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Malice Masterpieces 2

Page 35

by K'Anne Meinel

  “Let’s get you dressed,” she told the stunned Kathy. “We have to get out of here.”

  “He cut my clothes,” Kathy said dumbly as she continued to stare at the man who had nearly killed Alice. She wasn’t sure how she felt about everything yet.

  “C’mon, we have to hurry!” Alice told her as she grabbed her arm and shook her slightly.

  Kathy nodded as the adrenalin sent something to her brain. She looked around and Alice handed her the cut clothing. Alice went to a dresser and pulled it open, grabbing at what looked like sweats she threw them to Kathy and headed for the door which she bolted. She had heard the men from below running up the steps and she wanted to delay their entry as long as possible.

  Grabbing Kathy’s cut clothes she stuffed them into a pillowcase as the door was repeatedly battered. Kathy looked up in consternation. “Keep dressing,” Alice hissed at her as she looked around the room searching for a way out of this mess.

  Kathy had finished pulling on her own shoes and managed to push back the oversized sweats so she could walk when the door came down. Alice was waiting for the first man through it though and kicked his knees out from under him, the second and third man came barreling through the doorway and tripping over the first man they both fell. Unfortunately they fell on top of Alice who was pinned. The fourth man came through the doorway, gun drawn, and Kathy shot him. She didn’t hesitate. As the second and third men began to get up from their prone positions Kathy shot them as well. Alice rolled out of the way before they could fall on her again. The first man began to rise and Kathy shot him in the face. She moved forward again and seeing one of the men move, perhaps a muscle spasm, she shot him in the head as she had seen on television, execution style.

  Alice stared in horror at all the blood splattered all over the bedroom. In just a short time her wife had killed five men. She didn’t doubt they were dead either. That shot at the back of the head pretty much guaranteed it.

  “Let’s go,” she told the stunned brunette grabbing Kathy’s hand and leading her carefully around the bodies that were piled up by the door. She looked out of the room carefully to see if there were any others before leading her out and down the stairs back to the room they had been kept in. She saw her belt and gathered that as well.

  “Shouldn’t we try to hide the evidence?” Kathy asked as she pointed upstairs.

  Alice looked around the room, there was a sprinkler system in the house so firing it wouldn’t be of much good. They needed to get away though before the cops came. She was certain someone had heard the shots fired. It was then though that she heard someone else in the house. Jeezus Christ how many bodyguards had this guy needed? “C’mon,” she whispered and pointed to a corner of the room where a couch could hide them as well as the shadows.

  “Why don’t you use a gun?” Kathy whispered frantically as they hid in the corner.

  “They make too much noise and scare me!” she whispered back slightly amused but trying not to show it.

  Kathy could hear the humor though and wondered at it. There was nothing humorous about this situation, not in the least. Someone, several someone’s were in the house and searching. The door to the room opened and they both ducked down.

  Alice saw the feet walk hesitantly around the room as a flashlight beam searched the room. Either they were inefficient or lazy because they never checked the corners of the room where they were hiding and she heard them head to another room.

  “How do you know they won’t search this area again?” Kathy asked looking about fearfully.

  “They just searched it, I watched them, they won’t search it again right away, we are safe for now,” Alice tried to reassure her quietly.

  Kathy started crying.

  “Are you hurt?” Alice asked her in consternation.

  Kathy shook her head, “Those men, those men up there, I killed them!” she said through her sobbing.

  “Babe, I know, I know, you can’t fall apart now, you have to forget about it…”

  Kathy looked at her amazement, “How do you forget about it?”

  Alice looked at her tenderly for a moment, “You don’t, not ever, not really, but right now I can’t let you fall apart. Think about it later.” She took Kathy into her arms for a moment, “We will fall apart later.”

  Kathy pulled back and sobbed, “It was so easy, I just pulled the trigger and they were dead, do you know how that feels?”

  Something about Alice’s eyes changed but she answered Kathy honestly, “Yes, I know exactly how that feels. We have to go though baby, could we discuss this later?”

  The sense of what Alice was saying began to penetrate the shock in Kathy’s mind. She realized they weren’t out of the woods, not yet anyway. She nodded reluctantly as Alice began walking away holding her hand heading to the doors they had been brought through to the back yard and their boat.

  “It’s nothing like the movies is it?” Kathy gasped.

  Alice grinned as she shook her head, “It’s NOTHING like the movies babe.”

  Because it was now the middle of the night there was almost no traffic on the inter-coastal waterways. They cast off and pushed the boat into what little current there was taking them slightly away before starting the engine. It seemed to take a long time for the drift of the water to take them far enough away before the noise of their engine wouldn’t alert anyone. Faintly they both thought they heard sirens but didn’t know if it was their over active imaginations or their own fears. Alice sat in the boat with her arm around Kathy. Before starting the engine though Alice wiped down the gun and dumped it over board hoping no one would ever find it. She wondered at the mess they had left back at that house. She hoped most of their DNA had been removed but she didn’t hold out much hope of that to an enthusiastic investigator and the technology they had these days. She would worry about it another time though she didn’t voice that as she finally started the engine and slowly took them back to where she had rented it. By the time they got back to its berth they had both changed their clothes and stuffed them into the pillow case she had stolen from Nathan’s.

