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Natalie Maines’s party: theboot.com, Maines to Howard Stern. Masks and costumes on Melrose Avenue: “Halloween comes early . . .”/Daily Mail. As earlier, Tohme’s quotes are from interviews with me except where specified otherwise. MJ/Steve Wynn: Clarke. Halperin’s claim MJ was near death/Tohme response: Daily News. MJ in Pahrump: Ethan Smith/Wall Street Journal. Wishna’s comments to National Enquirer: starpulse.com. MJ interest in “Le Belevedere”: Tohme; details of the property: Ayers profile of Hadid, Angeleno (Tohme scoffed at Hadid’s claims of a relationship with MJ). Rental of Carolwood chateau: Tohme; relevant documents in file of wrongful death lawsuit against AEG; details of property: Cohen/Associated Press. That AEG guaranteed to Guez $1.2 million in rent on the chateau I know from a review of documents that are part of the wrongful death suit. Description of the neighborhood: in large part derived from living for several years on North Beverly Glen Drive; proximity of Carolwood chateau to Lisa Marie Presley’s childhood home: stardriveways.com.
Chandler case: court documents, articles published as the scandal was unfolding, and of course Fischer/“Was Michael Jackson Framed?”; also, Ray Chandler, who was willing to speak on the record about his brother Evan, and about Michael Jackson, but not about his nephew Jordie. MJ’s breakdown in Beverly Hills, ride to Rent-A-Wreck: Fischer; address: court file; turban and veil/sunglasses: Taraborrelli/“Lisa Marie . . . passionate lover.” Driving a Jeep: Taraborrelli, confirmed by CS1 (Fischer said it was a van). How Jordie, his sister, and mother got to Neverland: Fischer; court records. “Do you know how much time I spend up here . . .”: Taraborrelli/Daily Mail (he doesn’t identify his source but a very similar account is in the leaked file of the grand jury proceedings). MJ and Jordie watching The Excorcist, spending night in same bed: Fischer, Orth, court file, June Chandler testimony in People v. Jackson. Conversations between June and Jordie/between June and MJ: June in court file and in People v. Jackson. “Don’t think he has a devious bone”: Fischer, court file. Evan Chandler background, marriage to June: Fischer (information via Pellicano), adjusted by me based on Ray Chandler. Some of that information is in the court file, but most is not. “Everybody liked everybody”: Ray Chandler to David Jones/Daily Mail. I complied with Ray’s request that I would try to quote his previous statements to the media rather than what he said to me, whenever possible.
When I state that Fischer wrote her article “in close collaboration” with Pellicano, I don’t mean to suggest she did no other reporting—she did a great deal. But the key information clearly came from Pellicano, and there’s no doubt in my mind he was using Fischer to get the MJ defense side of the story out. Bert Fields wouldn’t talk to me; I can’t help but believe that this was because of his concern that he could be dragged into Pellicano’s mess. June’s story is in the court file and I also look at her testimony at the criminal trial. Some of Jordie’s account is in the court file, but most of it is from documents that were leaked to journalists.
“They hung out together”: Ray Chandler. Evan Chandler on MJ’s sleepovers at his home: court file, All That Glitters, Chandler family members. “You and Jordie are having sex . . .”: court documents, All That Glitters, media including Taraborrelli/Daily Mail. Chandler/Schwartz tape-recorded conversation: transcript in Fischer, Orth; key evidence in extortion investigation of Evan and Rothman. Ray Chandler claims about Pellicano and Fischer: Ray Chandler interview, All That Glitters. First reporting on tape and contents: Phillips/Ferrell/LA Times.
