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Kelly Captures Two Husbands [The Men of Space Station One 11] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Marla Monroe

  “He’s scared of those women attacking him.” Tyler’s lips turned up in a smirk.

  “Fuck you, man. I am not.” Gabe pulled off his boots and slipped on a pair of sneakers. “I just don’t feel like going this time.”

  “Sorry. It’s your turn. I told you what to tell them. Don’t let them get close to you. There’s no reason for you to need to go anywhere other than the grainers. Unload and come straight back home.” Tyler hung his hat on a hook by the door.

  “Um, I need some things from town. He’ll need to go to the hardware store to get more canning supplies. Oh, there’s a dead muskie outside in the back. I put the garden tools near it.”

  “What?” Both men spoke up at the same time.

  “Tiger killed it when we went out after the sun’s zenith. I’ll need to show you where the hole is he tried to use to escape.”

  “You didn’t touch it, did you?” Gabe immediately started searching her arms.

  “No. You told me not to. I took you seriously. I’m not stupid, Gabe.” She jerked her arms out of his grasp. “Sheesh.”

  “Okay, show us the hole and we’ll dispose of the muskie.” Tyler’s mouth thinned into a straight line as he glared at Gabe.

  “Don’t look at me like that. You were just about to do the same thing.” Gabe punched Tyler in the arm. “Let’s go see about the thing. Tiger is getting to be an asset.”

  “I never thought I’d hear that out of your lips.” Kelly opened the back door and led the way to the dead muskie. “There it is.”

  “Got it. Show us where the hole is.” Tyler followed as Gabe walked over toward the cellar doors.

  “See that clump of grass, it almost disappeared entirely in that but Tiger dragged him out and shook him really hard. I think it broke the thing’s neck.” Kelly pointed at the big hunk of grass.

  “Gabe, grab the hoe.” Tyler reached for it as soon as Gabe had it.

  He dug all the grass from around the hole. “I wonder why we didn’t find an opening inside.” Gabe opened the cellar then walked down and brought up the shovel. “I’ll dig a hole and bury it. Better bring the gun out to watch for mantises. It’s prime time for them.”

  “Be right there.” Tyler looked inside the cellar after switching on the light. “I’ll be damned. The hole is next to the air shaft. I never would have found it if I hadn’t been looking for something small. It’s a good six feet away from the door. The damn things burrowed over a ways instead of straight through.”

  “We’ll have to patch it with stone and plaster to keep them from getting in that way again.”

  “You should fill the hole with concrete so they can’t use it to burrow another hole,” Kelly suggested.

  “When Gabe goes to town tomorrow he can get a couple of bags for us. I don’t think we have any left.” Tyler smiled up at Gabe.

  “Hell. I guess I’m going to town.”

  * * * *

  Kelly watched as Tyler and Gabe loaded the grain truck, keeping the gun at the ready in case a mantis or dorrie tried to sneak up on them. The grain truck was similar to the grain tankards back on Earth. She thought they might be a little larger, but wasn’t sure.

  “That’s it, I think. Let me close off the lid and shut the grain door.” Tyler closed the lid, turned some handles then climbed down the ladder to the ground.

  Gabe followed him down then walked over to where Kelly stood just outside the fence line.

  “Get on back inside the fence now. We’re finished now. I don’t want to risk you getting hurt.”

  “Do you have the list I made out of what I need?” Kelly ran her hand up and down Gabe’s chest.

  “I have it. I’ll get everything and several bags of concrete to fill in that muskie tunnel. Maybe I’ll stop by the ladies’ store and grab something indecent for you to wear for us.” Gabe waggled his brows.

  “Don’t you dare. I don’t need anything like that. You guys are plenty randy as it is now.” She slapped a hand across his arm. “Be careful and hurry home.”

  When he nodded, and started to turn away, she grabbed his shirt and pulled him down for a kiss. His mouth was hot and perfect as she let him take control of the kiss. When he’d finished, she was sure her lips were swollen and red. She loved it.

  “Okay, you two love birds, break it up. Gabe needs to get on the road so he can get back before dark.” Tyler’s mouth quirked up as he shook his head.

