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Alien Romance: Rusneon Mates Boxed Set: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW)

Page 9

by Ashley Hunter

  “You want to… kiss me again?”

  Dom gazed at her, when suddenly his lips pulled into an unexpected smile that nearly blinded her with its power.

  “I did say I wanted to pick up where we left off.”

  “I didn’t think you meant now,” Andrea replied, feeling flustered at his frankness.

  “Oh?” He continued, taking a step closer to her and making her squirm beneath his abruptly heated gaze.

  “And yet you’ve been so high strung all evening, as though you were waiting for me to make a move.”

  He knew. Andrea floundered, unable to think of a response with him making his way so close to her. Dom’s smile became smoldering, like the touch he had pressed to her wrist hours ago, “It’s hard to ignore you when you are feeling so much.”

  The comment was strange, but considering their proximity, Andrea wasn’t so certain it was.

  “Would you like to come with me?”


  He grinned at her, lifting a hand to wrap his fingers around her wrist. That same grip that was gentle yet lax enough that if she wanted, she could pull away without much effort. She didn’t want to pull away.

  “Wherever you want.”

  Andrea let out a shuddering breath, noticed how the light of the streetlights did nothing to fade or obscure the shade of his violet eyes. That color enraptured her, made her want to bathe in it, wrap herself within its mysteries and become intimately familiar with it.

  “Yes.” Andrea’s voice was a tiny whisper, her heart racing a thousand miles an hour and yet she didn’t feel true freedom until his grip tightened a little more around her wrist and he was pulling at her in the opposite direction of the metro.

  Chapter 8

  The first thing she noticed was that Dom’s home was more a villa than a condo. It was extravagant in the extreme, but not so that it was distasteful. If anything, it made her feel like she had stepped into a fairytale where the prince’s castle was all black edges and monochrome colors that juxtaposed the exquisite works of art that lined his walls and encouraged more study.

  When she stepped in, she was pleased to note that the floor was not marble, but a rather plush off-white carpet that made her want to wriggle her toes in it forever.

  Dom had been very clear about the rules: No shoes in the apartment, no food or drink in any of the rooms, anything work related remained outside the front door, so the moment she walked in, it felt like this situation was like some far off reality than what they were used to. It wasn’t bad at all, even if it was somewhat nerve-wracking.

  “Hungry?” Dom asked as soon as she was done marveling the impressive décor.

  “I can order some pizza if you want.”

  “I’m alright with anything,” Andrea replied, but felt her stomach clench at the suggestion of food.

  Dom seemed to pick up on it, smirking as he turned toward the kitchen and deposited the keys of his Cadillac in an onyx bowl.

  Andrea followed him in, watching as he moved this way and that before settling an electric kettle to boil water near the sink, and prepare a tray of teacups and spoons.

  “Tea?” He asked. Andrea nodded, fond of some teas but not all.

  “Go ahead and pick out a flavor, I’ll order the pizza.”

  This was not what she was expecting at all, to be perfectly honest. But it wasn’t bad. If anything, the idea of having a warm drink and even a slice of veggie lovers made her feel less pressured to keep her expectations up for the night.

  She wasn’t stupid, she knew what Dom meant when he said he wanted to pick up where they left off. It was the closest to a proposition she had ever gotten and she was perfectly happy with it.

  The only thing was that she hadn’t had sex in… well she hadn’t had sex. Technically. She almost got there completely a few years ago with a boyfriend, but he had only managed to put it in her before falling dead asleep.

  It was disappointing and frankly left her very disillusioned with the idea of sex. She’d experienced other things, no doubt, but this was different. She hoped that Dom wouldn’t change his mind when he noted that she was not exactly experienced.

  The tea was ready and they shared a couple of drinks, speaking quietly about things she had thought about. Namely… the stars.

  She had no idea how the topic came up, but eventually, Andrea found herself revealing how she had always been fascinated with the stars, how she had wondered what it would be like to see them up close.

  “Have you seen that movie, Interstellar?” Andrea asked, and when he nodded, she beamed up at him.

  “It showed me sights I have never seen before… and yeah, I know it’s all CGI and a lot of green screens… but it’s the closest I’ve ever gotten to really picturing space. I even wanted to be an astronaut when I was little, but apparently I’m too tall or something. So I just do temp work instead.”

  Dom stayed silent for a moment after that before asking, “What if you could go to the stars?”


  “What if you did get an opportunity to go out into space, hypothetically speaking,” he said, and when he glanced up at her, his eyes were intent and drilling into her.

  “Would you take it?”

  Andrea gave him a half-smile, “If I could? Yeah… I probably would.”

  Dom’s expression didn’t mirror back her smile, rather it seemed to intensify. Andrea felt her smile fall when he pulled away from his cup and brought his palm beneath her jaw. Andrea felt her chin tilt to allow him further access.

  “May I kiss you again?”

  This time, Andrea was ready.


  This kiss was slow, pulling her in and wrapping around her like warmth she hadn’t exactly expected. She had expected fire and passion, but this kiss was lava and heady desire. When their lips parted, she felt his tongue press against hers in a familiar dance that made her toes curl and her fingers dig into his shirt.