  Driving back to the hotel in their rented Mercedes Alice had to wonder if this botched up killing would come back to haunt her, haunt them. There were so many clues, so much evidence, she wondered if she could get Kathy; get her family out of the country in time? She glanced over at her wife who was looking thoughtfully out the window, she hadn’t spoken in a while, perhaps she was in shock?

  Using one of the car blankets thoughtfully provided for them from the car rental agency Alice hid the pillowcase as they entered the hotel and headed up to their suite. As they entered the room Kathy grabbed Alice and pushed her up against the wall kissing her passionately. Alice dropped the blanket and the pillowcase and responded, her arms wrapping around her wife.

  At first Alice tried to control their lovemaking but sensing a change in her wife she realized this was nothing like their lovemaking in the past months, the violence was gone, instead it was Kathy making mad passionate love to her wife, to Alice, not exorcising the demons in her past.

  Kissing Alice deeply, completely, exuberantly Kathy tried to love her as completely as she knew how. The relief of knowing that this night was over, she hadn’t thought they would get out alive or even unscathed she poured out into her love for Alice.

  Alice slowed things marginally as Kathy tore at their clothes, wanting, needing physical contact. The feel of skin against skin was what she desired. Alice winced as she saw the bruising on Kathy’s breast and stayed away until Kathy encouraged her to kiss the erect nipples, tongue them, suck gently on them giving her wife untold pleasure that she felt in her nether regions. Her little whimpering’s of pleasure were giving Alice tingles as she made love just as exuberantly back at her wife.

  Finally Kathy had their clothes gone and they pushed against each other, feeling the heat of each other’s bodies, rubbing, caressing, smoothing away imaginary hurts for both of them as their passion escalated.

bsp; Alice found herself against the wall, still standing as Kathy pushed into her welcoming body. She raised a leg to wrap it around her wife’s hot body and to hold her erect as her legs felt they were giving out in pleasure.

  Kathy thrust over and over again as she took her thumb and rubbed against the center of Alice’s pleasure.

  Alice bit down gently on Kathy’s shoulder in her desire to show her lover how much she was making her feel. Tightly Alice pulled Kathy to her as her wife deftly took her body and Alice had an orgasm wrung from her. Just as quickly though she turned the two of them about and began making the same mad passionate love to her wife. Boosting the taller woman up slightly Alice soon had both of Kathy’s legs wrapped around her middle, her hand barely made it between them they were so tight, but she managed to find the slickness, the heat, as her wife pulsated on her fingers.

  “Harder!” Kathy breathed as she arched into her wife, her arms wrapped around the smaller but physically fit woman, held up by her proximity to the wall and her wife’s pinioning body.

  Alice deliberately slowed her hand as she began to twist and rub ‘accidentally’ against Kathy’s G spot. Her reward was a renewal of wetness against her hand and it began to drip down both of their bodies as Kathy spasmed over and over again.

  “Oh, OH, OHHHHHH,” she cried in her excitement.

  Alice could feel her own body quivering as she watched her wife orgasm. A series of small orgasms ripped through her own body at the delight they had taken in each other’s heated bodies. Slowly she relaxed her hand as she began to let Kathy slip down the wall taking Alice with her. They ended up on the floor in the hallway of their suite breathing heavily from their exertions.

  “That was insane,” Kathy finally managed to get out between deep inhalations of breath.

  “Do you think they ran out of oxygen up here?” Alice returned as she smiled at her wife and shared a post-coital kiss.

  Kathy smiled, she felt so empowered, so wonderful, so free….

  They woke to Kathy sobbing. They had managed to make it back to bed and make sweet passionate love together before falling asleep. Alice sat up to look over at her wife. Without a word she took her naked body into her arms. She had wondered if she would have regrets, if she would begin to remember the events of the past few days, especially the previous night. Alice just held her and rocked her until she stopped crying.

  “Are you okay?” Alice pulled back to look into Kathy’s tear-stained face.

  Kathy nodded as she blinked rapidly to clear the tears. “I just realized I’m free, I’m finally free of them aren’t I?”

  Alice glanced at the window and realized it was quite late but she answered her wife. “You’ve been free for more than a year, but you had to go through it to come out the end stronger.”

  Kathy looked at her brilliant wife and leaned in for an appreciative kiss. “I love you Alice, thank you, for everything.” She thought over how patient Alice had been, how she had waited for her, how she had taught her to be more confident, how she had stood by her though all of this. Smiling at her she realized something though.

  Alice watched as the expressions floated over her wife’s face and when they turned sad and serious she braced herself.

  “They aren’t over for you though are they?”

  Alice shook her head.

  “Can you ever…can you ever stop? Just stop?”

  “I did for a long time, I retired.”

  “So you can, you can stop?” Kathy asked hopefully.

  Alice looked at her quietly for a moment before answering, “I can try, that’s all I will ever promise. I can’t say I will stop because I don’t know what the future will hold. I know that what you and I did here is an ending of sorts and I’d like that to be the end.”

