The Invader Candidate
Page 43
“And while there are many men who are truly respectful to women, the evil that certain men do lives after them and makes it very, very bad for all male humankind! And to you proud technocratic younger males known as ‘geeks’, I say this — you are the new bullies, and you are no better than the bullying jocks of past and present. More often than not, those who call themselves ‘geeks’ are actually ‘techno-fascists’ who think and profess to be smart, but are actually the worst, most heinous brain-dead fools of all!
“There are far too many bullying pseudo-males of various types,” Khraa/Astra said in fiery outrage, “who give REAL Earthmen an ever-worsening bad name, and only make things worse for their fellow men!”
“What I am now about to say to you, the vanquished,” Mike continued, albeit more calmly, “is what I wish I could say more boldly to my fellow Earth-humans. But thankfully, since my planet’s telecommunications systems have been overridden by Amkerian technician-soldiers, Captain Veh is now giving the same direly needed lecture to the people on my planet.
“It is interesting,” Mike said, “how one of my planet’s most beloved tele-playwrights Rod Serling, the man behind my planet’s video-cast series The Twilight Zone, said that in science fiction, a proverbial ‘Martian’ could often say plenty of things that just cannot be said by people from our own planet, regardless of their various persuasions.
“And thankfully for my fellow Earthlings below, my girlfriend Khraavie is doing just that, sticking the real inconvenient but still inviolate truth to the Earthmen, the Earthwomen and their Earth-children! And I thank God Almighty with all my heart, mind, soul and every fiber of my being that right now there is nothing to stop her! And I am equally thankful to Almighty God that none of you can stop me, either.”
“But before the bra-burning, man-hating so-called ‘female social justice warriors’ among your kind start cheering at my words,” Khraa/Astra said, even more outraged than she was at the worst of Earth’s males, “do you really know what you’re fighting for? Just what in the depths of Perdition are your objectives, womankind? Are you Earthwomen actually trying to create an egalitarian world that is so heinously ill-defined that you really don’t know whereof you rant, let alone aiming for a goal that, from a practical standpoint, is impossible to achieve?! Or are you really out to grab absolute power for your mindless collective, only to someday turn the weapons on your sad, pathetic selves?!
“Men suspect,” Khraa/Astra lectured Earth-womankind further, “or fear, or know this about you, womankind, all too well! And given your pandemic of anti-male hate speech in both verbal and visual form… do you truly deserve the power you lust for? The bra-burning days of women’s lib and disco songs are over! Which is to say that nowadays, if you actually deserve what the more reasonable so-called feminists sought or believe they were seeking, you Earthwomen would truly behave far, far differently, and ask through more respectful behaviors what you need in ways that would elicit the response you need from your men.
“This measure also requires that you listen to men without prejudice,” Khraa/Astra said assertively, “hear out their needs and grievances — yes, grievances that men have against you! If you think that improvement in gender relations is a one-way street, think again, womankind! Stop picking the specks out of male eyes when you women already have light-millennia of board feet of lumber in yours!”
“And then there is the word for your movement itself!” Khraa/Astra said, drawing from her social sciences-and-linguistics expertise. “The other F-bomb: FEMINISM! That other ‘F-bomb’ must be exorcised from the human vocabulary and any and all gender rights movements also must be purged of man-hatred. Replace all that androphobia — hatred of males — with a more male-friendly, less legalistic, and truly just, balanced, gender-neutral and realistic approach and dialogue. And to hell with all your hateful narratives! Who actually gives a care about your hateful rantings anymore anyway?!
“And if you claim you seek equality with males, womankind,” Khraa/Astra said with increasing righteous outrage, “why in hell and damnation do you glorify via your media the same violence against men that you do not want men to exercise against you?
“Hypocrites!” Khraa/Astra cried out in outrage. “Do you not realize, Earthwomen, that in glorifying violence against males, you not only defeat the purpose of equality between the genders, but also make yourselves completely unworthy of freedoms that freedom’s champions have long fought and died for?! Are you, womankind, blinder than bats to the evil that you say and do?! Because of your lust for vengeance against males, no matter what men’s sins against you actually are, you Earthwomen have actually sunk beneath the men you hate!
“And your so-called popular entertainment, especially comic book super-adventuresses, not superheroines, they really are nothing more than bigger she-bullies! The worst examples of these self-styled Amazon ‘Mephistuloids’ are the two perennially popular warrior princesses of Western pop culture.
“The first of these Amazon bully-adventuresses invaded the comic book world in 1941,” Khraa continued, “around the time that the United States of America entered World War Two. The second was spawned by American-New Zealand television interests back in 1995, shortly before the Stanton-like Clinton sex scandal hit your planet. Unlike Superman, who did what he did to give back to his adopted planet, and Batman, who did what he did to try and resolve his insatiable grief over the murder of his parents outside a movie theater, both these super-adventuresses were into what they did only for themselves — the
mark of a true bully.
“And that only underscores the fact that, based on mega-legions of studies of world after world, I, along with quadrillions of my colleagues, have seen that when the civilizations on any planet disrespect and attack the unique relationship between man and woman and their pattern-consistent family units, such civilizations are doomed!