Rothman background, incl. Tinoa Operations: Fischer (via Pellicano). Other attorneys described Rothman similarly and when I checked his status with the State Bar while working on this book I found that his license to practice law had once again been suspended. Even Ray Chandler did not dispute that Rothman was an unsavory character. Hughes’s description of Rothman, and all quotes from Hughes below except as indicated: Hughes/Redemption. Rothman–E. Chandler relationship/former patient: Ray Chandler. “Michael was very good at sizing people up . . .”: a member of the Chandler family I can’t name. Jordan Chandler has never made any public statements about his relationship with Michael Jackson and has made it clear that he does not want any of his relatives to make such public statements, either. Fields and Pellicano brought in/interview with Jordie: Fischer via Pellicano. Evan moving forward with “plan”: Fischer, documents in court file. Evan going to Dr. Abrams to get the story into the media: Bert Fields; Ray Chandler vehemently disagrees with this claim. Pellicano’s account of MJ-Evan-Jordie meeting: Fischer; court records. Pellicano-Rothman meeting: Fischer. “$20 million deal”: Hughes/book. Torbiner/sodium amytal: Fischer/Pellicano. Torbiner himself has stated to investigators that if he did give the boy sodium amytal, it was “for dental purposes.” Department of Children’s Services: leaked document/The Smoking Gun. Dr. Abrams’s report getting to police and to freelance reporter: Fischer, court record. June Chandler manipulated by police: Fischer. Fields/Pellicano convincing MJ to file extortion charges: Fischer, Hughes. Gloria Allred, replacement by Feldman: Orth, coverage from the time. Feldman background: Mesereau, who thinks Feldman is one smart lawyer.
I’m told (by Mesereau, among others) that Howard Weitzman insists privately that he did not push MJ to settle and in fact refused to be part of the settlement. Mesereau mentioned this to Carl Douglas, who pulled out the settlement agreement and made sure Weitzman’s signature was on it (it was).
No one disputes that Fields made his statement about an imminent criminal indictment of MJ, but not everyone thinks it was the “blundering” mistake Orth described in her article. Sources: Fischer, Nazario/LA Times. Carl Douglas on pressure to settle: Douglas at LABA “Frozen in Time” symposium, as are all Douglas and Feldman quotes in this section. (I owe my possession of the DVD on which Douglas and Feldman discuss the 1993 case to Mesereau.) Maid collecting makeup, etc., from MJ’s bedroom: Taraborrelli/Daily Mail; likely via criminal case court file. Pellicano admissions re. MJ sleeping in Jordie’s bedroom: Pellicano to CNN; this interview was alongside Brett Barnes and Wade Robson, who said they had slept with MJ and had not been subjected to any sort of sexual behavior. This was, as Orth put it, Pellicano’s “most controversial action.” Leaked document describing Jordie’s sexual contacts with MJ: Dimond; it’s in the court file and now widely available online. Evan as victim of MJ fans: Ray Chandler; also, press at the time, Fischer, All That Glitters, coverage of Evan’s suicide. Jordie’s statement reported by the Santa Barbara sheriff’s deputy: court file; also, press coverage, Dimond’s book, All That Glitters, The Magic and the Madness (updated edition). I should note that Jordie made several separate statements to police investigators and was interviewed by at least three psychologists and/or psychiatrists about his claim that MJ had sexually molested him. The one who really got him talking was Deputy Rosibel Ferrufino, and she isn’t the deputy referenced here.
Branca brought in: Fischer; in her account Branca, along with Weitzman and Cochran, maintained a belief in MJ’s innocence. I’m not sure, based on what I know, that Weitzman and Cochran really did believe in MJ’s innocence, but I agree that they claimed to. Johnnie Cochran’s concerns were explained by Carl Douglas at the “Frozen in Time” symposium. Garcetti-Cochran working relationship: because the first time I met Cochran was when Garcetti introduced him to me in a hallway just outside their side-by-side Los Angeles County District Attorney offices, when the two were heading the team that investigated police officer involved shootings. Garcetti promise MJ could return without immediate arrest: Carl Douglas. “Spot the Jacko” contest: Fischer; Geraldo’s “trial” (MJ was acquitted, by the way): personal experience. La Toya/tabloid bidding: press at the time; also see notes to Chapter 12; her claims are most thoroughly vetted in Campbell/Michael . . . Darkest Hour and The Magic and the Madness (updated edition). Strip search details: confidential source; also, “Boy’s Lawyer Seeks Photos”/LA Times, “Photos May Contradict”/ USA Today; Feldman and Douglas/“Frozen in Time.” Taraborrelli gives a detailed account that my source agree
d with in most details, though not all, in the updated version of his book. “Most humiliating ordeal . . .”: a statement MJ made from Neverland Ranch two days after the search; reproduced on mjliveson.com, in BBC story on Chandler case (2003), quoted in Pareles/“Michael Jackson is Angry, Understand?” Feldman on court filings: “Frozen in Time” symposium. The most reliable source I have about how Johnnie Cochran advised MJ in the Chandler case is the same confidential source who told me about the strip search, but Fischer’s article largely agrees with this description of Cochran’s role, and so did Carl Douglas’s presentation at the “Frozen in Time” symposium, although it was more implicit in that instance. Demand to examine MJ’s finances/MJ wanting it over: Douglas and Feldman. Feldman representing Cochran in “personal matters”: Feldman. Settlement discussions/three retired judges: Feldman, Douglas. Douglas delivering settlement to MJ in Las Vegas: Douglas.
