinding light filtered through the room. Tessa immediately shielded her eyes, blinking back spots as she tried to remain calm. She tried to feel around, but only managed to almost knock heads with someone else. Instinct made Tessa grab for that other person, pull them close.

  She remained huddled close with that other woman, hearing her whimper in fright as the hum grew from a dull noise in the background to almost a deafening roar.

  It took a terrifying eternity before the roar in the background began to fade into something like a ringing in the back of their head, yet the blinding white light never faded. It was at this point that Tessa could hear what the woman near her was saying, “Oh god, oh god, oh please…”

  Tessa tried to come up with something to say to comfort her, but her mind drew a blank instead.

  What could she say anyway? Everything will be okay?

  That didn’t seem to be enough for her to buy anyway, so instead, Tessa tightened her grip on the woman’s hands and hoped what would happen would pass and pass soon.

  Something loud broke out in the direction of the door, followed by the sounds of footsteps on the floor. Someone screamed and the voice of the women began to come out in surprised cries.

  Tessa tried to look to see what happened, but the light was like a razors on her eyes, even when her eyes were closed, it pierced into her head and made her feel high strung.

  Without warning, the woman at her side was yanked away and she began to scream too. Tessa’s breaths began to come out in panicked panting.

  Scrambling in another direction, she grunted when she felt the leg of a chair dig against her side sharply. Before she could shift away from the chair, she felt something long grab her around her arm—it was silky smooth and felt like a limb, but not—and let out a yelp when it yanked her from the ground.

  “Wha—No! No!” Tessa shrieked, thrashing when she felt the hold wrap from her arm around her waist and lift her high off her feet.

  “Let me go! Let go of me!!” She kicked and she screamed, struggling against the thing grabbing her.

  She felt something else wrap around her torso, snaking around her neck and pressing against the back of her head. Panicked, Tessa tried to shake of the thing from doing anything else.


  The word was not a thought of her own, but Tessa knew she had felt it in her mind, felt the way the abrupt command silenced through the frightened state of her mind and forced her to fall still.

  Shocked, Tessa’s eyes snapped open wide despite the bright light, her lips parted wide as she saw something move ahead of her.

  Don’t be afraid.

  Her body shook, her chest constricting and making it hard to breathe. The more her eyes stared, the more she was able to pick up in things around her.

  The source of the light came from immense saucers from above, and she could see things move and peer down at her. They had no faces or anything Tessa could relate to, but she swore she could feel them watching her.

  You’re going to be alright.

  Tessa’s breaths sounded harsh in her own ears, and she tried to do something aside from gaping foolishly. Yet she couldn’t move, she couldn’t even formulate a simple thought in reply to the voice in her head, for there was a voice in her head.

  Yet it wasn’t something she could compare to anything she’s heard—because technically the words never entered her ears for her to register as a voice. Instead, it felt like the words were being pressed into her mind, bleeding like ink and sticking to her conscious thoughts.

  Her mind didn’t know how to handle it, so it simply took whatever the words told her and followed.


  No… no…


  Tessa struggled, she didn’t want to give in. Suddenly, the words felt tighter in her mind, and Tessa couldn’t help but feel forced to relax.


  And this time, Tessa couldn’t struggle anymore as her mind began to sway to the command. One breath later and Tessa was closing her eyes and feeling her body drift away in a familiar tug of sleep.

  Chapter 3

  They are such primitive creatures.

  Yes… but beautiful, wouldn’t you agree?

  I suppose. Then again, I am not impressed with their lack of understanding. Although I can say, it’s impressive they’ve survived this long on that planet.

  The males are less impressive from their females. The studies show a very curious match to our method of procreation.

  Oh? How close of a match?

  Nearly 92%. Marginally more compatible than any other species we’ve studied before.

  Fascinating. Are there more of them?

  The only ones we’ve found have been on this planet. No other planet in System OGak carries the necessary requirements for life.

  This could be a problem. How many are there on their planet?

  Close to seven billion. It’s an adequate number for how quickly they reproduce. Still they are such fragile creatures.

  Well, so long as our Greatest is satisfied with this picking. I still believe the females from Alteria were a much better pick. They are capable of multiple simultaneous pregnancies, which would prove more advantageous.

  Yes, but they lack… a certain element I’m sure the Greatest will find more in these females.

  Alterian females don’t possess the ability to experience prolonged periods of pleasure like the human females can.

  So it falls to Quality over Quantity?