“It’s happened before countless times, even on your Earth. Historians and other learned people from your own world could tell you that. You don’t need a non-Earthling like me to do that for them! But you do need someone to remind you that ‘absolute girl power’ corrupts girls absolutely to the fires of damnation — including ‘girls’ who are legally women, but whose childish hatreds prove their warped souls to be otherwise!
“Earthwomen, you have all listened to so many lies, half-truths, distortions and exaggerations that have been repeated for far too long!” Khraa/Astra admonished further. “It is high time that each and every last one of you Earthwomen unlearned the lies you have learned and then learn these facts! A woman’s rights end where a man’s rights begin, not just vice versa! Practice Jesus Christ’s Golden Rule of doing unto others as you would have them to unto you. Then, and only then, will things go much better for both men and women. Much, much better!”
Khraa/Astra briefly stopped to compose herself in order not to self-sidetrack.
“And what about this recent headlong rush to legalize marijuana and other substances that in past ages had been proven time and again to be woefully harmful by scientific proof after scientific proof?” she continued. “What about the mountains of studies that showed cannabis’ destructive, crippling, and mind-impeding nature? This idea of having the world cave in to accept marijuana, especially by portraying it as a panacea instead of a force for human ruination, is simply yet another tool utilized by the New World Order.
“Marijuana’s legitimization was endorsed by Mephistula,” Khraa/Astra further expounded, “to exert totalitarian mind-control over the population of your planet through the induced mindlessness and dumbing-down of resistance against the same New World Order’s forces of tyranny. And the lowering of the ages for voting and alcohol consumption? Mephistula’s New World Order kind were behind that, too, in order to get gullibly irresponsible young people in their pockets before their mid-twenties, when their brains would be sufficiently mature and properly developed. Any neurologist or mental health therapist worth his or her proverbial salt could tell you that!<
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“And what does this re-vamping of the world by Mephistula’s crowd result in?” Khraa/Astra said with maternal outrage. “The death of combined freedom and righteous responsibility has led to the idiotically wrongful social coercion and shaming of fathers and men out of their crucial social roles, a wrongful ‘anti-Pax femina’ and abolition of faith in any god!
“This, along with the destruction of respect of human life from womb to deathbed, as well as the corruption and end of the life-sustaining God-revering morality that comes from faith in the God of creation, along with the resulting forced or unchecked corruption of religion, government, business, education, the arts, science — yes, even science, which is supposed to be based on facts! — all this has been in the name of a brain-dead, vile, dehumanizing, and anti-human ‘anything goes New World Amorality!’
“That is exactly what Satan, his daughter Mephistula, and their legions of New World Orderlies have forced upon you for far too long. And this is especially true for those of you currently between ten and fifty years old who don’t question New World Order authority and are instead just like Hitler Youth!
“That’s right, overgrown children!” Khraa/Astra shouted in maternal outrage. “Even though you younglings shout out your hatreds towards Nazism, those of you Earthlings under fifty years of age have actually become what you hate — and full of hate, especially towards the authority and goodness of the Lord!”
Khraa/Astra, overwhelmed by the power of her own humanity-indicting words, paused for a moment to breathe deeply in order to collect herself.
“I am sure you Earthlings can now plainly see,” Khraa/Astra resumed, “how Mephistula and the New World Order she backed have utilized and exacerbated over the ages divisive propaganda, entertainment culture, legalization of substance abuse to the dire detriment of human liberty, cold and hot warfare, induced famines and plagues, and a tera-host of other vile means to achieve and maintain their nefarious ends.
Khraa/Astra spoke more boldly, “And the favorite tactic of Mephistula and fiends, as I have pointed out, is to fabricate big, bad, bold lies peppered with enough facts, then repeat them often enough and for long enough until you see the mega-packs of lies that Mephistula’s slime-devils have crammed down your throats as the truth! Earthlings, will you continue in your brain-dead foolishness onward to destruction — or will you wise up, reexamine your lives, reconfigure what you think you know… and live?!”
“In fact, eternal life is in the very words that the Good Lord has weighed upon my heart to speak to you,” Mike said, “words that are now are also being transmitted throughout the Amkerian starfleet that came to Earth’s defense back to your part of the Universe. Yes, vanquished invaders, since your peoples and mine share the same Adam-and-Eve ancestry, I am commanded to witness to all of you.
“And regardless how angry I am with you, the marauders of Trudierre’s starfleet, the one thing that helps me overcome that same righteous anger is what my God, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, commanded His flock to do. Despite the grueling temptation to love my friends and neighbors but hate my enemies, both foreign and domestic, I must obey Christ, who said, ‘Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be the offspring of your Heavenly Father, known to you as the Father-Creator.
“One who loves the Lord must always bear in mind,” Mike spoke to the vanquished invaders across the void of space, “that the same God Almighty sends sunshine and rain upon both the evil and the good, which proves that the Good Lord is so good that he can never be a respecter of persons. God does not have it in Him to play favorites. Those traits of partiality and favoritism are strictly two of the many perversions that entered the human condition and character once Eve, and then Adam, had wrongly indulged in the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Therefore, all humankind became like flowers picked from the ground and thus cut off from their source of life, which causes them to eventually wither and die. Excuse me.”