The terms of the settlement with the Chandlers are disputed. The Smoking Gun Web site obtained a copy of the document, but it was heavily redacted. That Web site states that the entire cost of the settlement to MJ was $15,332,250, but that was in fact the amount to be placed in trust for Jordie Chandler. What’s been blacked out, according to AS2, are the amounts paid to Feldman and to Jordie’s parents. I went with the numbers AS2 gave me.
“Worst decision he ever made”: Mesereau. “I am not guilty . . .”: MJ December 22, 1993, statement. Loss of the Pepsi contract, other business setbacks: Fischer. 1994 grand jury investigations; “no real evidence”: Fischer, Newton/LA Times. I doubt anybody would dispute my assertion of Diane Dimond’s doggedness. Campbell’s book reports on the various polls that supported MJ; one of these was on the syndicated TV program A Current Affair, which had been relentless in making the case that MJ was a pedophile; more than 80 percent of its respondents said they believed MJ not the Chandlers.
MJ’s marriage to Lisa Marie Presley has been chronicled as much in primetime television interviews as in print coverage. Lisa Marie Presley background: rhythmofthetide.com, Harrington/Washington Post piece, yahoo.com bio, Behar/Elvis, Finstad/Child Bride (latter includes initiation of MJ’s relationship with Lisa Marie; Brett Livingstone Strong quotes are all from Finstad). Dennis Hawk is Strong’s attorney and did his best to help me pin Brett down on some subjects, but that effort was largely unsuccessful. Lisa Marie on first one-on-one with MJ: Presley to Rolling Stone (see Chapter 8 notes), Playboy (see Chapter 8 notes). Recollection of how MJ explained Chandler situation: Rolling Stone. Description of MJ proposal: Presley to Diane Sawyer/ABC. “Very hot” in bed, “role playing,” “sexually active”: Presley to Monica Pastelle, in Taraborrelli/Daily Mail; also, Magic and Madness (updated). Trump on MJ’s “new girlfriend”/Lisa Marie at Palm Beach estate: Trump: The Art of the Comeback. Description of MJ–Lisa Marie marriage by Judge Alvarez: Bob Jones book, from a newspaper interview. Terry Marcos: rhythmofthetide.com. MJ’s disappearances/Lisa Marie hurt: Presley to Rolling Stone (see Chapter 8 notes), Playboy (see Chapter 8 notes), Diane Sawyer, Oprah Winfrey. MJ complaints of Presley “invading his space”: Daily Mirror via rhythmofthetide.com. “Publicity stunt,” “no desire for a woman,” “so down to earth,” “tremendous supporter,” MJ and kid friends “running around the house”: Jones book. Makeup on pillow: Taraborrelli/Daily Mail, also Magic and Madness. MJ boasts to Lisa Marie of wealth and Princess Diana: Jones book. MJ invented marriage proposal: MJ to Daily Mirror via lacienegasmiled.com. Lisa Marie reaction to TV Guide interview: Presley to Rolling Stone. Trip to Hawaii with Danny Keough: via lacienegasmiled.com. Lisa Marie “torn up” over leaving Keough: Presley to Oprah, 2010. MJ and Lisa Marie/MTV Music Video Awards: Playboy (see Chapter 8 notes), Rolling Stone (see Chapter 8 notes). Lisa Marie visiting MJ in hospital/Bill Bray: Jones book; also, Presley to Playboy (see Chapter 8 notes) and Oprah, 2010. MJ wanting to father Elvis’s grandchild/“custody battle nightmare,” “tell her to do it”: Presley to Playboy (see Chapter 8 notes). “Had a thing” for MJ/”get her husband back”: Jones. Omer Bhatti/MJ encouragement of “love child” story: Schaffel, CS1; fan speculation: multiple MJ fan sites. Joe Jackson (whose reasons no one can guess) actually told the black television network TV One that Omer was MJ’s child (see Daily Mail below), which Omer felt compelled to publicly rebut (see hollywoodgossip.com below). The closest thing to a comprehensive story on this subject appeared in Britain’s the Sun, which gave the background on MJ’s relationship with the Bhattis, the arguments pro and con, and even got Riz Bhatti to comment—or not comment, actually. I have it on the highest authority that Omer is not MJ’s child.
