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Malice Masterpieces 2

Page 33

by K'Anne Meinel

  Kathy wondered at it but as Alice knew a lot more than her she figured she could ask more later.

  “C’mon, we have to get Harry out of here,” Alice told her.

  “Um, how?” Kathy asked, he was a lot larger than both of them; they wouldn’t be able to carry him.

  Alice smiled at her wife’s naiveté. It was so cute. “Would you like to watch them, perhaps do something to them while I go get the car?” She glanced at Bonnie’s horror filled eyes. She was paralyzed but could not speak or do anything. She was half dressed as she had been getting ready for bed.

  Kathy looked at Bonnie, all the fear, all the loathing she felt towards this woman. It wasn’t enough to kill her. She wanted to hurt her but couldn’t think of what to do. “I’ll go get the car, could you open the front door for me?” she volunteered.

  Alice had thought she would chicken out when it came to the actual killing of these people. She nodded and said, “Be careful, it’s dark out there.” She smiled her concern as she handed Kathy the keys to the Mercedes.

  Kathy made her way through the darkened house letting her eyes adjust at the bottom of the steps from the bright upstairs. She was shocked to realize they had both of them and it had seemed so easy! She wondered what Alice had in mind for them and carefully closed the sliding door behind her. Alice had impressed upon her that things should be the same as when they got there so that there was no reason to look further than the obvious.

  She made her way around the pool and through the hedge to the beach and the path walking like she was exercising, speed walking as she headed for the car. She had asked Alice why they didn’t wear masks but it had been explained that dark clothing was bad enough; a mask would have drawn attention. This way if someone saw them they might just think they were out for a walk. Starting up the Mercedes she drove down the street and into the Summerling driveway like she was expected.

  Once Kathy was out of the house, Alice’s hearing heard the sliding patio door close she turned to Bonnie and in a conversational voice she began to taunt her, “You’re going to die you know,” she leaned down with another full syringe and injected her with more dimethyl sulfoxide as she explained to Bonnie how she was going to die. The woman was horrified as Alice explained. “Unfortunately others will die from this too but then it will all be thought to be your doing. You don’t think you could attack my family and live do you?” She tapped in another dart to be sure Bonnie would be paralyzed a long time from the neurotoxins that would dissipate into her body. She had researched carefully to make sure there wouldn’t be a reaction between the two. Then she went to check on Harry.

  “Hello Dr. Dan, perhaps I should call you Harry?” she asked as she looked at the paralyzed man. Looking down at his flaccid penis she laughed evilly at him as she shook her head. His eyes were trying to signal her but she ignored them as she pulled a blanket from the end of his bed. Grabbing his feet she used the leverage of his body against him and flipped him onto the blanket. She wrapped him slightly in the blanket. “You should have done more than just change your name,” she told him conversationally as she began to tug the blanket by his feet and him across the room. Fortunately the room had marble floors and fine rugs placed around it. She merely pushed them aside as she tugged him out of the room. By the time Kathy had the Mercedes out front she had tugged him down the steps making sure his head hit each and every one of the marble steps. She laughed at his expression of pain. “You don’t think you deserve a little pain for what you did to me and my wife? What you planned for our daughter?”

  Between the two of them they tugged and leveraged the man into the trunk of the Mercedes which Kathy had lined with plastic. Alice gave him another dart of the neurotoxin to keep him immobile. They slammed the trunk with a satisfying clunk and then returned to the house.

  “Are we going to go get Bonnie now?” Kathy asked as they walked up the front steps together.

  “Put your gloves back on, we don’t want any accidental fingerprints,” Alice told her quietly in response.

  Kathy quickly pulled them back on, she hadn’t been thinking about fingerprints but could see it now that it seemed so obvious. She hurried to follow Alice into the house and up the stairs. “What are you looking for?” she asked as she watched Alice looking carefully around.

  “I’m making sure you can’t tell I dragged him out of here,” she said practically and to the uneducated Kathy now it seemed obvious. They moved back any of the carpets she had dislodged or pushed aside and made the place look ‘normal.’ Then they returned to Bonnie’s room.