  Well, I can agree that they do smell better than Alterians, even if they are more prone to being savagely hostile.

  It’ll only be a matter of time to see if they will prove to be of any danger. We are approaching the Uytera Divide.

  I’ll alert the head chamber. Are you sure I can’t make a pick now? Their pheromones are distracting.

  Not until the Greatest makes his pick. After that, I’m sur
e we’ll be able to make a pick for our own.

  How much longer until we arrive to the Uran System?




  Tessa woke to the sensation of heat working through her body. She didn’t need to open her eyes to know she was naked and weightless. She felt like she was floating, and while the sensation didn’t feel bad, it did remind her of something else… something bad.

  Carefully, Tessa allowed her eyes to slit open, wincing when she felt the nerves in her eyes recoil from the abrupt light. Her eyes felt unbelievably sore and the rest of her body felt strange and stiff. She tried to move, but her limbs refused to respond to her desire.

  It took some time before she was able to open her eyes slowly, trying to decipher through the blurry sight of what looked like… a room?

  Someone walked ahead of where Tessa was, yet she couldn’t distinguish any features aside that the figure paused in front of Tessa and made some gestures Tessa couldn’t understand.

  Suddenly, Tessa felt something between her legs—warm and stimulating—and her body shivered in response. The sensation stopped before she could question it and she wondered if it really happened at all.

  Her body felt warm, yet she didn’t know where she was. She groaned and tried to move again, it was then she felt her hair brush against her collarbone, sliding over her skin as though she were underwater.

  But that couldn’t be… she could still breathe.

  The sensation between her legs sparked again and Tessa let out a soft sigh, uncertain. Her eyes closed and suddenly she was dreaming… dreaming of something hot and erotic.

  It wasn’t the first time Tessa had had a dream like that. Her life hadn’t given her much space to venture into a relationship and so she had no experience in anything like sex or even romance.

  As she aged, her body found other ways to let her deal with the strange urges and needs. She would dream of men she had met and at times, her dreams would feel so vivid that she would wake to her thighs slick with need.

  The sensation however was more than a dream, as it felt insanely real. Tessa had no idea what to do, so she parted her lips and sighed. The sensation grew stronger until Tessa felt her body begin to shake and burn.

  Whatever was touching her there was suddenly pressing into her entrance, pulsing in and out and vibrating like nothing she had ever experienced.

  When Tessa came, her body felt even more languid and whatever was touching her, pulled away.

  Her mind recovered from the memory, and her stomach suddenly churned and writhed uncomfortably when she realized something had made her orgasm without her knowing.

  Where was she anyway?

  Suddenly, she was surrounded by light and she was drifting again. Her concerns disappearing to a warm place that made her sigh and want to nestle comfortably in it.

  She must have been drifting for a pleasant eternity when she felt something spark against her fingertips, then she felt it—a current of power.

  The current shook through her entire system, making Tessa suddenly spin around and grab on to the nearest object. It was a railing, she knew it when her fingers touched it, but the next thing that happened was her stomach churned so violently, she had no choice but to stick her head far over the railing and empty the contents out her mouth.

  Tessa gasped, her body shaking everywhere as she realized she was laying on some kind of bed. Her eyesight slowly returned and when she blinked, she noticed she was in a strange looking room.

  Ahead of her was a series of human sized test tubes that sort of looked like pods. Inside them, Tessa noticed, were several bodies of naked women, their eyes closed as they slept despite the way their bodies were upright.

  Shaking, Tessa tried to move, but hissed when her body let out another sharp cramping sensation through her chest.

  “Agh!!” She yelped, doubling over and letting out more of the weird liquid from her stomach burn out of her mouth.

  As she vomited, she felt hands grip to her shoulders gently, moving her hair out of her face as she emptied her stomach for a second time.

  “How do you feel?”

  She heard and for a moment, she couldn’t help but gasp out ragged breaths. The hand on her hair began to comb through her scalp, soothingly. Tessa let out a slow shuddering breath, mouth tasting vile.

  “W-where am I?” Tessa muttered weakly.

  “Safe,” the voice replied.

  “You’ve had a long journey. Take it slow.”

  Tessa frowned at the words but nodded anyway. She pushed herself up to her seat, realizing that she had some kind of a gown over her body that fell to her thighs.

  When she looked up, she noticed that the person she was speaking to was a man—who looked no older than her. His eyes were wide and a curious shade of lime green and his smile was warm.

  “There we are,” he said, caressing her neck slowly.

  “All better?”