Mike pressed a button on his spacesuit, and a straw-like mouthpiece rose to his lips. He drank some cooled water through the mouthpiece from his spacesuit’s life-pack. Mike then pressed the same button, which auto-disinfected and then retracted the mouthpiece.
Mike continued, “Pardon me, non-Earthlings, but I needed that long sip of water to slick my thirst. And just as I needed some water to quench my thirst, every human being needs a unique kind of water for their souls, the water of eternal life.
“I’m sure all of you beyond Earth know that any kind of plant needs good, fertile soil to grow in, sufficient sunlight and moisture to keep its living photosynthetic process going, even if a plant’s natural habitat is desert land. And as a plant needs water made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, humans need the same kind of water only the one true Supreme Being can give. That being is the same One who fashioned each of you and me, all of the people and all the flora, fauna and other life on all the planets.
“But such water, dear non-Earthlings,” Mike said, with gently-expressed yet increasingly stronger conviction in his soul and voice, “is not composed of two hydrogen atoms and a third atom of oxygen. No, my other-worldly friends, it is not made of matter, but instead, this water is composed strictly of spirit, the Holy Spirit. It is special life-giving water that cannot be purchased, nor can it be earned.
“Believe me, religion after religion after religion and philosophy after philosophy after philosophy each had rituals and methods used by millions of Earthlings to work their gluties off, with the practitioners of these religions and/or philosophies honestly thinking that such things would either get them to a happier hereafter, or make a paradise on Earth.
“However, all of these religions, philosophies and works done in their respective names fail miserably because they are all are in vain for one simple reason. To the One True God, gold has the same personal spiritual value as asphalt. None! Zero! Worthless! In fact, genuine Confederate banknotes from our planet’s American Civil War era have far more value as museum pieces than asphalt has as purchasing currency!”
“Your Holy Bible,” Khraa/Astra continued, “says it best in Ephesians 6:12. To paraphrase: Your wrestling is really not against flesh and blood. Instead, it is against the principalities — nations and governments — against the powers and world-rulers of this darkness that has ensnared, choked and enslaved your souls, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
“And Mephistula is the deputy leader of these wicked hosts, with Satan leading this perpetual evil charge. You cannot drive out the devil with Beelzebub (or Satan), or one demon with another. That’s really an example of the cure being worse than the cough! When one demon is used to chase away another, seven more demonic beings rush in to take its place! Your whole Earth history is full of that kind of faulty fighting fire with fire. To fight evil, you must have a good, decent heart that seeks God’s will.
“Furthermore, you’ve got to rely less on your own selves, your own strengths, and your own resources!” Khraa/Astra commented further. “If you don’t believe in an Almighty loving powerful deity, and instead want to go your own way, it will only get you so far — and it will never be enough. And at the end of your life, if you’ve been a worldly success story without a thankful relationship with the God of the Good Book, you will spend your final days looking back and feeling sorrier and sadder for yourself than you could possibly imagine.
“When it comes to accomplishments, wealth and trophies, you can’t take them with you! And whether you believe it or not, many nice people are in the fiery part of the hereafter because they had such a subtle, serpentine vanity that they were deep down, in fact, very, very nasty people! Like it or not, humankind needs its Creator.
“And you cannot have a heavenly hereafter by simply thinking you’re a good person!” Khraa//Astra commented emphatically. “Even the best of humans has a few skeletons in his or her closet. Deeds won’t get you within ten British octillion light-eons of God’s Heaven! Religion h
as always been about futile deeds.
“But there is one way you can be one with the Good Lord God Almighty, and only one.”
“And if you truly want this ultimate, non-material, and everlasting living water of which I have just spoken,” Mike went on, “there is one way, and only one way, to acquire it. And when it comes to any and all works involved, the same God who offers this unique living water is also fully aware that because of the partaking of the Death-tree’s fruit by Eve and then Adam, in that chronological order, humans are cut off from that source and cannot work their gluties off for it.
“It is only because God sent His Son, whom your extraterrestrial peoples have named Yeshvah or the Redeemer-King, but who is known to us on Earth as Jesus Christ, that any human soul has any hope of actual, personal redemption.
“And since no full-blooded human being could ever truly pay the eternal death penalty for the breaking of God’s righteous laws, nor for the original sin committed by Eve and Adam, with sacrifices, human or otherwise, despite the assertions of various faiths — that is the reason why Jesus Christ came to Earth. And He knew that.
“This same Jesus Christ, the Redeemer-King who is the Risen Son of the Living God,” Mike went on, “was born as a flesh-and-blood baby boy of the Virgin Mary who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. He came to pay that ultimate death penalty that no mortal man or woman could ever pay, for Jesus was the Only One who was absolutely clean and devoid of sin. That most gruesome penalty being the living eternal death in the place your people know as Perditia, known to Earth’s people as the Lake of Fire that is hell!