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Malice Masterpieces 2

Page 25

by K'Anne Meinel

  “I don’t think that changed anything,” Kathy commented as they began to walk back together towards the house, still not holding hands as Coco ran ahead wagging her tail happily and panting at the excursion they had shared.

  Alice stopped and put her fingers on Kathy’s arm to stop her too, not grabbing it but her fingers lightly on Kathy’s arm were enough to halt her. “It proves that the love is still there, I still want you, I don’t care about what they did to you, I want YOU, I want us. I am willing to give you anything you need to make this right.” Alice believed what she was saying to her soul.

  Kathy shook her head slightly as she replied, “What they did to me…” she began but Alice interrupted.

  “What they did to you was horrible, there is no denying that. You survived. You will never forget. You will however learn to cope with it and I hope love me enough to make this relationship work again. It won’t be the same, I understand that. But if you are willing, I’m here for you, I want you, I love you, and I want this to work.” She put all the hope and dreams she had over the many months of Kathy’s recuperation and the year plus that she had been gone from them into her words hoping that Kathy would believe her.

  Kathy shook her head again and looked away. She wanted to believe Alice; she needed to believe her, but… “You don’t know what they did to me…”

  “I have a pretty good idea. IF you decide to tell me, I’ll listen. I won’t judge. I still want you. They didn’t take you from me forever. That was my fear.” Her voice changed slightly and Kathy looked up again in surprise as she continued softly. “I thought I had lost you forever.”

  Kathy stared at the woman people called the ‘Ice Queen’ and realized how lucky she was to have Alice. But she didn’t know, she didn’t realize the degradations and horror of what Kathy had been through. “I never thought I’d see you again, or the kids.”

  Alice waited for her to continue. She wanted her to continue. This and their lovemaking had been a breakthrough; she wanted more, she wanted much more.

  “I even thought I saw you once…,” Kathy volunteered as she shook her head and remembered back.

  “Kathy,” Alice said gently. For the first time in a long time she wanted to cry, she couldn’t remember what that feeling was like. She hadn’t cried in a very long time in her life. The anguish of losing Kathy though had nearly caused her to that state. Instead it had hurt her to her very soul. She had Kathy back and while she was changed, drastically changed, she had reached her somehow today. She didn’t know why she was given this gift but she wasn’t going to waste it. “Remember the first time we made love?”

  Kathy looked up in surprise, that wasn’t what she had expected Alice to say.

  “Try to remember back to that first time and the feelings and emotions that we shared…”

  She remembered to that first time they made love: Kathy was so surprised she couldn’t say a word; her breath was caught in her throat at the unexpectedness of the kiss. She liked it though, immediately and thoroughly, the warmth of Alice’s lips, the taste of her on her own lips, the smell of her perfume. Alice released her hands so she could move up her arms and embrace her. Kathy did the same, touching the expensive blouse that Alice was wearing, wondering if it was satin or silk, and feeling the smooth texture, the firm body underneath it.

  Alice moved forward a few inches, her chest coming in contact with Kathy’s more ample one as she embraced the brunette, feeling her against her as she deepened the kiss. She completely mastered Kathy’s lips, licking them, sucking on them gently, encouraging her tongue to enter her mouth and entwine with her own. Their breathing became heated in the exchange of saliva, the warmth of their skin increased in the moments they shared this awesome set of kisses. Finally though, before another step was taken Alice pulled back slowly, reluctantly, and looked into Kathy’s warm brown eyes, the same eyes her daughter had inherited.

  “Are you okay?” she asked tenderly.

  Kathy nodded dumbly, she wasn’t sure she could speak, never had she been kissed like that, no man and certainly no woman had ever made her feel like that, it had been so thorough, so absolute, and so exciting. She swallowed a couple of times to get the saliva working in the right way so she could speak, “I liked that,” she finally managed to say and then wanted to kick herself for sounding so uncouth, so unsophisticated to the attractive and cultured Alice.