  “I’m going. I’m going.” Gabe walked over to the truck and climbed up into the cab.

  Tyler pulled Kelly back as the other man fired up the engine and the grain truck lifted off the ground a good two feet. When he’d driven past the house and just about out of sight, Kelly sighed. She hated for the men to be out of her sight but even more when they went to town.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t trust them, she did, but the drive out there and back was dangerous with mantises famous for attacking buggies all the time. If they managed to turn one up on its side enough, the buggy would fly out of control and could crash. Only quickly cutting the power could stop it and then the passengers were stuck in the craft until someone could get to them.

  She and Tyler both would man the radio until Gabe said he’d made it to town. Then when he returned, he’d let them know so they could listen in case of a problem. While he was in town, they’d be free to go about their business. Tyler wouldn’t go out to the fields while Gabe was in town.

  “Hmm, what should we do while we wait on Gabe to get home?” Tyler asked with a huge grin.

  “I swear, you guys don’t think of anything but sex and food.”

  “You got the order right.”

  “Whatever we do, we stay in the office near the radio. I have some darning I need to do. You and Gabe wear holes in your socks faster than I can fix them.”

  “Grab something to drink for us. I’m going to check and be sure the gates are all closed.” Tyler shooed her into the house.

  Kelly couldn’t stop smiling as she filled the tea pitcher then set it and two glasses on a tray. She’d just entered the office when she heard the back door open and close. She poured their tea and sat down to wait on Tyler to wash up and join her.

  “Where’s Tiger?” He took the glass she handed him and drank. “I haven’t seen him since we went outside.”

  “He was upstairs in the laundry hamper when I came down. I bet he’s still sleeping there. He’s done that a lot lately. I guess it’s the heat of the sun when we go out in the mornings.” Kelly sipped at her tea.

  “Come here, woman.” Tyler started unfastening his jeans.

  “I don’t think so. We need to listen for Gabe.” She didn’t get up.

  “We can screw and listen for Gabe at the same time. I want in that hot little pussy of yours.”

  “Tyler.” She drew out his name as he stalked toward her.

  “Kelly,” he returned. “I’m going to fuck you so hard and deep you scream my name.”

  He pulled her up, setting her glass on the desk.

  She laughed when he turned her around to face the second desk. Then he unbuttoned her jeans from behind her and jerked them down to her ankles.

  “Step out of one side, babe. I want your legs spread and your pussy open to me.”

  Kelly stepped out of one shoe and then the jeans and panties. Tyler nudged her legs apart with his knee then ran his hands over the globes of her ass. The next thing she knew, he was on his knees licking her pussy in long bold strokes. She widened her stance, eager to let him have his feel. Both of her men loved to lick her like a sweet lollipop, and she let them anytime they wanted to.

  He tongued her until she was on her tiptoes with anticipation. When he stopped and she felt the blunt head of his cock against her opening, Kelly moaned at the knowledge that she’d soon be full of Tyler’s dick.

  “Bend over the desk and hold on to the other side. You’re going to need to hold on.”

  “Please, Tyler. I need you inside of me.”

  Tyler held her hip with one hand wh
ile guiding his thick cock into her wet pussy. She moaned as the blunt head of his dick entered her. Then he pulled out and pressed forward again a little harder. She tried to press back against him, but he held her back with that one hand as if he wanted to do all of the work himself.

  “Please. Don’t tease me, Tyler.”

  “Going slow for now. I want this to last, but your hot, tight pussy is going to make me lose control soon enough.”

  He pulled back out then slammed forward, harder than before, going deeper than the last time. Her cunt stretched to accommodate him as he thrust in and out of her. Before long, he was true to his word and started shafting deeper and harder. Kelly moaned as he hit all the right spots inside of her. He held her still with his hands on her hips but she managed to shove back with each of his thrusts.

  “Fuck, you’re tight.”

  “Harder, Tyler.”

  “I’m barely holding on, Kel. So fucking good.”