  Alice looked at her before calmly kicking her in the nether regions. The woman couldn’t react but the agony in her eyes spoke volumes. Alice knelt down beside the prone body. “I’m sorry I won’t see you to watch you die but I will assure you that it will be a terrible death.” She smiled and Bonnie would have caught her breath at the malicious grimace she saw much less the cold yellow of the woman’s eyes if she could. She pleaded with her own eyes. Alice wasn’t impressed. “You see, you are necessary to my plan,” she told the woman who didn’t understand.

  Apparently Kathy didn’t understand either. She asked, “Aren’t we taking her with us?”

  Alice shook her head as she looked down at the prone woman. “No, we need her to be found here. Besides Harry has an appointment, we don’t want to be late.” She turned and took Kathy’s reluctant arm as she looked back at Bonnie laying on her bedroom floor in obvious pain from the kick. She consoled herself that Alice had given her the pain killer.

  They drove west out of Miami on Hwy 41. It was only half an hour to the Everglades but Alice didn’t stop for a while. As they drove along Kathy began to get nervous.

  “Why did you leave Bonnie there?” she asked.

  “I want the maid or someone to find her; she won’t be able to tell them anything but they will call an ambulance.”

  “Why? When she can talk again she will tell them what we did, who we are!” Kathy began to panic.

  Alice smiled, a genuine smile at her wife in the dark of the car, a passing light allowed Kathy to see it, “Don’t worry, I want her to be found. Hey, watch for Anderson Trail,” she advised and Kathy tried to see out in the absolute dark.

  Kathy had a vague idea of why they would be in the Everglades but Alice hadn’t told her a plan so she could only guess. She watched for Anderson Trail and when the marker indicated she pointed it out to Alice.

  Carefully Alice pulled onto the vague trail. It was obvious there was water on both sides of the track as their headlights reflected off it and showed them the swamp grasses as they drove along before coming to what was a hunting shack on a point of land. Alice pulled up alongside the water ]near the shack and popped the trunk.

  “Bring a flashlight, I put the one you bought in the glove compartment,” Alice told her as she got out of the car.

  Kathy followed from the other side of the car being careful not to get too near the water as she swung the beam left and right to light her path. It was very dark out here, there was no moon to light their way, and there were definitely no street lights. “How did you know about this place?” she asked as she shined the light on the body in the trunk. Two haunted looking eyes stared back at the two of them from the naked man in their trunk.

  “I asked a friend for a spot, he had once told me about the alligator problem he had out at his hunting shack and I asked for a get-away for a few days to camp out with my ‘family.’” Alice grinned as Kathy was her family. “I don’t think he remembered regaling me with stories about the alligator problem when he offered his hunting shack.”

  Harry lay there horrified at their conversation. He couldn’t force himself to talk; the neurotoxins hadn’t worn off in the short time it took them to drive out of the city. He was helpless and Alice fixed her cold yellow eyes on him as she began to tug at his shoulders and Kathy reached for his feet after propping the flashlight up on the car. They unrolled him from the blanket, down the embankment, and left him half
in and out of the water.

  “Should we cut him or something so he bleeds?” Kathy asked fascinated.

  Alice shook her head as she pulled a something from her pocket with a liquid in it.

  “What is that?” Kathy asked as Alice spilt it on the body and into the surrounding water.

  “This,” she indicated the gray squishy thing. “Is a pig’s bladder, and this,” she finished pouring the red liquid on the naked body. “Is chicken blood.”

  Kathy watched as Alice finished and still wearing gloves put the pig’s bladder in the blanket and wrapped the blanket and bloody bladder in the plastic from their trunk. Alice handed Kathy the flashlight and closed the trunk with the rolled up plastic in her hands.

  “Come on, we have a cookout to start,” she said matter-of-factly.

  “A cookout?” Kathy asked.