  Kathy thought that was fair. She couldn’t ask Alice to change. It was because of her that Kathy had been able to enact her revenge. She felt so free she felt wonderful! Then she had another thought. “Do you think the police will find out it was us?”

  Alice wouldn’t lie to her, “We left a lot of evidence there, I’m not used to that.”

  “You never did that before like that?” Kathy asked surprised. She had learned not to ask to much because Alice wouldn’t discuss her past.

  Alice shook her head. “Normally they either disappear or it looks like an accident.”

  “What about up in Portland?”

  “Most of that was carefully planned out although I did have to think on my feet. They can’t connect it to me.”

  Kathy absorbed that remembering how Harry had disappeared into the swamp. They didn’t know that an alligator had gotten them but it was good guess. There was nothing to tie them to the naked body if it was found at all. Bonnie had cervical cancer according to Alice and the injection had taken out several others, it could be written off as an odd coincidence. Nothing tied them to those two. She had no idea about the four before that Alice had taken care of by herself or even that much about Alex’s compound. Last night though she had screwed up by shooting all of those men. She didn’t feel guilty about it. It was them or us was her thoughts. But the evidence of the murders was there. Perhaps it wasn’t murder though, they were defending themselves. They had gone there though to confront Nathan. The others got in the way? She didn’t think she could justify that. They were doing their jobs. Alice and Kathy had ‘merely’ defended themselves. She felt so good that Nathan had died at her hands though.

  Alice was watching the array of emotions on Kathy’s expressive face and wondered at her thoughts.

  Kathy knew she had to move on from all of this. The drama, the trauma, the revenge…it would eat her alive if she went after anyone else. Besides, Alice had assured her every one of those men who had carnal knowledge of her was now gone. Suddenly realizing her wife was next to her, and naked, she smiled and asked, “Can we continue this second honeymoon as though it were a real honeymoon?”

  Alice smiled back, “What did you have in mind? You’ve gotten everything you wanted, now what are you going to do?”

  Later that day they checked out of their hotel but not before watching the news of a horrible gangland style shooting in Miami with several victims. Police thought drugs were involved but not too much information had been released. They packed their bags, checked out of the hotel, returned the Mercedes with the GPS now working once again, and flew up to Orlando for another week of enjoying each other.

  Kathy’s edict of, “Let’s go to DisneyWorld,” had been heeded.

  ~The End~ K’Anne ;-P

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  If you have enjoyed MALICE MASTERPIECES II THE SECOND SET OF FIVE BOOKS you’ll look forward to K’Anne Meinel’s splendid and unforgettable second novel:

  Long Distance Romance

  in print and E-book and available at fine retailers.

  Long Distance Romance

  Eliza was hanging signs up about 16’ in the air when she heard the melodic voice ask her friend in German “Do you think they have these in German” and they shared a laugh.

  Eliza answered without even thinking “Ja, wir kann machen alles auf Deutsch” and continued hanging the few she had left to hang. She was up on a platform that raised her to the level she needed since she had an entire wall of signs to hang. Finishing the few she had left Eliza began to lower the machine its beeps could be heard throughout her little store. The astonished women that she had answered without thinking came into her view as the machine rested at the four foot level. She unbelted herself and using the little gate at one end of the machine she climbed adroitly down the ladder to the floor ending with a little bounce. Smiling at the two women who had unknowingly walked into her store today she wanted to laugh at the astonished looks that still were on their faces. Instead she greeted them “Guten Tag, kann ich helfen
sie?” Good day, can I help you?

  “Du sprichts Deutsch?” You speak German the pretty curly haired blonde one asked astounded.

  Nodding at the obvious Eliza’s grin threatened to turn into a laugh as she answered “Ja, Ich spreche eine bisschen Deutsch” Yes, I speak a little German “aber nicht sehr gute and nicht sehr schnell” Not so good and not very fast. Might as well warn them ahead of time.

  Switching to English the blonde smiled in return “impressive.”

  Looking at the store with over 1000 signs hung Eliza had to agree, it was impressive and she nodded. She didn’t realize the blonde was admiring her and not the store. Eliza wore Levi’s and a polo shirt that read ‘ask me about a sign’ on one side and ‘hey, what’s your sign’ on the front. The back was taken up by a screen printed crossing sign that read ‘Sign Crew.’

  “Are you looking for anything in particular?” Eliza asked, her gaze returning to the two women. “We do have German Parking Only signs” she laughed.

  They joined in with her laugh. “Actually, if you have two of them we will take them” the curly blonde replied.

  Going to one of the bins at the back of this section of the store Eliza perused until she came through the G bin and fingering the signs pulled out two German Parking Only signs. Putting them on the counter she asked “is there anything else you would like or would you like to look around for a while?”

  The platinum blonde with the pin straight hair looked ready to go but the curly blonde walked up to the counter to pay the $30 that Eliza rang up on the register. “It’s not often we find someone who understands us when we speak in German” she offered hesitantly almost apologetically.


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