SBSC 1133603.
LASC SC026226.
“Statement of Declination Issued Jointly by the District Attorney’s Offices of Los Angeles and Santa Barbara Counties.” September 21, 1994 (hereafter cited as Statement of Declination, 9/21/94).
Ayers, Chris. “Surreal Estate: Mega-Spec Developer Mohamed Hadid.” Angeleno Magazine, August 13, 2010.
Chopra, Deepak. “Tribute to My Friend, Michael Jackson.” chopra.com, June 26, 2009 (I).
Clarke, Norm. “Jacko Turns Down Wynn Encore Gig.” Las Vegas Review-Journal, November 2, 2008.
Cohen, Sandy. “AP Exclusive: Contents of MJ’s Final Home for Sale.” Associated Press, November 9, 2011.
Darden, Beville. “Michael Jackson Surprises Guests at Dixie Chick’s Party.” theboot.com, November 5, 2008 (I).
“Halloween Comes Early as Jacko’s Wacko Clan Descends on LA Comic Store.” Daily Mail, October 9, 2008.
Kellogg, Carolyn. “Michael Jackson, the Bookworm.” Los Angeles Times, June 27, 2009.
“The Last Home of Michael Jackson.” stardriveways.com (I).
“Letter of Support for Michael Jackson by Gregory and Veronique Peck.” mjfanclub.net, December, 2002 (I).
“Michael Jackson ‘Needs Lung Transplant.’” Daily Telegraph, December 22, 2008.
“Natalie Maines on The Howard Stern Show.” November 3, 2008 (RT).
Roberts, Randall. “Michael Jackson’s Lawyer, Bob Sanger, Talks to West Cost Sound About the Pop Star, His Life—and His Reading Habits.” LA Weekly, June 25, 2009.
Smith, Ethan. “Michael Jackson: The Next Elvis?” Wall Street Journal, June 13, 2008.
Wishna, Jack, to National Enquirer, via “Promoter Says Jackson Isn’t Capable of Las Vegas Show.” starpulse.com, May 29, 2008 (I).
“Anthony Pellicano, Brett Barnes, and Wade Robeson.” CNN, August 26, 1993 (RT).
“Boy’s Lawyer Seeks Photos of Michael Jackson’s Body.” Los Angeles Times, January 5, 1994.
Fischer, Mary A. “Was Michael Jackson Framed?” GQ, October 1994 (hereafter cited as Fischer, “Framed”).
“Jacko: The Original Child Abuse Allegations.” Smoking Gun, November 18, 2003 (I).
Jones, David. “Killed by the Curse of Michael Jackson: What Drove the Father of Jordy Chandler to Put a Gun to his Head?” Daily Mail, November 20, 2009 (hereafter cited as Jones, “Killed by the Curse”).
“Michael Jackson’s Statement from 22nd December, 1993.” MJliveson. December 22, 1993 (I).
Nazario, Sonia. “Jackson Sued by Boy Who Alleged Sexual Molestation.” Los Angeles Times, November 15, 1993.