  “It’s our honeymoon, we are going to have a cookout,” she headed for a ring of stones not too far from where they had parked and Alice looked carefully about and spotted a wood pile. She put down the plastic and its contents and began to place the wood in the fire pit before placing the plastic and more wood on there. “Could you get the picnic basket from the back seat babe?” she asked Kathy who headed back to the car for her.

  Alice found a couple of chairs on the porch of the shack and placed them by the fire.

  Kathy was now realizing the odd things on the list were for their cookout and not for some satanical ritual or something. She had been fascinated and horrified at her thoughts when she saw Alice’s list but it all made sense now.

  As they sat before a good roaring fire they chatted, they poked at the fire and cooked hotdogs, roasted marshmallows, made smores, and drank soda.

  Alice swung the flashlight occasionally towards where Harry lay half in and half out of the water. Kathy saw the glowing eyes as the flashlight hit something low in the water further out and making its way towards the body. A while later when Alice checked again the body was gone from where it had lain. Together they walked towards the spot and saw no sign of Harry other than a slight drag mark on the edge of the water. Alice looked up at the clouds coming in and estimated it would rain enough to wash away any of the more obvious signs of Harry’s presence here much less theirs except for the bonfire. The plastic, the blanket, and the bladder containing the blood were long gone before the rain started.

  On the way back to Miami in the early morning, the sun was barely coming up over the horizon but the clouds would cover it before it fully got up in the sky. Neither of them was tired as Kathy asked about why they had left Bonnie and what was the plan about that?

  “Bonnie has advanced cervical cancer,” Alice informed her. “The dimethyl sulfoxide will numb that pain but the neurotoxins will keep her from speaking and telling on us. When the EMTs come and take her away in their ambulance, it will be from the firm that Dr. Dan aka Harry Summerling and his contemporaries own. Sound familiar?” she asked her wife.

  Momentarily Kathy was taken back over two years ago when they had faked her death and used faked EMTs and an ambulance. She nodded angrily at the memory. They had taken so much from her. She had lost two years of her life, one physically and nearly a full one mentally.

  She swallowed her ire as Alice continued. “When they give her oxygen a chemical reaction will take place. Dimethyl sulfoxide or DMSO will become DMSO2 which is known to crystallize at room temperature. They will have to use a defibrillator in the ER on her which will cause an electric shock to form causing the DMSO2 to turn to a gas, a poisonous one called DMSO4. It will kill everyone in the room. Bonnie, the fake EMTs, and the doctor they employ in their ‘private hospital.’”

  Kathy stared in horror at what Alice had just told her. It was so carefully thought out. Alice’s assurances that they would take it as it came were obviously just part of her plans. Kathy would never have thought of taking out these people like this. “How do you know that the EMTs and the doctor will be fake?” she asked.

  “I did my research before we got down here, Harry and Bonnie and Harry’s business partner have an interest in a clinic that they will take her to. When I saw what Harry owned, who was involved, I did research on the employees. The doctor at the clinic is real. They were all in California at some point. Dr. Dan owned an ambulance company in L.A.”

  “So they all were involved, but it couldn’t just be me?” Kathy asked incredulous at the enormity of it all.

  Alice shook her head as she easily maneuvered the Mercedes in the early morning Miami traffic. “No, you were just one of many; this will take this crew out, completely. It will take a while for anyone to figure out the source as well as what caused what. Most likely they will write it off to something they don’t understand unless one of the investigators doing the autopsy is brilliant.”

  “What made you think of doing that?” Kathy asked fascinated. How did someone think like that?

  “There was a case in Riverside in 1994. A woman that was brought into Riverside General Hospital had something similar happen. When I read in Bonnie’s medical file that she had cervical cancer, probably from all the fucking she had done over the years,” Kathy started at the word, Alice never swore like that! “I remembered the article and began to make my plans. They will notice that Bonnie is sweating, almost oily on her skin. She will have a ‘fruity, garlic-like odor’ coming from her mouth. Her blood when they draw it will have an ammonia-like smell and have particles in the blood. It will all prove toxic to them before it dissipates, they will probably rule that Bonnie died of kidney failure.”