  “Where am I?” Tessa asked again, frowning when she continued to look at him. His hair was… what color was that? Like a deep green… yet it shimmered like liquid metal. It was strange, but it was beautiful, and his skin was pale.

  He was… one of the most beautiful people Tessa had ever seen, and for a moment she stared at him, surprised by how strange he looked.

  “You’re still coming out of cryo,” he said.

  “It’s a pretty tough ordeal for your kind, so please just take it easy. We haven’t woken all of your sisters yet but some of them are already waiting for you in the next chamber. Would you like to go to them now?”

  Sisters…? Tessa frowned.

  Did she even have sisters? She couldn’t remember.

  It was hard to remember with how gently he was touching her, and each touch made her feel warm… safe, even. Tessa sighed slowly.

  “What are you called?” he asked, his voice was a gentle tenor but it sounded sultry, but she couldn’t tell if he meant to sound like that.


  He tilted his chin, lips pulling into another smile. Pretty. “Your title? Ah—forgive me, your name?”

  “My name?” Tessa parroted and suddenly recalled everything.

  He seemed to notice she remembered everything because he was pressing both of his hands against her neck, his fingers digging gently into the base of her neck before her breathing could even change.

  “Ssh,” he let out softly.

  “You’re safe.” His words felt strange.

  “You’re where you are supposed to be. Do not worry. You will be placed somewhere better and treated as you deserve.”

  “What—where… who?” Tessa stammered but he was leaning down and pressing his forehead to hers and suddenly she felt a wash of relief fall through her body. She believed him. In every way possible.

  “Come,” he said.

  “Let’s get you to your sisters.”

  “Y-yes…” Tessa agreed, feeling dazed.

  This strange person stood with her, leading her carefully away from the bed she was on and toward the door of the room. The material of the door was unlike anything she had seen, it looked like metal yet it surged and emitted an energy that made her feel like it was alive.

  Tessa watched in surprise as the door didn’t so much as open as it peeled apart. It was amazing.

  She stared at it in awe but couldn’t focus on it since she was being led out the door and down a circular shaped hallway. The material of the walls was like stone, but it parted and shifted like snakeskin. It wasn’t hideous or strange, but it looked so bizarre.

  The sensation of life being everywhere nearly overwhelmed Tessa and her eyes couldn’t stop taking in the way the colors around her looked more vibrant, as if she was staring into an HD camera and seeing through a bright filter. Even the feeling beneath her bare feet didn’t feel like earth. It was smooth and velvety, but it was hard like the ground.

  The lighting was a vibrant glow of golden sunlight, but no matter where Tessa looked she couldn�
�t find the source. The place was just lit up.

  Finally, they arrived to a large oval door and when they approached, it peeled open like the first one did.

  The room was large, wide, and opened into several arches that revealed an astounding view of something that Tessa couldn’t believe didn’t come from some kind of science fiction movie.

  Her eyes were wide when she saw the way the sky looked so many different shades of blue, purple, pink, and yellow and look so beautiful. Whirling just ahead of the arches were strange movements of color—Tessa couldn’t tell what they were because just as she was escorted into the room, she saw the faces of some of the women she had seen in that room some time ago.


  She heard and she saw Serena bounding toward her, clothed in a familiar gown that fell down to her thighs and hugged her curvy figure almost tightly. Tessa felt her eyes widen when Serena jumped into her arms, pulling her in into a tight hug.

  “Serena,” Tessa said, returning the embrace awkwardly.

  When Serena pulled away, she had tears in her blue eyes.

  “Are you okay?” Serena asked, her eyes scouring over Tessa’s face, her hands pulling up to grab Tessa’s chin and cheeks.

  “How are you feeling? You look so pale.”

  “I’m okay,” Tessa replied, gently pushing away Serena’s hands from her face, looking over her shoulder.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.” Serena replied before motioning toward the man at Tessa’s side.

  “Thank you for bringing her, Yana.” Tessa looked back at the man with surprise, and he was smiling widely—beautiful… otherworldly—before nodding.

  “My pleasure.” He said, motioning to the others.

  “I shall go grab the rest of your sisters, I shouldn’t be long.” He turned and left and the door slid back together.

  Tessa turned back to face Serena who suddenly looked so tired. Behind her, the other women began to approach, eyes fixed on Tessa.

  “Shalea,” Tessa breathed, recognizing the taller and darkest woman of the group.

  “Hey,” Shalea greeted.

  “You don’t seem to be doing so hot.”


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