  Alice smiled warmly, she too had enjoyed it. She sat closer to where she had just hovered over Kathy, using her body against Kathy; she still held her but now sat closely next to her on the couch. Gently she pushed back some of Kathy’s shoulder length hair from her face from where it had come loose. She had noticed that Kathy repeatedly pushed it back behind her ears, an endearing habit, but she could use a makeover and decent haircut. She probably went to the $9.99 special places and this was a crime as far as Alice could tell. She looked at her thoroughly from so close and in that moment her heart was lost, it had been lost at the plea for help, at the help she had given her, at the pixie like daughter she had spawned, but now, in this moment she wanted to help, to protect, to revenge against the man who would hurt this delightful woman. She hadn’t felt like this before and she wondered if it was possible for her to feel love, something she knew she hadn’t felt before. Lust yes, love no. She had loved and tolerated her sister; she had tolerated her parents, but love in the physical and mental sense together? No.

  “We should probably get you up to bed, it’s getting late,” she said quietly as her thoughts went rapidly through her head.

  “Did I do something wrong?” Kathy asked wondering if her lack of something was turning off this attractive blonde.

  Alice was quick to assure her, “No, not at all, I liked it too but I thought perhaps with the sunshine and all the work you did today you might be getting tired.”

  Kathy slowly shook her head as she leaned in and initiated the next kiss. Alice let her which surprised her as Kathy explored her lips, copied things she had done to the brunette, licking, sucking, and gently biting even, things meant to stimulate, things meant to entice, and things meant to arouse. Alice felt herself becoming aroused at Kathy’s ministrations, her nipples had hardened already, she could feel the wetness forming between her legs, the additional saliva pouring out of the ducts in her mouth, her stomach was fluttering as the need and want built. She hadn’t had someone affect her like this in a long time, if ever. She was enjoying it immensely and knew she would have to take control eventually or risk more than she knew. It was a risk to fall in love with this woman, it was a risk to show this side of her, but since she had called Alice had been feeling something building between them.

  Alice had been answering kiss with kiss but slowly she turned the tides again as they meshed kiss upon kiss, lick upon lick, nibble, suck, and rub with only their lips, slowly she began to use her body again against Kathy, pushing her slightly and surely against the back of the couch as they made out. She gently began to raise one of her jean clad legs and rub it against Kathy’s being sure to avoid her sore knee. She pulled back slightly to look at Kathy who had her eyes closed and looked oh so doable. She used that second to ascertain things as her hands began to wander. She swung her leg across Kathy’s lap and mounted her, straddling both sides of her hips, still being careful not to touch the damaged knee she cradled Kathy’s face in her hands as she looked down into the surprised and delighted face of the brunette. Kathy’s hands fell to her hips and easily slipped around to her buttocks, feeling the softness of her designer jeans and the taunt little toushy beneath them. Alice smiled at the gesture as she leaned down to continue her kissing letting Kathy feel her ass and guide it onto her lap.

  Kathy didn’t know where she got the nerve but she instinctively knew to gently part her legs, causing Alice’s to part as well. The heat as their hips came together, the center between them was radiating through both of their sets of clothes. Alice groaned slightly into the deep kiss she was giving Kathy, her tongue probing deeply, swirl
ing around with Kathy’s own nubile muscle. They were both enjoying the feel of Alice’s body rubbing slightly up and down against Kathy’s, the heat building between them. Neither realized the passage of time as their body’s generated heat and became wet in anticipation for what was to come, what was now inevitable, what needed to be finished. Kathy thought again that she had done something wrong as Alice slowed it down and pulled back gently, raining kisses along her jawline and into her neck sucking slightly before pulling back, breathing hard. “What’s wrong?” she asked bewildered.

  Alice smiled, “Nothing,” she whispered, “Nothing at all.” She carefully got off of Kathy and then the couch and held out a hand, Kathy was still dumbfounded that she had stopped and not comprehending very quickly but Alice glanced up at the overhanging loft where her bedroom was located and full knowledge of what she wanted finally crashed in on Kathy’s psyche, her brain no longer numb with desire she smiled that desire instead. She rose from the couch and allowed Alice to help her to the first set of stairs and then stood there as Alice checked the door to the front, the garage, and then quickly the patio doors, turning out lights as she went before rejoining her at the steps and helping her up the first set.

  “Do you want to use the bathroom?” Alice asked solicitously.