  Kathy was amazed at how diabolical that all seemed. She was also glad that those who had caused her so much pain would suffer a quick death. She hadn’t liked the idea of torturing them but she wanted them dead for what they had done to her and her family. Her children had grown and she had missed so much of their early years. Her daughter had become a woman and they had planned to capture and train her as well. Her wife she had missed for over a year and a half and only in the last few months had been able to find her again. All this because of these people’s greed, their arrogance at manipulating her and others lives.

  “It won’t look so obvious or alert anyone that we are gunning for them. Harry will have disappeared; Bonnie and the staff will be dead. They won’t disappear just because someone is hunting them.”

  “Who is ‘they’?” Kathy asked.

  “We have one more person to visit before we head home from our honeymoon babe.”

  Kathy and Alice got back to the hotel and showered together and ended up in bed until well into the afternoon before ordering room service. The staff smiled and shared knowing looks at the ‘Do not Disturb’ sign on the door. They were after all on their honeymoon.

  Alice had researched the large compound that Nathan Wolffe owned. He was Harry Summerling’s business partner down here in Florida. He was also one of the final men that had been in Alex’s video showing how to ‘train’ Kathy. When Alice had told Kathy they were paying him a visit she had been stunned to realize how thorough Alice had been in finding these men.

  “He is a major contributor to charities in this area so no one would believe his is also a white slaver. His bank account increases substantially with each shipment,” Alice informed her.

  “What do they get out of it? It can’t be that pleasurable!” Kathy said disgustedly as she remembered her own experiences.

  “It isn’t about pleasure. It’s about power, money, control,” Alice spat out in lightening quick response. Her own disgust was obvious.

  “But they sell their own children!” she exclaimed in horror at the breeding facility that Alex had controlled.

  “They don’t look at them as their ‘own’ children. It’s a commodity. Like the black slaves brought over from Africa two hundred years ago. They ‘owned’ them and copulating with them was a bonus. The offspring were just added commodities. Some cared but these bastards do not. That is why they deserve what they get.”

  Kathy was still horrified t
hat these men and women could be so callous and disregard human life to make a buck, to feed their own pleasures. This was less than human. There was no moral compass on these people. She agreed with Alice, they deserved to die…

  The compound was a fairly good sized piece of property slightly north of Miami and along the inter-coastal. Alice knew it had to be pretty valuable to take up so much space, it was at least twice the size of its neighboring properties. She had rented a boat and they had driven up and down the waterways around the property, pretending to be tourists as they scoped it out. There was a large walled in back yard leading down to the docks where a couple of boats floated. The house itself had large floor to ceiling windows fronting the waterways, capturing the intense Florida sunlight. He apparently was doing much better than Harry had ever done, but then he must be higher on the ‘food’ chain or have been doing it much longer. Alice intended to see that his rise to power, his promotions, would cease after her visit…

  They took the boat Alice had rented and turned it off so it would ‘float’ into the dock. Not a particularly accurate way but then there were no brakes on a boat. The momentum of the motor kept them going forward even after they turned it off. The silence wasn’t that deafening as there were others still traveling on the inter-coastal waterway. A large water highway along this section of the Florida coast with homes lining both sides of it with little offshoots making the spits of land into small expensive islands.

  Kathy was nervous. Nathan Wolffe had been particularly cruel to her and she remembered him well. She didn’t know if it was divine providence that none of them had managed to impregnate her but apparently Nathan was known for his ‘prowess’ and had used her horribly in attempts to ‘train’ her and get her pregnant. His death she hoped would soothe her soul. She wasn’t sure why but knowing that Bonnie and Harry were dead, even seeing that they had caused both of them, neither made her feel ‘better.’ She didn’t know what it would take. Maybe whatever Alice had planned for Nathan would solve her ‘problem,’ something she couldn’t even define at this point.


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