  She wanted more and so she pressed herself up tightly against him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling herself up on her toes. Their kiss deepened and intensified, the air from their nostrils coming out in quickening gusts of breath that made her head feel light with pleasure and want.

  She could feel herself rub against him, her chest feeling friction against his in a way so delightful it made him groan in her lips. He pulled away, dragging his mouth down her jaw to seal over her neck, peppering kisses over her sensitive skin and making her want to relieve a growing pressure throbbing between her legs.

  His teeth had barely managed to graze a weak spot against her throat when the bell rang, and the frustration of yet another interruption made her want to kick the source.

  Dom pulled away, pressing a final kiss to her mouth that she chased after he had released her and walked toward the door.

  She was trying to contain her panting when he opened the door and the smell of pizza wafted in. Despite her hunger, she wanted Dom more and so when he walked in with a couple boxes of pizza and set them on the table, she was already deciding to follow through with her desire.

  “Hungry?” Dom asked as he set the boxes down and in a spur moment of complete assertiveness, Andrea grabbed him around his collar and turned him toward her.

  “Starving.” She replied huskily, before ramming her mouth over his. Dom didn’t hesitate to respond in kind though she could feel his grin against her lips.

  Tongues tying up in ribbons of passion, Andrea felt him pull her tight against him, his hands drifting below her waist to slide down the curve of her rear. The sensation of his hands over her thighs made her tremble and they were nearly falling over one another as Dom led her further within the condo.

  Her clothes were over her head and off her hips in moments, the cool air kissing her skin as she fell backwards into a large and comfy mattress. Andrea tried to contain her shaking, gluing her palms to the skin of Dom’s chiseled back and digging against the corded muscles beneath before his hips were bucking against hers.

  That simple graze of friction over her hips suddenly unleashed a wave of pleasure that was completely new to her, and even bizarre. Yet, she didn’t push it away, rather she welcomed it, and she felt the tightness in her loins become a permanent throbbing that fought for release.

  Andrea moaned, loud as she felt Dom’s hands drag from her wrists to grasp roughly around her breasts, kneading the tender flesh and rubbing at the sensitive peaks. Through the fabric of her bra, she felt him grip and explore the roundness and fullness of her chest, making her mewl and whimper with delight.

  Dom’s mouth trailed from hers, his tongue flicking one last time over her palate and making her shiver with abandon, before following the road he had started in the kitchen.

  He continued south, his teeth gently nipped the top of her left breast, making her let out a tiny squeak.

  “Andrea,” he groaned, “You are positively delectable.”

  She let out another moan, arching her back when his thumbs hooked beneath the wires of her bra and started pulling up. Her breasts sprang free, nipples kissing the cool air and hardening into pebbles.

  Andrea barely had enough time to tilt her head just to watch Dom’s lips wrap around one of the dusky rose tips and suck. Andrea threw her head back, letting out a cry that made his hips buck harder against hers. She could feel hardness on her sex, and the anticipation nearly made her come then and there.

  Instead, Dom took his time, tenderly taking in the flesh of her breasts and making movements that experimented and brought out different sounds from her throat. Andrea bucked harder against him, her nails digging into his ribs when he failed to give her what she needed most. She felt him chuckle against her before one of his hands trailed further south toward the center of her hips.

  Andrea let out a tight gasp when she felt his fingers play with the hem of her panties, flickering the edge and teasing her soaking slit over the fabric. Suddenly, a different wave of desire pulsed through her, made her want to buck and shift and rub against him viciously hard.

  It was so new, Andrea was momentarily stunned by it. It didn’t last long until she felt his fingers dig around the fabric of her underwear to find her folds.

  “You’re so wet for me,” Dom murmured, pleased.

  “Let’s reward you.”

  Andrea bucked again, grinding her hips against his fingers and wanting him to bring her closer to the edge.

  “Dom, oh, oh Dom. Please, ohh, please.”

  “Fascinating,” he whispered and she felt him sink a couple of fingers into her sex. The intrusion was not painful but it was slightly uncomfortable.

  His fingers were nothing like her own and so it took half a moment to adjust. Yet when she did, and he began to make beckoning motions with his digits, Andrea’s hips began to move on their own.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” Andrea sighed, gasping as he continued to pulse inside her, his palm grazing her clit. With each push, Andrea ground back, rubbing herself and spreading her legs further to better meet his thrusts. Yet it wasn’t enough, and she could hear his panting begin to match hers the more he touched her.

  “I want you,” Andrea moaned.

  “God,” she groaned, “I want to fuck you.”

  She had never in her life uttered such a profane phrase, yet it felt wonderful out of her tongue and it seemed to do the trick to get Dom to do more.

  “Turn around,” Andrea heard him order, his voice hoarse.

  “On your knees.”

  The position had always intrigued Andrea, yet while she wanted to have her first time with him face-to-face, she also needed him badly. Sure enough, Dom’s fingers disappeared from inside her, helping her instead as she turned around and arched her rear toward him. He made a sound, like a purr, and she heard the last of his clothing fall from his skin to fall to the carpet.