  Kathy nodded, now she felt a little awkward but she knew she wanted to see where this would go, to know what it was like to make love to a woman, to this woman. She knew she wanted this woman very much. She felt foolish and yet brave enough to continue. She hobbled into the bathroom.

  Alice watched her go and close the door. She hurried up the stairs to the up master bathroom and washed hurriedly so she could be waiting for Kathy when she came out of the bathroom. She heard the toilet flush and the water running, silence for a moment and she assumed that Kathy was drying her hands before she came limping out of the bathroom. Kathy smiled at her tremulously, unsure and yet she wanted to continue, she glanced up the second set of stairs to the loft.

  Alice took her in her arms for a moment, giving her a loving hug, “Are you sure?” she whispered.

  Kathy smiled, their heights were nearly equal with the heels on Alice’s boots, the petite blonde was so sincere and sweet, and she hesitantly nodded. She had her doubts, what if Alice was disappointed in her, what if she couldn’t do it at the last moment, what if she was horrible in bed?

  Alice could see all her doubts and dismissed them as she gently kissed her after she nodded, there was a taste of the passion that had risen between them before and Kathy was the one to make a move towards the stairs. Alice smiled and helped her up them.

  The loft was lovely, it was large; covering the kitchen area, the powder room, and the dining area it overlooked the living room with its second story ceiling. Large shutters closed off the spaces of the half wall where windows would have gone but looked out over the living room. Dominating the bedroom was a king sized bed. It didn’t surprise Kathy to see everything neat and clean. Another door led off the bedroom to what she could glimpse and see was a bathroom with large windows overlooking the garage. Between the doors stood two large sets of louvered doors with mirrors and she again assumed it was for closets. She didn’t get a lot of time to look around because Alice took her in her arms and began kissing her as passionately as she had as they made out on the couch. Alice quite took her breath away as she slowly danced her across the floor to the bed.

  Gently, ever cognicent of Kathy’s hurt knee Alice sat her on the bed. Slowly she unbuttoned Kathy’s shirt and took it off her. Not to be outdone Kathy began tugging at the beautiful blouse that Alice was wearing and Alice helped her remove it from her torso. She stood there unembarrassed in a form fitting lace and satin bra well aware of her fine figure as she looked down on Kathy who looked at her in awe. Gently she kissed her again as she pushed her slowly onto the bed. She fumbled at the snap of Kathy’s shorts and unzipped them as well, freeing her to plunge her hand in if she so desired, she wanted to but also wanted Kathy’s first time to be memorable, loving, and something she would want to repeat time and again. She intended to make Kathy her lover, she intended to keep her more than the week they had planned to stay here, she was liking the idea of her staying much longer more and more as the time had passed between them and she got to know her and daughter better. She knew it was more than lust that she was feeling for this woman. As a result, this time, this first time was important to both of them. She wanted Kathy desperately, she wanted to make hard and passionate love to her unmercifully but she wasn’t ready for such passion, such intensity, instead she schooled herself to introduce her to her passions slowly and gently. It took a great deal of concentration on Alice’s part but she was up to the challenge, it was too important to her at this juncture in her life.

  She stepped back before she climbed on top of Kathy’s body, it looked so tempting, so inviting that she wanted to fling herself atop and ravish it. Kathy’s eyes were bright in anticipation, desire plainly written on her face. Alice began tugging at Kathy’s shorts, slowly pulling them off her hips; Kathy arched her butt off the bed and gave Alice a fine view of what was to come as she tugged them over the curves. Gently so as not to touch the hurt knee she maneuvered them past the ‘no touch zone’ and pulled them rapidly from her long legs. Clad only in panties and a matching bra one part of Alice’s brain registered that they were bargain basement underwear and so inappropriate on her lover’s beautiful body, another part recognized the fine figure she was going to enjoy enormously as she made love to her. Her skin was very white despite the small amount of sun she had gotten that day. As she began to lie back down on top of her lover Kathy pulled back from her elbow prone position and said, “Uh uh uh,” and indicated that she wanted to remove Alice’s jeans as she reached for the button holding them closed.

  Alice laughed and helped her, doing a little strip tease as she pulled them off with her ankle boots. Clad in her own bra and panties she laughed again as she went to join Kathy on the bed kissing her into submission as she laid her back on the bed. Slowly she lowered her body onto the bed as Kathy wrapped herself around her and they explored each other’s bodies with their hands, arms, and legs, grinding slightly, wetting their panties as they both got excited.