  Kelly held on tight as he shoved her harder against the desk. She didn’t feel the edge of the desk because her orgasm was right there, just out of reach. She strained toward it as Tyler groaned with the effort to hold back.

  She screamed his name when he reached beneath her and ran a finger back and forth over her clit. It was all she needed to fly. The orgasm took her hard and fast. She knew she was squeezing Tyler’s cock because every muscle in her body seized. His quick shout of her name and the way he pounded into her one last time and held there told her he’d climaxed, as well.

  “Christ, babe. I think I pulled an ass muscle with that climax. You took everything out of me.” Tyler leaned over her, kissing her shoulders then down her spine.

  “I’m not moving for a while. I think my arms are numb from holding on to the desk.”

  “Glad you’re not moving ’cause I can’t yet,” he said with a rough laugh.

  “I hope Gabe didn’t try and raise us on the radio. I doubt I would have heard him.”

  “Hell, I don’t know if I can hear him now. My ears are ringing.” Tyler slowly pulled out of her and pulled up his jeans. “Why don’t you go get cleaned up while I sit here manning the radio?”

  “Yep. Sounds good to me.” Kelly started to push up from the desk and found her arms were like limp spaghetti noodles. “Um, can you help me up? I can’t seem to get up the strength to do it yet.”

  Tyler chuckled and pulled her up against him. He turned her around and kissed her so sweetly she felt tears burn the back of her eyes. How could he go from fucking her senseless over a desk to tender kisses the next so easily? It nearly undid her.

  “Love you, Kelly.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Gabe parked the grain truck just outside the unloading bins and climbed down to check in with the office. He’d had an uneventful trip and was glad of it. Kelly’s list burned a hole in his pocket, taunting him that he’d have to face the women when he went to the store. He really liked Kelly. Hell, he was sure he was falling in love with her, but he wasn’t immune to a beautiful woman. He just had to remember what, rather who, he had to lose.

  “Hey, Gabe. Got grain for us?” Brad met him at the door to the office.

  “Yeah. We’ve got another field to harvest tomorrow and needed the space. How’s everyone else’s crops going?”

  “Good, good. This is about the best harvest we’ve had so far. ’Course there’s more of you out there growing crops now.”

  “We’re planning to add a crop next year. What are you lacking enough of?” Gabe asked.

  “Hmm, let me look at the books while you unload. Pull on up.”

  Gabe nodded and walked back outside to drive inside the dock. While their grain was offloaded, he read back over the list of things Kelly needed. He could get all of them at the staples store then run in next door to find something sexy for a gift.

  When he strode back inside the office, Brad looked up from the books he studied. “Looks like we could use some cotton. Ever grown cotton before?”

  “Nope. First time for everything. How are we going to harvest it? Is there a cotton harvester here?” he asked.

  “Yep. Got two. You and two others would share them. Cam and Phillip are the closest to you with one. You can find out when they harvest and time your cotton crop opposite theirs.”

  Gabe nodded. “I’ll talk to Tyler about it and we’ll discuss it with Cam over the winter. Got enough cotton seed for all of us?”

  “Hell yeah. We’ve got plenty of seed, just not enough cotton to make cloth from. We’re slowly using up all of the cloth and clothing we have stocked up. The ships from earth won’t be coming forever. I’m surprised we got this last one. According to one of the men, it was becoming too hot to stay outside for more than an hour now. They’ve had severe weather and lots of earthquakes and volcano eruptions.”

  “Hate thinking about it like that. I have friends and family back on Earth. Knowing they’re going through all of that is tough.”

  “I agree.” Brad handed Gabe his credit slip. “Looks like you’re done. Take care out there.”


  Gabe pulled out of the building and drove into the main part of the town. He parked out to one side and walked to the staples store to get the canning supplies they needed. He was lucky in that there weren’t any of the newer women in the store and he was able to get in and out fairly fast.

  “Hey, Gabe.”

  His luck ran out. Rhonda walked over from the eatery. She wore a sundress that barely covered her ass.

  “Hey, Rhonda. Hope you’re doing okay.”

  “I missed you. Want to buy me a coffee?” she asked with pouty lips.