Newton, Jim. “Grand Jury to Convene in Jackson Case Law: Sources Close to the Investigation Say a Panel in Santa Barbara Will Hear Testimony Next Week About Alleged Molestation of Boy.” Los Angeles Times, February 5, 1994.
“1993: Michael Jackson Accused of Child Abuse.” BBC, February 8, 2003 (RT).
Orth, Maureen. “Nighmare in Neverland.” Vanity Fair, January 1994.
Phillips, Chuck, and David Ferrell. “Tapes Used to Allege Plot to Extort Jackson Released.” Los Angeles Times, August 31, 1993.
“Photos May Contradict Michael’s Accuser.” USA Today, January 28, 1994.
Harrington, Richard. “The Princess of Rock Makes a Name for Herself.” Washington Post, May 6, 2005.
“Joe Jackson Confirms Omer Bhatti Is Michael’s Son as Katherine Wins Custody of Other Three Children.” Daily Mail, August 1, 2009.
“Lisa Marie Presley Biography.” yahoo.com (I).
“Lovechild in the Front Row at Memorial.” Sun, July 8, 2009.
“Michael Jackson–Lisa Marie Presley.” rhythmofthetide.com, January 8, 2012.
Pareles, Jon. “Michael Jackson Is Angry, Understand?” New York Times, June 18, 1995 (hereafter cited as Pareles 6/18/95).
Sawyer, Diane. “Interview with Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley.” ABC/Primetime, June 14, 1995 (RT).
———. “Lisa Marie Presley Talks Marriage, Elvis.” ABC/Primetime, April 3, 2003 (RT) (hereafter cited as Sawyer, “Lisa Marie Presley”).
Taraborrelli, J. Randy. “Lisa Marie Presley Said He Was a Passionate Lover. So What WAS the Truth About Jackson’s Sexuality?” Daily Mail, July 1, 2009.
Winfrey, Oprah. “Lisa Marie Presley Opens Up About Michael Jackson.” Oprah, October 21, 2010 (RT) (hereafter cited as Oprah, “Lisa Marie Presley).
———. “Priscilla and Lisa Marie Presley’s First Mother/Daughter Interview Together.” Oprah, March 28, 2005 (RT).
Rwaramba-MJ relationship/comings and goings: assorted confidential sources, Tohme; Rwaramba to Barak (see Chapter 1 notes), Rwaramba LAPD statement. Fighting with MJ about drug use: Rwaramba to Barak and LAPD. Insurance premiums/salary cut: Barrack; Tohme told me, “Michael knew he was paying her too much and he wanted her gone.” Romonica Harris claim: the now-defunct News of the World. Grace’s denial of pressuring MJ to marry her: Schaffel, other sources connected to her/Jackson family. Grace re. MJ/Abdullah money/Jackson family: Barak as quoted; facts as stated in High Court testimony. Trip to Bahrain to intervene with Al Khalifa/safe empty/Al Khalifa’s people implicating Grace: Hawk, Tohme. As earlier, all Tohme and Hawk quotes except where indicated are from our interviews. MJ feelings of betrayal at Grace’s High Court testimony: Tohme, among other sources; everyone seemed to agree that she had done nothing more or less than tell the truth. Abdullah-Englehart exchange: trial testimony. Pfeiffer claims about Klein supplying evidence of staph infection: Pfeiffer counterclaim; Seal/Vanity Fair; aftermath: “Jackson ‘too sick’ for court case”/BBC, Tohme. Grace–Joseph Kisembo marriage, Uganda background, charity: newvision.co.ug, majimbokenya.com; charity also: Friedman/“Jacko Nanny Starts Her Own Charity.” Grace described this period to Barak as the longest MJ’s children had gone without seeing or speaking to her. Schaffel also recalled her saying it. As to the suggestion that Rwaramba stole money and jewelry that Michael Jackson had left behind in Bahrain, I doubt it. People close to Grace have told me convincingly that she has hardly any funds and basically depends on the generosity of friends to stay afloat. The purpose of including the story from Tohme and Hawk about their conversations in Bahrain was that Michael Jackson had heard it from those two men long before I did and used it either as a reason or as an excuse to send Grace away for the last time.