  She heard something rattle next—the nightstand?—and then the sound of a wrapper peeling apart. When she peered over her shoulder, she saw Dom pull a condom over his length and her eyes took in the girth of his shaft with curiosity.

  It was merely a glance but she wanted to see, yet she wanted him inside her more. His fist gripped to his length, making a few pumps over himself before aligning himself to her folds.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  Andrea didn’t have to reply, because he was already pushing inside her. She was so wet, he was pushing in without much difficulty, yet the sensation of him filling her was different and wonderful at the same time.

  A hoarse moan pushed through her throat, her back arching more the further he pushed in. Andrea’s fists clenched over the comforter, digging into the fabric as she felt him go further and further in, and when he finally stopped, hips to hips, she was letting out another cry.

  He pulled away before pushing back in, the sensation overcoming her senses and filling her with another moan that felt just as good as the last. Slowly, the undulation of his hips began to increase, the frequency of his thrusts becoming swift and innumerable. Andrea’s lips remained open, releasing moan after pleasured moan as he filled her than pulled away, then filled her, and pulled away once more.

  Eventually he was pounding into her, hard enough to make her almost wince, swift enough to make her body quake with each delightful shift. The sound of their hips slapping together was almost obscene, but each moan and grunt he released made her want to keep going.

  Eventually, he leaned further over her, adjusting the angle of his thrusts until she swore she could feel every ridge, every individual curve of him.

  Then his fingers dipped between her legs and began to rub furiously at her petal shaped flesh. Andrea let out a scream then, overcome with the sensations as her body worked hard to pump and wrap around him whilst his fingers rubbed her clit. Before Andrea could even hope to exclaim her approach into oblivion, her climax had rushed toward her with the force of a freight train.

  Her walls clamped down on him, making Dom let out a sharp hiss and grunt that was guttural and amazing to her ears. His movements became faster yet sloppy, pumping into her until she couldn’t handle it anymore and she was arching backwards into his chest, screaming.

  She felt his other hand wrap around her right breast, squeezing the nipple and filling her with so many sensations that Andrea could feel stars explode behind her eyelids.

  Moments later, Dom followed, his hips pushing harder and deeper before stopping and she could feel his throbbing edge her into another orgasm, less intense, yet just as prolonged as the last.

  When they both collapsed on the bed, Andrea was nearly drowsy with exhaustion, her body tingling with satisfaction and the euphoric high of two climaxes.

  After some time, their breathing slowed and the post-coital bliss began to ebb, allowing Dom to finally pull away and slide out of her. Andrea let out a soft groan at the feeling of being emptied but sighed in content regardless.

  Her eyelids were still fluttering, her chest heaving in slow pants when she heard his footsteps move toward the door of his bedroom.

  “You alright?” Dom asked.

  “Yeah,” She sighed back, nearly giggling.

  “Good, the pizza should still be warm.” At the mention of food, Andrea’s stomach let out a stubborn gurgle.

  “Come eat, I’m still not done with you.”

  Finally turning over, she met Dom’s expression with one of surprise. He wanted more?

  Sure enough his expression was dark and alluring, and a zing of desire coursed through her once more. Maybe she could go for another round… after they eat, of course.

  Chapter 9

  Everything seemed to change between them since that night. Dom was not nearly as frank with her as he was during her first few weeks of employment, and despite his natural callousness, it didn’t dismay or frighten her anymore. If anything, it had allowed her to embrace him further.

  Working together was a lot like their time in bed. It was push and pull, and a lot of times when he asked her a bit much, Andrea couldn’t help but glare back at him and cr
oss her arms. She was more confident around him, and wasn’t as meek as she had been when she had just been his assistant.

  Their affair was decided to be something of a secret, more at her insistence than his. Dom actually said very straightforwardly that he didn’t care what everyone else thought—he owned the damn company, he could do what he wanted.

  But, Andrea did not want to deal with her co-workers’ opinions of her to change because of this relationship, and the last thing she wanted was for some negative repercussion to come from the common knowledge of their relationship behind closed doors.

  For the most part, Andrea believed that their secret needed to be well kept and they went about playing boss and secretary in the building and then simply Andrea and Dom when alone together—either in his apartment or hers.

  Theirs wasn’t a relationship built on love or anything like it, but she could tell that with every passing day, there were little things about him that she was beginning to find more endearing than before.

  Things like certain ways he glared at formulas that didn’t quite look right, or how he muttered to himself when he believed he was completely alone; they all became things she liked.

  Vice versa, Dom had actually admitted, in the middle of sex one night, that when she had snapped at him earlier that day for telling her to reschedule the board meeting again for the sixth time that month, he had actually wanted to drag her into a closet and ram her up against the wall. This only spurred her into a climax so delightful, they were both feeling it hours later.

  She didn’t realize just how much their secret was doomed until she had taken a file to be signed by Athena and the woman had given her a fixed look when she dropped the file on her desk.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?” Andrea asked. Athena pursed her lips.

  “You’re smiling.”

  Andrea stopped immediately, “No I’m not.”

  Athena let out a sigh, “Andrea, if there’s something going on…”

  “What makes you think something’s going on?” Andrea asked, defensively. Athena raised a brow before crossing her arms.


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