  “Sorry. I’m in a hurry to get these canning supplies back home. Kelly’s been putting up like crazy.”

  “Sounds like she’s too busy to tend to you.”

  “Nope. She’s perfect for us, Rhonda. I don’t want anyone else. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” He brushed past her to find something special for Kelly.

  Rhonda grabbed his arm and rubbed herself up against him. “Come on, Gabe. She talked you guys into marrying her when you could have had one of us. We arrived just two days later. Think about it.”

  “I don’t need to think about it. We love Kelly.” Gabe realized that he meant it. He at least, loved her. She meant everything to him.

  “Go on, Rhonda. I’m not the least bit interested.” Gabe jerked his arm out of the other woman’s grasp and strode across the road to the women’s store.

  “I saw you talking to Rhonda,” the clerk from the store said.

  “I was just telling her that I was buying our Kelly something special. She’s an amazing woman.” Gabe browsed through the teddies and found a deep green one that had bows and lace. He thought it would look amazing on Kelly with her hair.

  “Your Kelly? So, you really are staying with her?” the clerk asked.

  “Absolutely. She’s perfect. We couldn’t have gotten a better woman for us.”

  He spotted a pretty blue dress as well and took both the teddy and the dress to the counter and presented his credit slip. She deducted the credits and wrapped up his purchases.

  “I hope you still feel that way after the winter snows. Spending a lot of time with someone as cold as Kelly could be pretty miserable.”

  “I don’t know where everyone comes up with Kelly as being cold because she’s far from it. She’s sweet as apple pie. And another thing. I don’t want to hear of you ladies talking bad about her anymore. She’s got more guts and more strength than any woman in this town. You’re just jealous that she’s so pretty and was woman enough to ask for what she wanted.” Gabe took his bag from the clerk and walked out of the store.

  He was ready to get back home. All it had taken to cement his love was knowing that Rhonda and any of the other women were beneath Kelly. They were predators and would have never held up like Kelly had. Add to that the fact that she was hot in bed and kind out of it only added to how much he loved her. He couldn’t wait to get back to her.

bsp; Gabe checked the supplies to be sure he had gotten everything and that they were secured in the back before he settled down for the long drive back. He prayed he wouldn’t hit any snags on the way.

  * * * *

  Kelly rubbed on Tiger as she sat in the office while Tyler fixed them something to eat. Gabe had called them on the radio to tell them he was on his way back. She felt her heart clench in relief. He was on his way home and so far, everything was going fine. The trips to and from Space Station One scared her. Mantises were known for ramming the buggies. It might be harder to turn over a grain truck, but she still worried.

  She’d finished darning the guys’ socks and had repaired a rip in one of Tyler’s shirts. Now all she could do was wait. She heard a knock at the front door but let Tyler see about it. She hadn’t heard a buggy pull up but that didn’t mean one hadn’t. She couldn’t imagine who it could be.

  “Hey, Kelly. I’m sending Elissa and her daughter back to you,” Tyler called back.

  Instantly nerves tingled down Kelly’s spine. How would the other woman treat her? Would she be just as rude as the women back in town? She’d only met the other woman a few times back when she’d worked in one of the shops.

  Elissa walked in, at least five months pregnant, followed by her daughter. The woman extended her hand with a broad smile.

  “I’m so glad you finally found your home. I’m Elissa, in case you don’t remember me. This,” she indicated the little blonde haired girl, “is my daughter Sara. She’s five now.”

  “Looks like you’re about to bring another sibling into the world for her.”

  “He’s going to be my brother. His name is Jonna.” Sara seemed quite sure of it all.

  “You’re sure about that?” Kelly asked.

  “Oh yes. I’ve talked to him. He’s not ready to come out yet.”

  “It takes some getting used to, but she’s very strong in her power to communicate with him.” Elissa brushed Sara’s bangs from her eyes.

  “That’s an amazing ability, Sara. So, you’ll know when he’s ready and be able to let your mom know, right?” Kelly had met some of the children born on Alpha in town and had been amazed and frightened by their unique abilities.


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