  Kathy was certain she had never been kissed so thoroughly and completely, women’s lips apparently were a lot softer than men’s, she just knew she was enjoying this a lot more than she ever enjoyed kissing anyone in her life as she caressed to her hearts content.

  They both lay on their sides and enjoyed the caresses, the kisses, and the murmurs as they learned each other’s nearly naked bodies. When Alice first began touching Kathy’s breasts she arched, offering them in supplication, it was only natural that Alice reach around and release them from their confines and she gently removed the bra from her body, easing the slight marks it had made on her body with caresses from her finger tips as she viewed the fine orbs presented to her that sagged slightly and she buried her face between them inhaling Kathy’s unique scent combined with soap and a hint of perspiration. She began to lav them with attention, her tongue, her lips, and her nose nuzzling and her hand fondling them as she aroused Kathy.

  Kathy had always enjoyed having her breasts touched but Alice’s touch was driving her insane, it felt so good, so right, and not enough, she wanted to hurry this along, to see where it would go but madly, and perhaps patiently Alice took her time as she taught Kathy to enjoy her body in ways that had been dormant for too long in the absence of her husband. Even then she did things and taught her things that she didn’t know about her own body. Slowly Alice moved down her body as she kissed, licked, and fondled her heated body. As she drew her panties down she forgot for a moment about her knee and grazed it causing Kathy to inhale sharply at the pain.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said in genuine appeal for forgiveness.

  “Forget about it,” Kathy said as she wanted to return to where she had felt so wonderful. Alice quickly obliged her.

  Kathy had h
er husband go down on her over the years but nothing like this, Alice seemed determined to touch every inch, with her fingers, her tongue, her lips…they all seemed to touch every square inch between her legs. At the first touch Kathy nearly arched off the bed and Alice reached up with her free hand to play with her nipples, taking turns pleasing both breasts as she fondled, caressed, and pinched gently. Kathy was in heaven, no one had ever treated her like a treasure before and Alice was good at what she was doing, she genuinely enjoyed it, she wanted to bring the most pleasure out of Kathy as she went down on her and began to slowly insert her fingers inside.

  Kathy couldn’t believe that a woman’s fingers could be so sensitive or seem so big as Alice began to thrust inside as she simultaneously licked at her clit, and played with her breasts. Her whole body seemed on fire as she arched, wiggled, and writhed beneath Alice’s ministrations. Her body began to buck against her lover as she began to feel the pressure beginning. Alice seemed to sense it as she increased the tempo and Kathy went into orbit. She was sure she had to be hurting Alice as her body went out of her control and bucked, seeming to want to get away from her lover but still wanting everything she was doing to her desperately.

  “Oh, oh OHHHH,” she moaned as she began to gush.

  Alice was thrilled with the responses she was pulling out of Kathy. The naturalness of it all appealed to her and excited her further. She played with her lover expertly and enjoyed the ride as Kathy seemed to come out of her skin. She moved up her body rapidly, Kathy unaware as Alice’s fingers thrust inside of her firmly and completely and covered Kathy’s mouth as her scream of ecstasy built.

  Kathy found herself being thoroughly kissed as she came and hard! She thought for a moment she wouldn’t be able to breath but then from somewhere a coherent thought told her she also could breathe through her nose and she gasped in deeply as Alice continued to thrust and demand from her body. Slowly, so slowly she wasn’t sure where the thought came from she realized Alice was letting her come down from the incredible intensity she had felt and she appreciated it, she wasn’t sure she hadn’t tore some part of her taunt skin, her body felt wrung out, and she wanted to just lay there and think about it but Alice apparently wasn’t done with her as she slowly pulled her fingers from her lovers body and began caressing her, touching every inch she could reach from above her knees to her hair as she kissed her thoroughly and effectively, distracting Kathy from the thought of stopping this incredible lovemaking. Suddenly Kathy realized she wanted to do the same things to Alice’s body that she had done to her. Using Alice’s lovemaking as a blueprint she began to duplicate her efforts and was pleased to see Alice respond.


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